399 research outputs found

    Band Distributions for Quantum Chaos on the Torus

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    Band distributions (BDs) are introduced describing quantization in a toral phase space. A BD is the uniform average of an eigenstate phase-space probability distribution over a band of toral boundary conditions. A general explicit expression for the Wigner BD is obtained. It is shown that the Wigner functions for {\em all} of the band eigenstates can be reproduced from the Wigner BD. Also, BDs are shown to be closer to classical distributions than eigenstate distributions. Generalized BDs, associated with sets of adjacent bands, are used to extend in a natural way the Chern-index characterization of the classical-quantum correspondence on the torus to arbitrary rational values of the scaled Planck constant.Comment: 12 REVTEX page

    Old Tools, New Ways of Using Them: Harnessing Expert Opinions to Plan for Surprise in Marine Socio-Ecological Systems

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    Copyright © 2019 Gladstone-Gallagher, Hope, Bulmer, Clark, Stephenson, Mangan, Rullens, Siwicka, Thomas, Pilditch, Savage and Thrush. With globally accelerating rates of environmental disturbance, coastal marine ecosystems are increasingly prone to non-linear regime shifts that result in a loss of ecosystem function and services. A lack of early-detection methods, and an over reliance on limits-based approaches means that these tipping points manifest as surprises. Consequently, marine ecosystems are notoriously difficult to manage, and scientists, managers, and policy makers are paralyzed in a spiral of ecosystem degradation. This paralysis is caused by the inherent need to quantify the risk and uncertainty that surrounds every decision. While progress toward forecasting tipping points is ongoing and important, an interim approach is desperately needed to enable scientists to make recommendations that are credible and defensible in the face of deep uncertainty. We discuss how current tools for developing risk assessments and scenario planning, coupled with expert opinions, can be adapted to bridge gaps in quantitative data, enabling scientists and managers to prepare for many plausible futures. We argue that these tools are currently underutilized in a marine cumulative effects context but offer a way to inform decisions in the interim while predictive models and early warning signals remain imperfect. This approach will require redefining the way we think about managing for ecological surprise to include actions that not only limit drivers of tipping points but increase socio-ecological resilience to yield satisfactory outcomes under multiple possible futures that are inherently uncertain

    Adopt a Lake: Successfully Tracking Harmful Cyanobacterial Blooms in Canadian Surface Waters Through Citizen Science

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    The proliferation of harmful waterborne cyanobacterial algal blooms, some of which can produce potent toxins, poses severe risks to environmental and human health. Academic and governmental monitoring efforts may be constrained by budget, time, and staff, and thus miss otherwise significant pollution events. Here, we report on the implementation of a citizen science project to track harmful cyanobacterial blooms in lakes and waterways across Canada. Through both crowdsourcing and crowdfunding, the Adopt a Lake (Adopt a Lake 2022) campaign aimed to document the potential presence of cyanobacteria and toxins with the assistance of participants, thus improving public awareness of the issue of water quality preservation. Using social media, participants were encouraged to participate in the initiative by collecting samples during a bloom from a nearby pond or by making a financial contribution to support the initiative. Adopt a Lake benefitted from the analytical platform of Algal Blooms Treatment, Risk Assessment, Predictions, and Prevention (ATRAPP), a research project focused on the prediction and management of harmful cyanobacterial blooms. The presence of cyanotoxins, which can confirm whether a lake has a toxic bloom, was determined through high-resolution mass spectrometry analyses. This paper presents an overview of the implementation of the Adopt a Lake initiative, the campaign’s status, and the lessons learned, and it argues the importance of continual monitoring of cyanobacterial blooms

    Twilight zone observation network: a distributed observation network for sustained, real-time interrogation of the ocean’s twilight zone

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    © The Author(s), 2021. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Thorrold, S. R., Adams, A., Bucklin, A., Buesseler, K., Fischer, G., Govindarajan, A., Hoagland, P., Jin, D., Lavery, A., Llopez, J., Madin, L., Omand, M., Renaud, P. G., Sosik, H. M., Wiebe, P., Yoerger, D. R., & Zhang, W. Twilight zone observation network: a distributed observation network for sustained, real-time interrogation of the Ocean’s Twilight Zone. Marine Technology Society Journal, 55(3), (2021): 92–93, https://doi.org/10.4031/MTSJ.55.3.46.The ocean's twilight zone (TZ) is a vast, globe-spanning region of the ocean. Home to myriad fishes and invertebrates, mid-water fishes alone may constitute 10 times more biomass than all current ocean wild-caught fisheries combined. Life in the TZ supports ocean food webs and plays a critical role in carbon capture and sequestration. Yet the ecological roles that mesopelagic animals play in the ocean remain enigmatic. This knowledge gap has stymied efforts to determine the effects that extraction of mesopelagic biomass by industrial fisheries, or alterations due to climate shifts, may have on ecosystem services provided by the open ocean. We propose to develop a scalable, distributed observation network to provide sustained interrogation of the TZ in the northwest Atlantic. The network will leverage a “tool-chest” of emerging and enabling technologies including autonomous, unmanned surface and underwater vehicles and swarms of low-cost “smart” floats. Connectivity among in-water assets will allow rapid assimilation of data streams to inform adaptive sampling efforts. The TZ observation network will demonstrate a bold new step towards the goal of continuously observing vast regions of the deep ocean, significantly improving TZ biomass estimates and understanding of the TZ's role in supporting ocean food webs and sequestering carbon.This research is part of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution’s Ocean Twilight Zone Project, funded as part of The Audacious Project housed at TED

    Chaotic systems in complex phase space

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    This paper examines numerically the complex classical trajectories of the kicked rotor and the double pendulum. Both of these systems exhibit a transition to chaos, and this feature is studied in complex phase space. Additionally, it is shown that the short-time and long-time behaviors of these two PT-symmetric dynamical models in complex phase space exhibit strong qualitative similarities.Comment: 22 page, 16 figure

    HIF-1 and SKN-1 Coordinate the Transcriptional Response to Hydrogen Sulfide in Caenorhabditis elegans

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    Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) has dramatic physiological effects on animals that are associated with improved survival. C. elegans grown in H2S are long-lived and thermotolerant. To identify mechanisms by which adaptation to H2S effects physiological functions, we have measured transcriptional responses to H2S exposure. Using microarray analysis we observe rapid changes in the abundance of specific mRNAs. The number and magnitude of transcriptional changes increased with the duration of H2S exposure. Functional annotation suggests that genes associated with protein homeostasis are upregulated upon prolonged exposure to H2S. Previous work has shown that the hypoxia-inducible transcription factor, HIF-1, is required for survival in H2S. In fact, we show that hif-1 is required for most, if not all, early transcriptional changes in H2S. Moreover, our data demonstrate that SKN-1, the C. elegans homologue of NRF2, also contributes to H2S-dependent changes in transcription. We show that these results are functionally important, as skn-1 is essential to survive exposure to H2S. Our results suggest a model in which HIF-1 and SKN-1 coordinate a broad transcriptional response to H2S that culminates in a global reorganization of protein homeostasis networks

    Host Immune Response to Mosquito-Transmitted Chikungunya Virus Differs from That Elicited by Needle Inoculated Virus

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    Mosquito-borne diseases are a worldwide public health threat. Mosquitoes transmit viruses or parasites during feeding, along with salivary proteins that modulate host responses to facilitate both blood feeding and pathogen transmission. Understanding these earliest events in mosquito transmission of arboviruses by mosquitoes is essential for development and assessment of rational vaccine and treatment strategies. In this report, we compared host immune responses to chikungunya virus (CHIKV) transmission by (1) mosquito bite, or (2) by needle inoculation.Differential cytokine expression was measured using quantitative real-time RT-PCR, at sites of uninfected mosquito bites, CHIKV-infected mosquito bites, and needle-inoculated CHIKV. Both uninfected and CHIKV infected mosquitoes polarized host cytokine response to a TH2 profile. Compared to uninfected mosquito bites, expression of IL-4 induced by CHIKV-infected mosquitoes were 150 fold and 527.1 fold higher at 3 hours post feeding (hpf) and 6 hpf, respectively. A significant suppression of TH1 cytokines and TLR-3 was also observed. These significant differences may result from variation in the composition of uninfected and CHIKV-infected mosquito saliva. Needle injected CHIKV induced a robust interferon-gamma, no detectable IL-4, and a significant up-regulation of TLR-3.This report describes the first analysis of cutaneous cytokines in mice bitten by CHIKV-infected mosquitoes. Our data demonstrate contrasting immune activation in the response to CHIKV infection by mosquito bite or needle inoculation. The significant role of mosquito saliva in these earliest events of CHIKV transmission and infection are highlighted
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