365 research outputs found

    A review on larvicidal and repellent effects of Brassica nigra towards malaria mosquito

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    The efficacy of synthetic insecticides to control malaria vectors is compromised by increased mosquito resistance to insecticides.Furthermore, the use of inorganic insecticides raises serious environmental toxicity concerns. It is hoped that this review wouldincorporate plant-based control tools in modern malaria vector control at the community level. Therefore the use of syntheticinsecticides is the challenge faced for malaria vector control because of the resistance of mosquitoes and their toxicity to theenvironment. Medicinal plants used like Brassica nigra in traditional medicine are promising and largely unexplored sources for thedevelopment of potential new compounds particularly in plant-rich countries like Ethopia

    Planning a site for new village or small town to safeguard the health of the population

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    There is no doubt that health will help reduce the transmission of infectious agents. For the health of individuals, the prior elements to be fulfilled include the availability of pure water, keeping sanitation and hygiene are necessary for reducing infection of all sorts. To make these, change of habits by involving community participation in both urban and rural areas are inevitable to combat communicable diseases. It can be achieved also if initiations should be taken and participation held in both governmental and non-governmental organizations in issues related to the health of the nation. Furthermore, the creation of awareness of the prevailing problems is a prerequisite for any plan of action towards improving the situation

    La financiación de la educación superior en áfrica subsahariana

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    Las instituciones de educación superior de África subsahariana se enfrentan a las mayores dificultades económicas del mundo. Los principales escollos son una tasa de matriculación en alza, un descenso de los recursos gubernamentales y la inflación. Este texto explora las perspectivas históricas en el contexto de la financiación, examina las dinámicas internas y externas que afectan a la financiación y analiza el creciente avance de la generación de recursos y la diversificación de éstos, así como el ámbito de la gestión de fondos para la educación superior. El documento también examina la expansión de las instituciones de educación superior privadas en el continente.Peer Reviewe

    Impact of Some Animal Manures on Growth and Yield of Maize (zea mays l.)

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    A field experiment to investigate the effects of application chicken, sheep and horse manure on the average yield and growth parameters of maize was carried out at the Research Farm of Woreillu Woreda, Ethiopia during 2017 planting season. Treatments were laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications. The variables measured were plant height, number of leaves, leave area index (LAI), stem girth and grain yield obtained. Data collected were subjected to Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The means were separated using LSD at five percent level of significance.Results obtained indicated that growth and yield of Maize was lowest in control treatments, which showed that the organic manures used in the study especially chicken manure positively influenced the performance and yield of Maize. The results also revealed that plots treated with chicken manure gave the highest number of leaves per plant, thicker stem, highest LAI and grain yield of 5.7 t/ha. Comparatively, lesser grain yield of 4.2 t/ha was obtained with the application of horse manure. Sheep manure produced 3.9 t/ha of maize grain while the least yield of 2.8t/ha of maize were recorded in the control treatments. Based on the findings of the experiments it could be deduced that chicken manure seems to promote higher growth yield of maize. Thus, it should be recommended for growers of maize crop in the study area. Keywords: ,Organic ,manure, ,Growth ,parameter, ,Yield, ,maize. DOI: 10.7176/JNSR/11-23-04 Publication date: December 31st 202


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    The main objective of this study was to examine the characteristic of female students’ tutorial class practice in Arba Minch University and the attitude female students have toward their tutorial class. Both qualitative and quantitative approaches of investigation were employed. Data for the study were collected from heads of 38 departments, 76 teachers, and 484 year 1 and year 3 undergraduate regular students in the university using interviews, focal group discussions and questionnaire containing attitude scale. Information obtained from heads of departments and teachers through interview about the characteristic of the existing tutorial provision in the university was analyzed using tables and percentage. Supplementary information obtained from students through focal group discussions about the characteristic of tutorial class provision are presented thematically and analyzed in text. Data collected about the attitude of female students toward their tutorial class using attitude scale was analyzed using percentage, One-Way ANOVA and t-test. Findings of this study indicate that female students’ tutorial class practice in the university was characterized as examination oriented focusing on preparing the students to get pass grade in courses. It was found that majority of sample female students (37.40%) have negative attitude toward their tutorial class in comparison to those who have positive attitude (23.14%), and the remaining 39.46% have neutral attitude. Significant differences observed among students in their attitude toward tutorial class in respect to their field of study, year of study, and academic achievement. Greater proportion of year 1 students in comparison to year 3 students and low academic achievers in comparison to high academic achievers have more positive attitude toward tutorial class. That is, greater proportions of year 3 students and high academic achievers have more negative attitude in comparison to year 1 and low achievers, respectively. In order to improve the existing characteristic of tutorial practice and the attitude of female students toward their tutorial class, it was recommended that the School of Pedagogical and Behavioral Sciences in the university in its short term instructional skills training program for teachers should give due attention to include the issue of female tutorial provision in the university. Further research needs to be conducted by including teachers’/tutors’ professional background variable influence on the characteristic of female students’ tutorial implementation.  Article visualizations

    Local innovation platforms to enhance system integration and take innovations to scale in Africa RISING Ethiopia

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    Green and convenient arene-catalized reductive lithiation of heterocyclic compounds

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    In the last decades reductive lithiation established itself as a particularly powerful procedure for the generation of functionalized organometals. In addition, the enormous role of this reaction in the reductive ring opening and functionalization of heterocycles has been reported. Accordingly, critical experiments were performed for the generation of lithium radical anions of several PAHs and a diene in both solvents, under both CA and SA protocols. Almost all of the above mentioned hydrocarbons rapidly generate radical anions with different fascinating visible colors at 0 °C. Based on this, influence of different electron shuttles and their efficiency in the reductive lithiation of N-phenylaziridine, phthalan will be disclosed. Moreover, we will report an interesting example of chemoselectivity concerning to the reductive lithiation of 4-chlorobenzyl methyl ether in a green solvent