4 research outputs found

    Additional file 1: Table S1. of Towards a phenome-wide catalog of human clinical traits impacted by genetic ancestry

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    Transformed continuous outcomes tested for an association with global European ancestry in African Americans from EAGLE BioVU. Tests of association were performed using linear regression between 33 transformed (1 + natural logarithm) continuous outcomes and percent European global genetic ancestry among African Americans in EAGLE BioVU (n = 11,166). Test results of all associations are shown for each outcome tested. Significant associations are bolded and italicized. Abbreviations: odds ratio (OR), standard deviation (SD), and standard error (SE). Table S2. Transformed continuous outcomes tested for an association with global African ancestry in African Americans from EAGLE BioVU. Tests of association were performed using linear regression between 33 transformed (1 + natural logarithm) continuous outcomes and percent African global genetic ancestry among African Americans in EAGLE BioVU (n = 11,166). Test results of all associations are shown for each outcome test. Significant associations are bolded and italicized. Abbreviations: odds ratio (OR), standard deviation (SD), and standard error (SE). (DOCX 23 kb