52 research outputs found

    Deteksi Antibodi dan Isolasi Toxoplasma gondii pada Itik lokal di Bali (DETECTION ANTIBODIES AND ISOLATION OF TOXOPLASMA GONDII IN DOMESTIC DUCK IN BALI )

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    This study was performed to determine detection antibodies and isolation T. gondii infection in domestic duck in Bali. A total, 188 domestic ducks sera were examined using indirect haemaglutination test  kit (IHA). Heart, brain and muscle of seropositive IHA test were used for isolation with pepsin-HCL digestion and bioassay in mice and cat.  The result of these research showed that  47 (25%) ducks were found to be positive for T. gondii antibodies at the cut-off  e” 1:64. The seroprevalence in male and female duck were 27,8% and  22,4% respectively, however, statistical analysis showed that the difference was not significant (P>0,05). The seroprevalence in cage and free-range duck were 18,7% and 29,2% respectively, but the difference was not statistically significant (P>0,05).  The antibodies titer  ranging from 1:64 to 1:2048.  Also, viable T. gondii was isolated from seropositive duck by bioassay mice and cat. Most of the isolated strains were avirulent to mice. This study showed that domestic duck could have a potensial role in transmitting toxoplasmosis to human in Bali


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    Toxoplasmosis is a zoonotic disease caused by the protozoa Toxoplasma gondii.Primary infection in pregnant women can cause abortion, neonatal death or abnormalityof fetus. Accurate diagnosis is needed to prevent infection especially related to thepresence of cyst in the tissuesThe aim of this research was to study sensitivity and specificity of ELISAmethod with 30 kDa protein antigen to detect T.gondii infection in pig with micebioassay as gold standard.. Samples were 171 pigs slaughtered at pig slaughter house inDarmasaba BadungThe result showed that sensitivity of ELISA method was 100% and 90,7% inspecificity.Research about sensitivity using ELISA test to predict cysts presence in tissuewere needed in the future


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    Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui pemberian herbal serbuk biji pepaya matang secara oral pada babi ascariasis terhadap daya berembrio telur cacing pada tinja dan pada uterus cacing yang keluar dari babi yang diobati tersebut. Pada percobaan ini sebanyak 24 ekor babi Landrace betina dengan bobot badan ± 10-15 kg, umur ± 15 minggu yang terinfeksi cacing Ascaris suum (A. suum) secara alami, dengan egg per gram (EPG) berkisar 250-2500 butir. Babi tersebut dibagi menjadi empat kelompok perlakuan (P0, P1, P2, dan P3) masing-masing terdiri dari 6 ekor. Kelompok P1 dan kelompok P2 mendapat perlakuan dengan herbal serbuk biji pepaya matang per oral dengan dosis masing-masing 1 dan 3 g/kg bobot badan (P2) selama 3 hari berturut-turut. Kelompok P3 mendapat perlakuan dengan albendazol dosis 0,5 mg/kg bobot badan (Zodalben 0,04 ml/kg bobot badan) sedangkan kelompok P0 bertindak sebagai kontrol tanpa pengobatan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pengobatan dengan herbal serbuk biji pepaya matang pada babi ascariasis ternyata mampu menurunkan daya berembrio telur cacing dalam tinja babi dan dalam uterus cacing secara efektif sehingga dapat digunakan untuk pengendalian askariasis pada babi

    Seroprevalensi dan Isolasi Toxoplasma gondii pada Ayam Kampung di Bali (SEROPREVALENCE AND ISOLATION OF TOXOPLASMA GONDII AMONG FREE-RANGE CHICKENS IN BALI)

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    The prevalence of Toxoplasma gondii in free range chickens is a good indicator of the prevalence of T.gondii oocysts in the environment and the meat of chicken is considered one of the sources of the humaninfection. A study to determine the seroprevalence of T.gondii in free ranging chickens in eight regency inBali have been undertaken. More over, attempt to isolate T gondii was also performed from the copropositivesample. Seroprevalence was detected using modified agglutination test (MAT) and isolation of T.gondiiwere performed from organs (heart and brain) using pepsin-HCl digestion method. Further the pathogenicityof the isolate was determined by bioassay using mice. The result showed that the seroprevalence was24.8% (31 out of 125 chickens examined). T.gondii was found in 17 of the 31 seropositive chickens (55%)more over all isolates were a vitulent to the mice

    Infeksi Cacing Nematoda Pada Usus Halus Babi di Lembah Baliem dan Pegunungan Arfak Papua

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    The purpose of this study was to identify the nematode of the small intestine of pigs in Arfak Mountains and Baliem Valley in Papua, and determine the prevalence of the nematode infection. Small intestine content of 20 pigs originated from Arfak Mountains and 10 pigs from Baliem Valley were examined to identify the nematode species. Four species of nematodes were found in small intestine of pigs namely, Strongyloides ransomi, Ascaris suum, Macracanthorhyncus hirudinaceus, and Globocephalus urosubulatus. The result of the study showed that the prevalence of nematode infections in small intestine  were highly, in which the Baliem Valley had the prevalence of 90%, and 40% in Arfak Mountains

    Seroprevalensi Bovine Cysticercosis pada Sapi Bali di Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia (SEROPREVALENCE OF BOVINE CYSTICERCOSIS AT BALI CATTLE IN WEST NUSA TENGGARA, INDONESIA)

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    Bovine cysticercosis is one of the animal and public health problems throughout the world. Besides this disease has a negative impact on public health, also causing economic losses for farmers due to heavy infected carcasses should be rejected. Until now the availability of data related to this parasitic disease, especially in the Nusa Tenggara region is very limited.The purpose of this study was to obtain information on the prevalence and distribution of bovine cysticercosis on bali cattle in West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. The study was conducted by examining of bali cattle sera obtained from the farmer by ELISA (Bio-X Diagnostics’s Cysticercosis Antigen ELISA Kit). The results of ELISA examination of 92 serum samples with cut off 0.295, shows that there are 4 positive sera (4.35%). Three positive sera are originated from Lombok and one positive sera from Sumbawa. These results indicate that Lombok Island and Sumbawa Island in West Nusa Tenggara are not free from bovine cysticercosis. Since C. bovis infection is zoonotic, studies of risk factors are necessary, as well as the availability of information about the estimated burden of disease and the economic loss of the disease. It is recommended that veterinarians be more accurate when conducting post mortum examination, especially on the cattle which comes from a positive area


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    The objective of this research was to detect a minimum concentration of the probes that could be used for dot blot hybridization analysis. The method required labeled DNA probes. In this study a non-radioactive label of Digoxigenin-11-dUTP was used for labeling the Sag1 and the Bag1 of Toxoplasma gondii DNA probe. Labeling method for the probes was done according to the random primed labeling technique. The result showed that 0.67 pg/µl Sag1 probe and 0.58 pg/µl Bag1 probe could be detected by anti-Dig-antibody. It could be concluded that 0.67 pg/µl Sag1 probe and 0.58 pg/µl Bag1 probe could be used to diagnose toxoplasmosis by dot blot hybridization method

    Potensi Babi Sebagai Sumber Penularan Penyakit Zoonosis Entamoeba spp

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    Pig is not only a source of protein and has a socio-cultural values, but also a potential source of some zoonotic disease. Entamoeba spp is a common zoonotic disease that are transferred by the pig. The aim of study is to determine the potential source of pig to transferred the zoonotic disease expecialy Entamoeba spp for human. One hundred seventy three feces samples of humans and 102 feces samples of pigs were collected in SAF solution. The prevalence of Entamoeba spp infections in human and pig were presented and analyzed statistic by using spearman correlation. The result of the study showed that the prevalence of Entamoeba spp in pig and human 32,4 % and 21,92% , it was the significant correlation (P<0,05) between the prevalence of Entamoeba spp infection in pig and human

    Prevalensi Infeksi Entamoeba Spp pada Ternak Babi di Pegunungan Arfak dan Lembah Baliem Provinsi Papua

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    Eighty percent of selected pig farm’s in two region’s in Papua Wet infected by Entamoeba spp, and also 32,4% from 102 pig’s infected by its parasite. The examined use SAF (Sodium Acetic Formaldehyde), to determine the prevalence of Entamoeba spp. The result of the study indicated of pig’s in Papua were infected by Entamoeba spp indicated that the prevalence was significatly higher in Baliem valley than Arfak Mountain

    Bioaktivitas Ekstrak Daun Tapakdara (Catharanthus roseus) terhadap Kadar Kreatinin dan Kadar Ureum Darah Tikus Putih (Rattus norvegicus)

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate the bioactivity of the Tapakdara leaf extract (Catharanthus roseus) on the creatinine and blood urea levels in rat (Rattus norvegicus). Tweenty four male rats (250-260 gram body weight) were devided into three goups, with 8 animals in each group. Group 1 as a control group that was geven placebo, the group 2 was treated with 100 mg/kg body weight of leaf extract orally and the group 3 was treated with 100 mg/kg body weight of leaf extract orally.   The animals were treated during 8 days after one week adaptation period. The examination of ceratinin and Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) were done in the last day of treatment. The result of the study indicated that the creatinin level of rats treated with 100 and 200 mg/kg BW was high significantly higher (p<0.01) than control group, however the creatinin level was in range of normal value. The level of Blood Urea Nitrogen of rats were treated with leaf extract of Tapakdara 100-200 mg/kg BW was significantly hihger (p<0.05) than control group, it was also in normal value
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