157 research outputs found

    Calanoides (Crustacea: Copepoda) de les aigües continentals baleàriques

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    Troballa d'Echinogammarus sicilianus (Crustacea: Amphipoda) a les Serres de Llevant de Mallorca

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    Estigofauna de les petites illes del sud de Mallorca: Cabrera i Dragonera

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    Estigofauna de les petites illes del sud de Mallorca

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    [spa] Se presentan los resultados obtenidos en la prospección faunística preliminar de los estigohábitats no marinos conocidos en el archipiélago de Cabrera e isla de Sa Dragonera (costa sur de Mallorca, Baleares). Se han reconocido los siguientes taxones: Bogidiella balearica Dancau, y 2 especies no descritas de Pseudoniphargus, simpátricas y dulceacuícolas, actualmente en estudio, en Cabrera; en cuanto a Sa Dragonera, se confirma la presencia de Salentinella angelieri Ruffo y Typhlocirolana moraguesi Racovitza, y se citan por primera vez Metacyclops subdolus Kiefer y un sincárido batineláceo no determinado.[eng] Results of faunistic prospection of non-marine stigohabitats from Cabrera archipelago and Sa Dragonera island (south coast of Mallorca, Balearic islands) are presented. 7 taxa have been reported, viz. Bogidiella balearica Dancau, and 2 new, freshwater and sympatric, Pseudoniphargus species, now under study, from Cabrera; Typhlocirolana moraguesi Racovitza, Salentinella angelieri Ruffo, Metacyclops subdolus Kiefer, and unassigned batinellid sincarida are cited from Sa Dragonera

    Una llista dels crustacis de S'Albufera

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    16 espècies de rotífers pelàgics i litorals s'han trobat en diverses mostres de S'Albufera de Mallorca, de les quals 4 són noves cites per a la fauna balear: Notholca salina, Lecane larnel/ata, Proales slmilis i Eosphora ehrenbergi. Brachionus plicatilis es l'especie rnes frequent i abundant en els ambients salobrosos. Altres espècies halotiles (Notholca salina, Colurel/a adriatica, Lecane larnel/ata) també són comunes a S'Albufera. Es comenten les preferències ecològiques d'algunes espècies, pel que fa al contingut salí d'aigües i a la seva colonització estacional. Es troben més espècies a les aigües amb poca influència marina, ja que la salinitat restringeix drasticament la diversitat. Es presenta una llista de la fauna de rotífers de S'Albufera i es mostren dibuixos originals d'algunes de les espècies trobades.A ckeck-list of 'crustaceans inhabiting marshes and lagoons of S'Albufera is presented. Thirty three taxa are reported, including 11 Copepoda: 11 Cladocera, 3 Amphipoda, 2 Isopoda, 4 Ostracoda, 1 Mysidacea and 1 Decapoda. The community is typical of coastal mediterranean marshes, witha group of eurihaline species (Calanipeda, Lekanosphaera bookeri, Gammarus aequicauda) adapted to a broad range of more or less diluted marine water. Another group is composed of species characteristic of atalasohaline environments, as saline dams and temporary pools on saline substrate lArctodiaptomus salin us, Diacyclops bicuspidatus odessanus, Daphnia mediterranea}. Finally, there is a pool of ubiquitous species, mainly cladocerans, inhabiting springs and other points with low marine influence. The presence of Pleuroxus laevis and Microcyclops rubel/us is remarkable, as they are supposedly indicative of soft waters. The North American crayfish Procambarus clarkii invaded S'Albufera 10 years ago, when the first individuals were detected

    Fauna carcinològica de les aigües continentals

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    Llista dels crustacis de les aigües continentals de Cabrera. S'han prospectat 12 estacions, incloent-hi les aigües subterrànies dolces, algunes cubetes supralitorals amb influències límniques, així com els llacs glacioeustàtics que ocupen el fons de les coves litorals conegudes. S'han comptabilitzat 20 espècies, essent 11 estigobionts. El grau d'endemisme és elevat (50%), amb 8 dels tàxons exclusius de Cabrera, mentre que altres 2 es coneixen també d'altres indrets de les Balears. La pràctica totalitat dels endemismes es troben entre les espècies estigobionts. Dues d'elles (amfípodes del gènere Pseudoniphargus) estan relegades a les aigües dolces subterrànies, mentre que un altre (l'amfípode Bogidiella baleárica, que es troba també a Mallorca) ocupa les capes salobres superficials del llac de la Cova des Burrí. La resta (dos copèpodes misofrioides i un harpacticoide encara no descrits, un amfípode del gènere Psammogammarus, un isòpode del gènere Metacirolana, i un misidaci pertanyent al nou gènere Burrimysis) sols es coneixen de les capes fondes de l'esmentat llac. La troballa d'aquest últim grup d'espècies representa la primera citació de fauna talassostigobiont a la Mediterrània. Sols s'ha trobat un endemisme epigeu, comú a la resta de les Balears, l'isòpode Proasellus coxalis gabriellae.Aquatic crustacea were recorded in 12 stations, including subterranean fresh waters, some supralittoral pools showing clearly limnic influences, and also anchihaline lakes of coastal caves. Twenty species were recorded, 11 of which were stygobionts. The degree of endemicity is high (50%), with 8 taxa exclussive of Cabrera, and two known also from other places in the remaining Balearic islands. All endemics but one, the freshwater isopod Proasellus coxalis gabriellae, are stygobionts. Two of them (amphipoda of the genus Pseudoniphargus) are restricted to fresh waters. The amphipod Bogidiella balearica (also present in Mallorca) is located in the brackish surface layers of the lake in Cava des Burri. The remaining endemic taxa (an harpacticoid and two misophrioid undescribed copepods, an amphipod of the genus Psammogammarus, an isopod of the genus Metacirolana, and a mysid belonging to the new genus Burrimysisï are known only from the deep layers of the latter cave lake. This is the first record of thalassostygobiont crustaceans in Mediterranean water

    Àrea de mercat i sistema d'exportació del peix salat mallorquí, segles XIV-XV

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    Producció i crisi arrossera de sa Pobla i Muro

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    New hyperbenthic species of Misophriopsis and Misophriella, first record of misophrioid copepods (Crustacea) from Antarctic waters

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    Misophrioid copepods are reported for the first time from Antarctic waters. A species of each of the genera Misophriopsis and Misophriella is described from hyperbenthic layers of the continental shelf of the eastern Weddell Sea. The genus Misophria is also reported from these waters. Misophriopsis australis sp. nov. is the fifth representative of this widely distributed genus, previously reported from the North Atlantic, the China Sea, and both NW and NE quadrants of the Pacific Ocean. Misophriella schminkei sp. nov. is the second representative of the genus, known to date only from a single female caught in North Atlantic bathyal depths. Traces of subdivisions on antennary exopodal segments of the latter species suggest that the first segment may be a triple segment, while the second and terminal segments may be double segments. In addition, the mandibular exopod of this taxon indicates that a six-segmented ramus with setal formula 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2 may represent the ground pattern in Copepoda. The presence of parts of a cyclopinid copepod in the gut of M. schminkei sp. nov. indicates that this species may be carnivorousThis paper was a contribution to EC FAIR CT95-0655 and was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.Peer reviewe

    Glyptogidiella omanica gen. et sp. nov., an inland groundwater bogidiellid from Oman with enlarged coxal plate V (Crustacea, Amphipoda)

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    11 páginas, 6 figuras. -- Artículo Open AccessA new genus and species of Amphipoda is reported from inland ground waters of the Sultanate of Oman. AlthoughGlyptogidiella omanica gen. et sp. nov. exhibits several features typical of the Bogidiellidae (i. e. combined display of distinct carpal lobe on first gnathopod, reduced pleopodal rami, and unsegmented exopodite of third uropod), its exceptionally large fifth coxal plate and short rami of third uropod do not fit in the restricted diagnosis of the family as recently presented elsewhere. In fact, the enlarged coxal plate V is a feature not reported in any other amphipod, whereas no other bogidiellid displays an expanded basis on pereopod VII. The habitus of Glyptogidiella is not typical for a dweller of a true interstitial niche, with its short antennae, large coxal plate and short and stubby rami on the third uropod. This suggests that the interstitial medium could not be the primary habitat for the species, and that the underground of wadis might contain interstices of large size and could also be in contact with karstic hollows.Este trabajo ha sido llevado a cabo gracias al proyecto CGL2009-08256 del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación de España, co-financiado parcialmente con el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional de la Unión Europea.Peer reviewe