16 research outputs found

    Seed set for each individual capitula and populations list

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    Seed set for each individual capitula and populations list for the three Centaurea species studied: Centaurea solstitialis, C. calcitrapa and C. sulphure


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    Acacia dealbata: seed weight, elaiossome weight, seedlings weight, number of seeds per pod (aborted, preyed, fully developed) for Portugal and Australia; 7 populations in each country; Acacia longifolia: seed weight, elaiossome weight, seedlings weight number of seeds per pod (aborted, preyed, fully developed) for Portugal and Australia; 10 populations in each country

    Percent increase in the mean trait value for plants from the non-native range, compared to mean of the trait from the native range.

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    <p><i>P</i>≤0.05) and different letters indicate significant differences among species (<i>P</i>≤0.05).<sup></sup> Numbers in bold indicate significance levels for inter-regional differences (</p

    Data from: García Y, Callaway RM, Diaconu A, Montesinos D (2013) Invasive and Non-Invasive Congeners Show Similar Trait Shifts between Their Same Native and Non-Native Ranges. PLoS ONE 8(12): e82281

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    <p>Data available from: García Y, Callaway RM, Diaconu A, Montesinos D (2013) Invasive and Non-Invasive Congeners Show Similar Trait Shifts between Their Same Native and Non-Native Ranges. PLoS ONE 8(12): e82281. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0082281</p> <p> </p> <p> </p

    Effects of (A) low and (B) high nitrogen addition on biomass (means+1 SE) of five <i>Centaurea stoebe</i> populations (narrow black bars) and four North American (NA) species (narrow white bars).

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    <p>Wide bars are means (+1 SE) for all five <i>C. stoebe</i> populations (black) or all four NA species (white) combined. Increases in biomass = (<i>B<sub>n</sub></i>−<i>B<sub>c</sub></i>)/<i>B<sub>c</sub></i>×100%, where <i>B<sub>n</sub></i> was the biomass of a plant of each of the five <i>C. stoebe</i> populations or each of the four NA species, grown alone and subjected to low or high N deposition; <i>B<sub>c</sub></i> was the mean biomass of all the plants of each of the five <i>C. stoebe</i> populations or each of the four NA species, grown alone but subjected to no N addition.</p

    Experimental scheme. Ark = Arkansas, BC = British Columbia, Mar = Maryland, Mon = Montana, Ver = Vermont, Ach = <i>Achillea</i>, Hel = <i>Helianthus</i>, Poa = <i>Poa</i>, and Vul = <i>Vulpia</i>.

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    <p>Single abbreviations (the left panel; e.g., Ark or Ach) represent one plant grown alone (i.e. no competition), and two abbreviations together (the right panel; e.g., Ark+Ach) represent two plants grown together (i.e. competition). There were 14 and eight replicates for <i>Centaurea stoebe</i> populations (i.e. Ark, BC, Mar, Mon, and Ver) and North American species (i.e. Ach, Hel, Poa, and Vul) grown alone (i.e. no competition), respectively; there were seven replicates for the pair-wise competition.</p

    The mean competitive effects (means+1 SE), as indicated by relative interaction intensity (RII = (<i>B<sub>w</sub></i>−<i>B<sub>o</sub></i>)/(<i>B<sub>w</sub></i>+<i>B<sub>o</sub></i>)), of five <i>Centaurea stoebe</i> populations on four North American (NA) species (narrow black bars) and of four NA species on five <i>C. stoebe</i> populations (narrow white bars) under (A) no N addition, (B) low and (C) high N addition.

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    <p>Wide bars show means (+1 SE) for all five <i>C. stoebe</i> populations (black) or all four NA species (white). RII was calculated for each population under a given N level across four NA species, and <i>B<sub>w</sub></i> and <i>B<sub>o</sub></i> were the biomass of a plant of each of the four NA species in competition with a <i>C. stoebe</i> plant and the mean biomass of all the plants of each of the four NA species grown alone. RII was calculated for each NA species under a given N level across five <i>C. stoebe</i> populations, and <i>B<sub>w</sub></i> and <i>B<sub>o</sub></i> were the biomass of a plant of each of the five <i>C. stoebe</i> populations in competition with a NA plant and the mean biomass of all the plants of each of the five <i>C. stoebe</i> populations grown alone.</p

    The competitive effects, as indicated by relative interaction intensity (RII = (<i>B<sub>w</sub></i>−<i>B<sub>o</sub></i>)/(<i>B<sub>w</sub></i>+<i>B<sub>o</sub></i>)), of different <i>C. stoebe</i> populations on the four North American (NA) species across three nitrogen levels.

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    <p>Bars show means+1 SE for each <i>C. stoebe</i> population. RII was calculated for each population in competition with a given NA species across three N levels, and <i>B<sub>w</sub></i> and <i>B<sub>o</sub></i> were the biomass of a plant of a given NA species in competition with a <i>C. stoebe</i> plant and the mean biomass of all the plants of a given NA species grown alone.</p