4,689 research outputs found

    Exploiting P2P in the Creation of Game Worlds

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    Peer-to-peer networks are a promising platform for supporting entirely decentralized, distributed multi-user gaming; however, multi-player games typically require highly predictable performance from the underlying network. This is at odds with the inherently unreliable nature of peer-to-peer environments. Existing approaches to providing peer-to-peer support for multi-player gaming focus on compensating for the unpredictability of the underlying network. We propose that rather than trying to compensate for these factors, they can be exploited together with information about the peer-to-peer network in order to address the problem of maintaining a novel gaming experience in the absence of a central authority. In order to explore our proposition, we model the measurable properties of P2P networks within a distributed multi-player game – NetWorld. We do this in such a way that the heterogeneous and unpredictable nature of the peer-to-peer environment becomes a positive part of the player’s experience

    Building a CCD Spectrograph for Educational or Amateur Astronomy

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    We discuss the design of an inexpensive, high-throughput CCD spectrograph for a small telescope. By using optical fibers to carry the light from the telescope focus to a table-top spectrograph, one can minimize the weight carried by the telescope and simplify the spectrograph design. We recently employed this approach in the construction of IntroSpec, an instrument built for the 16-inch Knowles Telescope on the Harvard College campus.Comment: 17 pages including 7 figures, PASP, accepted (higher resolution figures at http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/~sheila/introspec.ps.gz

    Explaining anomalous responses to treatment in the Intensive Care Unit

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    The Intensive Care Unit (ICU) provides treatment to critically ill patients. When a patient does not respond as expected to such treatment it can be challenging for clinicians, especially junior clinicians, as they may not have the relevant experience to understand the patient’s anomalous response. Datasets for 10 patients from Glasgow Royal Infirmary’s ICU have been made available to us. We asked several ICU clinicians to review these datasets and to suggest sequences which include anomalous or unusual reactions to treatment. Further, we then asked two ICU clinicians if they agreed with their colleagues’ assessments, and if they did to provide possible explanations for these anomalous sequences. Subsequently we have developed a system which is able to replicate the clinicians’ explanations based on the knowledge contained in its several ontologies; further the system can suggest additional explanations which will be evaluated by the senior consultant


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    The number of small commodity livestock slaughter plants in the Upper Northern Plains region continues to decline. Significant factors contributing to this decline include: 1) pressure to consolidate, thereby capturing economies of scale; 2) relatively stringent federal inspection specifications, along with; 3) HACCP (Hazardous Analysis Critical Control Points) requirements. At the same time, consumer demand (markets) for specialty, selected, and exotic meats appears to be growing. For example, the recent market successes in Europe evidenced by the North American Bison Cooperative based in New Rockford, North Dakota. Several alternative livestock producer groups have emerged which include lamb, ratite, elk, deer, goat, poultry, rabbit, specialty beef, and organic livestock. These groups have expressed a need for slaughter and processing facilities to meet market demand. The economic question which then becomes foremost to developing a viable business enterprise is: "What is the critical threshold volume (CTV) of product required to succeed in terms of economic profit?" Specialty livestock is relatively new and production volume small in comparison to established commodity livestock such as cattle or hogs. This fact led researchers to consider the preliminary feasibility of a multi-species processing facility as a means of addressing the expressed need.multi-species, specialty meats, specialty livestock, alternative livestock, economies of scale, HACCP (Hazardous Analysis Critical Control Points), slaughter plants, processing plants, Community/Rural/Urban Development, Agribusiness,

    Nonparametric Sparsification of Complex Multiscale Networks

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    Many real-world networks tend to be very dense. Particular examples of interest arise in the construction of networks that represent pairwise similarities between objects. In these cases, the networks under consideration are weighted, generally with positive weights between any two nodes. Visualization and analysis of such networks, especially when the number of nodes is large, can pose significant challenges which are often met by reducing the edge set. Any effective “sparsification” must retain and reflect the important structure in the network. A common method is to simply apply a hard threshold, keeping only those edges whose weight exceeds some predetermined value. A more principled approach is to extract the multiscale “backbone” of a network by retaining statistically significant edges through hypothesis testing on a specific null model, or by appropriately transforming the original weight matrix before applying some sort of threshold. Unfortunately, approaches such as these can fail to capture multiscale structure in which there can be small but locally statistically significant similarity between nodes. In this paper, we introduce a new method for backbone extraction that does not rely on any particular null model, but instead uses the empirical distribution of similarity weight to determine and then retain statistically significant edges. We show that our method adapts to the heterogeneity of local edge weight distributions in several paradigmatic real world networks, and in doing so retains their multiscale structure with relatively insignificant additional computational costs. We anticipate that this simple approach will be of great use in the analysis of massive, highly connected weighted networks

    How black holes get their kicks: Gravitational radiation recoil revisited

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    Gravitational waves from the coalescence of binary black holes carry away linear momentum, causing center of mass recoil. This "radiation rocket" effect has important implications for systems with escape speeds of order the recoil velocity. We revisit this problem using black hole perturbation theory, treating the binary as a test mass spiraling into a spinning hole. For extreme mass ratios (q = m1/m2 << 1) we compute the recoil for the slow inspiral epoch of binary coalescence very accurately; these results can be extrapolated to q ~ 0.4 with modest accuracy. Although the recoil from the final plunge contributes significantly to the final recoil, we are only able to make crude estimates of its magnitude. We find that the recoil can easily reach ~ 100-200 km/s, but most likely does not exceed ~ 500 km/s. Though much lower than previous estimates, this recoil is large enough to have important astrophysical consequences. These include the ejection of black holes from globular clusters, dwarf galaxies, and high-redshift dark matter halos.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, emulateapj style; minor changes made; accepted to ApJ Letter