137 research outputs found

    An uncountable set of tiling spaces with distinct cohomology

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    We generalise the notion of a Barge-Diamond complex, in the one-dimensional case, to a mixed system of tiling substitutions. This gives a way of describing the associated tiling space as an inverse limit of Barge-Diamond complexes. We give an effective method for calculating the ÄŒech cohomology of the tiling space via an exact sequence relating the associated sequence of substitution matrices and certain subcomplexes appearing in the approximants. As an application, we show that there exists a system of three substitutions on two letters which exhibit an uncountable collection of minimal tiling spaces with distinct isomorphism classes of ÄŒech cohomology

    Computations for Symbolic Substitutions

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    We provide a survey of results from symbolic dynamics and algebraic topology relating to Grout, a new user-friendly program developed to calculate combinatorial properties and topological invariants of a large class of symbolic substitutions. We study their subshifts (and related spaces) with an emphasis on examples of computations. We implement a check to verify that no counterexample exists to the so-called strong coincidence conjecture for a large number of substitutions on three and four letters

    Shifts of finite type and random substitutions

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    We prove that every topologically transitive shift of finite type in one dimension is topologically conjugate to a subshift arising from a primitive random substitution on a finite alphabet. As a result, we show that the set of values of topological entropy which can be attained by random substitution subshifts contains the logarithm of all Perron numbers and so is dense in the positive real numbers. We also provide an independent proof of this density statement using elementary methods

    Beyond primitivity for one-dimensional substitution subshifts and tiling spaces

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    We study the topology and dynamics of subshifts and tiling spaces associated to non-primitive substitutions in one dimension. We identify a property of a substitution, which we call tameness, in the presence of which most of the possible pathological behaviours of non-minimal substitutions cannot occur. We find a characterisation of tameness, and use this to prove a slightly stronger version of a result of Durand, which says that the subshift of a minimal substitution is topologically conjugate to the subshift of a primitive substitution. We then extend to the non-minimal setting a result obtained by Anderson and Putnam for primitive substitutions, which says that a substitution tiling space is homeomorphic to an inverse limit of a certain CW complex under a self-map induced by the substitution. We use this result to explore the structure of the lattice of closed invariant subspaces and quotients of a substitution tiling space, for which we compute cohomological invariants that are stronger that the ÄŒech cohomology of the tiling space alone

    Rauzy fractals of random substitutions

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    We develop a theory of Rauzy fractals for random substitutions, which are a generalisation of deterministic substitutions where the substituted image of a letter is determined by a Markov process. We show that a Rauzy fractal can be associated with a given random substitution in a canonical manner, under natural assumptions on the random substitution. Further, we show the existence of a natural measure supported on the Rauzy fractal, which we call the Rauzy measure, that captures geometric and dynamical information. We provide several different constructions for the Rauzy fractal and Rauzy measure, which we show coincide, and ascertain various analytic, dynamical and geometric properties. While the Rauzy fractal is independent of the choice of (non-degenerate) probabilities assigned to a given random substitution, the Rauzy measure captures the explicit choice of probabilities. Moreover, Rauzy measures vary continuously with the choice of probabilities, thus provide a natural means of interpolating between Rauzy fractals of deterministic substitutions
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