6 research outputs found

    A novel CD4+ CTL subtype characterized by chemotaxis and inflammation is involved in the pathogenesis of Graves\u27 orbitopathy.

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    Graves\u27 orbitopathy (GO), the most severe manifestation of Graves\u27 hyperthyroidism (GH), is an autoimmune-mediated inflammatory disorder, and treatments often exhibit a low efficacy. CD4+ T cells have been reported to play vital roles in GO progression. To explore the pathogenic CD4+ T cell types that drive GO progression, we applied single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-Seq), T cell receptor sequencing (TCR-Seq), flow cytometry, immunofluorescence and mixed lymphocyte reaction (MLR) assays to evaluate CD4+ T cells from GO and GH patients. scRNA-Seq revealed the novel GO-specific cell type CD4+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs), which are characterized by chemotactic and inflammatory features. The clonal expansion of this CD4+ CTL population, as demonstrated by TCR-Seq, along with their strong cytotoxic response to autoantigens, localization in orbital sites, and potential relationship with disease relapse provide strong evidence for the pathogenic roles of GZMB and IFN-γ-secreting CD4+ CTLs in GO. Therefore, cytotoxic pathways may become potential therapeutic targets for GO

    High-quality Arabidopsis thaliana Genome Assembly with Nanopore and HiFi Long Reads

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    Arabidopsis thaliana is an important and long-established model species for plant molecular biology, genetics, epigenetics, and genomics. However, the latest version of reference genome still contains a significant number of missing segments. Here, we reported a high-quality and almost complete Col-0 genome assembly with two gaps (named Col-XJTU) by combining the Oxford Nanopore Technologies ultra-long reads, Pacific Biosciences high-fidelity long reads, and Hi-C data. The total genome assembly size is 133,725,193 bp, introducing 14.6 Mb of novel sequences compared to the TAIR10.1 reference genome. All five chromosomes of the Col-XJTU assembly are highly accurate with consensus quality (QV) scores > 60 (ranging from 62 to 68), which are higher than those of the TAIR10.1 reference (ranging from 45 to 52). We completely resolved chromosome (Chr) 3 and Chr5 in a telomere-to-telomere manner. Chr4 was completely resolved except the nucleolar organizing regions, which comprise long repetitive DNA fragments. The Chr1 centromere (CEN1), reportedly around 9 Mb in length, is particularly challenging to assemble due to the presence of tens of thousands of CEN180 satellite repeats. Using the cutting-edge sequencing data and novel computational approaches, we assembled a 3.8-Mb-long CEN1 and a 3.5-Mb-long CEN2. We also investigated the structure and epigenetics of centromeres. Four clusters of CEN180 monomers were detected, and the centromere-specific histone H3-like protein (CENH3) exhibited a strong preference for CEN180 Cluster 3. Moreover, we observed hypomethylation patterns in CENH3-enriched regions. We believe that this high-quality genome assembly, Col-XJTU, would serve as a valuable reference to better understand the global pattern of centromeric polymorphisms, as well as the genetic and epigenetic features in plants

    Near telomere-to-telomere genome assemblies of two Chlorella species unveil the composition and evolution of centromeres in green algae

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    Abstract Background Centromeres play a crucial and conserved role in cell division, although their composition and evolutionary history in green algae, the evolutionary ancestors of land plants, remains largely unknown. Results We constructed near telomere-to-telomere (T2T) assemblies for two Trebouxiophyceae species, Chlorella sorokiniana NS4-2 and Chlorella pyrenoidosa DBH, with chromosome numbers of 12 and 13, and genome sizes of 58.11 Mb and 53.41 Mb, respectively. We identified and validated their centromere sequences using CENH3 ChIP-seq and found that, similar to humans and higher plants, the centromeric CENH3 signals of green algae display a pattern of hypomethylation. Interestingly, the centromeres of both species largely comprised transposable elements, although they differed significantly in their composition. Species within the Chlorella genus display a more diverse centromere composition, with major constituents including members of the LTR/Copia, LINE/L1, and LINE/RTEX families. This is in contrast to green algae including Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, Coccomyxa subellipsoidea, and Chromochloris zofingiensis, in which centromere composition instead has a pronounced single-element composition. Moreover, we observed significant differences in the composition and structure of centromeres among chromosomes with strong collinearity within the Chlorella genus, suggesting that centromeric sequence evolves more rapidly than sequence in non-centromeric regions. Conclusions This study not only provides high-quality genome data for comparative genomics of green algae but gives insight into the composition and evolutionary history of centromeres in early plants, laying an important foundation for further research on their evolution

    DataSheet1_Integrating cell interaction with transcription factors to obtain a robust gene panel for prognostic prediction and therapies in cholangiocarcinoma.pdf

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    Objective: The efficacy of immunotherapy for cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) is blocked by a high degree of tumor heterogeneity. Cell communication contributes to heterogeneity in the tumor microenvironment. This study aimed to explore critical cell signaling and biomarkers induced via cell communication during immune exhaustion in CCA.Methods: We constructed empirical Bayes and Markov random field models eLBP to determine transcription factors, interacting genes, and associated signaling pathways involved in cell-cell communication using single-cell RNAseq data. We then analyzed the mechanism of immune exhaustion during CCA progression.Results: We found that VEGFA-positive macrophages with high levels of LGALS9 could interact with HAVCR2 to promote the exhaustion of CD8+ T cells in CCA. Transcription factors SPI1 and IRF1 can upregulate the expression of LGALS9 in VEGFA-positive macrophages. Subsequently, we obtained a panel containing 54 genes through the model, which identified subtype S2 with high expression of immune checkpoint genes that are suitable for immunotherapy. Moreover, we found that patients with subtype S2 with a higher mutation ratio of MUC16 had immune-exhausted genes, such as HAVCR2 and TIGIT. Finally, we constructed a nine-gene eLBP-LASSO-COX risk model, which was designated the tumor microenvironment risk score (TMRS).Conclusion: Cell communication-related genes can be used as important markers for predicting patient prognosis and immunotherapy responses. The TMRS panel is a reliable tool for prognostic prediction and chemotherapeutic decision-making in CCA.</p