389 research outputs found

    NaI revisited: Theoretical investigation of predissociation via ultrafast XUV transient absorption spectroscopy.

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    Avoided crossings can trigger abrupt changes of electronic character and redirect the outcomes of photochemical reactions. Here, we report a theoretical investigation into core-level spectroscopic probing of predissociation dynamics of sodium iodide (NaI), a prototype system for studies of avoided-crossing dynamics. The elegant femtochemistry work of Zewail and co-workers pioneered the real-time dynamics of NaI, detecting the Na atoms bursting forth from the avoided crossing and the residual NaI molecules oscillating inside the quasibound potential. The simulated results show that core-level spectroscopy not only observes these integrated outcomes but also provides a direct measure of the abrupt switching of electronic character at the avoided crossing. The valence and core-excited electronic structures of NaI are computed by spin-orbit general multiconfigurational quasidegenerate perturbation theory, from which core-level absorption spectra of the predissociation dynamics are constructed. The wave-packet motion on the covalent potential is continuously mapped as shifts in the absorption energies, and the switching between the covalent and ionic character at the avoided crossing is characterized as the sharp rise and fall of the Na+ signal. The Na+ signal is found to be insensitive to the wave-packet motion in the asymptotic part of the ionic potential, which, in turn, enables a direct measure of the nonadiabatic crossing probability excluding the effect of wave-packet broadening

    Efficient table-top dual-wavelength beamline for ultrafast transient absorption spectroscopy in the soft X-ray region.

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    We present a table-top beamline providing a soft X-ray supercontinuum extending up to 370 eV from high-order harmonic generation with sub-13 fs 1300 nm driving pulses and simultaneous production of sub-5 fs pulses centered at 800 nm. Optimization of high harmonic generation in a long and dense gas medium yields a photon flux of  ~ 1.4 × 106 photons/s/1% bandwidth at 300 eV. The temporal resolution of X-ray transient absorption experiments with this beamline is measured to be 11 fs for 800 nm excitation. This dual-wavelength approach, combined with high flux and high spectral and temporal resolution soft X-ray absorption spectroscopy, is a new route to the study of ultrafast electronic dynamics in carbon-containing molecules and materials at the carbon K-edge

    Attosecond spectroscopy reveals alignment dependent core-hole dynamics in the ICl molecule.

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    The removal of electrons located in the core shells of molecules creates transient states that live between a few femtoseconds to attoseconds. Owing to these short lifetimes, time-resolved studies of these states are challenging and complex molecular dynamics driven solely by electronic correlation are difficult to observe. Here, we obtain few-femtosecond core-excited state lifetimes of iodine monochloride by using attosecond transient absorption on iodine 4d-16p transitions around 55 eV. Core-level ligand field splitting allows direct access of excited states aligned along and perpendicular to the ICl molecular axis. Lifetimes of 3.5 ± 0.4 fs and 4.3 ± 0.4 fs are obtained for core-hole states parallel to the bond and 6.5 ± 0.6 fs and 6.9 ± 0.6 fs for perpendicular states, while nuclear motion is essentially frozen on this timescale. Theory shows that the dramatic decrease of lifetime for core-vacancies parallel to the covalent bond is a manifestation of non-local interactions with the neighboring Cl atom of ICl

    Photoexcitation of iodide ion-pyrimidine clusters above the electron detachment threshold : Intracluster electron transfer versus nucleobase-centred excitations

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    Laser photodissociation spectroscopy of the I-·thymine (I-·T) and I-·cytosine (I-·C) nucleobase clusters has been conducted for the first time across the regions above the electron detachment thresholds to explore the excited states and photodissociation channels. Although photodepletion is strong, only weak ionic photofragment signals are observed, indicating that the clusters decay predominantly by electron detachment. The photodepletion spectra of the I-·T and I-·C clusters display a prominent dipole-bound excited state (I) in the vicinity of the vertical detachment energy (∼4.0 eV). Like the previously studied I-·uracil (I-·U) cluster [W. L. Li et al., J. Chem. Phys. 145, 044319 (2016)], the I-·T cluster also displays a second excited state (II) centred at 4.8 eV, which we similarly assign to a π-π∗ nucleobase-localized transition. However, no distinct higher-energy absorption bands are evident in the spectra of the I-·C. Time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) calculations are presented, showing that while each of the I-·T and I-·U clusters displays a single dominant π-π∗ nucleobase-localized transition, the corresponding π-π∗ nucleobase transitions for I-·C are split across three separate weaker electronic excitations. I- and deprotonated nucleobase anion photofragments are observed upon photoexcitation of both I-·U and I-·T, with the action spectra showing bands (at 4.0 and 4.8 eV) for both the I- and deprotonated nucleobase anion production. The photofragmentation behaviour of the I-·C cluster is distinctive as its I- photofragment displays a relatively flat profile above the expected vertical detachment energy. We discuss the observed photofragmentation profiles of the I-·pyrimidine clusters, in the context of the previous time-resolved measurements, and conclude that the observed photoexcitations are primarily consistent with intracluster electron transfer dominating in the near-threshold region, while nucleobase-centred excitations dominate close to 4.8 eV. TDDFT calculations suggest that charge-transfer transitions [Iodide n (5p6) → Uracil σ∗] may contribute to the cluster absorption profile across the scanned spectral region, and the possible role of these states is also discussed

    Study of KrO −

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    Efficient table-top dual-wavelength beamline for ultrafast transient absorption spectroscopy in the soft X-ray region

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    We present a table-top beamline providing a soft X-ray supercontinuum extending up to 350 eV from high-order harmonic generation with sub-13 fs 1300 nm driving pulses and simultaneous production of sub-5 fs pulses centered at 800 nm. Optimization of the high harmonic generation in a long and dense gas medium yields a photon flux of ~2 x 10^7 photons/s/1% bandwidth at 300 eV. The temporal resolution of X-ray transient absorption experiments with this beamline is measured to be 11 fs for 800 nm excitation. This dual-wavelength approach, combined with high flux and high spectral and temporal resolution soft X-ray absorption spectroscopy, is a new route to the study of ultrafast electronic dynamics in carbon-containing molecules and materials at the carbon K-edge

    Photodissociation Dynamics of the Ethoxy Radical (C 2

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    Core-excited states of SF6_{6} probed with soft X-ray femtosecond transient absorption of vibrational wavepackets

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    A vibrational wavepacket in SF6_6, created by impulsive stimulated Raman scattering with a few-cycle infrared pulse, is mapped onto five sulfur core-excited states using table-top soft X-ray transient absorption spectroscopy between 170-200 eV. The amplitudes of the X-ray energy shifts of the femtosecond oscillations depend strongly on the nature of the state. The prepared wavepacket is controlled with the pump laser intensity to probe the core-excited levels for various extensions of the S-F stretching motion. This allows the determination of the relative core-level potential energy gradients, in good agreement with TDDFT calculations. This experiment demonstrates a new means of characterizing core-excited potential energy surfaces

    Direct and Simultaneous Observation of Ultrafast Electron and Hole Dynamics in Germanium

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    Understanding excited carrier dynamics in semiconductors is crucial for the development of photovoltaics and efficient photonic devices. However, overlapping spectral features in optical/NIR pump-probe spectroscopy often render assignments of separate electron and hole carrier dynamics ambiguous. Here, ultrafast electron and hole dynamics in germanium nanocrystalline thin films are directly and simultaneously observed by attosecond transient absorption spectroscopy (ATAS) in the extreme ultraviolet at the germanium M_{4,5}-edge (~30 eV). We decompose the ATAS spectra into contributions of electronic state blocking and photo-induced band shifts at a carrier density of 8*10^{20}cm^{-3}. Separate electron and hole relaxation times are observed as a function of hot carrier energies. A first order electron and hole decay of ~1 ps suggests a Shockley-Read-Hall recombination mechanism. The simultaneous observation of electrons and holes with ATAS paves the way for investigating few to sub-femtosecond dynamics of both holes and electrons in complex semiconductor materials and across junctions.Comment: Includes Supplementary Informatio