41 research outputs found

    Complications 15 years after breast augmentation with polyacrylamide

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    AbstractPolyacrylamide hydrogel (PAAG) has been used as an injectable, permanent filler for soft-tissue augmentation for more than two decades. Several complications have been reported worldwide. In this case report, we present a woman with long-term complications 15 years after bilateral breast augmentation with PAAG injections

    Measurement of alienation among adolescents:construct validity of three scales on powerlessness, meaninglessness and social isolation

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    Abstract Background Psychological alienation is an important concept in the study of adolescents’ health and behavior but no gold standard for measuring alienation among adolescents exists. There is a need for new scales with high validity for use in adolescent health and social research. The purpose of the present study was to develop and validate alienation scales in accordance with Seeman’s conceptualization of alienation focusing on three independent variants specifically relevant in adolescent health research: powerlessness, meaninglessness and social isolation. Methods Cross-sectional data from 3083 adolescents aged 13 to 15 years from the Danish contribution to the cross-national study Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) were used. We identified and developed items, addressed content and face validity through interviews, and examined the criterion-related construct validity of the scales using graphical loglinear Rasch models (GLLRM). Results The three scales each comprised three to five face valid items. The powerlessness scale reflected the adolescent’s expectancy as to whether his/her behavior can determine the outcome or reinforcement he/she seeks. The meaninglessness scale reflected the expectancy as to whether satisfactory predictions regarding the effects of one’s behavior are possible. Finally, the social isolation scale reflected whether the adolescent had a low expectancy for inclusion and social acceptance. All scales contained some uniform local dependency and differential item functioning. However, only to a limited degree, which could be accounted for using GLLRM. Thus the scales fitted GLLRMs and can therefore be considered to be essentially construct valid and essentially objective. Conclusion The three alienation scales appear to be content and face valid and fulfill the psychometric properties of a good construct valid reflective scale. This suggests that the scales may be appropriate in future large-scale surveys to examine the relation between alienation and a range of adolescent health outcomes such as health, behavior and wellbeing

    Tumor Ulceration, Reduced Infiltration of CD8-Lymphocytes, High Neutrophil-to-CD8-Lymphocyte Ratio and Absence of MC Virus are Negative Prognostic Markers for Patients with Merkel Cell Carcinoma

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    (1) Background: Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) is caused by the Merkel cell polyomavirus and UV radiation. Understanding of the underlying biology is limited, but identification of prognostic markers may lead to better prognostic stratification for the patients. (2) Methods: Ninety patients diagnosed with MCC (1996–2012) were included. Virus status was estimated by polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) and immunohistochemistry (IHC). Ulceration status, PD-L1, cd66b neutrophils, cd8 lymphocytes and biomarkers of vascularization (cd34 endothelial cells) and migration (e-cadherin) were estimated by IHC and analyzed with digital pathology. (3) Results: Virus was present in 47% of patient samples and correlated with lower E-cadherin expression (p = 0.0005), lower neutrophil-to-CD8 lymphocyte ratio (N:CD8 ratio) (p = 0.02) and increased PD-L1 expression (p = 0.03). Ulceration was associated with absence of virus (p = 0.03), increased neutrophil infiltration (p < 0.0001) and reduced CD8 lymphocyte infiltration (p = 0.04). In multivariate analysis, presence of virus (p = 0.01), ulceration (p = 0.05) and increased CD8 lymphocyte infiltration (p = 0.001) showed independent prognostic impacts on MCC-specific survival. (3) Conclusions: In this study, we found that a high N:CD8 ratio, ulceration, virus-negative status and absence of CD8 lymphocytes are negative prognostic markers. Accurate prognostic stratification of the patients may be important in the clinical setting for determination of adjuvant treatment

    Fish Oil Supplementation During Late Pregnancy Does Not Influence Plasma Lipids or Lipoprotein Levels in Young Adult Offspring

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    Nutritional influences on cardiovascular disease operate throughout life. Studies in both experimental animals and humans have suggested that changes in the peri- and early post-natal nutrition can affect the development of the various components of the metabolic syndrome in adult life. This has lead to the hypothesis that n-3 fatty acid supplementation in pregnancy may have a beneficial effect on lipid profile in the offspring. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of supplementation with n-3 fatty acids during the third trimester of pregnancy on lipids and lipoproteins in the 19-year-old offspring. The study was based on the follow-up of a randomized controlled trial from 1990 where 533 pregnant women were randomized to fish oil (n = 266), olive oil (n = 136) or no oil (n = 131). In 2009, the offspring were invited to a physical examination including blood sampling. A total of 243 of the offspring participated. Lipid values did not differ between the fish oil and olive oil groups. The relative adjusted difference (95% confidence intervals) in lipid concentrations was −3% (−11; 7) for LDL cholesterol, 3% (−3; 10) for HDL cholesterol, −1% (−6; 5) for total cholesterol,−4% (−16; 10) for TAG concentrations, 2%(−2; 7) for apolipoprotein A1, −1% (−9; 7) for apolipoprotein B and 3% (−7; 15) in relative abundance of small dense LDL. In conclusion, there was no effect of fish oil supplementation during the third trimester of pregnancy on offspring plasma lipids and lipoproteins in adolescence

    Delayed Total Breast Reconstruction with Brava

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    Several surgical procedures exist in regard to reconstruction of the breast after mastectomy. The use of Brava a vacuum-based external soft-tissue expansion system in combination with fat transplantation is a less documented but viable option in treating patients after mastectomy. We share our experience in treating a 57-year-old patient with mastectomy, describing the complications and pitfalls we experienced when using the Brava system in combination with fat transplantation