74 research outputs found
Complete data set used for all analyses in the study. The rows are the replicate experimental trials (N = 58). The first column specifies the date of termination of the trials. The subsequent columns describe the experimental females, then the lake males, then the stream males (each trial involved a single female and a male of each ecotype). The last column indicates the male that mated with the female. Missing data are coded as 'NA'
Details on the genome positions of the SNP markers used in Berner et al. (2014) Evolution: Genetic architecture of skeletal evolution in European lake and stream sticklebac
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habitat preference evolve and promote divergence with gene flow" in Journal of
Evolutionary Biology. An interactive version of this material can also be found
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R code for simulations and plotting. Full statistics from empirical data analysis
Version 3. See also: Corrigendum, Molecular Ecology 22(20): 5270. doi:10.1111/mec.1253
Localities, geographical coordinates, sampling year, and sample size for the five lake-stream stickleback systems in the Lake Constance basin (CON, COE, COS1, COS2, COW), and the two solitary stream populations (RHI, DAN).
<p>The localities are situated in Germany (DE), Austria (AT), and Switzerland (CH). Sample sizes are total, and males and females in parentheses. Note that the same lake sample was used for both the COS1 and COS2 system, and that the COE stream site combines two samples (for details see text).</p
Haplotype network for the lake-stream stickleback pairs in the Lake Constance basin and the solitary populations.
<p>The network is based on six single nucleotide polymorphisms in the mitochondrial D-loop. The numbers give the total count for each haplotype. Color codes are as in Fig. 1.</p
Stomach content of stickleback from the Lake Constance offshore site, and from the lake and stream site in the COW system.
1<p>Daphnia, Ceriodaphnia, Bosmina.</p>2<p>Chydoridae.</p>3<p>mainly Ostracoda.</p>4<p>Chironomidae, Ceratopogonidae.</p>5<p>mainly Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera.</p><p>The values represent the proportion of the total prey items accounted for by each prey class, averaged across individuals within each site (standard deviation in parentheses). The copepods category subsumes pelagic, benthic, and/or generalist taxa difficult to distinguish; strictly pelagic calanoid copepods, however, were found in the offshore lake specimens only. Sample size is 5, 20, and 7 for offshore, COW lake, and COW stream.</p
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