13 research outputs found

    Depression and suicide ideation in chronic hepatitis C patients untreated and treated with interferon : prevalence, prevention, and treatment

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    Interferon-based therapies were until recently the standard of care in chronic hepatitis C (CHC), despite their side eff ects. We aimed to review the available data on the depression and suicide in CHC patients receiving or not antiviral therapy based on interferon treatment. A PubMed search was performed, identifying relevant papers published between 1991 and January 2015 concerning major depressive disorders and suicidal risk in patients under interferon. A total of 21 relevant papers were retrieved. Prospective studies reported depression as the most common side eff ect of interferon, with an incidence peak between weeks 8 and 12 of therapy. Suicide risk was analyzed in 7 of the reviewed articles, and case reports of attempted suicide were discussed. Moreover, studies have shown that pretreatment with serotonin reuptake inhibitors is a good strategy for the prevention of interferon-induced depression

    Pain level after ACL reconstruction: A comparative study between free quadriceps tendon and hamstring tendons autografts

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    Objective: The objective of this study was to compare the pain levels and analgesic consumption after single bundle ACL reconstruction with free quadriceps tendon autograft versus hamstring tendon autograft. Patients and methods: A total of 48 patients scheduled for anatomic single-bundle ACL reconstruction were randomized into two groups: the free quadriceps tendon autograft group (24 patients) and the hamstring tendons autograft group (24 patients). A basic multimodal analgesic postoperative program was used for all patients and rescue analgesia was provided with tramadol, at pain scores over 30 on the Visual Analog Scale. The time to the first rescue analgesic, the number of doses of tramadol and pain scores were recorded. The results within the same group were compared with the Wilcoxon signed test. Results: Supplementary analgesic drug administration proved significantly higher in the group of subjects with hamstring grafts, with a median (interquartile range) of 1 (1.3) dose, compared to the group of subjects treated with a quadriceps graft, median = 0.5 (0.1.25) (p = 0.009). A significantly higher number of subjects with a quadriceps graft did not require any supplementary analgesic drug (50%) as compared with subjects with hamstring graft (13%; Z-statistics = 3.01, p = 0.002). The percentage of subjects who required a supplementary analgesic drug was 38% higher in the HT group compared with the FQT group. Conclusion: The use of the free quadriceps tendon autograft for ACL reconstruction leads to less pain and analgesic consumption in the immediate postoperative period compared with the use of hamstrings autograft. Level of Evidence: Level I Therapeutic study Keywords: ACL reconstruction, Pain, Hamstring tendons, Free quadriceps tendo

    How to Prevent Aseptic Loosening in Cementless Arthroplasty: A Review

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    Aseptic loosening is the main late postoperative complication of cementless total hip arthroplasties (THAs), leading to pain and functional impairment. This article aims to update the orthopedic surgeon on the various methods by which the aseptic loosening rate can be reduced. We performed a systematic review by searching the PubMed database for hip aseptic loosening. We included meta-analysis, randomized controlled trials, reviews, and systematic reviews in the last 10 years, which provided information on techniques that can prevent aseptic loosening in total hip arthroplasty. From a total of 3205 articles identified, 69 articles (2%) met the inclusion criteria, leading to a total of 36 recommendations. A lot of research has been conducted in terms of septic loosening in the last decade. Currently, we have various techniques by which we can reduce the rate of aseptic loosening. Nevertheless, further randomized clinical trials are needed to expand the recommendations for aseptic loosening prevention

    Comparative assessment of bone regeneration by histometry and a histological scoring system / Evaluarea comparativă a regenerării osoase utilizând histometria și un scor de vindecare histologică

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    Obiective: Scopul studiului de față a constat în evaluarea valorii scorului de vindecare histologică, comparativ cu histometria în monitorizarea vindecării osose la nivelul calotei. Material și metodă: Am realizat un studiu cazcontrol cu un lot control și unul de studiu. La un număr de 60 de șoareci CD1 incluși în lotul de studiu am indus chirurgical un defect osos la nivelul calotei și am realizat reconstrucția defectului utilizând grefe obținute prin inginerie tisulară. Ingineria tisulară a grefonului osos s-a realizat utilizând celule stem embrionare poziționate pe suport matriceal -corn caduc de cerb, iar ca inductor al diferențierii am utilizat mediu osteogenetic bazal și complex. La cei 30 de șoareci CD1 incluși în lotul control am indus chirurgical același defect osos la nivelul calotei, dar nu am realizat reconstrucția osoasă a acestuia. Procesul de regenerare osoasă a fost evaluat la 2 și respectiv la 4 luni utilizând scorul de vindecare și histometria. Rezultate: Scorul de vindecare histologică s-a corelat statistic semnificativ cu dimeniunea defectului obtinută la histometrie (p<0.001). Evaluarea parametrilor în baza cărora s-a stabilit scorul de vindecare histologică indică regenerarea cea mai avansată la subiecții din lotul de studiu sacrificați la 4 luni, la care s-a utilizat pentru ingineria grefonului osos celule stem embrionare, suport matriceal corn caduc de cerb și mediu osteogenetic complex ca inductor. Concluzii: scorul de vindecare histologică este o metoda valoroasă de cuantificare a procesului de regenerare osoasă. Relevanță clinică: Acest studiu demonstrează că scorul de vindecare histologică prezentat este un instrument util pentru clinician în procesul de evaluare a regenerării osoase

    Atelo-collagen type I bovine bone substitute and membrane in guided bone regeneration: a series of clinical cases and histopathological assessments

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    Absorbable atelo-collagen type 1 represents a new approach for guided bone regeneration with several reported advantages such as: osteoblast attachment, proliferation, mineralization potential, absorption of growth factors and inhibition of bacterial pathogen colonization. The aim of this study was to assess the clinical, radiological (preoperative width, re-entry width, gain), Periotest measurements and histologic benefits of atelo-collagen-derived bovine bone grafts (ImploBone) in combination with an atelo-collagen type I barrier membrane (ImploSorb) for guided bone regeneration (GBR) of atrophic alveolar crest in thirteen patients. Eleven patients underwent simultaneous GBR with implant insertion, two had initial GBR procedure followed by implant placement after 6 months of healing. Ridge augmentation was performed using an atelo-collagen membrane (ImploSorb, Bioimplon, Germany) and a combination of 50% ABBM (ImploBone, granule size 0.5-1mm, BioImplon Germany) mixed with 50% autologous bone. It was found that simultaneous GBR with implant placement resulted in a 35% gain at bone defect level (preoperative width 5.03±1.25 mm, re-entry width 6.81±0.98 mm, gain 1.78±1.71 mm). Implant placement performed in a 2 stage surgery 6 months following GBR was linked with a 63.9% gain at bone defect level (preoperative width 3.79±1.10 mm, re-entry width 6.22±1.41 mm, gain 2.43±1.43 mm). The total gain in both groups was 41.9% utilizing these novel biomaterials (preoperative width 4.68±1.32 mm, re-entry width 6.65±1.12 mm, gain 1.96±1.64 mm). This case series study presents a protocol where GBR can be performed either simultaneously to implant placement or delayed with this innovative biomaterial to favor bone regrowth. Future randomized controlled clinical trials are needed to further validate the bonepromoting potential of atelo-collagen-based biomaterials for bone regeneration

    BMP-2 Delivery through Liposomes in Bone Regeneration

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    Bone regeneration is a central focus of maxillofacial research, especially when dealing with dental implants or critical sized wound sites. While bone has great regeneration potential, exogenous delivery of growth factors can greatly enhance the speed, duration, and quality of osseointegration, making a difference in a patient’s quality of life. Bone morphogenic protein 2 (BMP-2) is a highly potent growth factor that acts as a recruiting molecule for mesenchymal stromal cells, induces a rapid differentiation of them into osteoblasts, while also maintaining their viability. Currently, the literature data shows that the liposomal direct delivery or transfection of plasmids containing BMP-2 at the bone wound site often results in the overexpression of osteogenic markers and result in enhanced mineralization with formation of new bone matrix. We reviewed the literature on the scientific data regarding BMP-2 delivery with the help of liposomes. This may provide the ground for a future new bone regeneration strategy with real chances of reaching clinical practice

    Additional file 3: Figure S3. of Dental follicle stem cells in bone regeneration on titanium implants

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    Alamar Blue viability assay. For testing the viability and proliferation rate of DF stem cells cultivated on titanium implants, cells seeded at a cell density of 1.2 × 105 cells/well in 12-wells plates were stained with Alamar blue solution at different periods of time (24 h, 4 and 12 days). Briefly, 100 μl of Alamar blue solution (Invitrogen) was added in each well containing 900 μl stem cell medium or differentiation medium (OS and OC). Each sample was evaluated in triplicate. After 1 h of incubation in dark at 37 °C, the medium was transferred to another 12-well plates and the absorbance was read using a BioTek Synergy 2 plate reader at 570 nm (Winooski, VT, USA). Statistical analysis was performed using t test and two-way ANOVA, Bonferroni posttest. Results: No important differences were observed between titanium implants in terms of cell viability. Statistical differences were noticed only for the 24 h culture between cell cultured on control titanium implants (Ti ctrl) and implants infiltrated with HA (Ti HA) (Figure S3). Two-way ANOVA statistical analysis revealed differences regarding the time factor (24 h vs. 12 days and 4 vs. 12 days) Figure S3: Graphical aspect of optical density values (absorbance at 570 nm) of Alamar blue staining of DF stem cells cultivated with standard stem cell medium evaluated after 24 h, 4 and 12 days (Legend: TiCtrl- Ti6Al7Nb alloy porous titanium, TiHA-titanium infiltrated with hydroxyapatite, TiSiO2-titanium infiltrated with silicatitanate). (PNG 1002 kb

    Additional file 2: Figure S2. of Dental follicle stem cells in bone regeneration on titanium implants

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    FDA (fluorescein diacetate) viability test. DF stem cell adhesion after 1 h as well the proliferation rate during 48 h and 7 days of cultivation on titanium implants surfaces were investigated using FDA assay. Images were captured in fluorescence microscopy at 488 nm with a Zeiss Axiovert microscope. Image acquisition was performed with an AxioCam MRC camera. Figure S2: Fluorescence images captured after FDA staining of DF stemm cells after 1, 48 h and 7 days of cultivation in standard stem cell medium. (Legend: TiCtrl- Ti6Al7Nb alloy porous titanium, TiHA-titanium infiltrated with hydroxyapatite, TiSiO2-titanium infiltrated with silicatitanate) (magnification ×100). (PNG 940 kb