23 research outputs found

    Ubiquitin and endocytic internalization in yeast and animal cells.

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    Endocytosis is involved in a wide variety of cellular processes, and the internalization step of endocytosis has been extensively studied in both lower and higher eukaryotic cells. Studies in mammalian cells have described several endocytic pathways, with the main emphasis on clathrin-dependent endocytosis. Genetic studies in yeast have underlined the critical role of actin and actin-binding proteins, lipid modification, and the ubiquitin conjugation system. The combined results of studies of endocytosis in higher and lower eukaryotic cells reveal an interesting interplay in the two systems, including a crucial role for ubiquitin-associated events. The ubiquitylation of yeast cell-surface proteins clearly acts as a signal triggering their internalization. Mammalian cells display variations on the common theme of ubiquitin-linked endocytosis, according to the cell-surface protein considered. Many plasma membrane channels, transporters and receptors undergo cell-surface ubiquitylation, required for the internalization or later endocytic steps of some cell-surface proteins, whereas for others, internalization involves interaction with the ubiquitin conjugation system or with ancillary proteins, which are themselves ubiquitylated. Epsins and Eps15 (or Eps15 homologs), are commonly involved in the process of endocytosis in all eukaryotes, their critical role in this process stemming from their capacity to bind ubiquitin, and to undergo ubiquitylation

    The Ubiquitin Ligase Rsp5p is Required for the Modification and Sorting of Biosynthetic Membrane Proteins into Multivesicular Bodies in S. cerevisiae.

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    Precursor forms of vacuolar proteins with transmembrane domains, such as the carboxypeptidase S Cps1p and the polyphosphatase Phm5p, are selectively sorted in endosomal compartments to vesicles that invaginate, budding into the lumen of the late endosomes, resulting in the formation of multivesicular bodies (MVBs). These proteins are then delivered to the vacuolar lumen following fusion of the MVBs with the vacuole. The sorting of Cps1p and Phm5p to these structures is mediated by ubiquitylation, and in a doa4 mutant, which has reduced level of free ubiquitin, these proteins are missorted to the vacuolar membrane. A RING-finger ubiquitin ligase Tul1p has been shown to participate to the ubiquitylation of Cps1p and Phm5p. We show here that the HECT-ubiquitin ligase Rsp5p is also required for the ubiquitylation of these proteins, and therefore for their sorting to MVBs. Rsp5p is an essential ubiquitin ligase containing an N-terminal C2 domain followed by three WW domains, and a C-terminal catalytic HECT domain. In cells with low levels of Rsp5p (npi1 mutant cells), vacuolar hydrolases do not reach the vacuolar lumen and are instead missorted to the vacuolar membrane. The C2 domain and the second WW domain of Rsp5p are important determinants for sorting to MVBs. Removal of the Bul proteins, two components of the Rsp5p ubiquitin ligase complex, also impairs the sorting of these proteins, but to a lesser extent. Ubiquitylation of Cps1p was strongly reduced in the npi1 mutant strain and ubiquitylation was completely abolished in the npi1 tul1 double mutant. These data demonstrate that Rsp5p plays a novel and key role in intracellular trafficking, and extend the currently very short list of substrates ubiquitylated in vivo by several different ubiquitin ligases acting cooperatively

    Targeting of Sna3p to the Endosomal Pathway Depends on Its Interaction with Rsp5p and Multivesicular Body Sorting on Its Ubiquitylation

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    Rsp5p is an ubiquitin (Ub)-protein ligase of the Nedd4 family that carries WW domains involved in interaction with PPXY-containing proteins. It plays a key role at several stages of intracellular trafficking, such as Ub-mediated internalization of endocytic cargoes and Ub-mediated sorting of membrane proteins to internal vesicles of multivesicular bodies (MVBs), a process that is crucial for their subsequent targeting to the vacuolar lumen. Sna3p is a membrane protein previously described as an Ub-independent MVB cargo, but proteomic studies have since shown it to be an ubiquitylated protein. Sna3p carries a PPXY motif. We observed that this motif mediates its interaction with Rsp5p WW domains. Mutation of either the Sna3p PPXY motif or the Rsp5p WW3 domain or reduction in the amounts of Rsp5 results in the mistargeting of Sna3p to multiple mobile vesicles and prevents its sorting to the endosomal pathway. This sorting defect appears to occur prior to the defect displayed in rsp5 mutants by other MVB cargoes, which are correctly sorted to the endosomal pathway but missorted to the vacuolar membrane instead of the vacuolar lumen. Sna3p is polyubiquitylated on one target lysine, and a mutant Sna3p lacking its target lysine displays defective MVB sorting. Sna3p undergoes Rsp5-dependent polyubiquitylation, with K63-linked Ub chains

    A Deubiquitylating Complex Required for Neosynthesis of a Yeast Mitochondrial ATP Synthase Subunit

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    The ubiquitin system is known to be involved in maintaining the integrity of mitochondria, but little is known about the role of deubiquitylating (DUB) enzymes in such functions. Budding yeast cells deleted for UBP13 and its close homolog UBP9 displayed a high incidence of petite colonies and slow respiratory growth at 37°C. Both Ubp9 and Ubp13 interacted directly with Duf1 (DUB-associated factor 1), a WD40 motif-containing protein. Duf1 activates the DUB activity of recombinant Ubp9 and Ubp13 in vitro and deletion of DUF1 resulted in the same respiratory phenotype as the deletion of both UBP9 and UBP13. We show that the mitochondrial defects of these mutants resulted from a strong decrease at 37°C in the de novo biosynthesis of Atp9, a membrane-bound component of ATP synthase encoded by mitochondrial DNA. The defect appears at the level of ATP9 mRNA translation, while its maturation remained unchanged in the mutants. This study describes a new role of the ubiquitin system in mitochondrial biogenesis

    Interaction of the Deubiquitinating Enzyme Ubp2 and the E3 Ligase Rsp5 Is Required for Transporter/Receptor Sorting in the Multivesicular Body Pathway

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    Protein ubiquitination is essential for many events linked to intracellular protein trafficking. We sought to elucidate the possible involvement of the S. cerevisiae deubiquitinating enzyme Ubp2 in transporter and receptor trafficking after we (this study) and others established that affinity purified Ubp2 interacts stably with the E3 ubiquitin ligase Rsp5 and the (ubiquitin associated) UBA domain containing protein Rup1. UBP2 interacts genetically with RSP5, while Rup1 facilitates the tethering of Ubp2 to Rsp5 via a PPPSY motif. Using the uracil permease Fur4 as a model reporter system, we establish a role for Ubp2 in membrane protein turnover. Similar to hypomorphic rsp5 alleles, cells deleted for UBP2 exhibited a temporal stabilization of Fur4 at the plasma membrane, indicative of perturbed protein trafficking. This defect was ubiquitin dependent, as a Fur4 N-terminal ubiquitin fusion construct bypassed the block and restored sorting in the mutant. Moreover, the defect was absent in conditions where recycling was absent, implicating Ubp2 in sorting at the multivesicular body. Taken together, our data suggest a previously overlooked role for Ubp2 as a positive regulator of Rsp5-mediated membrane protein trafficking subsequent to endocytosis

    Versatile role of the yeast ubiquitin ligase Rsp5p in intracellular trafficking.

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    International audienceThe ubiquitin ligase (E3) Rsp5p is the only member of the Nedd (neural-precursor-cell-expressed, developmentally down-regulated) 4 family of E3s present in yeast. Rsp5p has several proteasome-independent functions in membrane protein trafficking, including a role in the ubiquitination of most plasma membrane proteins, leading to their endocytosis. Rsp5p is also required for the ubiquitination of endosomal proteins, leading to their sorting to the internal vesicles of MVBs (multivesicular bodies). Rsp5p catalyses the attachment of non-conventional ubiquitin chains, linked through ubiquitin Lys-63, to some endocytic and MVB cargoes. This modification appears to be required for efficient sorting, possibly because these chains have a greater affinity for the ubiquitin-binding domains present within endocytic or MVB sorting complexes. The mechanisms involved in the recognition of plasma membrane and MVB substrates by Rsp5p remain unclear. A subset of Rsp5/Nedd4 substrates have a 'PY motif' and are recognized directly by the WW (Trp-Trp) domains of Rsp5p. Most Rsp5p substrates do not carry PY motifs, but some may depend on PY-containing proteins for their ubiquitination by Rsp5p, consistent with the latter's acting as specificity factors or adaptors. As in other ubiquitin-conjugating systems, these adaptors are also Rsp5p substrates and undergo ubiquitin-dependent trafficking. In the present review, we discuss recent examples illustrating the role of Rsp5p in membrane protein trafficking and providing new insights into the regulation of this E3 by adaptor proteins