9 research outputs found

    A High Cadence Study of Stellar Variability: Searching for Habitable Planetary Companions Orbiting White Dwarfs with the DECam Minute Cadence Survey

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    One outstanding question in astronomy is what happens to planetary systems as their host star evolves. Though indirect evidence such as metal polluted white dwarf atmospheres and debris disks around white dwarfs, and recent observations of a disintegrating transiting planetesimal around the white dwarf WD 1145+017, suggest that something must survive, we have yet to observe a solid body planetary companion orbiting a white dwarf. In this dissertation, we search the 90219 pount sources identified in the DECam minute cadence survey for evidence of planetary eclipses around white dwarfs, as well as other sources of stellar variability. We find no evidence of eclipse-like events consistent with a planet orbiting a white dwarf, though we do find evidence of two unexpected \simminute duration dips around the likely M-dwarf J0856-0416. Galaxy models predict 802 white dwarfs in the survey, and we constrain the occurrence rate for habitable earth-sized planets around white dwarfs to \leq 37% at the 95% confidence level, consistent with previous studies when adjusted for differences in sample size. Additionally, we detect 132 variable systems, 97 of which are new detections. We find 77 binary systems, including two eclipsing white dwarf + M dwarf systems and one system containing a likely extremely low mass white dwarf, 29 δ\delta Scuti pulsators, 13 RR Lyrae, seven ZZ Ceti pulsators, two of which appear massive enough to have begun crystallization, and six sources of unidentified variable type

    New Halo White Dwarf Candidates in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

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    We present optical spectroscopy and near-infrared photometry of 57 faint (g = 19–22) high proper motion white dwarfs identified through repeat imaging of ≈3100 deg2 of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey footprint by Munn et al. We use ugriz and JHphotometry to perform a model atmosphere analysis, and identify 10 ultracool white dwarfs with Teff \u3c 4000 K, including the coolest pure H atmosphere white dwarf currently known, J1657+2638, with Teff = 3550 ± 100 K. The majority of the objects with cooling ages larger than 9 Gyr display thick disc kinematics and constrain the age of the thick disc to ≥11 Gyr. There are four white dwarfs in our sample with large tangential velocities (vtan \u3e 120 km s−1) and UVW velocities that are more consistent with the halo than the Galactic disc. For typical 0.6M ⊙ white dwarfs, the cooling ages for these halo candidates range from 2.3 to 8.5 Gyr. However, the total mainsequence+ white dwarf cooling ages of these stars would be consistent with the Galactic halo if they are slightly undermassive. Given the magnitude limits of the current large-scale surveys, many of the coolest and oldest white dwarfs remain undiscovered in the solar neighbourhood, but upcoming surveys such as Gaia and the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope should find many of these elusive thick disc and halo white dwarfs

    New Halo White Dwarf Candidates in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

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    We present optical spectroscopy and near-infrared photometry of 57 faint (g = 19–22) high proper motion white dwarfs identified through repeat imaging of ≈3100 deg2 of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey footprint by Munn et al. We use ugriz and JHphotometry to perform a model atmosphere analysis, and identify 10 ultracool white dwarfs with Teff \u3c 4000 K, including the coolest pure H atmosphere white dwarf currently known, J1657+2638, with Teff = 3550 ± 100 K. The majority of the objects with cooling ages larger than 9 Gyr display thick disc kinematics and constrain the age of the thick disc to ≥11 Gyr. There are four white dwarfs in our sample with large tangential velocities (vtan \u3e 120 km s−1) and UVW velocities that are more consistent with the halo than the Galactic disc. For typical 0.6M ⊙ white dwarfs, the cooling ages for these halo candidates range from 2.3 to 8.5 Gyr. However, the total mainsequence+ white dwarf cooling ages of these stars would be consistent with the Galactic halo if they are slightly undermassive. Given the magnitude limits of the current large-scale surveys, many of the coolest and oldest white dwarfs remain undiscovered in the solar neighbourhood, but upcoming surveys such as Gaia and the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope should find many of these elusive thick disc and halo white dwarfs

    The Age of the Galactic Stellar Halo from Gaia White Dwarfs

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    We use 156 044 white dwarf candidates with 5σ\geq5\sigma significant parallax measurements from the Gaia mission to measure the velocity dispersion of the Galactic disc; (σU,σV,σW)=(30.8,23.9,20.0)(\sigma_U,\sigma_V,\sigma_W) = (30.8, 23.9, 20.0) km s1^{-1}. We identify 142 objects that are inconsistent with disc membership at the >5σ>5\sigma level. This is the largest sample of field halo white dwarfs identified to date. We perform a detailed model atmosphere analysis using optical and near-infrared photometry and parallaxes to constrain the mass and cooling age of each white dwarf. The white dwarf cooling ages of our targets range from 7 Myr for J1657+2056 to 10.3 Gyr for J1049-7400. The latter provides a firm lower limit of 10.3 Gyr for the age of the inner halo based on the well-understood physics of white dwarfs. Including the pre-white dwarf evolutionary lifetimes, and limiting our sample to the recently formed white dwarfs with cooling ages of <500<500 Myr, we estimate an age of 10.9±0.410.9 \pm 0.4 Gyr (internal errors only) for the Galactic inner halo. The coolest white dwarfs in our sample also give similar results. For example, J1049-7400 has a total age of 10.9-11.1 Gyr. Our age measurements are consistent with other measurements of the age of the inner halo, including the white dwarf based measurements of the globular clusters M4, NGC 6397, and 47 Tuc.Comment: MNRAS, in pres


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    A catalog of 8472 white dwarf (WD) candidates is presented, selected using reduced proper motions from the deep proper motion catalog of Munn et al. Candidates are selected in the magnitude range 16 < r < 21.5 over 980 square degrees, and 16 < r < 21.3 over an additional 1276 square degrees, within the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) imaging footprint. Distances, bolometric luminosities, and atmospheric compositions are derived by fitting SDSS ugriz photometry to pure hydrogen and helium model atmospheres (assuming surface gravities log g = 8). The disk white dwarf luminosity function (WDLF) is constructed using a sample of 2839 stars with 5.5 < M-bol < 17, with statistically significant numbers of stars cooler than the turnover in the luminosity function. The WDLF for the halo is also constructed, using a sample of 135 halo WDs with 5 < M-bol < 16. We find space densities of disk and halo WDs in the solar neighborhood of 5.5 +/- 0.1 x 10(-3) pc(-3) and 3.5 +/- 0.7 x 10(-5) pc(-3), respectively. We resolve the bump in the disk WDLF due to the onset of fully convective envelopes in WDs, and see indications of it in the halo WDLF as well.National Science Foundation [AST 06-07480]; NSF; NASA [AST-1312678, NNX14AF65G]; NFS [AST-0602288]; Alfred P. Sloan Foundation; National Science Foundation; U.S. Department of Energy; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; Japanese Monbukagakusho; Max Planck Society; Higher Education Funding Council for England; [NAG W-2166]This item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]


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    A catalog of 8472 white dwarf (WD) candidates is presented, selected using reduced proper motions from the deep proper motion catalog of Munn et al. 2014. Candidates are selected in the magnitude range 16 < r < 21.5 over 980 square degrees, and 16 < r < 21.3 over an additional 1276 square degrees, within the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) imaging footprint. Distances, bolometric luminosities, and atmospheric compositions are derived by fitting SDSS ugriz photometry to pure hydrogen and helium model atmospheres (assuming surface gravities log g = 8). The disk white dwarf luminosity function (WDLF) is constructed using a sample of 2839 stars with 5.5 < M_bol < 17, with statistically significant numbers of stars cooler than the turnover in the luminosity function. The WDLF for the halo is also constructed, using a sample of 135 halo WDs with 5 < M_bol < 16. We find space densities of disk and halo WDs in the solar neighborhood of 5.5 +- 0.1 x 10^-3 pc^-3 and 3.5 +- 0.7 x 10^-5 pc^-3, respectively. We resolve the bump in the disk WDLF due to the onset of fully convective envelopes in WDs, and see indications of it in the halo WDLF as well.Comment: 23 pages, 30 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journal. Tables 1 - 6 provided in machine-readable-format in files tab1.txt, tab2.txt, tab3.txt, tab4.txt, tab5.txt, and tab6.txt. Data-behind-the-Figures provided for Figures 12, 13, 15, 26, 27, and 28 in files datafile12.txt, datafile13.txt, datafile15.txt, datafile26.txt, datafile27.txt, and datafile28.txt, respectivel