25 research outputs found

    Conocimientos acerca del Virus de Inmunodeficiencia Humana de estudiantes de las comunas de Coyhaique, Aysén y Cisnes.

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    Introduction: In Chile, the incidence of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) has registered an increase of 173% between the years 2010 and 2019, with 15 thousand people carrying the virus without knowing it, highlighting the adolescent population. In the Aysén Region, between 2016 and 2017 the increase was 81%. The main factor of this rise is the lack of adequate information on sexuality, so the objective of the study was to describe the knowledge about HIV of adolescent students from the districts of Coyhaique, Aysén and Cisnes. Material and method: cross-sectional descriptive study, non-probabilistic convenience sampling, to 445 students from 14 to 19 years of age from the Aysén Region, to whom the adapted Ballester et al AIDS Prevention Questionnaire and a characterization survey were applied sociocultural and substance use. Results: 45.6% consume alcohol, 24.7% tobacco and 19% marijuana. 80% have received information on contraceptive methods, sexually transmitted infections and specifically on HIV/AIDS, 90.1% have been informed, recognizing forms of transmission and myths. 30.5% know that it is transmitted through breastfeeding or sharing a razor (31.7%), 33.4% think that it can be infected through urine, most of them know that to detect the disease, a blood test is necessary (80.3%), and they state that they know the place where it can be done (61.6%). Conclusions: the information received is considered deficient or regular, ignoring fundamental aspects in prevention such as the window period and the constant use of male condoms.Introducción: En Chile, la incidencia del Virus de Inmunodeficiencia Humana (VIH) ha registrado un aumento de 173% entre los años 2010 a 2019, existiendo 15 mil personas portadoras del virus sin saberlo, destacando la población adolescente. En la Región de Aysén, entre el 2016 y 2017 el aumento fue de 81%. El principal factor de esta alza es la falta de información adecuada sobre sexualidad, por lo que el objetivo de estudio fue describir los conocimientos acerca del VIH de estudiantes adolescentes de las comunas de Coyhaique, Aysén y Cisnes.  Material y método: estudio descriptivo transversal, de muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia, a 445 estudiantes de 14 a 19 años de la Región de Aysén, a quienes se les aplicó el Cuestionario de Prevención del SIDA de Ballester et al adaptado y una encuesta de caracterización sociocultural y uso de sustancias. Resultados: 45,6% consume alcohol, 24,7% tabaco y el 19% marihuana. El 80% ha recibido información sobre métodos anticonceptivos, infecciones de transmisión sexual y específicamente sobre VIH/SIDA, el 90,1% ha sido informado, reconociendo formas de transmisión y mitos. El 30,5% sabe que se transmite a través de lactancia o compartir una máquina de afeitar (31,7%), el 33,4% piensa que se puede infectar a través de la orina, la mayor parte sabe que para detectar la enfermedad es necesario una prueba sanguínea (80,3%) y declaran conocer el lugar donde se la pueden realizar (61,6%). Conclusiones: la información recibida se considera deficiente o regular, desconociendo aspectos fundamentales en la prevención como el periodo de ventana y el uso constante de preservativo masculino

    Growth factors included in terminologia embryologica: critical analysis

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    Cada término incluido en Terminologia Embryologica (TE), publicada en 2013 y con una segunda edicición en 2017 sujeta a aprobación por la Federación Internacional de Programas de Terminología Anatómica (FIPAT), se debe estructurar en base a sus principios: los nombres deben tener un valor informativo, se suprimen los epónimos, homónimos y nombres concordantes. Sin embargo, esto no ocurre en algunos términos. Es por ello que se analizaron los términos incluidos en el ítem “Factores de Crecimiento” (Factores crescentiae, E. en la forma en que se presentan, se contrastó su concordancia con lo publicado en revisiones de la base de datos PubMed y se describió la forma de nomenclatura de ellos en base a lo utilizado por el Comité de Nomenclatura de Genes de la Organización del Genoma Humano (HGNC). Se evidenció que en los términos Familia Hedgehog (Familia erinacea, E. y Superfamilia del Factor de Crecimiento Epidermal (EGF) (Superfamilia factoris epidermalis [EGF] crescentiae, E. no concuerdan con la clasificación propuesta por TE en base al receptor que se ve involucrado en la actividad del factor de crecimiento, ya que en el caso de la familia Hedgehog no sólo participa el receptor patched, sino también el smoothened. En el EGF hay actividad del receptor tirosina kinasa y no del serina/treonina kinasa, como se presenta en el documento oficial. También, aparecen los ligandos fibronectina/laminina y delta/serrate como factores de crecimiento, pese a no ser catalogados como tal. Por otra parte, la forma en la que se construyen este tipo de términos muchas veces no es como la plantea la FIPAT, sino que obedece a la línea de trabajo que del HGNC.Each term included in Terminologia Embryologica (TE), published in 2013 and with a second edition in 2017 subject to approval by the Federative International Programme For Anatomical Terminology (FIPAT), must be structured based on its principles: Names must have an informative value, eponyms, homonyms and concordant names are deleted. However, this does not happen in some terms. That is why the terms included in the section "Growth Factors" (Factores crescentiae, E. were analyzed in the way they are presented, their concordance with what was published in reviews of PubMed database, and their naming form was described based on what was used by the Genes Nomenclature Committee of the Human Genome Organisation (HGNC). It was evidenced that in the terms Family Hedgehog (Familia erinacea, E. and Superfamily of the Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) (Superfamilia factoris epidermalis)[EGF] crescentiae, E. these do not agree with the classification proposed by TE based on the receiver that is involved in the activity of the growth factor, since in the case of Hedgehog family not only does the patched receptor participate, but the smoothened one does as well. In EGF there is tyrosine kinase receptor activity and not serine/threonine kinase, as presented in the official document. Also, the ligands fibronectin/laminin and delta/serrate appear as growth factors, despite not being catalogued as such. Furthermore, oftentimes the way in which such terms are constructed is contrary to the FIPAT presentation, but follows the HGNC line of work that holds the HGNC

    Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transitions in the Development of Testis

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    La espermatogénesis es un proceso continuo que se inicia durante el desarrollo embriofetal. Las relaciones auto, para y yuxtacrinas indican la interdependencia de las células intersticiales (de Leydig) con las células peritubulares (lamina propia) y células sustentaculares (de Sertoli). Ciertos morfógenos son fundamentales en este proceso. Las células sustentaculares son capaces de regular la diferenciación y función de las células peritubulares e intersticiales a través de la producción de IGF1, TGFA, TGFB y DHH. Las células peritubulares son capaces de producir P-Mod-S, regulando la diferenciación de las células sustentaculares, y a través de FGF2 y FGF9 modulan las transiciones epitelio-mesenquimática entre células sustentaculares y mesonefros. También remodelan la membrana basal del condón testicular y regulan la diferenciación y función de las células intersticiales por medio de IGF1, TGFA y TGFB. Las células intersticiales son las reponsables de la producción de testosterona e INSL3, influyendo en la diferenciación sexual masculina. Se plantea que provienen de células mesenquimales del epitelio celómico y mesonefros. Sin embargo, otros autores proponen su origen a partir de células de la cresta neural. Estas influyen a través de mecanismos paracrinos en la proliferación de las células sutentaculares por medio de activina A, teniendo como resultado la expansión del cordón testicular. Las interacciones entre las distintas poblaciones celulares a través de morfógenos inducen una transición epitelio-mesénquima fundamental en la formación y diferenciación de la gónada masculina.Spermatogenesis is a continuous process which starts during the embryo-fetal development. Auto, para and juxtacrine relations indicate the interdependence of the interstitial cells (Leydig) with the peritubular cells (lamina propria) and sustentacular cells (Sertoli). Certain morphogens are fundamental in this process. Sustentacular cells are able to regulate differentiation and function and peritubular interstitial cells through production of IGF1, TGFA, TGFB and DHH. Peritubular cells are able to produce P-Mod-S regulating differentiation sustentacular cells and through FGF2 and FGF9 modulate epithelial-mesenchymal transitions between sustentacular cells and mesonephros. They also remodel the basal membrane of the testicular condom and regulate the differentiation and function of the interstitial cells by means of IGF1, TGFA and TGFB. Interstitial cells are responsible for the production of testosterone and INSL3, influencing male sexual differentiation. It is suggested that they come from mesenchymal cells of the coelomic epithelium and mesonephros. However, other authors propose their origin from cells of the neural crest. These influence through paracrine mechanisms proliferation sutentaculares cells by activin A, resulting in the expansion of cord testicular. The interactions between the different cell populations through morphogens induce a fundamental epithelial-mesenchymal transition in the formation and differentiation of the male gonad

    Valproic acid during pregnancy decrease the number of spermatogenic cells and testicular volume in the offspring of mice: Stereological quantification

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    Valproic acid (VPA) is a drug used to treat epilepsy, bipolar disorders and headaches. As a secondary effect, this antiepileptic drug can cause a decrease in androgens and gonadotropins, and dosedependent testicular defects, such as reduction of testicular weights, sperm motility and degeneration of the seminiferous tubules. In offspring exposed to VPA, its effects have not been evaluated, so the study aimed to determine the morphological effects of the use of VPA along testicular development in mice. 30 adult female BALB/c mice were crossed and divided by age, with embryos of 12.5 days post coitum (dpc), fetuses of 17.5 dpc and male mice 6 weeks postnatal. In each case, the pregnant mouse received 600 mg/kg of VPA, making up the VPA groups, or 0.3 mL of 0.9% physiological solution for the control groups, from the beginning to the end of the pregnancy, orally.t. A morpho-quantitative analysis was carried out on the gonadal development of the male offspring. In the groups treated with VPA, at all ages studied they had lower testicular volume. At 12.5 dpc, they showed less testicular development in the form of sex cords, with fewer gonocytes and somatic cells. At 17.5 dpc, they presented greater interstitial space, fewer spermatogonial, sustentacular Sertoli, peritubular and interstitial Leydig cells. At 6 weeks postnatal, they presented fewer spermatogonia, pachytene spermatocytes, elongated spermatids, sustentacular Sertoli and interstitial Leydig cells, with statistically significant differences. In conclusion, prenatal exposure to VPA causes histopathological alterations in the offspring of mice in testicular development, from the embryonic stage to 6 weeks postnatal

    Effects of Ketoprofen in Spermatogenesis of Mice Exposed to Continuos Hypobaric Hypoxia

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    Role of Vitamin E in Neural Tube of Mouse (Mus musculus) Embryos and Fetuses treated with Valproic Acid: Immunohistochemical Study of Sonic Hedgehog

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    Sonic hedgehog (SHH) is an essential morphogen for the development of neural tube, members and somites. Variations in expression can cause abnormalities in the nervous system. This will produce teratogens, such as valproic acid (VPA), which increases the reactive oxygen species and can be counteracted with the administration of vitamin E (VE). We sought to determine the expression of SHH in the neural tube and spinal cord in mice embryos and fetuses exposed to VPA, VPA + VE and VE. For the study we used 8 groups of female mice (Mus musculus). At day 8 post-coitus (p.c.) the groups were administered as follows: groups 1 and 5, 0.3ml saline; groups 2 and 6, VPA 600 mg/kg; groups 3 and 7, VPA 600 mg/kg + VE 200 IU/kg; groups 4 and 8, VE 200 IU/kg, all treatments were given orally. On the 12th day p.c., groups 1, 2, 3 and 4 were euthanized and the remaining groups at day 17. They were fixed in Bouin solution and included in paraplast; thoracic cross sections were performed, anti-SHH polyclonal antibody (Santa Cruz, H-160, rabbit) dilution 1:100 was used. We described morphology of the positively labeled samples and measured integrated optic density and percentage of immunoreactive area. SHH expression was immunopositive in notochord and floor plate of the neural tube in embryos only 12 day p.c. In the groups treated with VPA + VE and VE immunohistochemistry showed greater intensity and percentage of immunoreactive area compared to those in the group treated with VPA (p <= 0.0001) in the floor plate, being similar to the control group. In the notochord, immunoreaction intensity was similar to that shown in the floor plate, with significant differences (p <= 0.0001), but the percentage of area showed no differences. The groups at day 17 of gestation were negative for the expression of SHH. VE regulates expression of SHH in neural tube, thus attenuating the effects of VPA

    Learning Histology Through Game-Based Learning Supported by Mobile Technology

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    Immunolocalization of sonic hedgehog in embryo-fetal mouse (mus musculus) development

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    Sonic hedgehog (Shh) es un morfógeno esencial para el desarrollo de diversas estructuras, tales como notocorda, placa del piso del tubo neural, miembros, entre otros. Se buscó determinar la inmunolocalización de Shh en embriones y fetos de ratón. Para ello, se eutanasiaron 10 ratones gestantes (Mus musculus) BALB/c, un grupo de 5 animales a los 12,5 días post-coito (dpc), y otro grupo a los 17,5 dpc. Los embriones y fetos obtenidos fueron fijados en formalina al 10 % tamponada en PBS e incluidos en paraplast. Se realizaron cortes transversales seriados. Se utilizó anticuerpo policlonal Shh (Santa Cruz Biotechnology, H-160, conejo), dilución 1:100. Se identificó y describió la inmunolocalización de las muestras marcadas positivamente. La expresión de Shh en los embriones de 12,5 dpc fue inmunopositiva en notocorda, placa del piso del tubo neural, precartílago de radio y ulna, y prácticamente todos los epitelios: bronquial, intestinal, vejiga y uretra. En la etapa fetal, a los 17,5 dpc la inmunopositividad desaparece en el cartílago a excepción de zonas de osificación, disminuye en la epidermis pero aparece en folículos pilosos. La mucosa intestinal se ha diferenciado en segmentos, mostrando una inmunotinción mayor a nivel de las vellosidades intestinales. Shh actúa en distintos estadios del periodo gestacional, siendo clave en la diferenciación de distintas estructuras. En etapas embrionaria, es vital en la formación del sistema nervioso, organogénesis y formación de miembros, por lo que su expresión se encuentra en estas zonas. Sin embargo, en la etapa fetal la expresión cambia a estructuras de mayor especialización como folículo piloso y vellosidades intestinales.Sonic hedgehog (Shh) is an essential morphogen for the development of various structures, such as notochord, neural tube floor plate, limbs, among others. We sought to determine the immunolocalization of Shh in embryos and mouse fetuses. To do this, 10 pregnant mice (Mus musculus)BALB/c were euthanized, a group of 5 animals at 12.5 days postcoitus (dpc), and another group at 17.5 dpc. Embryos and fetuses obtained were fixed in 10 % formalin buffered in PBS and embedded in paraplast. Serial cross sections were made. Polyclonal antibody Shh (Santa Cruz Biotechnology, H-160, rabbit), dilution 1:100 was used. The immunolocalization of the positively labeled samples was identified and described. Shh expression in 12.5 dpc embryos was immunopositive in notochord, neural tube floor plate, radius precartilage and ulna, and practically all epithelia: bronchial, intestinal, bladder and urethra. In the fetal stage, at 17.5 dpc the immunopositivity disappears in the cartilage except for areas of ossification, decreases in the epidermis but appears in hair follicles. The intestinal mucosa has differentiated into segments, showing greater immunostaining at the level of the intestinal villi. Shh acts in different stages of the gestational period, being key in the differentiation of different structures. In embryonic stages, it is vital in the formation of the nervous system, organogenesis and formation of limbs, so its expression is found in these areas. However, in the fetal stage the expression changes to more specialized structures such as hair follicles and intestinal villi

    Ventilación Colateral: Una Propuesta para Terminologia Histologica

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    Immunolocalization of morphogen sonic hedgehog in salmon fry (Salmo salar) Inmunolocalización del morfógeno sonic hedhehog en alevines de salmón (Salmo salar)

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    © 2016, Universidad de la Frontera. All rights reserved.With the purpose of carrying out a diagnosis of the different pathologies that affect the salmon fry stage (Salmo salar) and analyze the regeneration phases of the organizational centers and subjacent tissue in case of an amputation, we realized a study that allowed identifying the temporary and spatial location of the Sonic Hedgehog (Shh) morphogen in hatched fry stage. Fifteen salmon fry (Salmo salar) were used. They were anesthetized with 5 % benzocaine (BZ-20®, Veterquímica), fixed in 10 % buffered formalin, and embedded in paraffin, Shh polyclonal antibody (Santa Cruz H-160, rabbit) was used diluted at 1/100. They were subsequently rinsed in PBS-1 % Triton and incubated with anti-rabbit conjugated polymer antibody and HRP for 10-15 min. The development was done with DAB (Vector) for 1-5 min. The negative control was incubated without primary antibody. As an internal positive control the notochord was considered. Serial sagit