44 research outputs found

    Market values of pig carcasses that differ in muscular tissue portions

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    Tržište svinjskog mesa u nas zahtjevno je s obzirom na udio mišićnog tkiva u polovicama. U R. Hrvatskoj najbrojnije pasmine svinja su švedski landras (ŠL) i veliki jorkšir (VJ), koje se koriste za proizvodnju F1 križanki i zatim se oplođuju s nerastima izuzetno mesnatih pasmina. U radu se istražuje tržišna vrijednost svinjskih polovica podrijetlom od trostrukih križanaca gdje se kao terminalna pasmina nerasta koristio pietren (P) u prvoj skupini, odnosno njemački landras (NJL) u drugoj skupini. Mesnatost svinjskih polovica procijenjena je metodom „dvije točke“ prema Pravilniku (1999., 2001.). Svinjske polovice razvrstane su prema udjelu mišićnog tkiva u trgovačke klase (S)EURO, pri čemu je učestalost navedenih klasa u 1. skupini bila S 42,37%, E 55,93%, U 1,69%, a u 2. skupini distribucija polovica prema navedenim klasama bila je: E 54,17%, U 33,33%, R 12,50%. Razvrstavanje svinjskih polovica u trgovačke klase pokazalo je da postoji značajna razlika u njihovoj tržišnoj vrijednosti s obzirom na istraživane genotipove svinja. Izračun cijene koštanja svinjskih polovica, uzimajući u obzir udjele mišićnog tkiva u njima i cijene svinjskog mesa na domaćem tržištu, pokazao je da izbor nerasta kao terminalne pasmine može biti posebno značajan. Uz cijenu koštanja od 32,73 kn/kg (4,42 €/kg) mišićnog tkiva, svinjske polovice genotipa (VJxŠL)xP na tržištu ostvaruju povoljniji financijski učinak od svinjskih polovica genotipa (VJxŠL)xNJL. Iz navedenog proizlazi da je potrebito formiranje cijene koštanja svinjskih polovica prema udjelu mišićnog tkiva u njima, jer taj pokazatelj determinira tržišnu vrijednost svinjskih polovica i utječe na njihov plasman, a uzgajivače svinja potiče na selekcijski rad prema postavljenim zahtjevima tržišta.Market of pig meat is quite demanding when it comes to issues of muscle tissue in pig carcasses. The most numerous pig breeds in the Republic of Croatia are Swedish Landrace (SL) and Large White (LW), crossed together to produce F1 females, which are then further crossed with males of meaty breeds. This study investigates market value of pig carcasses originating from three-way crossbreeds, out of which the first group was crossed in the terminal sire line with Pietrain (P) and the second one with German Landrace (GL). In order to evaluate meatiness of pig carcasses, the two-point method was applied in accordance with the Croatian regulations (Pravilnik, 1999, 2001). With respect to portions of muscle tissue, carcasses were classified into (S)EURO commercial classes, distributed in the 1st group as S 42.37%, E 55.93%, U 1.69%, and in the 2nd group as E 54.17%, U 33.33% and R 12.50%. Commercial classification of pig carcasses showed that there was a considerable difference in their market value if considering the investigated pig genotypes. Calculation of carcass price, with respect to portions of muscle tissue in carcass, as well as pig meat price on domestic market, proved that the correct choice of sire line in crossbreeds plays an important role. If muscle tissue priced 32.73 HRK/kg (4.42 €/kg) of right carcasses of (LWxSL)xP genotype have better financial results than those of (LWxSL)xGL genotype. It is concluded that pricing is fattened pigs with respect to muscle tissue portion is to be considered the correct procedure, as the muscle tissue portion is an indicator, which determines market value of pig carcasses and affects their marketing. Furthermore, it also encourages farmers to produce pigs selectively, conforming to set market requirements

    Quality of chicken carcass and meat within the domestic market

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    U radu se prikazuje kakvoća trupova i mišićnog tkiva (prsa i zabataka) s posebnim osvrtom na sadržaj masnih kiselina (SFA, MUFA, PUFA n-6, PUFA n-3 i odnos PUFA n-6/PUFA n-3). Istraživanje je provedeno na trupovima pilića koji su kupljeni (n=20) u poznatom trgovačkom lancu od dva različita proizvođača (A i B), s ciljem da se ustanovi kakvoća pilećeg mesa u nas. Prosječne težine trupova koji su potjecali od proizvođača A i B bile su 1506,80±193,00 i 1445,60±97,45. Pilići od proizvođača B imali su statistički značajno veće (P<0,05) udjele prsa i mišića u trupu, a manji udio kostiju. Pilići od proizvođača A imali su povoljnije udjele bataka sa zabatcima i mišićnog tkiva, a manje udjele kostiju u trupovima (P<0,01). Od istraživanih pokazatelja tehnološke kakvoće mišićnog tkiva (pH, električna provodljivost, sp.v.v., boja), statističke razlike između proizvođača A i B utvrđene su samo u pH vrijednostima mišića prsa (P<0,05) i u električnoj provodljivosti mišića zabataka (P<0,001). Istraživanje profila masnih kiselina u lipidima mišićnog tkiva prsa i zabataka pokazuje da su u tovu pilića primijenjeni različiti hranidbeni tretmani, tako da su upotrijebljena krmiva i njihov sastav masnih kiselina utjecali na deponiranje masnih kiselina u lipide mišića. Kemijske analize pokazale su da su pilići proizvođača B imali statistički značajno veći (P<0,05) sadržaj SFA, MUFA i PUFA n-3 u lipidima prsa, od pilića proizvođača A. Identično odlaganje masnih kiselina dogodilo se u mišićima zabataka. Odnos PUFA n-6/PUFA n-3 u lipidima mišića prsa i zabataka bio je povoljniji u pilećim trupovima podrijetlom od proizvođača B, nego od proizvođača A (9,07±0,88 i 11,04±0,64, odnosno 11,40±2,27 i 15,55±0,45). Rezultati naših istraživanja pokazuju da je odnos PUFA n-6/PUFA n-3 kod oba proizvođača pilećeg mesa bio nezadovoljavajući, s obzirom da se omjer 1-4,5 preporučuje kao optimalan u ljudskoj prehrani.The research into quality of carcass and muscle tissue (breast and thighs) focuses especially on the fatty acids content (SFA, MUFA, PUFA n-6, PUFA n-3 and PUFA n-6/PUFA n-3 ratio). The research was carried out on chicken carcasses (n=20) of two different producers (A and B) that were bought in a store. The main objective was to determine the quality of chicken meat in our country. Average weights of carcasses of A and B producers were 1506.80±193.00 and 1445.60±97.45, respectively. Chickens of the B producer had statistically higher (P<0.05) portions of breast and muscle in carcass, and smaller portion of bones. Chickens of the A producer had more favorable portions of drumsticks with thighs and muscle tissue, and smaller portion of bones in carcass (P<0.01). Referring to the investigated traits of muscle tissue technological quality indicators (pH, electric conductivity, water holding capacity, color), statistical differences between A and B producers were determined only in pH values of breast muscles (P<0.05) and in electric conductivity of thigh muscles (P<0.001). Determination of fatty acid profile in the lipids of breast and thighs proved that different feeding regimes were applied in chicken production. Forages and composition of fatty acids in them affected deposition of fatty acids into muscle lipids. Chemical analyses proved that chickens of the B producer had statistically significantly higher (P<0.05) content of SFA, MUFA and PUFA n-3 in muscle lipids than the chickens of the A producer. Identical deposition of fatty acids occurred in thigh muscles. The ratio of PUFA n-6/PUFA n-3 in lipids of thigh and breast muscles was more favorable in carcasses of the B producer than of the A producer (9.07±0.88 and 11.04±0.64, and 11.40±2.27 and 15.55±0.45, respectively). If taking the ratio 1-4.5 as being optimal in human nutrition, results of our research showed unsatisfactory ratio of PUFA n-6/PUFA n-3 in chicken meat of both producers


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    The paper presents the results of a research in the use of flaxseed (LO) and rapeseed oil (RO) in a combination with fish oil (FO) in the feeding of laying hens and the effect on the fatty acid profile of egg yolks (∑n-3 PUFA and ∑n-6/∑n-3 PUFA ratio). Nutritional treatments were as follows: C1, C2 = control (5% soybean oil SO), E1 = 1.5% LO+3.5% FO, E2 = 3.5% LO+1.5% FO, E3 = 1.5% RO+3.5% FO, E4 = 3.5% RO+1.5% FO. Feed mixtures for the laying hens were balanced on the basis of a 17% crude protein and 11.5 MJ/kg ME, and the n-6/n-3 PUFA ratio in the mixtures was as follows: C1 13.64, C2 13.10, E1 2.63, E2 1.53, E3 4.84 and E4 6.21. The combination of the flaxseed oil and fish oil in the feed affected the n-6/n-3 PUFA ratio, making it narrower when compared to the combination of rapeseed oil and the fish oil. The control feed C1 and C2 contained only ALA 3.12 and 4.08%, being without the EPA and DHA fatty acids. The analysis of the fatty acid profiles in egg yolks demonstrated that the eggs contained 1.16 and 1.26% of DHA in addition to ALA, which means that, although in the small amounts, the DHA was synthesized and deposited in the eggs by the laying hens. The following proportions of n-3 PUFAs were found in the eggs of the experimental groups: E1 6.51%, E2 8.30%, E3 5.17%, and E4 3.54%. The n-6/n-3 PUFA ratio in egg yolks decreased from 9.67 and 11.85 (control groups) to 3.08 and 2.57, respectively, for the flaxseed and fish oil treatments and 4.25 and 6.95 for the rapeseed and fish oil treatment. The studies have demonstrated a more efficient deposition of the n-3 PUFAs in the yolks of the E1 and E2 groups, although the ALA was most abundantly present in the total n-3 PUFAs.U radu su prikazani rezultati istraživanja uporabe lanenoga sjemena (LO) i sjemena uljane repice (RO) u kombinaciji s ribljim uljem (FO) u hranidbi nesilica te utjecaj na profil masnih kiselina žumanjaka (∑n-6 PUFA i ∑n-6 PUFA/∑n-3 PUFA). Hranidbeni tretmani bili su sljedeći: C1, C2 = kontrola (5% sojinoga ulja SO), E1 = 1,5% LO + 3,5% FO, E2 = 3,5% LO + 1,5% FO, E3 = 1,5% RO + 3,5% FO, E4 = 3,5% RO + 1,5% FO. Krmne smjese za nesilice bile su izbalansirane na bazi 17% sirovih bjelančevina i 11,5 MJ/kg ME, a omjer n-6/n-3 PUFA u smjesama bio je sljedeći: C1 13,64; C2 13,10; E1 2,63; E2 1,53; E3 4,84 i E4 6,21. Kombinacija lanenoga ulja i ribljeg ulja u hrani utjecala je na omjer n-6/n-3 PUFA, što ga čini užim u usporedbi s kombinacijom repičina i ribljeg ulja. Kontrolne smjese C1 i C2 sadržavale su samo ALA 3,12 i 4,08%, bez EPA i DHA masnih kiselina. Analiza profila masnih kiselina u žumanjcima pokazala je da jaja, uz ALA, sadrže 1,16 i 1,26% DHA, što znači da se, iako u malim količinama, DHA sintetizirala i odlagala u jajima nesilice. U jajima pokusnih skupina utvrđeni su sljedeći udjeli n-3 PUFA: E1 6,51%, E2 8,30%, E3 5,17% i E4 3,54%. Omjer n-6/n-3 PUFA u žumanjcima smanjen je s 9,67 i 11,85 (kontrolne skupine) na 3,08, odnosno na 2,57 kod tretmana s lanenim sjemenom i ribljim uljem, to jest na 4,25 i 6,95 kod tretmana s repičinim i ribljim uljem. Istraživanja su pokazala učinkovitije taloženje n-3 PUFA u žumanjcima E1 i E2 skupina, iako je ALA bila najzastupljenija u ukupnim n-3 PUFA


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    The objective of this research was to compare the quality of carcass and meat of selected pigs in Croatia. Investigation was carried out on 80 pigs, divided into three groups. Pigs from 1st and 2nd groups were three-way crossbreeds between Large White and Swedish Landrace on the dam side and Pietrain (1st group) and German Landrace (2nd group) on the sire side. 3rd group was created from pigs crossbreed between Large White and German Landrace of the dam side, and Pietrain on the sire side. Influence of crossbreeding on lean meat percentage, Fat/MLD ratio and portions of main parts in carcass (except for shoulder) was statistically significant (P<0.001). The highest portion of muscular tissue was obtained in the 3rd group (62.80%), followed by the 1st group (56.50%) and the 2nd one (52.33%). The 2nd group exhibited the best indicators of MLD technological properties (pH45, pH24, W.H.C. and color). Carcasses with lower lean meat percentage had better meat quality traits than those with higher lean meat percentage.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je usporediti kakvoću polovica i mesa selekcioniranih svinja u Hrvatskoj. Istraživanje je provedeno na 80 svinja, podijeljenih u tri skupine. Svinje 1. i 2. skupine bile su trostruki križanci između velikog jorkšira i švedskog landrasa na strani majke te pietrena (1. skupina) i njemačkog landrasa (2. skupina) na strani oca, dok su 3. skupinu činili križanci velikog jorkšira i njemačkog landrasa na strani majke te pietrena na očevoj strani. Utjecaji križanja na postotni udio mesa, odnos slanina/meso u MLD-u i udjel osnovnih dijelova u trupu (izuzev plećke) bili su statistički značajni (P<0,001). Najviše mišićnog tkiva imala je 3. skupina (62,80%), zatim slijede 1. skupina (56,50%) i 2. skupina (52,33%). Najbolji pokazatelji tehnološke kakvoće MLD-a (pH45, pH24, Sp.v.v.. i boja) utvrđeni su u 2. skupini svinja. Polovice s manjim postotkom mesa imale su bolja svojstva kakvoće mesa u odnosu na one s višim udjelom mesa

    Quality of Chicken Meat

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    Chicken meat is considered as an easily available source of high-quality protein and other nutrients that are necessary for proper body functioning. In order to meet the consumers’ growing demands for high-quality protein, the poultry industry focused on selection of fast-growing broilers, which reach a body mass of about 2.5 kg within 6-week-intensive fattening. Relatively low sales prices of chicken meat, in comparison to other types of meat, speak in favor of the increased chicken meat consumption. In addition, chicken meat is known by its nutritional quality, as it contains significant amount of high-quality and easily digestible protein and a low portion of saturated fat. Therefore, chicken meat is recommended for consumption by all age groups. The technological parameters of chicken meat quality are related to various factors (keeping conditions, feeding treatment, feed composition, transport, stress before slaughter, etc.). Composition of chicken meat can be influenced through modification of chicken feed composition (addition of different types of oils, vitamins, microelements and amino acids), to produce meat enriched with functional ingredients (n-3 PUFA, carnosine, selenium and vitamin E). By this way, chicken meat becomes a foodstuff with added value, which, in addition to high-quality nutritional composition, also contains ingredients that are beneficial to human health

    Comparative study on fattening and slaughtering characteristics of pigs kept in conventional and deep litter housing system

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je usporediti dva načina tova svinja, na dubokoj stelji i klasični (puni pod), s obzirom na proizvodne i klaoničke rezultate te učinke koje ovakvi načini tova svinja imaju na dobrobit, zdravlje i ponašanje svinja. Istraživanje je provedeno na 110 tovnih svinja oba spola, koje su bile podijeljene u dvije skupine: prva skupina držana je na dubokoj stelji, a druga skupina u oborima na punom podu bez stelje. Svinje korištene u istraživanju bile su tropasminski križanci velikog jorkšira i njemačkog landrasa na strani majke, te njemačkog landrasa na strani oca. Na kraju tova svinje su zaklane, a na liniji klanja izmjerene su klaoničke mjere toplih i ohlađenih trupova. Tijekom istraživanja utvrđene su statistički vrlo visoko značajne (P0,05) između svinja utovljenih na dubokoj stelji i bez stelje. Svinje koje su držane na dubokoj stelji imale su veći sadržaj mišićnog tkiva u trupovima (59,91%) u odnosu na svinje držane bez stelje (58,88%), međutim, razlike između ispitivanih skupina svinja u pogledu udjela mišićnog tkiva u trupovima nisu bile statistički značajne (P>0,05). Također, nisu utvrđene statistički značajne razlike u svojstvima kakvoće mišićnog tkiva između svinja držanih na dubokoj stelji i bez stelje. Tov svinja na dubokoj stelji imao je povoljan učinak na zdravlje, dobrobit i ponašanje životinja.The aim of this research was to compare two different housing systems of pigs, i.e. conventional (solid floor) and the deep litter, with respect to productive and slaughtering characteristics of pigs. Moreover, the research also focused on effects that these housing systems have on animal welfare, health status and behavior. The research was carried out on 110 male and female finishing pigs, which were divided into two groups. Pigs of the first group were kept on deep litter, and pigs of the second group were housed in solid floor pens, without deep litter. The experiment was carried out on three-way crossbreeds of Large White and German Landrace in the dam line, and German Landrace in the sire line. Upon completion of the fattening process, pigs were slaughtered and measurements of warm and cold carcasses were performed. The experiment resulted in statistically highly significant differences (P0.05). Pigs kept on deep litter had higher portion of muscular tissue in carcass (59.91%) than pigs kept conventionally (58.88%), however, differences in this respect were not statistically significant (P>0.05). Comparison of the muscular tissue quality traits between both groups did not result in statistically significant differences. Fattening of pigs on deep litter had positive effects on animal health, welfare and behavior

    Kvalitativne značajke profila masnih kiselina u svježim i kuhanim n-3 PUFA obogaćenim jajima

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    Eggs are a foodstuff of animal origin that are widely consumed by human population. Quality of eggs depends on many factors, such as laying hens’ feed composition. Modification of laying hens’ diet by supplementing different fat sources affects the fatty acid profile in egg yolks. This paper presents the comparison of the fatty acid profile (FA) in fresh and boiled n-3 PUFA eggs. There is the question asked if the values referring to daily consumption of specific fatty acids in fresh eggs are credible. The portion of fatty acids in omega-3 fresh eggs is the following: SFA 30.76%, MUFA 41.97%, n-6 PUFA 22.24%, n-3 PUFA 4.96%, and the n-6/n-3 PUFA ratio is 4.51. Comparison of FA profile in fresh and thermally processed n-3 PUFA eggs (boiled for 10 min. at 95 °C) shows that there are differences in the content of specific FAs, but they are not statistically significant (P>0.05), except for myristoleic fatty acid (P0,05), osim za miristoleinsku masnu kiselinu (P<0,05). Rezultati ovog istraživanja, kao i rezultati nekih drugih autora, opravdavaju prikaz profila masnih kiselina u jajima na temelju rezultata analize svježih jaja, jer ne postoje razlike u profilu masnih kiselina između svježih i kuhanih jaja

    Enrichment of table eggs with selenium and lutein – our experiences

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    Received: 2018-05-06 | Accepted: 2018-05-14 | Available online: 2018-11-26https://doi.org/10.15414/afz.2018.21.04.138-141By modifying meals for hens it is possible to influence the content of selenium and lutein in eggs, which enables the production of eggs with an increased share of the desired functional ingredients. Such eggs on the market represent enriched or functional foods that are characterized by preventive action in order to preserve the human health. The results of our research show that the composition of meals affects the content of selenium and lutein in eggs. The use of Se-yeast in hens’ mixtures in the amount of 0.5 mg·kg of feed increases the selenium content in egg whites and yolks by 62.94% and 41.54% in comparison to eggs from hens fed with a conventional mixture. Addition of 400 mg·kg of lutein to a hens' mixture can enrich egg yolk with lutein by 86.93% with respect to eggs from hens fed with a conventional mixture (without the addition of lutein).By designing hens’ mixtures using selenium and lutein having antioxidant activity, it is possible to produce eggs with improved nutritional value and extended shelf life.Keywords: eggs, enrichment, lutein, seleniumReferencesAljamal, A.A., Purdum, S.E., Hanford, K.J. (2014) The effect of normal and excessive supplementation of selenomethionine and sodium selenite in laying hens. International Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 3 (3), 33-38.Chung, H.Y., Rasmussen, H.M., Johnson, E.J. (2004) Lutein bioavailability is higher from lutein-enriched eggs than from supplements and spinach in men. The Journal of Nutrition, 134 (8), 1887-1893. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.1093/jn/134.8.1887Fašiangová M., Bořilová G., Hulánková R. 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    The research on effects of different oils on the profile of fatty acids in egg yolks was performed on 80 ISA Brown laying hens (40 in control and 40 in experimental group). Hens were 50 weeks old. The control group of hens was fed diets supplemented with sunflower oil (6%), and the experimental group was given a combination of rapeseed oil (4%) and fish oil (2%). Hens’ diets contained 16.8% of crude protein and 11.57 MJ ME. The research lasted for 28 days. Content of fatty acids in yolk lipids was determined on 10 samples taken from each group. Supplemented oils (sunflower, rapeseed and fish oil) in hens’ diets had significant effect on the profile of fatty acids in yolk lipids. Compared to the control group, yolk lipids of eggs produced by hens in the experimental group contained significantly higher (P<0.001) portion of favorable fatty acids (linolenic, C18:3n-3; eicosapentaenoic, C20:5n-3 and docosahexaenoic, C22:6n-3). Moreover, the experimental group of hens laid eggs that contained less unfavorable saturated fatty acids (P<0.001) and less linoleic (C18:2n-6) and arachidonic acid (C20:4n-6) in their lipids. Content of oleic acid (C18:1) and total monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) was significantly higher (P<0.001) in yolk lipids of the experimental group. The experimental group contained less unfavorable polyunsaturated fatty acids of the n-6 type (n-6 PUFA, P<0.001), more favorable fatty acids of the n-3 type (n-3 PUFA, P<0.001) and more favorable n-6 / n-3 PUFA ratio (P<0.001) in yolk lipids than the control group.Istraživanje utjecaja različitih ulja na profil masnih kiselina u žumanjcima jaja obavljeno je na 80 ISA Brown nesilica (40 u kontrolnoj i 40 u pokusnoj skupini) starih 50 tjedana. Kontrolna skupina nesilica dobivala je u hrani suncokretovo ulje (6%), a pokusna skupina kombinaciju repičinog (4%) i ribljeg (2%) ulja. Smjese za nesilice sadržavale su 16,8% sirovih bjelančevina i 11,57 MJ ME. Istraživanje je trajalo 28 dana. Sadržaj masnih kiselina u mastima žumanjka određen je na 10 uzoraka iz svake skupine. Korištena ulja (suncokretovo, repičino i riblje) u hrani za nesilice imala su značajan utjecaj na profil masnih kiselina u mastima žumanjaka jaja. U mastima žumanjaka kod pokusne skupine nesilica utvrđen je značajno veći (P<0,001) sadržaj poželjnih masnih kiselina (linolenske, C18:3n-3; eikozapentaenske, C20:5n-3 i dokozaheksaenske, C22:6n-3) u odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu. Osim toga, pokusna skupina nesilica imala je manji sadržaj (P<0,001) nepoželjnih zasićenih masnih kiselina te linolne (C18:2n-6) i arahidonske kiseline (C20:4n-6) u mastima žumanjaka. Sadržaj oleinske kiseline (C18:1) i ukupnih mononezasićenih masnih kiselina (MUFA) bio je značajno veći (P<0,001) u mastima žumanjaka pokusne skupine. Pokusna skupina nesilica imala je manji sadržaj nepoželjnih polinezasićenih masnih kiselina n-6 tipa (n-6 PUFA, P<0,001), veći sadržaj poželjnih masnih kiselina n-3 tipa (n-3 PUFA, P<0,001) i povoljniji omjer n-6 / n-3 PUFA (P<0,001) u mastima žumanjaka jaja odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu

    Influence of zeolite on the fattening and slaughtering traits of pigs

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi utjecaj dodatka prirodnog zeolita u hrani, Anivitala-SPS, na potencijal rasta i razvoja, konverziju hrane, klaonička svojstva i na zdravlje svinja. Istraživanje je provedeno na tovljenicima tropasminskim križancima između velikog jorkšira (VJ) i njemačkog landrasa (NjL) s majčine strane i pietrena (P) kao terminalne nerastovske pasmine. Svinje su bile razvrstane u tri skupine koje su se međusobno razlikovale prema sastavu smjesa koje su dobivale tijekom pokusa. U smjesi ST1 za svinje iz skupine P1 dodano je 3% Anivitala-SPS, dok je za svinje iz skupine P2 dodano 3% Anivitala-SPS, uz dodatak 1,4% masti. U smjesi ST2 za svinje iz skupine P1 dodano je 6% Anivitala-SPS, a za svinje iz skupine P2 smjesi je dodano 6% Anivitala-SPS i 3% masti. Tijekom pokusa provedena su kontrolna vaganja, a podaci dobiveni vaganjem svinja korišteni su za izračun prosječnih dnevnih i ukupnih prirasta tijekom tova. Na kraju prvog kontrolnog razdoblja (45. dan) skupine svinja P1 i P2 bile su statistički vrlo visoko značajno teže (P0,05) razlike između skupina. Prosječni dnevni prirasti razlikovali su se statistički vrlo visoko značajno (P0,05) na bitna kvalitativna svojstva svinjskih polovica.The aim of this research was to determine the influence of dietary supplementation of natural zeolite Anivital-SPS on growth and development potentials, food conversion, slaughtering traits and health status of pigs. The research was carried out on three-way crossbred fattening pigs, having Large White (LW) and German Landrace (GL) in the dam line and Pietrain (P) in the terminal sire line. Pigs were divided into three groups, which were given diets of different composition. The ST1 diets fed to P1 group contained 3% of Anivital-SPS, while the pigs of P2 group had diets with added 3% of Anivital-SPS and 1.4% of fat. The ST2 diets fed to pigs of P1 group contained 6% of Anivital-SPS, and pigs of the P2 group had diets supplemented with 6% of Anivital-SPS and 3% of fat. During the fattening period, pigs were weighed and data on weights were used in calculating average daily and total gains during fattening. At the end of the first fattening phase (45th day), the P1 and P2 groups were highly significantly heavier (P0.05) among groups. Average daily gains also differed significantly (P0.05) on quality traits of pig carcass