17 research outputs found


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    Modern political campaigns are in constant flux and are influenced by numerous factors. Voters are constantly on the move, making segmentation significantly challenging. Simultaneously, literacy and education levels among the electorate are increasing every day, leading to a more critical attitude towards the persuasion process. In addition, changes in technology and the development of information and communication systems directly and drastically impact the shaping and management of modern campaigns. Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning have been influencing the creation of modern political campaigns for a decade. The significance of artificial intelligence enhances the power of big data, algorithms, and, consequently, social networks. The authors explore the impact of artificial intelligence on the planning and execution of political campaigns and the resulting consequences for political candidates, parties, and society

    Genetic variability of free energy in a function of drought tolerance in common bean accessions

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    Characterisation of bean genotypes, particularly local landraces is important for ongoing breeding programs, especially for drought tolerance. Susceptibility to drought is emphasized when bean is grown as a stubble crop and sown at the middle of summer. The aim of this study was to compare variability of ten bean genotypes to optimal (25 degrees C) and higher (30 degrees C) temperatures in combination with optimal (80%) and reduced (40%) field water capacity (FWC), from the point of growth (root and shoot length and fresh matter accumulation) and thermodynamic parameters of free energy (calculated parameter after drying at 60 degrees C, 105 degrees C and 130 degrees C) during the early seedlings stage. Significant and positive correlation between root length and fresh matter with free energy at symplast and chemically bound water occurred under temperature stress (i.e. 30 degrees C). Root growth and elongation were affected by drought stress, i.e. under a combination of high temperature (30 degrees C) and water deficit (40% FWC). Based on higher energy consumption, the ability of shoot to continue a growth in stressful conditions could be possible to achieve, as was confirm through significant and positive correlation between evaluated growth parameters in shoot and free energy of free water. It could be concluded that most of the examined dry bean accessions expressed some sensitivity to stress applied. Among genotypes tested, local landrace zecak expressed lesser susceptibility to stresses applied. Accession Maksa was more tolerant to changes at cytoplasmic level, while Medijana and Sataja 425 expressed root i.e. shoot stress tolerance. Those accessions could be considered as potentially drought tolerant genotypes

    Morphological and biochemical characteristics of parsley (Pastinaca sativa L.) genotypes

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    Pastrnak (Pastinaca sativa L.) je aromatična biljna vrsta koja zbog svojih kvalitativnih osobina široku primenu nalazi u ljudskoj ishrani, kao i u medicinske svrhe. U radu su prikazani rezultati trogodišnjih ispitivanja (2011-2014.) četiri genotipa pastrnka selekcionisanih u Institutu za povrtarstvo Smederevska Palanka. Analizirane su sledeće morfološke osobine: prosečna masa korena, prosečna dužina, prečnik vrata i prečnik sredine korena. Hemijskom analizom određena je suva materija, ukupni minerali, ukupni šećeri i sadržaj vode. Ispitivane osobine odabranih genotipova poređene su sa standardnom sortom Podravski srednje dugi.Parsnip (Pastinaca sativa L.) is an aromatic plant species that, due to its qualitative properties, is widely used in human nutrition, as well as for medicinal purposes. The paper presents the results of three-year research (2011–2014) of four parsnip genotypes selected at the Institute for vegetable crops Smederevska Palanka. The following morphological characteristics were analyzed: average root mass, average length, diameter of the neck and diameter of the middle of the root. Dry matter, total minerals, total sugar and water content were determined by chemical analysis. The tested properties of the selected genotypes were compared with the standard Podravski medium-long variety

    Effect of ethephon on heterosis of fruit characteristics of melon

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    Pod uticajem različitih spoljnih faktora dolazi do modifikacije polne ekspresije kod dinje. Etilen ima važnu ulogu ukontroli determinacije pola kod dinje, a tretiranjem biljaka etefonom (prekursorom etilena) dolazi do značajne modifikacije pola kod ove vrste. Cilj rada je bio ispitivanje uticaja etefona na heterozis šest osobina ploda kod dinje: masa, dužina, širina, debljina egzokarpa, debljina mezokarpa, sadržaj šećera. U ogledu je korišćeno 9 genotipova dinje od kojih 4 monoecična i 5 andromonoecični, kao i njihovih 22 hibrida. Ogled je sproveden tokom dve vegetativne sezone, u Smederevskoj Palanci. Utvrđen je heterotični efekat svih posmatranih osobina kod većine hibridnih kombinacija. Utvrđen je pozitivan efekat tretmana biljaka etefonom na heterozis svih posmatranih osobina, u zavisnosti od genotipa.Sex expression in melon is modified under the influence of variousexternal factors. Ethylene plays an important role in the control of sexdetermination in melons, and by treating plants with ethephon (ethyleneprecursor), leads to significant sex modification of this species. The aimof this study was to examine the effect of ethephon on the heterosis of sixfruit characteristics in melons: weight, length, width, exocarp thickness,mesocarp thickness, sugar content. Nine melon genotypes were used inthe experiment, of which 4 monoecious and 5 andromonoeous, as well astheir 22 hybrids. The experiment was conducted during two vegetativeseasons, in Smederevska Palanka. The heterotic effect of all observedtraits was determined in most hybrid combinations. A positive effect ofethephon treatment of plants on heterosis, depending on genotype, wasdetermined for all observed traits

    Assessment of eggplant germplasm genetic diversity using RAPD markers

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    Evaluacija genetičkih resursa plavog patlidžana (Solanum melongena L.) sa različitih geografskih područja primenom molekularnih markera (RAPD) je od velikog značaja u procesu oplemenjivanja. Ukupno 90 polimorfnih amplifikovanih proizvoda dobijeno je od 10 dekamernih RAPD prajmera, korišćenih za analizu genetičkog diverziteta 20 genotipova plavog patlidžana (16 lokalnih i 4 genotipova stranog porekla). Najviši polimorfizam je konstatovan prilikom korišćenja OPAF- 16 prajmera (70,83%). Broj detektovanih amplifikovanih fragmenata je bio od 13 (OPF-04) do 24 (OPAF-16), dok je prosečan broj fragmenata po prajmeru iznosio 17,2. Dužine amplifikovanih fragmenata su bile u rasponu od 400 do 9000 bp. Vrednost Jaccard-ovog koeficijenta genetičke distance bila je od 0,095 do 0,35, a dendrogram konstruisan metodom UPGMA pokazao da se 16 lokalnih i 4 stranih genotipova grupisalo se u devet grupa (klastera). Populacije K1, K8/1, K19, K22, K25 i K38 predstavljaju genotipove koji su se odvojile od ostalih i formirali su pojedinačne klastere. Najniža vrednost izračunate genetičke distance iznosila je 0,095 između domaćih genotipova K13 i K12, koji su i sa morfološke strane pokazali sličnost u pogledu oblika i boje. S druge strane, najveća vrednost genetičke distance izračunata je između stranih genotipova K19 i K25(0,35), K19 i K34 (0,34) i K19 i K38 (0,34). Genetski različiti genotipovi identifikovani korišćenjem RAPD markera mogu biti potencijalni početni genetički materijal za ukrštanje sa drugim genotipovima radi dobijanja novih i poboljšanih sorti patlidžana.Evaluation of genetic resources of eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) from different geographical areas using molecular markers (RAPD) is of great importance in the breeding process. A total of 90 polymorphic amplified products were obtained from 10 decameric RAPD primers, used to analyze the genetic diversity of 20 genotypes of eggplant (16 local and 4 genotypes of foreign origin). The highest polymorphism was determined using the OPAF-16 primer (70.83%). The number of detected bands ranged from 13 (OPF-04) to 24 (OPAF-16), while the average number of bands per primer was 17.2. The lengths of the amplified fragments ranged from 400 to 9000 bp. The value of the Jaccard’s genetic distance coefficient ranged from 0.095 to 0.35, and the dendrogram constructed using the UPGMA method showed that 16 local and 4 foreign genotypes were grouped into nine groups (clusters). Populations K1, K8/1, K19, K22, K25 and K38 represent genotypes that separated from the others and formed single clusters. The lowest value of the calculated genetic distance was 0.095 between domestic genotypes K13 and K12, which also showed morphological similarity in terms of shape and color. On the other hand, the highest value of genetic distance was calculated between foreign genotypes K19 and K25 (0.35), K19 and K34 (0.34) and K19 and K38 (0.34). Genetically distinct genotypes identified using RAPD markers could be potential starting genetic material for crossing with other genotypes to obtain new and improved eggplant varieties

    Assessment of eggplant germplasm genetic diversity using RAPD markers

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    Evaluacija genetičkih resursa plavog patlidžana (Solanum melongena L.) sa različitih geografskih područja primenom molekularnih markera (RAPD) je od velikog značaja u procesu oplemenjivanja. Ukupno 90 polimorfnih amplifikovanih proizvoda dobijeno je od 10 dekamernih RAPD prajmera, korišćenih za analizu genetičkog diverziteta 20 genotipova plavog patlidžana (16 lokalnih i 4 genotipova stranog porekla). Najviši polimorfizam je konstatovan prilikom korišćenja OPAF- 16 prajmera (70,83%). Broj detektovanih amplifikovanih fragmenata je bio od 13 (OPF-04) do 24 (OPAF-16), dok je prosečan broj fragmenata po prajmeru iznosio 17,2. Dužine amplifikovanih fragmenata su bile u rasponu od 400 do 9000 bp. Vrednost Jaccard-ovog koeficijenta genetičke distance bila je od 0,095 do 0,35, a dendrogram konstruisan metodom UPGMA pokazao da se 16 lokalnih i 4 stranih genotipova grupisalo se u devet grupa (klastera). Populacije K1, K8/1, K19, K22, K25 i K38 predstavljaju genotipove koji su se odvojile od ostalih i formirali su pojedinačne klastere. Najniža vrednost izračunate genetičke distance iznosila je 0,095 između domaćih genotipova K13 i K12, koji su i sa morfološke strane pokazali sličnost u pogledu oblika i boje. S druge strane, najveća vrednost genetičke distance izračunata je između stranih genotipova K19 i K25(0,35), K19 i K34 (0,34) i K19 i K38 (0,34). Genetski različiti genotipovi identifikovani korišćenjem RAPD markera mogu biti potencijalni početni genetički materijal za ukrštanje sa drugim genotipovima radi dobijanja novih i poboljšanih sorti patlidžana.Evaluation of genetic resources of eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) from different geographical areas using molecular markers (RAPD) is of great importance in the breeding process. A total of 90 polymorphic amplified products were obtained from 10 decameric RAPD primers, used to analyze the genetic diversity of 20 genotypes of eggplant (16 local and 4 genotypes of foreign origin). The highest polymorphism was determined using the OPAF-16 primer (70.83%). The number of detected bands ranged from 13 (OPF-04) to 24 (OPAF-16), while the average number of bands per primer was 17.2. The lengths of the amplified fragments ranged from 400 to 9000 bp. The value of the Jaccard’s genetic distance coefficient ranged from 0.095 to 0.35, and the dendrogram constructed using the UPGMA method showed that 16 local and 4 foreign genotypes were grouped into nine groups (clusters). Populations K1, K8/1, K19, K22, K25 and K38 represent genotypes that separated from the others and formed single clusters. The lowest value of the calculated genetic distance was 0.095 between domestic genotypes K13 and K12, which also showed morphological similarity in terms of shape and color. On the other hand, the highest value of genetic distance was calculated between foreign genotypes K19 and K25 (0.35), K19 and K34 (0.34) and K19 and K38 (0.34). Genetically distinct genotypes identified using RAPD markers could be potential starting genetic material for crossing with other genotypes to obtain new and improved eggplant varieties

    Assessment of eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) 1 genotypes and selection of parameters for better yield

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    One of the goals in eggplant breeding (Solanum melongena L.) is higher yield. The research included 20 different genotypes that are part of the collection of the Institute for Vegetable Crops Smederevska Palanka. 16 genotypes originated from Serbia, 2 from the Netherlands, 1 from Italy and 1 from Israel. The experiment was conducted at locations Vranovo (44°36’6,35”N, 20°59’55.47”E, altitude 87 m) using a randomized complete block design in three replications. Yield parameters (earliness, plant height/cm, number of fruits per plant, fruit weight/g, fruit length and width/cm, fruit yield per genotype/kg) were examined to study the traits relations and to effects on eggplant yield. Number of fruits per plant had positive and significant correlation with yield (r=0.685**). Also results showed positive correlation between each of: plant height to fruit length (r=0.812**), plant height to fruit weight (r=0.147), fruit width to fruit weight (r=0.523*). This characteristics had direct or indirect positive effect on yield so it can be taken as selection criteria to increase final yield of eggplant. Because there is genetic variability between tested genotypes, progress in breeding will depends on this variation. Earliness had negative correlation with yield (r=-0.044) and with all others parameters

    Examination of seed quality parameters of three pepper varieties in a five-year period (Capsicum annuum L.)

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    Sweet pepper (Capsicum annum L.) is considered one of the most popular vegetables in the world. During five consecutive years (2017-2021) the most important indicators of seed quality (seed germination, energy, seed purity and moisture) and health safety were analyzed in three varieties of peppers (Capsicum annuum L.): Palanačko čudo, Župska rana and Duga bela. During the research, very high values of all important parameters of seed quality were determined. The average determined seed purity was 98.6 % with a variation over the years of examination from 99.10% to 99.9%. Seed germination varied in the range of 73% to 94%, while the average germination was 86%. Germination energy was in the range of 61% to 88%. Seed moisture data showed that it was in the tolerance range of 6.3% to 7.4% per test year, with an average value of 6.9%. Alternaria spp and Fusarium spp were detected in minimal percent or no detection on variety of Palanačko čudo. Duga bela had the highest percentage of Alternaria spp. in 2020 and 2021, which were 2% and 3%, respectively. Fusarium spp. was presented in percentage more than in Župska rana and Palanačko čudo. The total germination of the Palanačko čudo, Župska rana and Duga bela during the observed five-year period was above the legal level of minimum and can be classified as quality seed

    Examination of seed quality parameters of three pepper varieties in a five-year period (Capsicum annuum L.)

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    Sweet pepper (Capsicum annum L.) is considered one of the most popular vegetables in the world. During five consecutive years (2017-2021) the most important indicators of seed quality (seed germination, energy, seed purity and moisture) and health safety were analyzed in three varieties of peppers (Capsicum annuum L.): Palanačko čudo, Župska rana and Duga bela. During the research, very high values of all important parameters of seed quality were determined. The average determined seed purity was 98.6 % with a variation over the years of examination from 99.10% to 99.9%. Seed germination varied in the range of 73% to 94%, while the average germination was 86%. Germination energy was in the range of 61% to 88%. Seed moisture data showed that it was in the tolerance range of 6.3% to 7.4% per test year, with an average value of 6.9%. Alternaria spp and Fusarium spp were detected in minimal percent or no detection on variety of Palanačko čudo. Duga bela had the highest percentage of Alternaria spp. in 2020 and 2021, which were 2% and 3%, respectively. Fusarium spp. was presented in percentage more than in Župska rana and Palanačko čudo. The total germination of the Palanačko čudo, Župska rana and Duga bela during the observed five-year period was above the legal level of minimum and can be classified as quality seed

    Analysis of fruit mass stability in melon lines by AMMI and BLUP methods

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    U ovom radu su ispitivana dva metoda analize stabilnosti kod 23 genotipa dinje gajenih tokom osam vegetacionih sezona na lokalitetu Smederevska Palanka (ogledno polje Instituta za povrtarstvo). Analiza je vršena AMMI metodom i BLUP metodom, koje se zasnivaju na analizi interacije genotip x spoljna sredina (G×E). Najvažniji cilj rada je bio da se odrede genotipovi dinje koji se karakterišu stabilnošću bez obzira na uslove spoljašnje sredine. Ogledi su sprovođeni u periodu od 2014. do 2021. godine. Ispitivana osobina je bila masa ploda. Utvrđeno je da se genotipovi, čija je prosečna masa ploda ispod ukupnog proseka, karakterišu manje varijabilnim vrednostima mase ploda u odnosu na genotipove koji su prinosniji. Kao najstabilniji genotipovi, bez obzira na vodni režim u toku cvetanja i zametanja plodova izdvojili su se G3 i G16 (AMMI analiza) i G7, G14 i G20 (BLUP analiza).In this paper, in 23 melon genotypes grown during eight growing seasons at the Smederevska Palanka location (the open field of the Institute of Vegetables), two methods of stability analysis were examined. The analysis was performed using the AMMI method, and BLUP method, which are based on genotype x environment (G×E) interaction analysis. The most important goal of this paper was to determine the melon genotypes that are characterized by stability regardless of the conditions of the environment. The trials were conducted in the period from 2014 to 2021. The examined trait was fruit weight. It was determined that genotypes whose average fruit weight is below the overall average are characterized by less variable fruit weight values compared to genotypes that are more productive. G3 and G16 (AMMI analysis), and G7, G14, and G20 (BLUP analysis) stood out as the most stable genotypes regardless of the water regime during the flowering and fruit set