311 research outputs found

    Dan T. Carter to Mr. Meredith (29 September 1962)

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    NLRB Jurisdiction over Foreign Governments

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    In State Bank of India the National Labor Relations Board reversed its discretionary abstention policy and asserted jurisdiction over the American operations of a foreign government employer. Previously the Board had declined to assert jurisdiction over these employers out of deference to foreign sovereigns, and because of the Supreme Court\u27s admonition against extraterritorial application of the National Labor Relations Act in the absence of an affirmative intention of the Congress clearly expressed. The Board now believes that neither public policy nor the policies of the NLRA can justify abstention. Although the Board has deemed the recently enacted Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act of 19767 (FSIA) inapplicable to its administrative proceedings, it nonetheless believes that the FSIA supports its decision to assert jurisdiction over foreign government employers doing business within the United States. This paper will analyze the Board\u27s new approach in light of both judicial developments under the NLRA and the Act\u27s legislative history. The FSIA also bears examination to determine its applicability to, and possible effect upon, Board determinations involving foreign government employers. The appropriateness of the Board\u27s decision to assert jurisdiction must ultimately be determined in the context of the policies underlying the Board\u27s earlier abstention, the policies now emphasized by the NLRB, and the concerns of the Congress as reflected in its enactment of the FSIA


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    Paper on the author's reminiscences of personal experiences in archives while researching the Scottsboro Case and George Wallace. Paper also addresses the challenges that historians face in accessing records. Presented at Southern Sources: A Symposium Celebrating Seventy-Five Years of the Southern Historical Collection, 18-19 March 2005 in the Wilson Library at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

    Extremal Presentations for Classical Lie Algebras

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    The long-root elements in Lie algebras of Chevalley type have been well studied and can be characterized as extremal elements, that is, elements xx such that the image of (\ad x)^2 lies in the subspace spanned by xx. In this paper, assuming an algebraically closed base field of characteristic not 2, we find presentations of the Lie algebras of classical Chevalley type by means of minimal sets of extremal generators. The relations are described by simple graphs on the sets. For example, for CnC_n the graph is a path of length 2n2n, and for AnA_n the graph is the triangle connected to a path of length n−3n-3.Comment: 26 pages, 6 figure

    Recent Decisions

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    ANTITRUST--Import Restrictions--Import Ban Ordered as Equitable Relief for Violation of Section 7 of the Clayton Act Must Not Discriminate Against Foreign Producers or Reduce Competition ======================= European Communities--Restrictive Trade Practices--Patent Licensing Agreements that Restrict Competition between Member States Without Improving Production or Distribution or Promoting Technical or Economic Progress Violate Article 85 ======================== JURISDICTION--CONTINENTAL SHELF--ABANDONED VESSEL SALVAGED FROM THE SURFACE OF THE UNITED STATES CONTINENTAL SHELF BEYOND TERRITORIAL WATERS IS NOT UNDER JURISDICTION OF UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT =========================== IMMIGRATION--A STATE MAY PROHIBIT THE EMPLOYMENT OF ILLEGAL ALIEN

    Legal coercion, respect & reason-responsive agency

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    Legal coercion seems morally problematic because it is susceptible to the Hegelian objection that it fails to respect individuals in a way that is ‘due to them as men’. But in what sense does legal coercion fail to do so? And what are the grounds for this requirement to respect? This paper is an attempt to answer these questions. It argues that (a) legal coercion fails to respect individuals as reason-responsive agents; and (b) individuals ought to be respected as such in virtue of the fact that they are human beings. Thus it is in this sense that legal coercion fails to treat individuals with the kind of respect ‘due to them as men’.The Leverhulme Trust (ECF-2012-032); AHRC (AH/H015655/1

    Machine Learning Prediction of Critical Cooling Rate for Metallic Glasses From Expanded Datasets and Elemental Features

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    We use a random forest model to predict the critical cooling rate (RC) for glass formation of various alloys from features of their constituent elements. The random forest model was trained on a database that integrates multiple sources of direct and indirect RC data for metallic glasses to expand the directly measured RC database of less than 100 values to a training set of over 2,000 values. The model error on 5-fold cross validation is 0.66 orders of magnitude in K/s. The error on leave out one group cross validation on alloy system groups is 0.59 log units in K/s when the target alloy constituents appear more than 500 times in training data. Using this model, we make predictions for the set of compositions with melt-spun glasses in the database, and for the full set of quaternary alloys that have constituents which appear more than 500 times in training data. These predictions identify a number of potential new bulk metallic glass (BMG) systems for future study, but the model is most useful for identification of alloy systems likely to contain good glass formers, rather than detailed discovery of bulk glass composition regions within known glassy systems

    BEAMing and Droplet Digital PCR Analysis of Mutant IDH1 mRNA in Glioma Patient Serum and Cerebrospinal Fluid Extracellular Vesicles

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    Development of biofluid-based molecular diagnostic tests for cancer is an important step towards tumor characterization and real-time monitoring in a minimally invasive fashion. Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are released from tumor cells into body fluids and can provide a powerful platform for tumor biomarkers because they carry tumor proteins and nucleic acids. Detecting rare point mutations in the background of wild-type sequences in biofluids such as blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) remains a major challenge. Techniques such as BEAMing (beads, emulsion, amplification, magnetics) PCR and droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) are substantially more sensitive than many other assays for mutant sequence detection. Here, we describe a novel approach that combines biofluid EV RNA and BEAMing RT-PCR (EV-BEAMing), as well droplet digital PCR to interrogate mutations from glioma tumors. EVs from CSF of patients with glioma were shown to contain mutant IDH1 transcripts, and we were able to reliably detect and quantify mutant and wild-type IDH1 RNA transcripts in CSF of patients with gliomas. EV-BEAMing and EV-ddPCR represent a valuable new strategy for cancer diagnostics, which can be applied to a variety of biofluids and neoplasms

    Stronger and More Vulnerable: A Balanced View of the Impacts of the NICU Experience on Parents

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    For parents, the experience of having an infant in the NICU is often psychologically traumatic. No parent can be fully prepared for the extreme stress and range of emotions of caring for a critically ill newborn. As health care providers familiar with the NICU, we thought that we understood the impact of the NICU on parents. But we were not prepared to see the children in our own families as NICU patients. Here are some of the lessons our NICU experience has taught us. We offer these lessons in the hope of helping health professionals consider a balanced view of the NICU's impact on families

    Emotional ratings and skin conductance response to visual, auditory and haptic stimuli

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    The human emotional reactions to stimuli delivered by different sensory modalities is a topic of interest for many disciplines, from Human-Computer-Interaction to cognitive sciences. Different databases of stimuli eliciting emotional reaction are available, tested on a high number of participants. Interestingly, stimuli within one database are always of the same type. In other words, to date, no data was obtained and compared from distinct types of emotion-eliciting stimuli from the same participant. This makes it difficult to use different databases within the same experiment, limiting the complexity of experiments investigating emotional reactions. Moreover, whereas the stimuli and the participants’ rating to the stimuli are available, physiological reactions of participants to the emotional stimuli are often recorded but not shared. Here, we test stimuli delivered either through a visual, auditory, or haptic modality in a within participant experimental design. We provide the results of our study in the form of a MATLAB structure including basic demographics on the participants, the participant’s self-assessment of his/her emotional state, and his/her physiological reactions (i.e., skin conductance)
