31 research outputs found

    Navike u ishrani kao važan faktor očuvanja zdravlja kod učeničke i studentske populacije

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    Objective. Dietary habits influence different aspects of health, such as: subjective health assessment, life habits (such as physical activities), functional status, as well as the health care, where inadequate diet represents a significant risk factor for the formation of numerous, various health disorders. It is estimated that around 31% of children in the world under 5 is malnourished, while mortality caused by illness, hunger or malnutrition makes even 50% overall mortality in children. The basic aims of this research are to examine the dieting characteristics of pupils and students and the differences in these two groups' diet compared to their defined demographic and socio-economical features. Methods. A cross-section study has been done on the sample of 480 pupils and students in Nis. The research in the field was performed between 20th November and 2nd December in 2014 (special days for certain groups of subjects). As previously mentioned, a statistical package computing program Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS for Windows rel. 13.0) was used. Results. The analysis shows that men have breakfast more rarely than women. The results are similar in answers to the question if they never have breakfast. Unlike the previous results, men have lunch more often than women and the answers to the question if they have an afternoon snack are similar. The difference is more apparent when it comes to afternoon snacks, men have lunch more often which is the same for the habit of having dinner or supper. An especially interesting question was the one whether subjects think about their health when they choose what to eat. The most frequent answer was that they consider it sometimes, a little less than a half or 45.2%, every third respondent, 29.0%, consider it often, and only every sixth does it always (16.3%). Conclusion. The most subjects sometimes thought about their health when they choose what to eat.Cilj. Navike u ishrani utiču na više različitih aspekata zdravlja, između ostalih na subjektivnu ocenu zdravlja, druge životne navike (kao što je fizička aktivnost), funkcionalni status, ali i korišćenje zdravstvene zaštite, a nepravilna ishrana predstavlja značajan faktor rizika za nastanak brojnih različitih poremećaja zdravlja. Procenjuje se da je oko 31% dece u svetu do 5 godina stare pothranjeno, dok smrtnost usled bolesti gladi i pothranjenosti učestvuje čak sa 50% ukupnog mortaliteta kod dece. Osnovni ciljevi istraživanja su da se ispitaju karakteristike ishrane učenika i studenata, kao i da se ispitaju razlike u ishrani učeničke i studentske omladine u odnosu na definisana demografska i socioekonomska obeležja ispitanika. Metode. Izvršena je studija preseka na uzorku od 480 učenika i studenata iz Niša. Terenski deo istraživanja sproveden je od 20. novembra do 02. decembra 2015. godine (posebni dani za određene grupe ispitanika). Korišćen je statistički paket-računarski program Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS for WIndows rel. 13.0). Rezultati. Analiza pokazuje da muškarci ređe doručkuju u odnosu na osobe ženskog pola. Odgovori su jedino približni na pitanje da li nikada ne doručkuju za razliku od prethodnih rezultata muškarci redovnije ručavaju, a slični su odgovori u odnosu na to da li imaju poslepodnevnu užinu. U ostalim situacijama može se reći da devojke vode više računa o svom zdravlju. Posebno je bilo interesantno pitanje da li ispitanici pri izboru načina ishrane razmišljaju o svom zdravlju. Najučestalije izjašnjavanje bilo je da razmišljaju ponekad, nešto manje od polovine ili 45.2% često, svaki treći ispitanik ili 29.0%, a uvek, tek svaki šesti (16.3%). Zaključak. Većina ispitanika ponekad razmišlja o svom zdravlju kada bira šta da jede

    Impact of retail market concentration on differences in retailers' productivity and business results

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    The aim of this paper is to define the degree of the Serbian retail market concentration and to determine the nature of the correlation between market concentration and retailers' business performances. The main task of the research is to indicate how changes in market share affect the development of the retail sector. Based on financial indicators in retail, realized turnover and profit per employee, the null research hypothesis was tested for proving a significant correlation between the size of market share of retail chains and their productivity and business results. The obtained results show the level of deviation in terms of the differences between the size of market share and productivity and the business result. There is also an obvious increase in the market share of large retail chains which has led to a decrease in the total number of small independent retailers, as well as a rise in market concentration levels. The obtained results, the conducted analyses and tests will point to the potential dangers of the concentration of the national market and define the criteria for achieving a higher degree of homogeneity. Suggestions and guidelines for future research are presented in the paper


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    The frequency of vascular complications after kidney transplantation is low, but if they happen they present a great danger to the outcome of the transplantation. Renal artery thrombosis or renal vein thrombosis, as well as different types of hemorrhages can significantly jeopardize the outcome of the transplantation including the loss of the graft or mortality of the recipient. The aim of this research was to determine the connection between the frequency of early vascular complications and the gender of the recipient and the donor. The research was performed on the sample of 43 patients who underwent a kidney transplantation at the Clinic of Vascular Surgery, Clinical Centre in Niš within the period from 2009 to 2012. The difference in the representation of vascular complication between genders of the recipients (p=1) and the donors (p = 0.61) was not statistically significant. According to the results of this study, it can be concluded that the gender of the recipient and the donor is not connected to the frequency of the early vascular complications after a kidney transplantation. Key words: Early vascular complications, gender, kidney transplantation

    Bioeconomy-based food industry of Serbia: The role of intellectual capital

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    The aim of this exploratory study was to determine most useful indicators of intellectual capital in Serbian food industry. The study investigated managers' perceptions of indicator usefulness and practical application. They were top and middle managers from 18 food organizations, committed to the bioeconomy. The survey items were divided into human, structural, and relational capital. A closed-ended questionnaire was used to collect data, later analysed by SPSS 21 statistical software. The results have demonstrated that all indicators were seen as very important, with relational capital being the most useful of all


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    The goal of this paper is to investigate the performance of a wireless passive displacement sensor. Displacement sensor based on the heterogeneous integration process combines traditional fabrication technologies PCB (Printed Circuit Board) and LTCC (Low Temperature Co-fired Technology) with a flexible polyimide foil. The proposed sensor uses the coil as an essential part, multiple spacers and a polyimide foil as a flexible membrane with a piece of ferrite attached to it. With the displacement of the polyimide foil, the ferrite gets closer to the coil causing an increase in its inductance and a decrease of the resonant frequency of the system (coil, ferrite and antenna). Simulation results showed that sensors with equal outer dimensions but different internal structures exhibit different performances. Two prototypes of the sensor with different ferrite dimensions are designed, fabricated and characterized. Finally, their performances are compared

    Serum concentration of soluble adhesive molecules in patients with different forms of coronary artery disease

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    Background/Aim. Vascular cell adhesion molecules-1 (VCAM-1) and intercellular cell adhesive molecules-1 (ICAM- 1) play an important role in developing and progression of coronary atherosclerosis. The aim of the paper was to compare concentrations of soluble forms of VCAM-1 and ICAM-1 in patients with different clinical presentations of coronary artery disease (CAD) and patients without CAD. Methods. Blood samples were taken from 25 patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI), 25 patients with unstable angina pectoris (UAP), 25 with stable angina pectoris (SAP) and from 15 control patients without CAD, and concentrations of solubile adhesive molecules (VCAM-1, ICAM-1) were determined. Results. Obesity was more prominent in the NAP than in the SAP and the control patients (p < 0.05). There were no significant differences in gender distribution, age, duration of the CAD and body mass index between the groups. Hypertension and diabetes mellitus type 2 were more frequent in the CAD patients than in the controls (p < 0.01). Family history of the CAD was more frequent in the AMI and the UAP group than in the controls (p < 0.05). Serum concentrations of VCAM-1 was similar in the patients with AMI (955.9 ± 117.8 ng/mL), UAP (952.4 ± 139.1 ng/mL) and SAP (931 ± 169.8 ng/mL), and significantly higher in these groups compared with the controls (823.4 ± 97.6; p < 0.05, p < 0.05 and p < 0.1 respectively). Serum concentration of ICAM-1 was similar in the patients with AMI (699.2±125.6 ng/mL), UAP (727.6±171.8 ng/mL) and SAP (697.5±165.6 ng/mL), and significantly higher in these groups compared with the controls (583.4 ± 86.6; p < 0.1, p < 0.05 and p < 0.1 respectively). Conclusion. Increased concentrations of VCAM-1 and ICAM-1, as markers of inflammation, showed the importance of inflammatory processes in development of atherosclerosis and clinical expression of CAD. Measurement of soluble ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 concentrations is a useful indicator of atherosclerosis presence but not severity of CAD clinical presentation

    Reconstruction of Simulated Cylindrical Defects in Acrylic Glass Plate Using Pulsed Phase Thermography

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    The results of testing of acrylic glass, in which cylindrical defects were simulated at different depths by applying Pulsed Phase Thermography, are presented in the paper. To ensure better visibility of the simulated defects, suitable thermal images were selected and then processed by using two different procedures. In the first procedure, reduced thermal image sequences were generated by uniform extraction from the basic sequence, to enable analysis at different sampling frequencies. The second procedure was based on the application of a window function, which ensured that only uniformly selected thermal images took part in the evaluation of the basic sequence. The remaining thermal images were not used, but they did participate in the determination of the length of the analyzed sequence; in other words, their existence was registered through the number of samples used in Fast Fourier Transformation. The second procedure yielded much better results with regard to the estimation of the shape of a defect and the depth at which it was located. To provide better insight into the development of the thermal process in the defect area, an additional analysis of pixel intensity variation in the time domain was undertaken