476 research outputs found

    O "Livro dos hereges" e a história do Brasil que poderia ter sido

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    Este trabalho procura analisar os romances históricos do escritor brasileiro Aydano Roriz, que narram a tomada de Salvador pelos holandeses em 1624, e sua retomada no ano seguinte. Nosso objetivo central é examinar seu discurso, e interpretação sobre o Brasil e sua formação histórica. Enfim, trata-se de uma investigação introdutória acerca dos significados da produção contemporânea de romances históricos no Brasil, de que Roriz é um dos mais ativos representantes

    Facções de Marte: narrativa e discurso sobre a guerra cotidiana nas páginas do Mercurio Portuguez (1663-1666)

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    In Mercurio Portuguez, a monthly periodical written by the Portuguese secretary of State, Antonio de Sousa de Macedo, between 1663 and 1666, during the government of Alphonse VI, most of its news portrayed the events of the Restoration’s war, fought since 1641 against Castile. About this conflict, the historiography has shown its great impact on the lives of people from border areas, plagued daily by looting raids, skirmishes, and other small military exploits. This article wants to demonstrate how the narratives of these minor successes had great relevance for the construction of Macedo’s political discourse, and even for its transformation over the four years of publication. If the initiative to print a journal reveals the political intention of influencing the opinion circulating in Portugal, in Mercurio’s approach on this war of small everyday feats we find crucial elements of his discursive strategies

    Morphological Evidence for an Oral Venom System in Caecilian Amphibians

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    Amphibians are known for their skin rich in glands containing toxins employed in passive chemical defense against predators, different from, for example, snakes that have active chemical defense, injecting their venom into the prey. Caecilians (Amphibia, Gymnophiona) are snake-shaped animals with fossorial habits, considered one of the least known vertebrate groups. We show here that amphibian caecilians, including species from the basal groups, besides having cutaneous poisonous glands as other amphibians do, possess specific glands at the base of the teeth that produce enzymes commonly found in venoms. Our analysis of the origin of these glands shows that they originate from the same tissue that gives rise to teeth, similar to the venom glands in reptiles. We speculate that caecilians might have independently developed mechanisms of production and injection of toxins early in their evolutionary history

    Characterization of a new muscarinic toxin from the venom of the Brazilian coral snake Micrurus lemniscatus in rat hippocampus

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    AbstractAimsWe have isolated a new muscarinic protein (MT-Mlα) from the venom of the Brazilian coral snake Micrurus lemniscatus.Main methodsThis small protein, which had a molecular mass of 7,048Da, shared high sequence homology with three-finger proteins that act on cholinergic receptors. The first 12 amino acid residues of the N-terminal sequence were determined to be: Leu-Ile-Cys-Phe-Ile-Cys-Phe-Ser-Pro-Thr-Ala-His.Key findingsThe MT-Mlα was able to displace the [3H]QNB binding in the hippocampus of rats. The binding curve in competition experiments with MT-Mlα was indicative of two types of [3H]QNB-binding site with pKi values of 9.08±0.67 and 6.17±0.19, n=4, suggesting that various muscarinic acetylcholine receptor (mAChR) subtypes may be the target proteins of MT-Mlα. The MT-Mlα and the M1 antagonist pirenzepine caused a dose-dependent block on total [3H]inositol phosphate accumulation induced by carbachol. The IC50 values for MT-Mlα and pirenzepine were, respectively, 33.1 and 2.26 nM. Taken together, these studies indicate that the MT-Mlα has antagonist effect on mAChRs in rat hippocampus.SignificanceThe results of the present study show, for the first time, that mAChRs function is drastically affected by MT-Mlα since it not only has affinity for mAChRs but also has the ability to inhibit mAChRs

    Differences and Similarities among Parotoid Macrogland Secretions in South American Toads: A Preliminary Biochemical Delineation

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    Amphibians are known by cutaneous glands, spread over the skin, containing toxins (proteins, peptides, biogenic amines, steroidal bufadienolides, and alkaloids) used as chemical defense against predators and microbial infection. Toads are characterized by the presence of parotoid macroglands. The common toads have lately been divided into two genera: Bufo (Europe, Asia, and Africa) and Rhinella (South America). Basal Rhaebo genus is exclusively of Central America and Amazon region. Although Rhinella and Rhaebo are related, species may share differences due to the diversity of environments that they live in. In this work, we have performed a biochemical characterization of the components of the poison of eight Rhinella species and one Rhaebo by means of RP-HPLC with either UV or MS detection and by SDS-PAGE, in order to verify whether phylogenetic and biological differences, such as habitat, diet, and defensive strategies, between them may also be reflected in poison composition. Although some components were common among the secretions, we were able to identify exclusive molecules to some species. The fact that closely related animals living in different habitats secrete different molecules into the skin is an indication that biological features, and not only evolution, seem to directly influence the skin secretion composition

    Variations in Tetrodotoxin Levels in Populations of Taricha granulosa are Expressed in the Morphology of Their Cutaneous Glands

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    Tetrodotoxin (TTX), one of the most toxic substances in nature, is present in bacteria, invertebrates, fishes, and amphibians. Marine organisms seem to bioaccumulate TTX from their food or acquire it from symbiotic bacteria, but its origin in amphibians is unclear. Taricha granulosa can exhibit high TTX levels, presumably concentrated in skin poison glands, acting as an agent of selection upon predatory garter snakes (Thamnophis). This co-evolutionary arms race induces variation in T. granulosa TTX levels, from very high to undetectable. Using morphology and biochemistry, we investigated differences in toxin localization and quality between two populations at the extremes of toxicity. TTX concentration within poison glands is related to the volume of a single cell type in which TTX occurs exclusively in distinctive secretory granules, suggesting a relationship between granule structure and chemical composition. TTX was detected in mucous glands in both populations, contradicting the general understanding that these glands do not secrete defensive chemicals and expanding currently held interpretations of amphibian skin gland functionality. Skin secretions of the two populations differed in low-mass molecules and proteins. Our results demonstrate that interpopulation variation in TTX levels is related to poison gland morphology

    Afetos desiguais: marcadores sociais e afetividade na Educação Infantil

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    This work addresses affectivity as one of the components of teaching-learning relationships in Early Childhood Education. More specifically, it discusses the repercussions of different social markers (gender, race/color, and the presence of disabilities or neurodevelopmental disorders) on expressions of affection towards children in the initial stage of basic education. Drawing on the theoretical contributions of Henri Wallon regarding affectivity as a form of interaction with the environment, as well as social childhood studies, the aim was to ascertain whether certain children, based on their characteristics, were more likely to be the target of affectionate demonstrations by teachers and other adults present in the classroom, while others, also due to their specificities, tended to be treated with indifference and lack of affection. An ethnographic type of observation was conducted in Early Childhood Education institutions in a municipality in the metropolitan region of Belo Horizonte (Minas Gerais/Brazil). An association was identified between the children's profiles and the greater or lesser presence of verbal and non-verbal expressions of affection, as well as the persistence of different forms of discrimination and physical and symbolic violence towards the children.Este trabajo aborda la afectividad como uno de los componentes de las relaciones de enseñanza-aprendizaje en la Educación Infantil. Más específicamente, analiza las repercusiones de diferentes marcadores sociales (género, raza/color y la presencia de discapacidades o trastornos del neurodesarrollo) en las expresiones de afecto hacia los niños en la etapa inicial de la educación básica. Basándose en las contribuciones teóricas de Henri Wallon en lo que respecta a la afectividad como una forma de interacción con el entorno, así como en los estudios sobre la infancia en la sociedad, el objetivo fue determinar si ciertos niños, en función de sus características, eran más propensos a ser el blanco de demostraciones afectuosas por parte de los maestros y otros adultos presentes en el aula, mientras que otros, también debido a sus especificidades, tendían a ser tratados con indiferencia y falta de afecto. Se realizó un tipo de observación etnográfica en instituciones de Educación Infantil en un municipio de la región metropolitana de Belo Horizonte (Minas Gerais/Brasil). Se identificó una asociación entre los perfiles de los niños y la mayor o menor presencia de expresiones verbales y no verbales de afecto, así como la persistencia de diferentes formas de discriminación y violencia física y simbólica hacia los niños.Este trabalho aborda a afetividade como um dos componentes das relações de ensino-aprendizagem na Educação Infantil. Mais especificamente, discute as repercussões de diferentes marcadores sociais (gênero, raça/cor e presença de deficiência ou transtorno do neurodesenvolvimento) nas manifestações de afeto para com as crianças da primeira etapa da educação básica. Tendo como base as contribuições teóricas de Henri Wallon sobre a afetividade como forma de interação com o meio; e os estudos sociais da infância, buscou-se verificar se algumas crianças, por suas características, seriam mais propensas a serem alvo de demonstrações afetivas por parte de professores e demais adultos presentes em sala; enquanto outras – também por suas especificidades – tenderiam a serem tratadas com indiferença e desafeição. Foi desenvolvida observação de tipo etnográfica em instituições de Educação Infantil de um município da região metropolitana de Belo Horizonte (Minas Gerais/Brasil). Identificou-se associação entre o perfil das crianças e a maior ou menor presença de manifestações verbais e não verbais de afeto, bem como a persistência de diferentes discriminações e violências físicas e simbólicas para com as crianças

    Identification of Immunodominant Antigens From a First-Generation Vaccine Against Cutaneous Leishmaniasis

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    Leishmaniasis is a neglected tropical disease (NTD) caused by parasites belonging to the Leishmania genus for which there is no vaccine available for human use. Thus, the aims of this study are to evaluate the immunoprotective effect of a first-generation vaccine against L. amazonensis and to identify its immunodominant antigens. BALB/c mice were inoculated with phosphate buffer sodium (PBS), total L. amazonensis antigens (TLAs), or TLA with Poly (I:C) and Montanide ISA 763. The humoral and cellular immune response was evaluated before infection. IgG, IgG1, and IgG2a were measured on serum, and IFN-γ, IL-4, and IL-10 cytokines as well as cell proliferation were measured on a splenocyte culture from vaccinated mice. Immunized mice were challenged with 104 infective parasites of L. amazonensis on the footpad. After infection, the protection provided by the vaccine was analyzed by measuring lesion size, splenic index, and parasite load on the footpad and spleen. To identify immunodominant antigens, total proteins of L. amazonensis were separated on 2D electrophoresis gel and transferred to a membrane that was incubated with serum from immunoprotected mice. The antigens recognized by the serum were analyzed through a mass spectrometric assay (LC-MS/MS-IT-TOF) to identify their protein sequence, which was subjected to bioinformatic analysis. The first-generation vaccine induced higher levels of antibodies, cytokines, and cell proliferation than the controls after the second dose. Mice vaccinated with TLA + Poly (I:C) + Montanide ISA 763 showed less footpad swelling, a lower splenic index, and a lower parasite load than the control groups (PBS and TLA). Four immunodominant proteins were identified by mass spectrometry: cytosolic tryparedoxin peroxidase, an uncharacterized protein, a kinetoplast-associated protein-like protein, and a putative heat-shock protein DNAJ. The identified proteins showed high levels of conserved sequence among species belonging to the Leishmania genus and the Trypanosomatidae family. These proteins also proved to be phylogenetically divergent to human and canine proteins. TLA + Poly (I:C) + Montanide ISA 763 could be used as a first-generation vaccine against leishmaniasis. The four proteins identified from the whole-protein vaccine could be good antigen candidates to develop a new-generation vaccine against leishmaniasis.Fil: Germano, Maria Jose. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de Medicina y Biología Experimental de Cuyo; ArgentinaFil: Mackern Oberti, Juan Pablo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de Medicina y Biología Experimental de Cuyo; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas; ArgentinaFil: Vitório, Jessica Gardone. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais; BrasilFil: Duarte, Mariana Costa. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais; BrasilFil: Pimenta, Daniel Carvalho. Governo do Estado de Sao Paulo. Secretaria da Saude. Instituto Butantan; BrasilFil: Sanchez Sanchez, Maria Victoria. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de Medicina y Biología Experimental de Cuyo; ArgentinaFil: Bruna, Flavia Alejandra. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de Medicina y Biología Experimental de Cuyo; ArgentinaFil: Lozano, Esteban Sebastián. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnologico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de Histologia y Embriologia de Mendoza Dr. Mario H. Burgos. Grupo Vinculado de Investigacion y Desarrollo Biotecnologico Aplicado Al Diagnostico Al Ihem | Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Medicas. Instituto de Histologia y Embriologia de Mendoza Dr. Mario H. Burgos. Grupo Vinculado de Investigacion y Desarrollo Biotecnologico Aplicado Al Diagnostico Al Ihem.; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas; ArgentinaFil: Fernandes, Ana Paula. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais; BrasilFil: Cargnelutti, Diego Esteban. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de Medicina y Biología Experimental de Cuyo; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas; Argentin

    Evaluation of the Quality of Perinatal Assistance in the Municipality of São Luís-Ma

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    Women and newborns must receive quality care during the perinatal period. Prenatal care is important for health care, including health promotion, screening, diagnosis, and disease prevention. This study aimed to evaluate the quality of perinatal care in the city of São Luís-MA. A cross-sectional analytical study was carried out with 201 pregnant women in three Health Districts of São Luís-MA, from January to December of 2019. For data collection, the perinatal form, which is attached to the medical records of pregnant and postpartum women, was used. Regarding the data, it was observed that in the age variable, there was a predominance of the age group between 21-34 years (71.64%), with a higher prevalence for 6 appointments performed: 96 (75.00%) (p = 0.31). Regarding marital status, 82.59% were married, with a higher prevalence for 6 appointments performed: 106 (82.81%) (p=0.91). As for education, high school predominated (68.18%) and with a higher prevalence for 6 appointments performed: 92 (71.88%) (p=0.28). 83.08% did not plan the pregnancy, with a higher prevalence for 6 appointments performed: 103 (80.47%) (p = 0.19). As for the beginning of prenatal care, 85.07% in a timely manner, with a higher prevalence for 6 appointments performed: 122 (95.31%) (p=0.00). 90.55% were immunized, with a higher prevalence for 6 appointments performed: 124 (96.88%) (p=0.00). Only 5.47% had a postpartum appointment, with statistical significance (p≤ 0.10). The study allowed us to observe that some indicators are satisfactory, such as immunization and timely start of prenatal care. As for unsatisfactory indicators, there is the puerperal appointment, the values of which ​​are below the recommended. Keywords: Quality of Assistance. Perinatal Assistance. Primary Care. DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/11-22-04 Publication date: November 30th 2021

    Skin Gland Concentrations Adapted to Different Evolutionary Pressures in The Head and Posterior Regions of The Caecilian Siphonops Annulatus

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    Amphibian skin is rich in mucous glands and poison glands, secreting substances important for gas exchange and playing a fundamental role in chemical defense against predators and microorganisms. In the caecilian Siphonops annulatus (Mikan, 1920) we observed a concentration of enlarged mucous glands in the head region. In the posterior region of the body a similar concentration is made up of enlarged poison glands. These accumulations of glands structurally resemble the macroglands previously reported in anurans and salamanders. The skin glands in these regions are each surrounded by collagen walls forming a honeycomb-like structure. The collagen network in the head region firmly attaches to tiny pits in the bones of the skull. The two extremities of the body produce different secretions, containing exclusive molecules. Considering the fossorial lifestyle of caecilians, it seems evident that the secretions of the head and caudal region serve different functions. The anterior macrogland of mucous glands, rich in mucous/lipid secretion, in conjunction with the funnel-shaped head, may act to lubricate the body and penetrate the soil, thus facilitating locomotion underground. The blunt posterior end bearing an internalized macrogland of poison glands in the dermis may act in chemical defense and/or by blocking invasion of tunnels