11 research outputs found

    Holinergični sindrom: prikaz primera zastrupitve z organofosfati in karbamati

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    Cholinergic syndrome is a common topic at western medical universities yet rarely observed in clinical practice. The treatment involves muscarinic antagonists, acetylcholinesterase reactivation, seizure control, and supportive measures. Here we report a case of a 52-year old Caucasian male who attempted suicide by ingesting a purple crystal powder that turned out to be a mixture of carbofuran and chlormephos. At clinical examination, the patient presented with salivation, perspiration, diarrhoea, bradypnoea, loss of consciousness, and epileptic seizures. Laboratory tests showed low plasma cholinesterase, and we started obidoxime along with supportive intensive care treatment. He was later transferred to the psychiatry department for further diagnostics and treatment.Holinergični sindrom je pogosta tema na medicinskih fakultetah v zahodnem svetu, ki pa ga redko obravnavamo v klinični praksi. Zdravljenje sestoji iz uporabe muskarinskih antagonistov, reaktivacije acetilholinesteraze, nadzora nad epileptičnimi napadi in podpornih ukrepov. Predstavljamo primer 52-letnega moškega, ki je poskušal storiti samomor z zaužitjem vijoličnega kristalnega prahu, ki se je izkazal za mešanico karbofurana in klormefosa. Ob pregledu smo opažali povečano slinjenje in potenje ter prisotnost driske, bradipneje, izgube zavesti in epileptičnih napadov. V laboratorijskih preiskavah smo beležili nizke vrednosti plazemske holinesteraze in pričeli zdravljenje z obidoksimom ob podpornem intenzivnem zdravljenju. Kasneje smo ga premestili na Oddelek za psihiatrijo za nadaljnjo diagnostiko in zdravljenje

    Zdravljenje hude zastrupitve s kvetiapinom in citalopramom z nizkim odmerkom intravenske lipidne emulzije

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    The treatment of quetiapine and/or citalopram poisoning is mainly supportive and involves gastric lavage, activated charcoal, intubation, and mechanical ventilation. Recently, however, there were reports of successful treatment with intravenous lipid emulsion. Here we report a case of a 19-year-old Caucasian girl who ingested approximately 6000 mg of quetiapine, 400 mg of citalopram, and 45 mg of bromazepam in a suicide attempt. The patient developed ventricular tachycardia and epileptic seizures 12 h after admission to the hospital. As the patient’s condition deteriorated, we combined standard therapy (intubation, mechanical ventilation, and vasopressors) with low-dose intravenous lipid emulsion (ILE) (a total of 300 mL of 20 % lipid emulsion) and normalised her heart rhythm and stopped the seizures. She was discharged to the psychiatric ward after 48 h and home after a prolonged (2-month) psychiatric rehabilitation. Intravenous lipid emulsion turned out to be effective even in the lower dose range than previously reported for quetiapine poisoning in patients presenting with seizure and ventricular arrhythmia. To our knowledge, there are no case reports describing the use of ILE in treating citalopram poisoning.Zastrupitve s kvetiapinom in/ali citalopramom večinoma zdravimo podporno. Ob zdravljenju s spiranjem želodca, aktivnim ogljem, intubacijo in mehansko ventilacijo pa so opisani primeri uspešnega zdravljenja z intravensko lipidno emulzijo. Predstavljamo primer 19-letne ženske, ki je v samomorilne namene zaužila približno 6000 mg kvetiapina, 400 mg citaloprama in 45 mg bromazepama. Bolnica je imela 12 ur po sprejemu prekatno tahikardijo in epileptične napade. Ob kliničnem poslabšanju stanja smo jo zdravili s standardno terapijo (intubacija, mehanska ventilacija, vazopresorna podpora) in nizkim odmerkom intravenske lipidne emulzije (celokupno 300 mL 20 % lipidne emulzije). Srčni ritem se je po terapiji normaliziral, epileptični krči so prenehali. Po 48 urah zdravljenja v enoti intenzivne terapije je bila premeščena na oddelek za psihiatrijo in po 2-mesečnem zdravljenju domov. Zastrupitev s kvetiapinom in citalopramom, ki se pri bolniku kaže z epileptičnimi krči in prekatnimi motnjami ritma, lahko uspešno zdravimo z nizkimi odmerki intravenske lipidne emulzije

    Clinical effects of cannabis compared to synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonists (SCRAs): a retrospective cohort study of presentations with acute toxicity to European hospitals between 2013 and 2020.

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    INTRODUCTION Cannabis is the most common recreational drug worldwide and synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonists are currently the largest group of new psychoactive substances. The aim of this study was to compare the clinical features and outcomes of lone acute cannabis toxicity with lone acute synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonist toxicity in a large series of presentations to European emergency departments between 2013-2020. METHODS Self-reported drug exposure, clinical, and outcome data were extracted from the European Drug Emergencies Network Plus which is a surveillance network that records data on drug-related emergency department presentations to 36 centres in 24 European countries. Cannabis exposure was considered the control in all analyses. To compare the lone cannabis and lone synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonist groups, univariate analysis using chi squared testing was used for categorical variables and non-parametric Mann-Whitney U- testing for continuous variables. Statistical significance was defined as a P value of < 0.05. RESULTS Between 2013-2020 there were 54,314 drug related presentations of which 2,657 were lone cannabis exposures and 503 lone synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonist exposures. Synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonist presentations had statistically significantly higher rates of drowsiness, coma, agitation, seizures and bradycardia at the time of presentation. Cannabis presentations were significantly more likely to have palpitations, chest pain, hypertension, tachycardia, anxiety, vomiting and headache. DISCUSSION Emergency department presentations involving lone synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonist exposures were more likely to have neuropsychiatric features and be admitted to a psychiatric ward, and lone cannabis exposures were more likely to have cardiovascular features. Previous studies have shown variability in the acute toxicity of synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonists compared with cannabis but there is little comparative data available on lone exposures. There is limited direct comparison in the current literature between lone synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonist and lone cannabis exposure, with only two previous poison centre series and two clinical series. Whilst this study is limited by self-report being used to identify the drug(s) involved in the presentations, previous studies have demonstrated that self-report is reliable in emergency department presentations with acute drug toxicity. CONCLUSION This study directly compares presentations with acute drug toxicity related to the lone use of cannabis or synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonists. It supports previous findings of increased neuropsychiatric toxicity from synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonists compared to cannabis and provides further data on cardiovascular toxicity in lone cannabis use

    A Single Dose of ViperfavTM May Be Inadequate for Vipera ammodytes Snake Bite: A Case Report and Pharmacokinetic Evaluation

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    ViperfavTM is a commercial F(ab’)2 antivenom prepared against European vipers venom. It is safe and effective for treating envenomation caused by Vipera aspis and Vipera berus. Therapeutic efficacy for treating Vipera ammodytes ammodytes (V. a. ammodytes) envenoming has not been yet described, although protective efficacy has been demonstrated in preclinical studies. We report on a 32-year-old man bitten by V. a. ammodytes who was treated with Viperfav™. Viperfav™ promptly reduced local extension and improved systemic pathological signs, but 24 h after the incident a recurrence of thrombocytopenia occurred despite a favorable pharmacokinetic profile with systemic clearance (1.64 (mL·h−1)·kg−1) and elimination half-life (97 h) among the highest ever reported. The recommended dose of Viperfav™ for V. aspis and V. berus bites may be inadequate for serious V. a. ammodytes envenomations. Following V. a. ammodytes bite, serial blood counts and coagulation profiles should be performed to help guide Viperfav™ treatment, along with supplemental administration as indicated

    Acute toxicity related to misuse (nonmedical use) of tramadol: Experience of the European Drug Emergencies Network Plus

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    International audienceFollowing the development of the tramadol crisis currently affecting countries in the Middle East, and Africa, there has been increasing international interest in the regulation of tramadol. This study investigates the misuse of tramadol in patients presenting to emergency departments across Europe. Data from 32 emergency departments in 21 countries were extracted from the Euro-DEN Plus database for the 4-year period from 1 January 2014 to 31 December 2017. Of the reported 24,957 emergency department presentations, tramadol misuse was reported in 105 (0.4% presentations). Tramadol misuse was most common in Bratislava (Slovakia; n = 11, 7.5% of all presentations to this centre), Riga (Latvia; n = 4, 4.9%) and Munich (Germany; n = 17, 2.9%). On arrival, 14 (13.3%) of presentations were in coma/Glasgow coma score ≤ 8 and 9 of these had a respiratory rate <12 breaths/min. These presentations potentially pose a significant burden on emergency departments with a large proportion requiring admission to hospital for ongoing care