3 research outputs found

    Sana Guthi and the Newars : impacts of modernization on traditional social organizations

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    This thesis tends to highlight on the traditional social organization being practiced by the Newar people of Kathmandu valley of Nepal since the ancient times. Newar people are regarded as the indigenous population of Nepal inhabiting the Kathmandu valley since the pre-historic times. For the study, a locality named Panga of Kirtipur city has been chosen which is inhabited mainly by the Jyapu castes of Newar people who are traditionally agriculturists according to the caste division formed during the 14th century. Guthi, the traditional social organization, can be classified into various categories according to their functionalities among which, Sana Guthi is regarded most popular and the important one. Among the various functions performed by the Sana Guthi, death rituals are regarded extremely important from religious as well as social point of view. During death, numerous religious rituals have to be conducted properly by the family as well as Sana Guthi in order to ensure the soul to rest in peace. Not only death rituals, various religious festivals also have to be conducted by the Sana Guthi. In this study, two of such festivals conducted by Shree Bhairabnath Ta: Guthi of Panga have been studied in details. The study has been conducted in relation to modernization; for which the changes that have occurred or occurring these days have also been observed closely. Impacts of modernization are leading to the change of such rituals. Not only rituals, modernization is leading the whole society towards a new dimension. So, basically this study aims to identify the impacts of modernization on Newar communities and such traditional social organizations being practiced by them

    Collection and marketing of non-timber forest products by the Chepang community in Chitwan district of Nepal

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    Chepangs are highly marginalized indigenous nationalities of Nepal, who live nearby the forests that are rich in Non-timber Forest Products (NTFPs) of commercial importance. These NTFPs can be a potential source of income for Chepangs. This study describes the role of Chepangs in the marketing channel of those NTFPs and analyses the household socio-economic characteristics that influence the collection and marketing of NTFPs by Chepangs in Shaktikhor VDC of Chitwan district using backward multiple regression method. Empirical evidences show that collection and marketing of NTFPs is not an attractive source of income especially for those relatively better-off Chepang households who possess higher landholdings, food self-sufficiency, and income from other alternative sources. This is because the current price offered for the NTFPs collected by the community is very nominal, that do not even cover the labour costs involved. Praja Cooperative Limited (PCL), a Chepang community based institution in Shaktikhor, is struggling to provide better prices for Chepangs. However, it is facing challenges due to limited institutional management capacity of Chepangs. Further empowerment of PCL can contribute to improve the bargaining power of Chepang community in NTFP trade.backward multiple regression, household socio-economic characteristics, indigenous nationalities, marketing channel, Praja Cooperative Limited

    Collection and marketing of non-timber forest products by the Chepang community in Chitwan district of Nepal

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    Chepangs are highly marginalized indigenous nationalities of Nepal, who live nearby the forests that are rich in Non-timber Forest Products (NTFPs) of commercial importance. These NTFPs can be a potential source of income for Chepangs. This study describes the role of Chepangs in the marketing channel of those NTFPs and analyses the household socio-economic characteristics that influence the collection and marketing of NTFPs by Chepangs in Shaktikhor VDC of Chitwan district using backward multiple regression method. Empirical evidences show that collection and marketing of NTFPs is not an attractive source of income especially for those relatively better-off Chepang households who possess higher landholdings, food self-sufficiency, and income from other alternative sources. This is because the current price offered for the NTFPs collected by the community is very nominal, that do not even cover the labour costs involved. Praja Cooperative Limited (PCL), a Chepang community based institution in Shaktikhor, is struggling to provide better prices for Chepangs. However, it is facing challenges due to limited institutional management capacity of Chepangs. Further empowerment of PCL can contribute to improve the bargaining power of Chepang community in NTFP trade