168 research outputs found

    Rethinking serializable multiversion concurrency control

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    Multi-versioned database systems have the potential to significantly increase the amount of concurrency in transaction processing because they can avoid read-write conflicts. Unfortunately, the increase in concurrency usually comes at the cost of transaction serializability. If a database user requests full serializability, modern multi-versioned systems significantly constrain read-write concurrency among conflicting transactions and employ expensive synchronization patterns in their design. In main-memory multi-core settings, these additional constraints are so burdensome that multi-versioned systems are often significantly outperformed by single-version systems. We propose Bohm, a new concurrency control protocol for main-memory multi-versioned database systems. Bohm guarantees serializable execution while ensuring that reads never block writes. In addition, Bohm does not require reads to perform any book-keeping whatsoever, thereby avoiding the overhead of tracking reads via contended writes to shared memory. This leads to excellent scalability and performance in multi-core settings. Bohm has all the above characteristics without performing validation based concurrency control. Instead, it is pessimistic, and is therefore not prone to excessive aborts in the presence of contention. An experimental evaluation shows that Bohm performs well in both high contention and low contention settings, and is able to dramatically outperform state-of-the-art multi-versioned systems despite maintaining the full set of serializability guarantees

    Query execution in column-oriented database systems

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2008.Includes bibliographical references (p. 145-148).There are two obvious ways to map a two-dimension relational database table onto a one-dimensional storage interface: store the table row-by-row, or store the table column-by-column. Historically, database system implementations and research have focused on the row-by row data layout, since it performs best on the most common application for database systems: business transactional data processing. However, there are a set of emerging applications for database systems for which the row-by-row layout performs poorly. These applications are more analytical in nature, whose goal is to read through the data to gain new insight and use it to drive decision making and planning. In this dissertation, we study the problem of poor performance of row-by-row data layout for these emerging applications, and evaluate the column-by-column data layout opportunity as a solution to this problem. There have been a variety of proposals in the literature for how to build a database system on top of column-by-column layout. These proposals have different levels of implementation effort, and have different performance characteristics. If one wanted to build a new database system that utilizes the column-by-column data layout, it is unclear which proposal to follow. This dissertation provides (to the best of our knowledge) the only detailed study of multiple implementation approaches of such systems, categorizing the different approaches into three broad categories, and evaluating the tradeoffs between approaches. We conclude that building a query executer specifically designed for the column-by-column query layout is essential to archive good performance. Consequently, we describe the implementation of C-Store, a new database system with a storage layer and query executer built for column-by-column data layout. We introduce three new query execution techniques that significantly improve performance. First, we look at the problem of integrating compression and execution so that the query executer is capable of directly operating on compressed data. This improves performance by improving I/O (less data needs to be read off disk), and CPU (the data need not be decompressed). We describe our solution to the problem of executer extensibility - how can new compression techniques be added to the system without having to rewrite the operator code? Second, we analyze the problem of tuple construction (stitching together attributes from multiple columns into a row-oriented "tuple").(cont.) Tuple construction is required when operators need to access multiple attributes from the same tuple; however, if done at the wrong point in a query plan, a significant performance penalty is paid. We introduce an analytical model and some heuristics to use that help decide when in a query plan tuple construction should occur. Third, we introduce a new join technique, the "invisible join" that improves performance of a specific type of join that is common in the applications for which column-by-column data layout is a good idea. Finally, we benchmark performance of the complete C-Store database system against other column-oriented database system implementation approaches, and against row-oriented databases. We benchmark two applications. The first application is a typical analytical application for which column-by-column data layout is known to outperform row-by-row data layout. The second application is another emerging application, the Semantic Web, for which column-oriented database systems are not currently used. We find that on the first application, the complete C-Store system performed 10 to 18 times faster than alternative column-store implementation approaches, and 6 to 12 times faster than a commercial database system that uses a row-by-row data layout. On the Semantic Web application, we find that C-Store outperforms other state-of-the-art data management techniques by an order of magnitude, and outperforms other common data management techniques by almost two orders of magnitude. Benchmark queries, which used to take multiple minutes to execute, can now be answered in several seconds.by Daniel J. Abadi.Ph.D

    Using The Barton Libraries Dataset As An RDF benchmark

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    This report describes the Barton Libraries RDF dataset and Longwell querybenchmark that we use for our recent VLDB paper on Scalable Semantic WebData Management Using Vertical Partitioning

    Low overhead concurrency control for partitioned main memory databases

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    Database partitioning is a technique for improving the performance of distributed OLTP databases, since "single partition" transactions that access data on one partition do not need coordination with other partitions. For workloads that are amenable to partitioning, some argue that transactions should be executed serially on each partition without any concurrency at all. This strategy makes sense for a main memory database where there are no disk or user stalls, since the CPU can be fully utilized and the overhead of traditional concurrency control, such as two-phase locking, can be avoided. Unfortunately, many OLTP applications have some transactions which access multiple partitions. This introduces network stalls in order to coordinate distributed transactions, which will limit the performance of a database that does not allow concurrency. In this paper, we compare two low overhead concurrency control schemes that allow partitions to work on other transactions during network stalls, yet have little cost in the common case when concurrency is not needed. The first is a light-weight locking scheme, and the second is an even lighter-weight type of speculative concurrency control that avoids the overhead of tracking reads and writes, but sometimes performs work that eventually must be undone. We quantify the range of workloads over which each technique is beneficial, showing that speculative concurrency control generally outperforms locking as long as there are few aborts or few distributed transactions that involve multiple rounds of communication. On a modified TPC-C benchmark, speculative concurrency control can improve throughput relative to the other schemes by up to a factor of two.National Science Foundation (U.S.). (Grant number IIS-0704424)National Science Foundation (U.S.). (Grant number IIS-0845643

    Design Principles for Scaling Multi-core OLTP Under High Contention

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    ABSTRACT Although significant recent progress has been made in improving the multi-core scalability of high throughput transactional database systems, modern systems still fail to achieve scalable throughput for workloads involving frequent access to highly contended data. Most of this inability to achieve high throughput is explained by the fundamental constraints involved in guaranteeing ACID -the addition of cores results in more concurrent transactions accessing the same contended data for which access must be serialized in order to guarantee isolation. Thus, linear scalability for contended workloads is impossible. However, there exist flaws in many modern architectures that exacerbate their poor scalability, and result in throughput that is much worse than fundamentally required by the workload. In this paper we identify two prevalent design principles that limit the multi-core scalability of many (but not all) transactional database systems on contended workloads: the multi-purpose nature of execution threads in these systems, and the lack of advanced planning of data access. We demonstrate the deleterious results of these design principles by implementing a prototype system, OR-THRUS, that is motivated by the principles of separation of database component functionality and advanced planning of transactions. We find that these two principles alone result in significantly improved scalability on high-contention workloads, and an order of magnitude increase in throughput for a non-trivial subset of these contended workloads

    GeneaLog: Fine-Grained Data Streaming Provenance at the Edge

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    Fine-grained data provenance in data streaming allows linking each result tuple back to the source data that contributed to it, something beneficial for many applications (e.g., to find the conditions triggering a security- or safety-related alert). Further, when data transmission or storage has to be minimized, as in edge computing and cyber-physical systems, it can help in identifying the source data to be prioritized.The memory and processing costs of fine-grained data provenance, possibly afforded by high-end servers, can be prohibitive for the resource-constrained devices deployed in edge computing and cyber-physical systems. Motivated by this challenge, we present GeneaLog, a novel fine-grained data provenance technique for data streaming applications. Leveraging the logical dependencies of the data, GeneaLog takes advantage of cross-layer properties of the software stack and incurs a minimal, constant size per-tuple overhead. Furthermore, it allows for a modular and efficient algorithmic implementation using only standard data streaming operators. This is particularly useful for distributed streaming applications since the provenance processing can be executed at separate nodes, orthogonal to the data processing. We evaluate an implementation of GeneaLog using vehicular and smart grid applications, confirming it efficiently captures fine-grained provenance data with minimal overhead

    Fast Distributed Transactions for Partitioned Database Systems.

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    ABSTRACT Many distributed storage systems achieve high data access throughput via partitioning and replication, each system with its own advantages and tradeoffs. In order to achieve high scalability, however, today's systems generally reduce transactional support, disallowing single transactions from spanning multiple partitions. Calvin is a practical transaction scheduling and data replication layer that uses a deterministic ordering guarantee to significantly reduce the normally prohibitive contention costs associated with distributed transactions. Unlike previous deterministic database system prototypes, Calvin supports disk-based storage, scales near-linearly on a cluster of commodity machines, and has no single point of failure. By replicating transaction inputs rather than effects, Calvin is also able to support multiple consistency levels-including Paxosbased strong consistency across geographically distant replicas-at no cost to transactional throughput
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