36 research outputs found

    Tensile properties of polypropylene/linear low-density polyethylene/nano-titanium dioxide nanocomposites using a two-level factorial experiment

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    In this paper, a 23 factorial design analysis was used to study the parameters affecting the mechanical characteristics of polypropylene/linear low-density polyethylene/nano-titanium dioxide (PP/LLDPE/TiO2) nanocomposites, and to optimize these factors in order to predict the maximum ultimate tensile strength (UTS), elastic modulus (EM), and yield strength (YS) simultaneously. To do this, two levels of nano-titanium dioxide (TiO2), linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) and styrene-ethylene-butylene-styrene (SEBS) as the coupling agent were selected and eight experiments were conducted for every response. The most effective factors influencing the UTS, EM, and YS were found, and acceptable prediction regression models were taken. One noted that nanoparticles increased the elastic modulus. The attendance of high levels of LLDPE and SEBS resulted in a decrease in YS and UTS. Moreover, the optimum values of variables were determined by using the contour plot

    Teräsrakenteiden suunnittelu ja mitoitus : työhallin rakentaminen ja kattoristikkojen suunnittelu

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    Opinnäytetyössä käsiteltiin teräsrakenteen ja kattoristikon suunnittelua Air-Q-c-yrityksille, jotka sijaitsevat Thaimassa. Tavoitteena oli suunnitella kattoristikko ja teräsrakenne teollisuushallin rakentamistavarten. Suunnittelussa matemaattisesti mitoitettiin ja laskettiin materiaalien lujuudet, kestävyys taivutusmomentille sekä kuormitukset teollisuushalliprojektin toteuttamiseen. Suunnitteluvaiheessa yleisesti huomioitiin rakenteiden kestävyyttä eri sääolosuhteissa esimerkiksi tuuli- ja sadekuormien suhteen. Suunnittelussa noudatettiin EU:n standardeja ja niiden pohjalta työhallin suunnittelua vietiin eteenpäin. Työssä selvitettiin mahdolliset vaihtoehtoiset kattoristikot ja tuloksena päädyttiin suunnittele- maan nelinkertainen howe-kattoristikko

    Suomalaisten vakuutusyhtiöiden tilinpäätösanalyysi

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    Opinnäytetyöni kertoo toimialan kannattavuudesta ja tulevaisuudennäkymästä. Kerron myös lyhyen aikavälin rahoitussuunnitelmasta sekä pitkä aikavälin rahoituspäätöksestä. Tällaiset tutkimukset voivat tarjota arvokasta tietoa ja oivalluksia niille, jotka harkitsevat yritystoiminnan aloittamista. Tässä työssä myös kerrotaan liiketoiminnan kannattavuuden määrittelemisestä ja rahoituksen jakaantuminen omiin ja vieraisiin pääomin. Kerrotaan investoinneista, sillä ne ovat olennainen osa liiketoiminnan suunnittelua ja päätöksentekoa. Se viittaa taloudellisiin resursseihin, jotka yritys käyttää hankkiakseen ja kehittääkseen omaisuuttaan tulevaisuuden hyötyjen saavuttamiseksi. Teoriaosuuden jälkeen tein case-yritysten tilinpäätösanalyysin. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli toteuttaa tilinpäätösanalyysi kolmesta eri vakuutusalan yrityksestä. Analyysin avulla pyrittiin selvittämään kohdeyritysten taloudellinen tilanne sekä vertailemaan niitä keskenään käyttäen erilaisia tunnuslukuja kannattavuuden, vakavaraisuuden ja maksuvalmiuden arvoimiseksi. Tilinpäätöstiedot olivat peräisin vuosilta 2021–2023. Tilinpäätösanalyysi antoi positiivisen kuvan vakuutusyhtiöiden taloudellisesta tilanteesta pandemian ja maailman turvallisuusuhkien keskellä

    Iranian-Islamic Wisdom Scale (IIWS): Conceptualization, Development and Validation in Iranian Culture

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    Wisdom is a multi-dimensional construct that is rooted in cultural values. The present study aimed to explore the concept of wisdom in Iranian culture and develop a valid and reliable tool to measure it. The study conducted in a mixed method style includes both qualitative and quantitative methods. The sample in the qualitative study was 233 people (131 female and 102 male). The sample of the quantitative study included 1201 people living in Tehran. Semi-structured interviews were used to collect data in the qualitative study and for collecting data in quantitative section, the web-based questionnaire was distributed and people voluntarily answered the questions. Colaizzi's phenomenological methodology was applied in the qualitative section.  In the qualitative study, the findings revealed that Iranian people defined wisdom in six components include: Strategic Thinking, Self-awareness, Spirituality, Adaptation, Pro-social Behaviors and Social Consulting. In the quantitative section, content validity was confirmed using CVR index. Structural validity was confirmed using confirmatory factor analysis. Iranian-Islamic Wisdom Scale showed positive relationships with Ardelt’s three-dimensional wisdom scale and Levenson’s Adult Self-Transcendence Inventory. The reliability of new scale was examined by internal contingency and reliability was satisfactory (Cronbach's α = 0.89). In general, the result showed that the wisdom is multi-dimensional and new IIWS scale appears to be a reliable and valid instrument for measuring wisdom in the Iranian’s culture

    Explaining the Model of Psychological Well-Being based on Wisdom Mediated by Feelings of Loneliness in Women

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    The purpose of this study was to design a model to explain wisdom-based psychological well-being and the mediating role of loneliness in women. The method of this research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-correlational in nature. The statistical population of this study was all women in Tehran in 1400. A total of 409 samples were selected by the available sampling method. The Riff 1995 Psychological Well-Being Questionnaire, the social and emotional loneliness scale and the 12-item wisdom scale were used for data collection. After data collection, data analysis was performed using spss24 and Amos24 software. Findings showed that the model has a good fit. Accordingly, psychological well-being has a direct and significant relationship with the variable of wisdom, and a significant inverse relationship with the feeling of loneliness (emotional and social). Based on these findings, it can be concluded that high feelings of loneliness (emotional and social) can have detrimental effects on psychological well-being and should be reduced by increasing wisdom to reduce the effects of loneliness to lead to increase psychological well-being. ‌‌ Women's Psychological Well-Being, Wisdom, Loneliness, Emotional Loneliness, Social loneliness. ‌ ‌Introduction The outbreak of Covid 19 can be considered an uncontrollable stressful event. Quarantine measures have disrupted daily life, which has a great impact on psychological well-being (López et al., 2020). Researchers have shown that psychological well-being decreases during the coronary crisis compared to pre-coronary psychological well-being and that symptoms such as anxiety, depression, nervousness, and frustration increase during the day (Tuason,  Güss, 2021). Social distance is now necessary to reduce the prevalence of the disease. However, this social distance leads to more loneliness and social isolation, which increases the risk of suicide, substance abuse and obesity, and so on. We are in a coronary condition between two epidemics, one coronary and the other solitary (Jeste, 2021); Research findings confirm that loneliness is a causal factor in the health and psychological well-being of various populations and has serious immediate and long-term consequences in mental health (Hooman, Ahadi, Sepah Mansour, Sheikhi, 2010). Research results indicate an inverse relationship between wisdom and loneliness and show the potential role of wisdom-enhancing interventions in reducing and preventing loneliness (Morlett Paredes et al., 2019). Wisdom consists of several specific components: social behaviour, emotional regulation, acceptance of different values, and assertiveness (Nguyen, 2021). Reinforcement of wisdom may lead to improved mental health and psychological well-being (Vásquez et al., 2020). The results showed that higher levels of lonliness were correlated with lower levels of wisdom and vice versa. Loneliness was associated with poor health, sleep quality, and happiness, and such results can be interpreted in two ways(Jeste, Di Somma, 2020). Given the negative effects of the corona pandemic and the feeling of loneliness of women in situations where their responsibilities have multiplied, and based on a review of the research background, it is expected that reducing loneliness will lead to increasing wisdom and psychological well-being. In this regard, these questions arise as to whether wisdom contributes to the psychological well-being of women. Can the feeling of loneliness play a meditating role in this regard or not?.   Methodology This study aimed to study the relationship between wisdom and the psychological well-being of women with moderating role of the feelings of loneliness. The method of this research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive. 409 women were selected by convenience sampling method. The 18-item Reef Psychological Well-Being Questionnaire, the Adult Social-Emotional Loneliness Questionnaire, and a 12-item 3D short-term wisdom questionnaire were used online. Data were analyzed using SPSS 24 and AMOS software.   Findings The results revealed a significant direct effect of wisdom, and feelings of loneliness on Psychological Well-Being. , and also, a moderating role of the feeling of loneliness (emotional and social) in the path of wisdom and Psychological Well-Being was significant. Generally, the fit indices of the whole model were appropriate.   Result The first hypothesis of the study based on the effect of wisdom on women's psychological well-being was confirmed. As a theoretical basis, we can combine the cognitive, reflective and emotional characteristics of wisdom, a cognitive dimension that refers to a person's capacity and desire to understand life and face ambiguity and uncertainty and gain the meaning of life that leads to increased psychological well-being in the individual.  The reflective dimension refers to a person's metacognition and reflective thinking skills and examining an event from multiple perspectives, The emotional dimension, includes a person's positive feelings and behaviours toward the world through empathy and compassion, and self-compassionate people deal with problems more kindly and without judgment. And the higher the wisdom, the higher the psychological well-being. Accordingly, wise women usually have high psychological well-being. Based on the second hypothesis, it is concluded that the feeling of loneliness (emotional and social) has a significant and inverse relationship with psychological well-being and wisdom. To explain this result, it can be said that when women feel that they are alone in society and do not feel any support in terms of the social environment around them, This feeling, in turn, harms self-acceptance, environmental dominance, a positive relationship with others, having a purpose in life, their personal growth and independence, and in general, their psychological well-being. The results also showed that there is an inverse relationship between wisdom and loneliness. To explain this result it can be said that the loneliness reaction increases activity in a part of the brain that is effective on attention and reduces attention and slows cognitive function, in contrast, the reaction of wisdom and happiness increases activity in the left insular that manages social characteristics like empathy (Grenan et al., 2021), so increasing wisdom can counteract negative cognitive factors of loneliness and minimize their effects. Another result was that wisdom has a significant effect on women's psychological well-being by mediating the role of loneliness (emotional, and social). Accordingly, people with positive efforts to develop empathy, humour, cognitive cohesion, visualization of wisdom in actions and positive influence on themselves and others will gain positive emotions and therefore will feel less lonely as a result, people will have high psychological well-being. those who have higher psychological well-being are happy, optimistic and have high emotional stability, try to solve their problems directly and are satisfied with their lives and feel happy (Afshari, Hashemi, 1398). Also, the wise response to coping with loneliness can reduce the negative effects of loneliness on life (Grenan et al., 2020), and thus help to increase women's psychological well-being by reducing loneliness

    Brain tumors

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