2,646 research outputs found

    A Political Economy Model of Congressional Careers: Supplementary Materiel

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    This paper contains additional details about the model in our paper “A Political Economy Model of Congressional Careers” (Diermeier, Keane and Merlo (2004)), as well as the computational methods we use to solve and estimate the model, and the construction of the data set.Political careers, politicians, elections, term limits

    Bicameralism and Government Formation

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    In this paper we present a structural approach to the study of government formation in multi-party parliamentary democracies. The approach is based on the estimation of a stochastic bargaining model which we use to investigate the effects of specific institutional features of parliamentary democracy on the formation and stability of coalition governments. We then apply our methodology to estimate the effects of governmental bicameralism. Our main findings are that eliminating bicameralism does not affect government durability, but does have a significant effect on the composition of governments leading to smaller coalitions. These results are due to an equilibrium replacement effect: removing bicameralism affects the relative durability of coalitions of different sizes which in turn induces changes in the coalitions that are chosen in equilibrium.Political stability, Government formation, Government dissolution, Bicameralism, Comparative constitutional design

    The Effects of Constitutions on Coalition Governments in Parliamentary Democracies

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    In this article we present an overview of our recent research on the effects of constitutions on coalition governments in parliamentary democracies. Our approach is based on the solution and estimation of a multilateral bargaining model which we use to investigate the consequences of constitutional features of parliamentary democracy for the formation and stability of coalition governments.Political Stability, Coalition Governments, Constitutional Design

    A Political Economy Model of Congressional Careers

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    Theories in political economy depend critically on assumptions about motivations of politicians. Our analysis starts from the premise that politicians, like other economic agents, are rational individuals who make career decisions by comparing the expected returns of alternative choices. The main goal of the paper is to quantify the returns to a career in the United States Congress. To achieve this goal we specify a dynamic model of career decisions of a member of Congress and we estimate this model using a newly collected data set. Given estimates of the structural model, we assess reelection probabilities for members of Congress, estimate the effect of congressional experience on private and public sector wages, and quantify the value of a congressional seat. Moreover, we use the estimated model to assess how an increase in the congressional wage or the imposition of term limits would affect the career decisions of politicians and the returns to a career in Congress.Political careers, politicians, elections, term limits

    La estructura de la argumentación en los agones Áyax de Sófocles

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    Este trabajo se propone analizar estructura argumentativa falacias en los discursos de los personajes luego del suicidio de Ayax. El abordaje de estos conceptos aplicados a la tragedia sofocleana, se hace a partir de los postulados de la Pragrnalingüística. Esta perspectiva analiza el discurso argumentativo a partir del intercambio conversacional. Tal interacción entre participantes debería conducir idealmente a resolver una diferencia de opinión. Sin embargo, en el caso de esta tragedia la discusión no llega a un acuerdo y se hace necesaria la mediación de un terceroThe purpose of this paper is to analyze the argument structure and fallacies in the speeches of the characters after the suicide of Ajax. The approach of these concepts applied to Sophoclean's tragedy, it is based on the principies of the Pragmalinguistics. This perspective examines the argumentative discourse from conversational exchange. Such interaction between participants ideally should lead to resolving a difference of opinion. Howevec, in the case of this tragedy there is no agreement and it is necessary for third party mediation.Fil: Merlo, Gustavo Daniel. Universidad de Salamanca (España

    Government Turnover in Parliamentary Democracies

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    government stability; minority coalitions; surplus coalitions

    Mechanical properties of mortar containing waste plastic (PVC) as aggregate partial replacement

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    The purpose of this work is the reuse of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) deriving from waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) used as a partial substitute for the mineral aggregate to produce lightened mortars. PVC was recovered from copper electrical cables, ground and used as replacement of mineral aggregate in 5, 10, 15 and 20 % vol. in mortar. A thermal characterization of the starting material was carried out to understand its composition. The mortar samples were mechanically tested both using class G cement and ordinary Portland cement. The results showed a worsening of the mechanical properties of around 50 % for only 5 % in volume of sand substituted with PVC waste. A likely explanation to this phenomenon was found in the mechanical characteristics of the PVC used and to its poor adhesion with the matrix, that resulted in the creation of porosity. However, the mortar prepared contributes to the conservation of natural resources and maintains mechanical properties adequate for the use in non-structural applications (e.g. screed or substrate)

    Circumnominal relatives clauses in Miles Gloriosus. A functional strategy for the construction of the intrigue

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    Circumnominal relatives clauses are a special type of subordinates that are embedded in the nominal syntagm, functioning as noun modifiers. Its peculiarity is that the connected element -known in some grammatical tradition as "antecedent"- follows the relative pronoun heading the construction. This research examines the circumnominal relative clauses in "Miles Gloriosus" of Plautus from the typological-functional point of view. The basic methodology of this study is the analysis of this syntagm as a unit that is motivated by its communicative function.Las oraciones de relativo circunnominales son un modelo especial de subordinadas que se incrustan en el sintagma nominal y actúan como modificadores del sustantivo. Su particularidad es que el elemento al que se refieren –denominado en algunas tradiciones gramaticales como "antecedente"- sigue al pronombre relativo que encabeza la construcción. Esta investigación procura examinar las oraciones de relativo circunnominales en Miles Gloriosus de Plauto desde el punto de vista tipológico-funcional. La metodología base de este trabajo es el análisis de este sintagma postulado como una unidad que aparece motivado por su función comunicativa

    Bringing global gyrokinetic turbulence simulations to the transport timescale using a multiscale approach

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    The vast separation dividing the characteristic times of energy confinement and turbulence in the core of toroidal plasmas makes first-principles prediction on long timescales extremely challenging. Here we report the demonstration of a multiple-timescale method that enables coupling global gyrokinetic simulations with a transport solver to calculate the evolution of the self-consistent temperature profile. This method, which exhibits resiliency to the intrinsic fluctuations arising in turbulence simulations, holds potential for integrating nonlocal gyrokinetic turbulence simulations into predictive, whole-device models.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Comments about Mayor Villafañe city map (Formosa- Argentina) -2022

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    Este artículo aborda un conjunto de comentarios asociados a dimensiones de la morfología urbana de la localidad de Mayor Villafañe. La investigación se realizó desde una estrategia descriptiva y cualitativa, donde se vincularon hechos históricos locales, en otras palabras, aspectos del pasado que en la actualidad se expresan en el plano, y configuran la realidad del lugar. El estudio comprende un período que inicia 1946 hasta la actualidad (2022), y en el mismo, toman relevancia documentos correspondientes a la década de 1970 que contribuyen a explicar la actual forma urbana. De modo general, se destaca entre los resultados el emplazamiento enmarcado en el Gran Chaco, con sus características propias, una posición prácticamente central en el espacio local, que la vincula a 17 colonias con características netamente agropecuarias, la morfología heredera correspondiente a un entramado regular, propio de las ciudades argentinas y particularmente de las que se encuentran en un contexto de llanura.This article deals with the comments associated with the dimension of the urban morphology of the city of Mayor Villafañe. This research is qualitative-descriptive and combines different local historical events, in other words, historical aspects expressed in the current city map, which shape the reality of the place. This study encompasses the period ranging from 1946 to 2022. The documents dating back to the 70’s contributed to explain the current urban design. Overall, among the results, it highlights the location within Gran Chaco, with its own characteristics, a position practically central in the local space which links 17 colonies with entirely agricultural characteristics; as well as its inherited morphology corresponding to the regular framework, characteristic of Argentinian cities, particularly those in the plain lands.Fil: Merlo, Orlando Daniel. Universidad Nacional de Formosa. Facultad de Humanidades. Gabinete de Geografía; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste; Argentin