61 research outputs found

    Influence of Turn Cycle Structure on Performance of Elite Alpine Skiers Assessed through an IMU in Different Slalom Course Settings

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    Small differences in turn cycle structure, invisible to the naked eye, could be decisive in improving descent performance. The aim of this study was to assess the influence of turn cycle structure on the performance of elite alpine skiers using an inertial measurement unit (IMU) in different slalom (SL) course settings. Four SL courses were set: a flat-turned (FT), a steep-turned (ST), a flat-straighter (FS) and a steep-straighter (SS). Five elite alpine skiers (21.2 ± 3.3 years, 180.2 ± 5.6 cm, 72.8 ± 6.6 kg) completed several runs at maximum speed for each SL course. A total of 77 runs were obtained. Fast total times correlate with a longer initiation (INI) time in FT, a shorter steering time out of the turn (STEOUT) in the FT and FS and a shorter total steering time (STEIN+OUT) in the FT and SS courses. The linear mixed model used for the analysis revealed that in the FT-course for each second increase in the INI time, the total time is reduced by 0.45 s, and for every one-second increase in the STEOUT and STEIN+OUT times, the total time increases by 0.48 s and 0.31 s, respectively. Thus, to enhance descent performance, the skier should lengthen the INI time and shorten the STEOUT and STEIN+OUT time. Future studies could use an IMU to detect turn phases and analyze them using the other built-in sensors

    Lack of Activity of Docetaxel in Soft Tissue Sarcomas: Results of a Phase II Study of the Italian Group on Rare Tumors

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    Purpose. The prognosis of advanced soft tissue sarcoma is poor, only a few drugs showing some activity with response rates around 15– 25%. Consequently drug development seems mandatory to improve treatment outcome. Following previous favourable EORTC experience, the Italian Group on Rare Tumors started a phase II study with docetaxel to confirm the activity of this drug in soft tissue sarcoma

    Spatial patterns in plant and macrofaunal assemblages in Mediterranean temporary ponds: response to connectivity and pond size gradient

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    We studied the relation between three different biotic groups (animal active dispersers, animal passive dispersers and plants) and spatial patterns and environmental conditions in two networks of Mediterranean temporary ponds. Plant and macrofaunal assemblages in Mediterranean temporary ponds seem to have different spatio-temporal patterns, being plants more dependent on spatial factors and macrofauna on temporal changes

    Hydrophilic antioxidant compounds in orange juice from different fruit cultivars: Composition and antioxidant activity evaluated by chemical and cellular based (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) assays

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    Antioxidant capacity was evaluated by a cellular model (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and chemical methods (FRAP, TEAC and total phenols by Folin-Ciocalteu assay) in the hydrophilic fraction (phenolic compounds and ascorbic acid) of orange juices (OJs) from six varieties (Midknight, Delta Seedless, Rohde Red, Seedless, Early and clone Sambiasi), harvested in two seasons. The contents of phenolic compounds and ascorbic acid analyzed, respectively, by UPLC and HPLC were 370.04 76.97 mg/L and 52.05 6.69 mg/100 mL. Variety and season significantly influenced (p < 0.05) composition and antioxidant capacity. TEAC and FRAP values correlated well with individual hydrophilic compounds (R2 > 0.991) but no correlation with cellular assay was observed. An increase in survival rates between 23% and 38% was obtained, excepting for two varieties that showed no activity (Rohde Red and Seedless). Narirutin, naringin-d, ferulic acid-d2, didymin, neoeriocitrin and sinapic acid hexose and caffeic acid-d1 were the phenolic compounds which contributed to survival rates (R2 = 0.979, p < 0.01

    Inhibition of cleavage of human complement component C5 and the R885H C5 variant by two distinct high affinity anti-C5 nanobodies

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    The human complement system plays a crucial role in immune defense. However, its erroneous activation contributes to many serious inflammatory diseases. Since most unwanted complement effector functions result from C5 cleavage into C5a and C5b, development of C5 inhibitors, such as clinically approved monoclonal antibody eculizumab, are of great interest. Here, we developed and characterized two anti-C5 nanobodies, UNbC5-1 and UNbC5-2. Using surface plasmon resonance, we determined a binding affinity of 119.9 pM for UNbC5-1 and 7.7 pM for UNbC5-2. Competition experiments determined that the two nanobodies recognize distinct epitopes on C5. Both nanobodies efficiently interfered with C5 cleavage in a human serum environment, as they prevented red blood cell lysis via membrane attack complexes (C5b-9) and the formation of chemoattractant C5a. The cryo-EM structure of UNbC5-1 and UNbC5-2 in complex with C5 (3.6 Å resolution) revealed that the binding interfaces of UNbC5-1 and UNbC5-2 overlap with known complement inhibitors eculizumab and RaCI3, respectively. UNbC5-1 binds to the MG7 domain of C5, facilitated by a hydrophobic core and polar interactions, and UNbC5-2 interacts with the C5d domain mostly by salt bridges and hydrogen bonds. Interestingly, UNbC5-1 potently binds and inhibits C5 R885H, a genetic variant of C5 that is not recognized by eculizumab. Altogether, we identified and characterized two different, high affinity nanobodies against human C5. Both nanobodies could serve as diagnostic and/or research tools to detect C5 or inhibit C5 cleavage. Furthermore, the residues targeted by UNbC5-1 hold important information for therapeutic inhibition of different polymorphic variants of C5

    Treball d'educació farmacèutica adreçat al pacient amb dolor crònic

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    Treballs d'Educació Farmacèutica als ciutadans. Unitat Docent d'Estades en Pràctiques Tutelades. Facultat de Farmàcia, Universitat de Barcelona. Curs: 2017-2018. Tutors: Montserrat Iracheta i Marian March Pujol.Pràcticament tothom sent dolor en algun moment de la seva vida; quan et fas un tall al dit, quan tens mal de cap... És la manera que té el nostre cos d’avisar que alguna cosa no va bé. Un cop el mal es cura, ja no es té més dolor. A diferència del dolor agut, entès com un signe d’alarma i reacció del cos davant d’una agressió, en el dolor crònic no sempre trobem una causa òbvia que l’expliqui en tota la seva magnitud. El dolor, en aquest cas, és un dels símptomes d’un terme més ampli que és el patiment, on aspectes psicològics i socials juguen un paper molt important. És un dolor que perdura setmanes, mesos o, fins i tot, anys

    Asymmetric Labor Markets, Southern Wages, and the Location of Firms

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    Measurement of the charge asymmetry in top-quark pair production in the lepton-plus-jets final state in pp collision data at s=8TeV\sqrt{s}=8\,\mathrm TeV{} with the ATLAS detector

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