1,684 research outputs found

    Novel nano-rough polymers for cartilage tissue engineering

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    Detection of [O I] 63 Micron Emission from the Galactic Center

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    The detection of the 63 microns line of [O I] is reported for three positions in the H II region complex Sgr A at the galactic center. Velocity resolution of the line indicates that the emitting material has both rotational and radial motion of magnitude similar to that of the ionized gas in the core and that a substantial amount of the emitting material lies within the central few parsecs of the Galaxy. A model in which [O I] is collisionally excited by neutral hydrogen, either from the warm region ahead of an ionization front or behind a shock, is proposed and gives a total mass of hot, neutral gas within the central 3 pc of the Galaxy of between 10 and 10(exp 3) solar mass. A limit on the flux of this line has been set for Sgr B2

    Characteristics of the complete mitochondrial genome of Suhpalacsa longialata (Neuroptera, Ascalaphidae) and its phylogenetic implications

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    The owlflies (Family Ascalaphidae) belong to the Neuroptera but are often mistaken as dragonflies because of morphological characters. To date, only three mitochondrial genomes of Ascalaphidae, namely Libelloides macaronius; Ascaloptynx appendiculatus; Ascalohybris subjacens, are published in GenBank, meaning that they are greatly under-represented in comparison with the 430 described species reported in this family. In this study, we sequenced and described the complete mitochondrial genome of Suhpalacsa longialata (Neuroptera, Ascalaphidae). The total length of the S. longialata mitogenome was 15,911 bp, which is the longest known to date among the available family members of Ascalaphidae. However, the size of each gene was similar to the other three Ascalaphidae species. The S. longialata mitogenome included a transposition of tRNACys and tRNATrp genes and formed an unusual gene arrangement tRNACys-tRNATrp-tRNATyr (CWY). It is likely that the transposition occurred by a duplication of both genes followed by random loss of partial duplicated genes. The nucleotide composition of the S. longialata mitogenome was as follows: A = 41.0%, T = 33.8%, C = 15.5%, G = 9.7%. Both Bayesian inference and ML analyses strongly supported S. longialata as a sister clade to (Ascalohybris subjacens + L. macaronius), and indicated that Ascalaphidae is not monophyletic

    The complete mitochondrial genome of Pyxicephalus adspersus: High gene rearrangement and phylogenetics of one of the world's largest frogs

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    The family Pyxicephalidae including two subfamilies (Cacosterninae and Pyxicephalinae) is an ecologically important group of frogs distributed in sub- Saharan Africa. However, its phylogenetic position among the Anura has remained uncertain. The present study determined the complete mitochondrial genome sequence of Pyxicephalus adspersus, the first representative mitochondrial genome from the Pyxicephalinae, and reconstructed the phylogenetic relationships within Ranoidae using 10 mitochondrial protein-coding genes of 59 frog species. The P. adspersus mitochondrial genome showed major gene rearrangement and an exceptionally long length that is not shared with other Ranoidae species. The genome is 24,317 bp in length, and contains 15 protein-coding genes (including extra COX3 and Cyt b genes), four rRNA genes (including extra 12S rRNA and 16S rRNA genes), 29 tRNA genes (including extra tRNALeu (UAG), tRNALeu (UUR), tRNAThr, tRNAPro, tRNAPhe, tRNAVal, tRNAGln genes) and two control regions (CRs). The Dimer- Mitogenome and Tandem duplication and random loss models were used to explain these gene arrangements. Finally, both Bayesian inference and maximum likelihood analyses supported the conclusion that Pyxicephalidae was monophyletic and that Pyxicephalidae was the sister clade of (Petropedetidae + Ptychadenidae)

    Decreased Fibroblast and Increased Osteoblast Functions on Ionic Plasma Deposited Nanostructured Ti Coatings

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    Bioactive coatings are in high demand to control cellular functions for numerous medical devices. The objective of this in vitro study was to characterize for the first time fibroblast (fibrous scar tissue forming cells) adhesion and proliferation on an important polymeric biomaterial (silicone) coated with titanium using a novel ionic plasma deposition (IPD) process. Fibroblasts are one of the first anchorage-dependent cells to arrive at an implant surface during the wound healing process. Persistent excessive functions of fibroblasts have been linked to detrimental fibrous tissue formation which may cause implant failure. The IPD process creates a surface-engineered nanostructure (with features usually below 100 nm) by first using a vacuum to remove all contaminants, then guiding charged metallic ions or plasma to the surface of a medical device at ambient temperature. Results demonstrated that compared to currently used titanium and uncoated silicone, silicone coated with titanium using IPD significantly decreased fibroblast adhesion and proliferation. Results also showed competitively increased osteoblast (bone-forming cells) over fibroblast adhesion on silicone coated with titanium; in contrast, osteoblast adhesion was not competitively increased over fibroblast adhesion on uncoated silicone or titanium controls. In this manner, this study strongly suggests that IPD should be further studied for biomaterial applications in which fibrous tissue encapsulation is undesirable (such as for orthopedic implants, cardiovascular components, etc.)

    The complete mitochondrial genomes of five longicorn beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) and phylogenetic relationships within Cerambycidae

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    Cerambycidae is one of the most diversified groups within Coleoptera and includes nearly 35,000 known species. The relationships at the subfamily level within Cerambycidae have not been convincingly demonstrated and the gene rearrangement of mitochondrial genomes in Cerambycidae remains unclear due to the low numbers of sequenced mitogenomes. In the present study, we determined five complete mitogenomes of Cerambycidae and investigated the phylogenetic relationship among the subfamilies of Cerambycidae based on mitogenomes. The mitogenomic arrangement of all five species was identical to the ancestral Cerambycidae type without gene rearrangement. Remarkably, however, two large intergenic spacers were detected in the mitogenome of Pterolophia sp. ZJY-2019. The origins of these intergenic spacers could be explained by the slipped-strand mispairing and duplication/random loss models. A conserved motif was found between trnS2 and nad1 gene, which was proposed to be a binding site of a transcription termination peptide. Also, tandem repeat units were identified in the A C T-rich region of all five mitogenomes. The monophyly of Lamiinae and Prioninae was strongly supported by both MrBayes and RAxML analyses based on nucleotide datasets, whereas the Cerambycinae and Lepturinae were recovered as non-monophyletic

    The complete mitochondrial genome of Choroterpides apiculata (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae) and its phylogenetic relationships

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    The complete mitochondrial genome of Choroterpides apiculata (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae) is typically a circular molecule of 15,199 bp in length, containing 37 genes (13 protein-coding genes, 22 tRNAs, and two rRNAs) and one control region. The overall A + T content of the whole genome is 74% and the A + T content of the control region is 79.7%. In Bayesian inference and maximum-likelihood phylogenetic trees using 24 species from 13 families of Ephemeroptera, the monophyly of the families Isonychiidae, Heptageniidae, Vietnamellidae, Leptophlebiidae, Caenidae, and Baetidae were highly supported and C. apiculata was a sister group to Habrophlebiodes zijinensis

    The complete mitochondrial genome of Mantis religiosa (Mantodea: Mantidae) from Canada and its phylogeny

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    The complete mitochondrial genome of Mantis religiosa (Mantodea: Mantidae) from Canada was successfully sequenced. The mitochondrial genome was a circular molecule of 15,521 bp in length, containing 13 protein-coding genes, two rRNA genes, 23 tRNA genes (including an extra tRNAArg gene), and the control region. The AT content of the whole genome was 76.9% and the length of the control region was 636 bp with 81.9% AT content. The structure of the M. religiosa mitochondrial genome from Canada was almost identical to M. religiosa from China and their genetic distance was just 0.017. In Bayesian inference (BI) and maximum likelihood (ML) analyses, we found that M. religiosa was a sister clade to Statilia sp. and the monophyly of the genera Hierodula and Rhombodera was not supported