10 research outputs found

    Pertumbuhan dan Tanggapan Terhadap Penyakit karat (Puccinia kuehnii) Sembilan Klon Tebu (Saccharum officinarum L.) yang Diinfeksi Jamur Mikoriza Arbuskular

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    INTISARIJamur Mikoriza Arbuskular (JMA) berpotensi tinggi untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan, produksi, dan ketahanan tanaman terhadap penyakit, oleh karena itu sering digunakan sebagai bahan pupuk hayati. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui tingkat infektivitas JMA pada beberapa klon tebu, tanggapan pertumbuhan klon-klon tebu, dan ketahanannya terhadap penyakit karat, sebagai modal awal program pemuliaan tanaman tebu rendah pupuk kimia. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan mulai bulan Desember 2012 sampai dengan Juli 2013 di rumah plastik Condongcatur dan di Laboratorium Mikologi Pertanian, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Gadjah Mada. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok Lengkap (RAKL) dengan 2 faktor dan 3 ulangan. Faktor pertama adalah penggunaan sembilan klon tebu terdiri dari 9 taraf yaitu klon 6219, 6202, 6239, 6525, 6535, PS92-752, BL, PS881, dan PSJK922. Faktor kedua adalah pemberian inokulasi JMA dan tanpa inokulasi JMA. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan analisis sidik ragam α = 5%, apabila terdapat beda nyata antar perlakuan maka dilanjutkan dengan uji lanjut Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) α = 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa infektivitas sembilan klon tebu menunjukkan nilai yang tinggi yaitu di atas 70%. JMA dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan tebu ditinjau dari parameter tinggi tanaman, jumlah anakan, kehijauan daun, berat segar, dan berat kering. Klon 6239 yang memiliki respon pertumbuhan paling baik secara umum, dengan berat kering total paling tinggi dibandingkan klon yang lain. Hasil skoring ketahanan penyakit menunjukkan klon 6202, 6219, dan BL agak tahan terhadap infeksi penyakit karat oranye, sedangkan klon 6239, 6525, 6535, PS92-752, PS881, dan PSJK922 agak rentan terhadap infeksi penyakit karat oranye. JMA mampu meningkatkan ketahanan klon tebu 6239 dari agak rentan (moderate susceptible) menjadi agak tahan (moderate resistant) terhadap infeksi penyakit karat oranye. Klon 6239 dapat digunakan dalam program pemuliaan tanaman tebu yang bersimbiosis baik dengan JMA.Kata kunci: Jamur Mikoriza Arbuskular (JMA), tebu, penyakit karat oranye

    Trogons and Quetzals of the World

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    Hukum perlindungan anak dan penghapusan kekerasan dalam rumah tangga/ Makarao

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    viii, 274 hal., tab.; 23 cm

    Faktor budaya "hatuka ha'i" dalam perawatan masa nifas

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    Background: National statistics show that 7% of childbirths were given at midwife house and 19% in hospital or private clinics. In NTT 70% of childbirths were given at home and half of these were assisted by traditional birth attendants and the family. Whereas at Belu District 39,43% of childbirths were assisted by health practitioners and 60,57% by traditional birth attendants and the family at home. This figure has significantly changed since 2003, in which 85,5% of childbirths were assisted by health practitioners and 13,5% by traditional birth attendants. However, the fact proves that there are lots of mothers who are assisted by traditional birth attendants and family during childbirth who practice Hatuka ha'i. Hatuka ha'i is a care given during traditional puerperal period by Tetun Tribe of Belu District, whereby for 40 days a mother and her newly born baby have to stay close to a fireplace and are not allowed to go out of the house. The mother has to eat warm foods, have warm drink and take a bath using warm water. Methods: The subject of the study was mothers during puerperal period who practice Hatuka ha'i. The study used a qualitative descriptive method. The sample includes mothers having practiced Hatuka ha'i. The variables of the study were Hatuka ha'i cultural factors. Results: The reasons why mothers and the family practiced Hatuka ha'i include economic factor, support from the family, convenience, normal pregnancy and previous experience with Hatuka ha'i. Whereas the following were Hatuka ha'i phenomena: the house for giving birth was closed and did not have ventilation, the fireplace was made to keep mothers and babies warm, mothers were restricted from activities and movement during Hatuka ha'i, mothers were not allowed to go out of the house and do other activities, there was restriction to certain food, and mothers were to eat boiled corn only, and mothers and their babies had to stay close to a fireplace for 40 days of Hatuka ha'i. Keywords: Hatuka ha'i, parturition, Tetun Tribe, puerperal perio

    Faktor Budaya "Hatuka Ha\u27Iâ Dalam Perawatan Masa Nifas

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    Abstract: Background: National statistics show that 7% of childbirths were given at midwife house and 19% in hospital or private clinics. In NTT 70% of childbirths were given at home and half of these were assisted by traditional birth attendants and the family. Whereas at Belu District 39,43% of childbirths were assisted by health practitioners and 60,57% by traditional birth attendants and the family at home. This figure has significantly changed since 2003, in which 85,5% of childbirths were assisted by health practitioners and 13,5% by traditional birth attendants. However, the fact proves that there are lots of mothers who are assisted by traditional birth attendants and family during childbirth who practice Hatuka ha\u27i. Hatuka ha\u27i is a care given during traditional puerperal period by Tetun Tribe of Belu District, whereby for 40 days a mother and her newly born baby have to stay close to a fireplace and are not allowed to go out of the house. The mother has to eat warm foods, have warm drink and take a bath using warm water. Methods: The subject of the study was mothers during puerperal period who practice Hatuka ha\u27i. The study used a qualitative descriptive method. The sample includes mothers having practiced Hatuka ha\u27i. The variables of the study were Hatuka ha\u27i cultural factors. Results: The reasons why mothers and the family practiced Hatuka ha\u27i include economic factor, support from the family, convenience, normal pregnancy and previous experience with Hatuka ha\u27i. Whereas the following were Hatuka ha\u27i phenomena: the house for giving birth was closed and did not have ventilation, the fireplace was made to keep mothers and babies warm, mothers were restricted from activities and movement during Hatuka ha\u27i, mothers were not allowed to go out of the house and do other activities, there was restriction to certain food, and mothers were to eat boiled corn only, and mothers and their babies had to stay close to a fireplace for 40 days of Hatuka ha\u27i. Keywords: Hatuka ha\u27i, parturition, Tetun Tribe, puerperal perio

    Hukum perlindungan anak dan penghapusan kekerasan dalam rumah tangga/ Makarao

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    viii, 274 hal.: tab.; 23 c

    Strategy Marketing of Watermelon Commodity by UMKM in Langkat Regency to Facing the Asean Economic Community

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    This research to find out how the marketing of Watermelon by Micro Small Medium Enterprises in Langkat Regency. Internal and external factors of marketing Watermelon, alternative strategy and strategic priorities set in marketing activities by MSME’s in Langkat Regency. This research was conducted in 5 districts and using SWOT Analysis Method. The results show that the strategy used is Quadrant I strategy (Aggressive Strategy), where this position is a very profitable position. A business that has the opportunity and power so that it can take advantage of the opportunities that exist to the fullest. This strategy supports aggressive growth policies and suggests a growth-oriented strategy to take advantage of the favorable situation. What UMKM can do in implementing this aggressive strategy is to take advantage of the high productivity and demand for watermelon so that MSMEs continue to do an important aspect in order to continue marketing with the help of existing marketing institutions