72 research outputs found

    Guide pour l'établissement des plans de prévention et de sécurité des entreprises extérieures: Travaux et prestations de catégorie 2

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    Ce document a été élaboré par un groupe de travail ST/DI et TIS/GS en collaboration avec un préventeur / consultant de l'APAVE. Il est destiné à servir de guide et de référence pour l'élaboration des plans de prévention au sein de la division ST

    Multidimensional prognostic index and mortality in intermediate care facilities: A retrospective study

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    Multidimensional prognostic index (MPI) is a frailty assessment tool used for stratifying prognosis in older hospitalized people, but data regarding older people admitted to intermediate care facilities (ICFs) are missing. The aim of this study is to evaluate whether MPI can predict mortality in older patients admitted to the ICFs. MPI was calculated using different domains explored by a standard comprehensive geriatric assessment and categorized into tertiles (MPI-1 ≤ 0.20, MPI 2 0.20–0.34, MPI 3 > 0.34). A Cox’s regression analysis, taking mortality as the outcome, was used, reporting the results as hazard ratios (HRs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs). In total, 653 older patients were enrolled (mean age: 82 years, 59.1% females). Patients in MPI-2 (HR = 3.66; 95%CI: 2.45–5.47) and MPI-3 (HR = 6.22; 95%CI: 4.22–9.16) experienced a higher risk of mortality, compared to MPI-1. The accuracy of MPI in predicting mortality was good (area under the curve (AUC) = 0.74, 95%CI: 0.70–0.78). In conclusion, our study showed that prognostic stratification, as assessed by the MPI, was associated with a significantly different risk of mortality in older patients admitted to the ICFs, indicating the necessity of using a CGA-based tool for better managing older people in this setting as well. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    White matter tract disconnection in Gerstmann's syndrome: Insights from a single case study

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    It has been suggested that Gerstmann's syndrome is the result of subcortical disconnection rather than emerging from damage of a multifunctional brain region within the parietal lobe. However, patterns of white matter tract disconnection following parietal damage have been barely investigated. This single case study allows characterising Gerstmann's syndrome in terms of disconnected networks. We report the case of a left parietal patient affected by Gerstmann's tetrad: agraphia, acalculia, left/right orientation problems, and finger agnosia. Lesion mapping, atlas-based estimation of probability of disconnection, and DTI-based tractography revealed that the lesion was mainly located in the superior parietal lobule, and it caused disruption of both intraparietal tracts passing through the inferior parietal lobule (e.g., tracts connecting the angular, supramarginal, postcentral gyri, and the superior parietal lobule) and fronto-parietal long tracts (e.g., the superior longitudinal fasciculus). The lesion site appears to be located more superiorly as compared to the cerebral regions shown active by other studies during tasks impaired in the syndrome, and it reached the subcortical area potentially critical in the emergence of the syndrome, as hypothesised in previous studies. Importantly, the reconstruction of tracts connecting regions within the parietal lobe indicates that this critical subcortical area is mainly crossed by white matter tracts connecting the angular gyrus and the superior parietal lobule. Taken together, these findings suggest that this case study might be considered as empirical evidence of Gerstmann's tetrad caused by disconnection of intraparietal white matter tracts

    An Experimental Area for Short Baseline Neutrino Physics on the CERN Neutrino Beam to Gran Sasso

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    A new neutrino beam line from the CERN SPS to the Gran Sasso laboratory in Italy is presently under study. The new neutrino beam will allow both long baseline and short baseline neutrino oscillation experiments to be performed. This report presents a conceptual design of the short baseline experimental area to be located at a distance of 1858 m from the neutrino target

    Glycomics Analysis of Mammalian Heparan Sulfates Modified by the Human Extracellular Sulfatase HSulf2

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    The Sulfs are a family of endosulfatases that selectively modify the 6O-sulfation state of cell-surface heparan sulfate (HS) molecules. Sulfs serve as modulators of cell-signaling events because the changes they induce alter the cell surface co-receptor functions of HS chains. A variety of studies have been aimed at understanding how Sulfs modify HS structure, and many of these studies utilize Sulf knockout cell lines as the source for the HS used in the experiments. However, genetic manipulation of Sulfs has been shown to alter the expression levels of HS biosynthetic enzymes, and in these cases an assessment of the fine structural changes induced solely by Sulf enzymatic activity is not possible. Therefore, the present work aims to extend the understanding of substrate specificities of HSulf2 using in vitro experiments to compare HSulf2 activities on HS from different organ tissues.To further the understanding of Sulf enzymatic activity, we conducted in vitro experiments where a variety of mammalian HS substrates were modified by recombinant human Sulf2 (HSulf2). Subsequent to treatment with HSulf2, the HS samples were exhaustively depolymerized and analyzed using size-exclusion liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (SEC-LC/MS). We found that HSulf2 activity was highly dependent on the structural features of the HS substrate. Additionally, we characterized, for the first time, the activity of HSulf2 on the non-reducing end (NRE) of HS chains. The results indicate that the action pattern of HSulf2 at the NRE is different compared to internally within the HS chain.The results of the present study indicate that the activity of Sulfs is dependent on the unique structural features of the HS populations that they edit. The activity of HSulf2 at HS NREs implicates the Sulfs as key regulators of this region of the chains, and concomitantly, the protein-binding events that occur there

    Apc1-mediated antagonism of Wnt/beta-catenin signaling is required for retino-tectal pathfinding in the zebrafish.

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    The tumor suppressor Apc1 is an intracellular antagonist of the Wnt/beta-catenin pathway. We examined the effects of an Apc1 loss-of-function mutation on retino-tectal axon pathfinding in zebrafish. In apc mutants, the retina is disorganized and optic nerves portray pathfinding defects at the optic chiasm and do not project properly to the tectum. Wild-type cells, transplanted into mutant retinae, acquire retinal ganglion cell fate and project axons that cross at the mispositioned optic chiasm and extend to the contralateral tectum, suggesting a function of apc1 in axon pathfinding. These defects are caused mainly by stabilization of beta-catenin. These data demonstrate that Apc1 function is required for correct patterning of the retina and proper retinal ganglion axon projections.

    Prism adaptation in patients with unilateral lesion of the parietal or cerebellar cortex: A pilot study on two single cases using a concurrent exposure procedure

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    : Neuroimaging studies showed that prism adaptation (PA), a widely used tool for the rehabilitation of neglect, involves a wide network of brain regions including the parietal cortex and the cerebellum. In particular, the parietal cortex has been suggested to mediate the initial stage of PA through conscious compensatory mechanisms as a reaction to the deviation induced by PA. The cerebellum, on the other side, intervenes in sensory errors prediction to update internal models in later stages. It has been suggested that two mechanisms may underlie PA effects: recalibration, a strategic cognitive process occurring in the initial stages of PA, and realignment, a fully automatic reorganization of spatial maps emerging later and more slowly in time. The parietal lobe has been proposed to be involved mainly in the recalibration whereas the realignment would be carried over by the cerebellum. Previous studies have investigated the effects of a lesion involving either the cerebellum or the parietal lobe in PA taking into account both realignment and recalibration processes. Conversely, no studies have compared the performance of a patient with a cerebellar lesion to that of a patient with a parietal lesion. In the present study, we used a recently developed technique for digital PA to test for differences in visuomotor learning after a single session of PA in a patient with parietal and a patient with cerebellar lesions, respectively. The PA procedure, in this case, includes a digital pointing task based on a concurrent exposure technique, which allows patients to fully see their arm during the pointing task. This procedure has been shown to be as effective as the terminal exposure condition in neglect rehabilitation albeit different processes take place during concurrent exposure condition compared to the most used terminal exposure (allowing to see only the final part of the movement). Patients' performances were compared to that of a control group. A single session of PA was administered to 1) a patient (BC) with left parieto-occipital lesion involving superior parietal lobe (SPL) and inferior parietal lobe (IPL), 2) a patient (TGM) with a stroke in the territory sub-served by the superior cerebellar artery (SCA) , and 3) 14 healthy controls (HC). The task included three conditions: before wearing prismatic goggles (pre-exposure), while wearing prisms (exposure) and after removing the goggles (post-exposure). Mean deviations were calculated for the following phases: pre-exposure, early-exposure, late-exposure, post-exposure. The presence of after-effect was calculated as the difference between pre-exposure and post-exposure conditions. For each of these conditions, patients' performance was compared to that of the control group by using a modified Crawford t-test. We found that the patient with the parietal lesion had a significantly different performance in the late-exposure and in the post-exposure compared to both HC and the patient with the cerebellar lesion. Conversely, no differences were observed between TGM and HC across all the conditions. Our results show an increase in the magnitude of the adaptation during the late stage of PA in the patient with the parietal lesion whereas no differences in the performance between the cerebellar patient and the controls were found. These results confirm previous studies suggesting that the parietal cortex is an important node of a wider network involved in PA effect. Furthermore, results concerning the cerebellar patient suggest that visuomotor learning is not affected by lesions of the SCA territory when a concurrent exposure is used as, in such case, it less relies on sensory errors prediction to update internal models. Results are discussed considering the novelty of the applied PA technique
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