508 research outputs found

    Mapping Global Star Formation in the Interacting Galaxy Pair Arp32

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    A multi-wavelength set of photometric data including UV (GALEX), optical, near-IR, infrared (Spitzer) and radio (VLA 20cm) images and spectroscopic observations are used to map the dust-obscured and unobscured star formation in the galaxy pair Arp 32. The system consists of an actively starforming galaxy and another one with depressed star formation. The most active galaxy has disrupted morphology and different sites of star formation. Spectroscopic data show hints of nuclear activity in its core, intense star formation in limited regions of the galaxy as well as an underlying population of stars witnessing a past episode of star formation. Current star formation rates are estimated from UV and bolometric IR luminosities

    Connecting Clump Sizes in Turbulent Disk Galaxies to Instability Theory

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    In this letter we study the mean sizes of Halpha clumps in turbulent disk galaxies relative to kinematics, gas fractions, and Toomre Q. We use 100~pc resolution HST images, IFU kinematics, and gas fractions of a sample of rare, nearby turbulent disks with properties closely matched to z~1.5-2 main-sequence galaxies (the DYNAMO sample). We find linear correlations of normalized mean clump sizes with both the gas fraction and the velocity dispersion-to-rotation velocity ratio of the host galaxy. We show that these correlations are consistent with predictions derived from a model of instabilities in a self-gravitating disk (the so-called "violent disk instability model"). We also observe, using a two-fluid model for Q, a correlation between the size of clumps and self-gravity driven unstable regions. These results are most consistent with the hypothesis that massive star forming clumps in turbulent disks are the result of instabilities in self-gravitating gas-rich disks, and therefore provide a direct connection between resolved clump sizes and this in situ mechanism.Comment: Accepted to Apj Letter

    Effects of three types of physical activity on reduction of metabolic parameters involved in cardiovascular risk

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    The aim of present study was to investigate the effects of three different types of physical activity on reduction of the metabolic parameters mainly responsible for cardiovascular diseases. This prospective-intervention study was performed at the 'ČIGOTA' Thyroid Institute on Mt. Zlatibor (Serbia) between August 2004 and June 2006. Sixty-eight overweight/obese patients aged 40-70 years with hyperlipidemia were divided into three groups according to their weight and overall health. The program of physical workout included: group I - fast walking; group II - gymnastic exercises and specially chosen exercises in the swimming pool; and group III - combined physical training of higher intensity and greater length. All patients were also on a special reduced diet of 1000 kcal per day, the AHA step-2 diet. We monitored the body mass index, body composition, glucose, cholesterol (total, LDL-, and HDL-), and triglycerides before, during, and after the intervention. After 2 and particularly 12 weeks of intervention, a significant improvement of all metabolic parameters was achieved in all three groups of patients. Although most patients completed the study with normal values of all parameters, the most desirable results were achieved in group III (combined exercises with an average energy expenditure of 900 kcal per day). Our research indicates that a specially conceived program of physical activity and diet intervention resulted in significant reduction of cardiovascular risk factors

    Extragalactic Fields Optimized for Adaptive Optics

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    In this paper we present the coordinates of 67 55' x 55' patches of sky which have the rare combination of both high stellar surface density (>0.5 arcmin^{-2} with 13<R<16.5 mag) and low extinction (E(B-V)<0.1). These fields are ideal for adaptive-optics based follow-up of extragalactic targets. One region of sky, situated near Baade's Window, contains most of the patches we have identified. Our optimal field, centered at RA: 7h24m3s, Dec: -1deg27'15", has an additional advantage of being accessible from both hemispheres. We propose a figure of merit for quantifying real-world adaptive optics performance, and use this to analyze the performance of multi-conjugate adaptive optics in these fields. We also compare our results to those that would be obtained in existing deep fields. In some cases adaptive optics observations undertaken in the fields given in this paper would be orders of magnitude more efficient than equivalent observations undertaken in existing deep fields.Comment: 28 pages, 15 figures, 1 table; accepted for publication in PAS

    Fizička aktivnost u prevenciji i redukciji kardiovaskularnog rizika

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    Introduction There is evidence that physical activity decreases the degree of atherosclerosis in the coronary arteries in persons who are physically active by modifying the chemistry and metabolism of lipoproteins. The effect of physical activity on the lipid status is achieved by affecting the enzymes of lipoprotein metabolism including the lipoprotein and liver lipase and transport protein of cholesterol esters. Epidemiological investigations on the effect of physical activity in prevention of cardiovascular diseases point to the fact that the persons who have a higher degree of cardio-respiratory endurance have a much lower mortality rate than those with a lower degree. The positive effect of physical activity on the cardiovascular system is reflected on the improved aerobic capacity, metabolic function, amplification of lipid profile, insulin sensitivity, immunological functions; it increases the perfusion of myocardium and the fibrinolytic activity, and reduces the adherence of thrombocytes due to increased synthesis of prostaglandin (PGI2), it also enhances the energy consumption, which is important in the maintenance of ideal bodyweight, prevention and treatment of obesity, and it has a positive effect on the control of stress. Conclusion With respect to the effects on the lipid status, aerobic physical exercises like running, swimming, cycling, with the intensity of training of a medium (65% VO2) load, have a positive effect on lipid status. The best form of physical activity is the one in which the endurance and power are increased.Pozitivan efekat fizičke aktivnosti na kardiovaskularni sistem ogleda se u: poboljÅ”anju aerobnog kapaciteta i metaboličkih funkcija, amplifikaciji lipidnog profila, insulinske senzitivnosti imunoloÅ”kih funkcija, povećanju perfuzije miokarda i fibrinolitičke aktivnosti, smanjenju adherentnosti trombocita zbog povećane sinteze prostanglandina PGI2, porastu energetskog rashoda (Å”to je značajno za održavanje idealne telesne mase), prevenciji i lečenju gojaznosti, kao i kontroli stresa. EpidemioloÅ”ke studije ukazuju na pozitivnu vezu povećane energetske potroÅ”nje uzrokovane fizičkom aktivnoŔću i redukcije lipidnih parametara i telesne mase kombinacijom dijete i fizičke aktivnosti. Fizička aktivnost, modifikujući hemizam i metabolizam lipoproteina, usporava stepen ateroskleroze u koronarnim arterijama kod osoba koje su fizički aktivne. U prevenciji i redukciji kardiovaskularnog rizika aerobne fizičke vežbe (poput trčanja, plivanja, vožnje bicikla), sa intenzitetom treninga srednjeg opterećenja (65% srednjeg respiratornog volumena) opterećenja, imaju pozitivan efekat. Najbolji oblik fizičke aktivnosti je onaj u kojem se povećavaju izdržljivost i snaga
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