15 research outputs found

    Modeling, Control and Navigation of an Autonomous Quad-Rotor Helicopter

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    Autonomous outdoor quad-rotor helicopters increasingly attract the attention of potential researchers. Several structures and configurations have been developed to allow 3D movements. The quadrotor helicopter is made of a rigid cross frame equipped with four rotors. The autonomous quad-rotor architecture has been chosen for this research for its low dimension, good manoeuvrability, simple mechanics and payload capability. This article presents the modelling, control and navigation of an autonomous outdoor quad-rotor helicopter

    An Overview of Indicators and Indices Used for Urban Mobility Assessment

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    The urban mobility is affected by global trends resulting in a growing passenger and freight transport demand. In order to improve the understanding of urban mobility in general, to evaluate mobility services and to quantify the overall transport system performance, it is necessary to assess urban mobility. Urban mobility assessment requires the application of methodology integrating different metrics and explicitly applying a multi-dimensional approach. Since scientific community does not define urban mobility in an unambiguous way, part of this paper is devoted to the analysis of the definition of urban mobility. This step enables better understanding of urban mobility in general, as well as understanding of the urban mobility assessment process. Usually, a three-layered approach that includes urban mobility data, indicators and indices is used for the assessment. Therefore, the aim of this paper was to perform extensive research in order to synthesize, define and organize the elements of those layers. The existing urban mobility indicators and indices have been developed for specific urban areas, taking into account local specifications, and they are not applicable in other cities. Also, the choice of urban mobility indicators is mainly related to the existence of data sources, which limits the objective and comparable assessment of the mobility of cities where such data do not exist.</p

    Data Envelopment Analysis for Determining the Efficiency of Variant Solutions for Traffic Flow Organisation

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    There is a small number of empirical modelling study cases available that are related to the calculation of variant solutions efficiency from the aspect of sustainable mobility in the urban areas. In practice, it is often necessary - especially when it comes to the urban transport network - to evaluate the solutions for traffic flow organisation and routing, in order to implement the one(s) with the maximum potential to reduce the possibility of congestion during peak travelling periods i.e. during transport network peak load. The paper presents an approach to the aforementioned problem by the application of the transport system efficiency analysis. The aspect of traffic flow organisation and routing efficiency in variant solutions is clarified through the analysis model development, built on the premises of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method and the principles of unnecessary traffic flow intersections (TFI) theory. The proposed model defines the efficiency limit for data attributed to variant solutions, based on the calculation of the optimal TFI model and the possibilities of DEA method that include comparison and definition of relative routing efficiency for every optional traffic flow against the efficiency limit (optimal model) in order to calculate relative efficiency in relation to other solutions.</p

    Mobile ECG and SPO2 Chest Pain Subjective Indicators of Patient with GPS Location in Smart Cities

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    Subjective indicators of chest pain in this article describe a system based on devices for measuring ECG (Electrocardiogram) and SPO2 (Saturation of peripheral Oxygen) signals with PPG (Photoplethysmograph). The development system used for ECG detection signals is created in the SMT technology technique. Preparing for ECG (Electrocardiogram) signal analysis is realized on the coordinator side of the WSN (Wireless Sensor Network) node and LabView application interface. Existing model RPC-50E, as SPO2 detector is used for a measurement device. SPO2 performance upgrade was realized by installing hardware module XBee PRO S2B in the function of router-end device working mode. Except for ZigBee wireless transmission technology, it leaves a possibility to expand with Bluetooth module. The technical description is strictly related to the location of the patients using the GPS signal when it comes to undesirable measuring sizes of each decentralized measuring device. Possibilities to measure beats per second (bps) is also included in the measurement device for saturation of peripheral oxygen. Smart city integration is part of upgraded hardware which operates on the level of hospital cloud. With existing smart city infrastructure, it is easier to connect mobile IoT (Internet of Things) logger of ECG and SPO2 measurements. This article describes only the main reasons for chest pain. Acute and chronic chest pain is defined with ECG signal waveforms in certain cases. Measuring graphs are based on 12 measurement points that lead to the electrocardiogram device

    ECG Simulation and Integration of Kalman Filter in Cardio Pediatric Cases

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    This article will show an overview of the model and simulations of general cardio pediatrics cases. To avoid simulated interference, Kalman and lowpass filter blocks are placed. In pediatric cases normal ECG (Electrocardiogram) curve is a bit different in relation to the middle-age persons. In cardio pediatric is represented especially the ECG curve with higher beats/min. Depending on the age of the child\u27s heart rate is variable. Therefore, identifying irregularities of the heart rate in children should be implemented a particular type of filter to eliminate rough measurement error on measurement signals. The model is obtained computationally shown in the examples of simulation in LabView and Java application programming interfaces. The model realization of the ECG signal is based on a few methods. Therefore, it selected only one method to display a simulated ECG signal. Installation of additional software filters allows us for realistic expectations after hardware integration. The real practical case is provided by a developed system with compiled firmware in the microcontroller. Firmware defines the behavior of the ECG signal after the integration of Kalman and the lowpass filter. Some cardio pediatric cases are processed with the method which can be applied Kalman or lowpass filter

    Pouzdanost sustava za praćenje parametara zavarivanja

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    This paper presents application of self developed On-line monitoring system for main welding parameters acquisition and data processing at arc welding and resistant welding process. Recorded data by On-line monitoring system is compared with data measured by oscilloscope. Based on comparation of both methods, it is possible to conclude that there are no significant differences between recorded data. Presented On- line monitoring system is appropriate and accurate enough for welding parameters monitoring and control.U radu se predstavljaju primjene vlastitog razvijenog On-line monitoring sustava za prikupljanje i obradu glavnih parametara zavarivanja kod elektrolučnog i elektrootpornog zavarivanja. Snimljeni podaci pomoću On-line monitoring sustava su uspoređeni s podacima izmjerenim pomoću osciloskopa. Temeljem usporedbe obiju navedenih metoda, može se zaključiti da nema značajnih razlika između registriranih podataka. Predstavljeni On-line monitoring sustav je prikladan i dovoljno precizan za monitoring i kontrolu parametara zavarivanja

    Utjecaj elektromagnetskog polja na okolinu u TIG procesu zavarivanja

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    This paper presents welding current influence on spreading of electromagnetic field in TIG welding process. The quality of welding is analyzed by ā€žFast Fourier Transformationā€œ (FFT) on recorded current. Electric and magnetic field are measured using an instrument ā€žMacshek ESM ā€“ 100 3D Fieldmeterā€œ [1]. Welding current is recorded using the On-line monitoring system [2]. Recording parameters of these two devices have synchronization time on On-line interface over hardware pin and interrupt routine in LabView software platform. Scale, resolution and synchronization of measured signals are additionally analyzed in Matlab.U radu se predstavlja utjecaj struje zavarivanja na prostorno Å”irenje magnetskog i električnog polja kod TIG zavarivanja. Analizom u Matlabu ā€žFast Fourier Transformationā€œ (FFT) nad snimljenom strujom utvrđuje se kvaliteta aparata za zavarivanje. Električno i magnetsko polje mjeri se pomoću instrumenta ā€žMacshek ESM ā€“ 100 3D Fieldmeterā€œ [1]. Struja zavarivanja snima se pomoću On-line monitoring sustava [2]. Vremenska sinkronizacija snimanja parametara ova dva uređaja odrađuje se hardverskim pinom na On-line sučelju i prekidnom rutinom u softverskoj platformi LabView. Skaliranje razlučivosti i sinkronizacija mjernih signala nadalje se odrađuje u Matlabu

    Numerical calculation of electromagnetic forces in magnetic actuator for use in active suspension system for vehicles

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    Cilj rada je dinamičan izračun potrebnih elektromagnetskih sila za pozicioniranje vozila na različitim masama opterećenja. Numerički proračuni magnetskih polja i dobivenih sila temelje se na metodi konačnih elemenata. Sveobuhvatna rjeÅ”enja su primijenjena na razvoj parametarskog modeliranja. U radu se definira osnovni model za daljnje modeliranje i promatrana mogućnost ponaÅ”anja određenog modela koristeći različite vrste materijala i opterećenja. ObjaÅ”njene su vrste magnetskih materijala i njihov izbor za pojedine dijelove modela. Rezultati daju uvid u magnetsko polje, ovisnost struje zavojnice i snage levitirajućeg dijela modela. KoriÅ”tenjem ranije navedenih rezultata, matematički model može biti razvijen. Izračun modela u prostoru stanja može poslužiti kao priprema za automatsku regulaciju dinamike suspenzije.The aim of this work is the dynamic calculation of the necessary electromagnetic forces for positioning of the vehicle at different mass loads. Numerical calculations of magnetic fields and obtained forces are based on finite element method. Comprehensive solutions have been applied to the development of a parametric modelling. The paper defines the basic model for further modelling and the possibility to observe the behaviour of a given model using different types of materials and loads. Types of magnetic materials and their selection for particular parts of the model are explained. These results provide insight into the magnetic field, dependence of default coil current and power of the levitate part of the model. Using these results a mathematical model can be developed. State space model calculation can be utilized as a preparation for automatic regulation of the dynamics of the suspension