311 research outputs found

    Hubungan Kebisingan Terhadap Fungsi Pendengaran Pekerja Mesin Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Diesel Di PLTD Suluttenggo Kota Manado

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    : Noise is unwanted sound heard by ears. Damages of ears usually take place on the tympanic membrane or on the ossicles. Initially, there will be loss of hearing to high frequency noises, and it will gradually decrease to the lowest frequency noise. This study aimed to obtain the relationship of noise and hearing function among diesel power plant workers at PLTD Suluttenggo Manado. This was an analitycal study using a cross sectional design. Samples were 20 workers at PLTD Suluttenggo in Manado. Data were obtained by using questionnaires and examintaion of hearing function with an audiometry. The data were analyzed by using SPSS and the Spearmen test. The results showed that there were hearing impairment in 30% of the workers. According to the bivariate analysis, there was a significant relationship between the level of noise and the hearing impairment among the workers with a p value = 0.015 (p < 0.05). The most frequent hearing impairment among the workers was mixed hearing loss. Conclusion: Workers who worked in a place with high intensity noise had higher risk to develop hearing impairment

    Hubungan Antara Kebisingan Dan Fungsi Pendengaran Pada Petugas PT. Gapura Angkasa Di Bandar Udara Sam Ratulangi Manado

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    : The noise resulted from the advancement of transportation is an issue that cannot be avoided. The Noise Induced Hearing Loss is a decreases of auditory type sensorineural, which is initially not be aware, because there has not disturbed of daily conversation yet. Risk factors that affect the degree of severity of deafness are the intensity of the noise, frequency, long exposure per day, long working period, individual sensitivity, age and other factors that could influence. The aim of this research is to find out whether there is a relationship between noises by function of hearing at the officers of PT. Gapura Angkasa at Sam Ratulangi Airport, Manado. The Method of this research namely the analytic method is a design cross sectional study, and the samples were 20. The Measurement of noise levels is based on a unit of work the Operation which was obtained at the level of 75 dB and 85 dB Loading. From the results obtained from 20 staffs there are only 8 people who work exceed the Threshold Value (NAB) of noise which has been set. Conclusion: The result showed that there is hearing loss about 20 % in all the officers. The result Analysis Bivariat indicates that there is the absence of meaningful relations between noise-induced hearing disorder with the level of intensity noisy (p = 0.591). From the results of this research it can be concluded that the officers who work in on high intensity noise are more at risk of experiencing hearing loss compared to the officers who work on a low intensity noise level. In addition, the factors such as long hours of work, long exposure noise, the use of Ear Protectors Tools (EPT) was also very influential of the onset hearing loss in workers

    Penggunaan Radioisotop Pada Deteksi Dini Penyakit Kanker

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    : Application of nuclear techniques, both the applications of radiation and radio-isotopes, are very useful since the use of atomic energy program for peaceful purposes was launched in 1953. Positron Emission Tomography (PET) is a new method for imaging the physiological functions of human tissues. Radiant energy emitted by a source of radiation can cause changes in terms of physical, chemical, and biological material in its path. Changes that occur can be controlled by choosing the type of radiation (or neutron) and regulate the dose absorbed, according to the effect needed to be achieved. Based on these properties, the radiation can be used directly such as in radiotherapy, and sterilization. In addition, the radiation emitted by a radioisotope, location and distribution can be detected from outside the body proper, and its activity can be measured accurately; therefore, the use of radioisotopes as tracer is very useful in metabolic studies, as well as tracking techniques and management or treatment of various organs, without having to perform surgery, particularly its use for early detection of cancer cells, or better known methods of cancer with PET

    Hubungan Antara Senam Zumba Terhadap Nilai FEV1 Pada Mahasiswa Semester 1 Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado

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    : Zumba is one of the physical activities that inspired by a variety of dances in Latin America and was developed in Colombia. Increasing of respiratory muscle endurance can be achieved by physical excersices. Respiratory function measured by FEV1 (Forced Expiratory Volume in One Second) value gives information about the maximum speed of air flow within the lungs. This study used one group pre and post test design plan and experimentally. Respondents were the first year female students of Medical Faculty Sam Ratulangi University Manado. Data were analyzed by using the T-pair test and SPSS. The bivariate analysis showed a P value 0.000 between the FEV1 between 2 weeks before zumba excercise and 2 weeks after zumba excercise. Conclusion: There was a positive correlation between zumba excercise and the FEV1

    Analisis Gangguan Pendengaran Pada Penyelam Di Danau Tondano Desa Watumea Kecamatan Eris Kabupaten Minahasa Provinsi Sulawesi Utara 2014

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    : Hearing disorder is the change in the level of hearing which resulted in difficulties in carrying out a normal life, usually in terms of understanding speech. This study aimed to analyze hearing disorder that may arise among the divers in Watumea Eris, North Sulawesi, in 2014. This was an analytical study using a cross sectional approach. Population consisted of all divers in Lake Tondano during 2014. Samples were 20 people, obtained by using a purposive sampling technique based on the needs of researcher. The results of the analysis in the form of age (p = 0.157), education (p = 0.662), tenure (p = 0.850), history of the disease (p = 0.897), diving frequency (p = 0.577), using protective equipment (p = 0.075), diving depth (p = 0.526), and duration of diving (p = 0.964). Conclusion: There was no correlation of diving and hearing disorder among divers at lake Tondano Watumea Eris village district of Minahasa North Sulawesi Province during 2014

    All grown up? The fate after 15 years of a quarter of a million UK firms born in 1998

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    The theory of firm growth is in a rather unsatisfactory state. However, the analysis of large firm-level datasets which have become available in recent years allows us to begin building an evidence base which can, in turn, be used to underpin the development of more satisfactory theory. Here we study the 239 thousand UK private sector firms born in 1998 over their first 15 years of life. A first, and quite striking, finding is the extraordinary force of mortality. By age 15, 90% of the UK firms born in 1998 are dead, and, for those surviving to age 15, the hazard of death is still about 10% a year. The chance of death is related to the size and growth of firms in an interesting way. Whilst the hazard rate after 15 years is largely independent of size at birth, it is strongly affected by the current (age 14) size. In particular, firms with more than five employees are half as likely to die in the next year as firms with less than five employees. A second important finding is that most firms, even those which survive to age 15, do not grow very much. By age 15 more than half the 26,000 survivors still have less than five jobs. In other words, the growth paths – what we call the ‘growth trajectories’ – of most of the 26,000 survivors are pretty flat. However, of the firms that do grow, firms born smaller grow faster than those born larger. Another striking finding is that growth is heavily concentrated in the first five years. Whilst growth does continue, even up to age 15, each year after age five it involves only a relatively small proportion of firms. Finally, there are two groups of survivors which contribute importantly to job creation. Some are those born relatively large (with more than 20 jobs) although their growth rate is quite modest. More striking though, is a very small group of firms born very small with less than five jobs (about 5% of all survivors) which contribute a substantial proportion (more than one third) of the jobs added to the cohort total by age 15
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