8 research outputs found

    Error Estimates for Adaptive Spectral Decompositions

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    Adaptive spectral (AS) decompositions associated with a piecewise constant function, uu, yield small subspaces where the characteristic functions comprising uu are well approximated. When combined with Newton-like optimization methods, AS decompositions have proved remarkably efficient in providing at each nonlinear iteration a low-dimensional search space for the solution of inverse medium problems. Here, we derive L2L^2-error estimates for the AS decomposition of uu, truncated after KK terms, when uu is piecewise constant and consists of KK characteristic functions over Lipschitz domains and a background. Numerical examples illustrate the accuracy of the AS decomposition for media that either do, or do not, satisfy the assumptions of the theory

    Adaptive spectral decompositions for inverse medium problems

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    Inverse medium problems involve the reconstruction of a spatially varying unknown medium from available observations by exploring a restricted search space of possible solutions. Standard grid-based representations are very general but all too often computationally prohibitive due to the high dimension of the search space. Adaptive spectral (AS) decompositions instead expand the unknown medium in a basis of eigenfunctions of a judicious elliptic operator, which depends itself on the medium. Here the AS decomposition is combined with a standard inexact Newton-type method for the solution of time-harmonic scattering problems governed by the Helmholtz equation. By repeatedly adapting both the eigenfunction basis and its dimension, the resulting adaptive spectral inversion (ASI) method substantially reduces the dimension of the search space during the nonlinear optimization. Rigorous estimates of the AS decomposition are proved for a general piecewise constant medium. Numerical results illustrate the accuracy and efficiency of the ASI method for time-harmonic inverse scattering problems, including a salt dome model from geophysics

    Error Estimates for Adaptive Spectral Decompositions

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    Adaptive spectral (AS) decompositions associated with a piecewise constant function uu yield small subspaces where the characteristic functions comprising uu are well approximated. When combined with Newton-like optimization methods for the solution of inverse medium problems, AS decompositions have proved remarkably efficient in providing at each nonlinear iteration a low-dimensional search space. Here, we derive L2L^2-error estimates for the AS decomposition of uu, truncated after KK terms, when uu is piecewise constant and consists of KK characteristic functions over Lipschitz domains and a background. Our estimates apply both to the continuous and the discrete Galerkin finite element setting. Numerical examples illustrate the accuracy of the AS decomposition for media that either do, or do not, satisfy the assumptions of the theory

    Energy Decay and Stability of a Perfectly Matched Layer For the Wave Equation

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    In Grote and Sim (Efficient PML for the wave equation. Preprint,arXiv:1001.0319[math:NA],2010; in: Proceedings of the ninth international conference on numerical aspectsof wave propagation (WAVES 2009, held in Pau, France,2009), pp 370–371), a PML formulation was proposed for the wave equation in its standard second-order form. Here, energydecay andL2stability bounds in two and three space dimensions are rigorously proved bothfor continuous and discrete formulations with constant damping coefficients. Numericalresults validate the theory