4,594 research outputs found

    Toric completions and bounded functions on real algebraic varieties

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    Given a semi-algebraic set S, we study compactifications of S that arise from embeddings into complete toric varieties. This makes it possible to describe the asymptotic growth of polynomial functions on S in terms of combinatorial data. We extend our earlier work to compute the ring of bounded functions in this setting and discuss applications to positive polynomials and the moment problem. Complete results are obtained in special cases, like sets defined by binomial inequalities. We also show that the wild behaviour of certain examples constructed by Krug and by Mondal-Netzer cannot occur in a toric setting.Comment: 19 pages; minor updates and correction

    Hadronic Structure Functions of the Photon Measured at LEP

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    The measurements of hadronic structure functions of the photon based on the reaction ee --> ee gamma^(*)(P^2) gamma^*(Q^2)--> ee hadrons are discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, Conference contribution to DIS 2000, 25-30 April 2000, Liverpool, England, to appear in the Proceeding

    Unifying the essential concepts of biological networks: biological insights and philosophical foundations

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    Over the last decades, network-based approaches have become highly popular in diverse fields of biology, including neuroscience, ecology, molecular biology and genetics. While these approaches continue to grow very rapidly, some of their conceptual and methodological aspects still require a programmatic foundation. This challenge particularly concerns the question of whether a generalized account of explanatory, organisational and descriptive levels of networks can be applied universally across biological sciences. To this end, this highly interdisciplinary theme issue focuses on the definition, motivation and application of key concepts in biological network science, such as explanatory power of distinctively network explanations, network levels, and network hierarchies

    The Impact of ECB Monetary Policy Decisions and Communication on the Yield Curve

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    We use intraday changes in money market rates to construct indicators of news about monetary policy stemming separately from policy decisions and from official communication of the ECB, and study their impact on the yield curve. We show that communication may lead to substantial revisions in expectations of monetary policy and, at the same time, exert a significant impact on interest rates at longer maturities. Thereby, the maturity response pattern to communication is hump-shaped, while that to policy decisions is downward sloping.money market rates; yield curve; ECB; central bank communication

    Classification-relevant Importance Measures for the West German Business Cycle

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    When analyzing business cycle data, one observes that the relevant predictor variables are often highly correlated. This paper presents a method to obtain measures of importance for the classification of data in which such multicollinearity is present. In systems with highly correlated variables it is interesting to know what changes are inflicted when a certain predictor is changed by one unit and all other predictors according to their correlation to the first instead of a ceteris paribus analysis. The approach described in this paper uses directional derivatives to obtain such importance measures. It is shown how the interesting directions can be estimated and different evaluation strategies for characteristics of classification models are presented. The method is then applied to linear discriminant analysis and multinomial logit for the classification of west German business cycle phases. --

    Are the self-employed really jacks-of-all-trades? Testing the assumptions and implications of Lazear's theory of entrepreneurship with German data

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    Using a large representative German data set and various concepts of self-employment, this paper tests the 'jack-of-all-trades' view of entrepreneurship by Lazear (AER 2004). Consistent with its theoretical assumptions we find that self-employed individuals perform more tasks and that their work requires more skills than that of paid employees. In contrast to Lazear's assumptions, however, self-employed individuals do not just need more basic but also more expert skills than employees. Our results also provide only very limited support for the idea that human capital investment patterns differ between those who become self-employed and those ending up in paid employment. -- Unter Verwendung eines großen, reprĂ€sentativen Datensatzes fĂŒr Deutschland und verschiedener Abgrenzungen der SelbstĂ€ndigkeit ĂŒberprĂŒft diese Arbeit die 'jack-of-all-trades'-Sicht des Unternehmertums von Lazear (AER 2004). In Übereinstimmung mit ihren theoretischen Annahmen finden wir, dass SelbstĂ€ndige mehr verschiedene TĂ€tigkeiten ausĂŒben und Kenntnisse aus mehr verschiedenen Gebieten benötigen als nicht-selbstĂ€ndige Arbeitnehmer. Im Gegensatz zu Lazear's Annahmen benötigen SelbstĂ€ndige allerdings nicht nur mehr Grundkenntnisse sondern auch mehr Fachkenntnisse als Nicht-SelbstĂ€ndige. Unsere Ergebnisse liefern zudem nur wenig UnterstĂŒtzung fĂŒr die Behauptung, dass sich die Muster der Humankapitalaneignung zwischen SelbststĂ€ndigen und abhĂ€ngig beschĂ€ftigten Arbeitnehmern sichtbar unterscheiden.entrepreneurship,self-employed,Germany

    Establishment Exits in Germany: The Role of Size and Age

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    Using comprehensive data for West Germany, this paper investigates the determinants of establishment exit. We find that between 1975 and 2006 the average exit rate has risen considerably. In order to test various "liabilities" of establishment survival identified in the literature, we analyze the impact of establishment size and put a special focus on differences between young and mature establishments. Our empirical analysis shows that the mortality risk falls with establishment size, which confirms the liability of smallness. The probability of exit is substantially higher for young establishments which are not more than five years old, thus confirming the liability of newness. There also exists a liability of aging since exit rates first decline over time, reaching a minimum at ages 15 to 18, and then rise again somewhat. The determinants of exit differ substantially between young and mature establishments, suggesting that young establishments are more vulnerable in a number of ways.firm exits, Germany

    Are the self-employed really jacks-of-all-trades? Testing the assumptions and implications of Lazear's theory of entrepreneurship with German data

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    Using a large representative German data set and various concepts of self-employment, this paper tests the jack-of-all-trades view of entrepreneurship by Lazear (AER 2004). Consistent with its theoretical assumptions we find that self-employed individuals perform more tasks and that their work requires more skills than that of paid employees. In contrast to Lazear's assumptions, however, self-employed individuals do not just need more basic but also more expert skills than employees. Our results also provide only very limited support for the idea that human capital investment patterns differ between those who become self-employed and those ending up in paid employment. -- Unter Verwendung eines großen, reprĂ€sentativen Datensatzes fĂŒr Deutschland und verschiedener Abgrenzungen der SelbstĂ€ndigkeit ĂŒberprĂŒft diese Arbeit die jack-of-all-trades-Sicht des Unternehmertums von Lazear (AER 2004). In Übereinstimmung mit ihren theoretischen Annahmen finden wir, dass SelbstĂ€ndige mehr verschiedene TĂ€tigkeiten ausĂŒben und Kenntnisse aus mehr verschiedenen Gebieten benötigen als nicht-selbstĂ€ndige Arbeitnehmer. Im Gegensatz zu Lazear's Annahmen benötigen SelbstĂ€ndige allerdings nicht nur mehr Grundkenntnisse sondern auch mehr Fachkenntnisse als Nicht-SelbstĂ€ndige. Unsere Ergebnisse liefern zudem nur wenig UnterstĂŒtzung fĂŒr die Behauptung, dass sich die Muster der Humankapitalaneignung zwischen SelbststĂ€ndigen und abhĂ€ngig beschĂ€ftigten Arbeitnehmern sichtbar unterscheiden.entrepreneurship,self-employed,Germany
