786 research outputs found

    Variations in the Intensity and Spatial Extent of Tropical Cyclone Precipitation

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    The intensity and spatial extent of tropical cyclone precipitation (TCP) often shapes the risk posed by landfalling storms. Here we provide a comprehensive climatology of landfalling TCP characteristics as a function of tropical cyclone strength, using daily precipitation station data and Atlantic U.S. landfalling tropical cyclone tracks from 1900 to 2017. We analyze the intensity and spatial extent of ≥1 mm/day TCP (Z1) and ≥50 mm/day TCP (Z50) over land. We show that the highest median intensity and largest median spatial extent of Z1 and Z50 occur for major hurricanes that have weakened to tropical storms, indicating greater flood risk despite weaker wind speeds. We also find some signs of TCP change in recent decades. In particular, for major hurricanes that have weakened to tropical storms, Z50 intensity has significantly increased, indicating possible increases in flood risk to coastal communities in more recent years

    Antigenic and genetic characterization of a divergent African virus, Ikoma lyssavirus

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    In 2009, a novel lyssavirus (subsequently named Ikoma lyssavirus, IKOV) was detected in the brain of an African civet (Civettictis civetta) with clinical rabies in the Serengeti National Park of Tanzania. The degree of nucleotide divergence between the genome of IKOV and those of other lyssaviruses predicted antigenic distinction from, and lack of protection provided by, available rabies vaccines. In addition, the index case was considered likely to be an incidental spillover event, and therefore the true reservoir of IKOV remained to be identified. The advent of sensitive molecular techniques has led to a rapid increase in the discovery of novel viruses. Detecting viral sequence alone, however, only allows for prediction of phenotypic characteristics and not their measurement. In the present study we describe the in vitro and in vivo characterization of IKOV, demonstrating that it is (1) pathogenic by peripheral inoculation in an animal model, (2) antigenically distinct from current rabies vaccine strains and (3) poorly neutralized by sera from humans and animals immunized against rabies. In a laboratory mouse model, no protection was elicited by a licensed rabies vaccine. We also investigated the role of bats as reservoirs of IKOV. We found no evidence for infection among 483 individuals of at least 13 bat species sampled across sites in the Serengeti and Southern Kenya

    Chemical compositions at Mars landing sites subject to Mars Odyssey Gamma Ray Spectrometer constraints

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    The Mars Odyssey Gamma Ray Spectrometer (GRS) is the first instrument suite to return elemental abundances throughout the midlatitudes of Mars. Concentrations of Cl, Fe, H, K, Si, and Th have been determined to tens of centimeter depths as mass fractions with reasonable confidence. Comparing such data with, or normalizing them to, in situ compositional data is difficult due to issues such as dramatic differences in spatial resolution; difficulties in convolving densities, abundances, and compositions of different regolith components; and a limited number of elements observed in common. We address these concerns in the context of the GRS, using Si at Pathfinder to normalize remote data. In addition, we determine representative in situ compositions for Spirit (both with and without Columbia Hills rocks), Opportunity, and Viking 1 landing sites using GRS-derived H content to hydrate the soil component. Our estimate of the Si mass fraction at Pathfinder, with 13% areal fraction of rocks, is 21%. The composition of major elements, such as Si and Fe, is similar across the four landing sites, while minor elements show significant variability. Areal dominance of soil at all four landing sites causes representative compositions to be driven by the soil component, while proportionally large uncertainties of bulk densities dominate the net uncertainties. GRS compositional determinations compare favorably with the in situ estimates for Cl and K, and for Si by virtue of the normalization. However, the GRS-determined Fe content at each landing site is consistently higher than the in situ value. Copyright 2007 by the American Geophysical Union

    Geometry of River Networks II: Distributions of Component Size and Number

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    The structure of a river network may be seen as a discrete set of nested sub-networks built out of individual stream segments. These network components are assigned an integral stream order via a hierarchical and discrete ordering method. Exponential relationships, known as Horton's laws, between stream order and ensemble-averaged quantities pertaining to network components are observed. We extend these observations to incorporate fluctuations and all higher moments by developing functional relationships between distributions. The relationships determined are drawn from a combination of theoretical analysis, analysis of real river networks including the Mississippi, Amazon and Nile, and numerical simulations on a model of directed, random networks. Underlying distributions of stream segment lengths are identified as exponential. Combinations of these distributions form single-humped distributions with exponential tails, the sums of which are in turn shown to give power law distributions of stream lengths. Distributions of basin area and stream segment frequency are also addressed. The calculations identify a single length-scale as a measure of size fluctuations in network components. This article is the second in a series of three addressing the geometry of river networks.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figures, 4 tables, Revtex4, submitted to PR

    Geometry of River Networks I: Scaling, Fluctuations, and Deviations

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    This article is the first in a series of three papers investigating the detailed geometry of river networks. Large-scale river networks mark an important class of two-dimensional branching networks, being not only of intrinsic interest but also a pervasive natural phenomenon. In the description of river network structure, scaling laws are uniformly observed. Reported values of scaling exponents vary suggesting that no unique set of scaling exponents exists. To improve this current understanding of scaling in river networks and to provide a fuller description of branching network structure, we report here a theoretical and empirical study of fluctuations about and deviations from scaling. We examine data for continent-scale river networks such as the Mississippi and the Amazon and draw inspiration from a simple model of directed, random networks. We center our investigations on the scaling of the length of sub-basin's dominant stream with its area, a characterization of basin shape known as Hack's law. We generalize this relationship to a joint probability density and show that fluctuations about scaling are substantial. We find strong deviations from scaling at small scales which can be explained by the existence of linear network structure. At intermediate scales, we find slow drifts in exponent values indicating that scaling is only approximately obeyed and that universality remains indeterminate. At large scales, we observe a breakdown in scaling due to decreasing sample space and correlations with overall basin shape. The extent of approximate scaling is significantly restricted by these deviations and will not be improved by increases in network resolution.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figures, Revtex4, submitted to PR