48 research outputs found


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    Abstrak: Aki digunakan sebagai sumber tenaga pada sepeda motor, mobil, truck, traktor, perahu dan berbaga jenis kendaraan bermotor lainnya. Berbeda dengan baterai primer atau baterai alkaline yang banyak digunakan dalam peralatan rumah tangga, aki merupakan baterai yang dapat diisi ulang setelah energi yang terdapat dalam aki telah digunakan. Penggunaan kembali material aki bekas kendaraan bermotor dengan cara mendaur ulang merupakan salah satu cara yang efektif untuk menghindari polusi lingkungan dan mengurangi volume timbulan aki bekas kendaraan bermotor di Tempat Pembuangan Akhir. Reduksi timbulan aki bekas kendaraan bermotor di Kota Bandung tidak terlepas dari peranan para pelaku daur ulang sektor informal. Aliran material aki bekas kendaraan bermotor pada pelaku daur ulang sektor informal di Kota Bandung secara garis besar adalah pemulung/tukang loak "“ lapak "“ bandar kecil "“ bandar besar dan akhirnya menuju pabrik daur ulang. Dari hasil survei yang dilakukan di Kota Bandung terdapat 159 pelaku daur ulang yang terdiri dari 48 orang pemulung, 59 orang tukang loak, 28 buah lapak, 8 buah bandar kecil dan 16 buah bandar besar. Jumlah aki bekas pada pemulung dan tukang loak, yaitu sebesar 19,5 ton/bulan pada pemulung dan 5,9 ton/bulan pada tukang loak, 1,2 ton/bulan pada lapak dan 1,6 ton/bulan pada bandar kecil. Sedangkan jumlah aki bekas kendaraan bermotor pada bandar besar adalah 24,7 ton/bulan. Di Kota Bandung pada tahun 2009, harga beli aki bekas kendaraan bermotor pada pelaku daur ulang berkisar antara Rp. 4.600/kg-Rp.5.900/kg, sedangkan harga jualnya berkisar antara Rp.5.600/kg-Rp.7.400/kg. Kata kunci: aki bekas kendaraan bermotor, daur ulang, sektor informal, aliran material Abstract: Lead acid batteries are relatively simple electrochemical devices able to store electrical energy, and deliver it to motors and other appliances when needed. Unlike common dry cell or alkaline batteries used in torches and other household appliances, lead acid batteries may be recharged after the stored energy has been used. As a result of these degradation processes batteries become unusable and are then known as used lead acid batteries (ULABs), and are waste. The utilization of ULABs by recycling is an effective method to avoid pollution of the environment and reduce the ULABs generation in the final disposal. The reduction of ULABs in Bandung City is not leave apart from the role of the recycle performers of informal sector. The material flow of ULABs in Bandung City by the informal sector of recycle performers are by pemulung/tukang loak "“ lapak "“ bandar kecil "“ bandar besar "“ and finally are going to recycling factory. Survey's result that is done at Bandung City exists 159 informal recycling performers that consist with 48 pemulung, 59 tukang loak, 28 lapak, 8 bandar kecil, and 16 bandar besar outgrow. The utilization of ULABs by recycling is an effective method to avoid pollution of the environment and reduce the lead generation in the final disposal site. The amount of vehicle's ULABs in the pemulung and tukang loak are 19.5 tons / month in pemulung and 5.9 ton / month on the tukang loak, 1.2 ton / month on the lapak and 1.6 tons / month in the bandar kecil. Whereas the vehicle's ULAB is 24.7 ton / month in bandar besar. In Bandung City in 2009, the buying price of ULABs is between Rp.4,600/kg- Rp.5,900/kg, whereas the selling price revolved between Rp.5,600/kg-Rp.7,400/kg.  Keywords: motor vehicle's ULABS, recycling, informal sector, material flo


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    Abstrak: Sistem pengelolaan dan pengolahan limbah B3 (bahan berbahaya dan beracun) di Kampus ITB khususnya di beberapa laboratorium selama beberapa tahun terakhir dapat dikatakan gagal dan belum ada sistem pengelolaan yang baik, terstruktur, sistematis, dan tanpa ada masukan teknologi yang memadai. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi dan memberikan usulan pengelolaan limbah B3 di laboratorium-laboratorium ITB berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah No.18 Tahun 1999. Metode yang digunakan adalah wawancara dan menyebarkan kuesioner kepada pihak-pihak laboratorium penghasil limbah B3, selain itu dilakukan juga pengambilan dokumentasi langsung di laboratorium-laboratorium tersebut. Dari metode tersebut dilakukan analisis perhitungan jenis dan jumlah limbah B3 yang dihasilkan. Hasil perhitungan menunjukkan limbah asam yang dihasilkan berjumlah 34,85 kg/minggu, basa 43,91 kg/minggu, solvent 83,91 kg/minggu, infectious waste 0,152 kg/minggu, logam berat 27,47 kg/minggu, dan campuran bahan kimia 267,23 kg/minggu. Melihat jumlah dan jenis-jenis limbah B3 yang dihasilkan upaya pengelolaan pun berbeda untuk setiap jenis limbahnya. Meskipun telah ada upaya minimisasi dari setiap laboratorium, upaya tersebut masih sangat terbatas dan tidak dapat berkelanjutan. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini dibuat untuk membuat usulan pengelolaan yang baru, terpadu, dan cocok dengan jenis limbah B3 yang dihasilkan oleh laboratorium-laboratorium tersebut dan untuk membantu mewujudkan program ITB Eco-Campus yang berkelanjutan. ITB Eco-Campus adalah satu program yang dibuat untuk mewujudkan kampus ITB sebagai kampus yang berwawasan lingkungan.Kata Kunci: ITB Eco-Campus, limbah B3,,laboratorium, pengelolaan, usulan pengelolaan. Abstract:. Hazardous waste management system in particular ITB Campus in several laboratories over the past years can be said failed and there is no proper management system, structured, systematic, and without adequate input technology. The purpose of this study was to evaluate and make suggestions about hazardous waste management in laboratories of ITB based on Peraturan Pemerintah No.18 1999. The methods used were interviews and distributing questionnaires to the parties of laboratories, also making the documentation directly in the laboratories. From the methods, the amount of each type of hazardous waste is calculated. Calculation results show that acid waste generated amounted to 34.85 kg / week, base 43.91 kg / week, solvent 83.91 kg / week, infectious waste 0.152 kg / week, heavy metals 27.47 kg / week, and the mixture chemistry 267.23 kg / week. Looking at the number and types of  hazardous waste, management efforts are different for each type of waste. Although there have been attempts minimization of each laboratory, the effort is still very limited and can not be sustained. Therefore, this final task made to create a new integrated management proposals which suitable to the type of hazardous waste produced by these laboratories and to help realize the sustainable ITB Eco-Campus. ITB Eco-Campus is a program which created to realize ITB campus as environmentally sustainable campus. Key words: hazardous waste, ITB Eco-Campus, laboratory, management, management proposals


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    Abstrak: Styrofoam merupakan plastik nomor 6 dalam klasifikasi plastik, yaitu polystyren, sehingga styrofoam sama berbahayanya dengan plastik. Saat ini, styrofoam banyak digunakan oleh masyarakat untuk berbagai keperluan seperti kemasan, bahan kerajinan, dekorasi, bahan bangunan, dan sebagainya. Jika konsumsi styrofoam tidak diimbangi dengan pengelolaan limbahnya yang baik, maka akan timbul pencemaran lingkungan. Penanganan limbah styrofoam yang sebatas pembuangan juga akan membebani alam dalam penguraiannya. Oleh karena itu diperlukan upaya daur ulang untuk mengurangi pencemaran terhadap lingkungan dan volume timbulan sampah styrofoam di tempat pembuangan akhir. Tujuan dari penilitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui jumlah timbulan sampah styrofoam dan pelaku utama kegiatan pengelolaan sampah styrofoam di Kota Bandung. Salah satu metode yang dapat digunakan dalam studi timbulan dan potensi daur ulang sampah kota adalah Materials Balance Analysis/ Materials Flow Method. Jumlah timbulan sampah styrofoam yang berasal dari sumber rumah tangga dan non-rumah tangga (rumah makan/catering, toko bunga, jasa dekorasi, supermarket) diperkirakan sebesar 21,769 ton/bulan. Perlakuan masyarakat Kota bandung terhadap sampah styrofoam adalah dengan membuangnya, menyimpan, menggunakan kembali, membakar, dan menjualnya. Pelaku daur ulang sampah styrofoam di Kota Bandung terdiri dari pemulung dan bandar. Diperkirakan, jumlah sampah styrofoam di pelaku daur ulang adalah 0,655 ton/bulan pada pemulung Kota Bandung dan 5,184 ton/bulan pada bandar Kota Bandung. Sampah styrofoam yang tertimbun di TPA Sarimukti diperkirakan sebesar 20,185  ton/bulan.Kata kunci: Daur ulang, pelaku daur ulang, styrofoam, timbulan Abstract : Styrofoam is plastic number 6 in plastics clasification so that it is as dangerous as the plastics. Currently, styrofoam is widely used by society for various purposes such as packaging, craft materials, decoration, building materials, and so forth. If its consumption doesn't counterbalanced with good management of styrofoam waste, it will give rise to environmental pollution. If styrofoam waste just dosposes for handling, it will burdens the nature to decomposes it. Therefore, it is recycle efford needed in order to environment pollution reduction and styrofoam waste volume reduction in the landfill. The objective of this research is to determine the amount of styrofoam waste generation and the performenrs of styrofoam waste management activities of in the city of Bandung.The method used for waste generation study and municipal-waste recycling potential is Materials Balance Analysis or Materials Flow Analysis. The total estimation of styrofoam waste generated by household and non-household sector (restaurants/catering, florists, decoration services, supermarkets) is 21.769 tons/month. The societies treat styrofoam waste by disposed, stored, reused, insenerated, and sold it. The stakeholder of styrofoam waste recycling in Bandung comes from informal sectors, they are "pemulung" and "bandar". It is estimated that the amount of waste styrofoam on the recycled performers are 0,655 tons/month at "pemulung" and 5,184 tons/month at the "bandar" of Bandung City. Styrofoam waste buried in Sarimukti landfill estimated at 11.151 tons/month.Key words: Recycle, recycle performer, styrofoam, generation


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    Abstrak: Berdasarkan data tahun 2016, beban sampah di TPA Sarimukti mencapai 3.000 m3 setiap harinya. Kondisi ini menyebabkan TPA Sarimukti sudah jenuh dan masa aktifnya seharusnya sudah berakhir sejak tahun 2017. Kabupaten Bandung sebagai salah satu kabupaten yang menjadi wilayah pelayanan TPA Sarimukti terpaksa harus mencari alternatif TPA lain. Salah satu alternatif yang direncanakan untuk menangani hal tersebut sesuai dengan amanat Perpres Jakstranas, yakni sejumlah TPST direncanakan dibangun dan pengoptimalan kembali TPST serta TPS 3R yang ada di wilayah studi. Namun kenyataannya saat ini di wilayah Kabupaten Bandung sebenarnya telah terbangun 112 TPS 3R, namun 88 diantaranya tidak aktif. Maka penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi fasilitas TPS 3R yang telah terbangun saat ini dan merumuskan strategi-strategi untuk peningkatan kinerja dan keberlanjutan TPS 3R. Metoda yang digunakan ialah analisa deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif, serta analisis matriks IFAS, EFAS, dan matriks SWOT. Berdasarkan hasil analisa IFAS dan EFAS, diperoleh nilai strength posture sebesar 0,421 dan nilai competitive posture sebesar 0,063. Posisi nilai tersebut bila diposisikan pada kuadran strategi perencanaan berada pada kuadran 1. Alternatif strategi yang direkomendasikan yakni pengembangan (strategi agresif) atau strategi S-O. Strategi yang diusulkan yakni pembentukan seksi khusus di pemerintahan yang bertugas sebagai aparat penegak peraturan terkait pemilahan sampah sejak dari sumber dan retribusi, riset dan pengembangan produk TPS 3R melalui diversifikasi produk, dan kolaborasi/kerja sama dengan pihak lain seperti kerja sama antar TPS 3R, dengan pihak swasta, LSM, atau dinas pertanian dan pertamanan. Rekomendasi skenario pengelolaan sampah di masa mendatang yakni pengoptimalan TPS 3R terbangun dengan minimal cakupan pelayanan sebesar 500 KK. Hal ini dengan pertimbangan bahwa alternatif terpilih pada tahun 2020 mampu mengurangi sampah terangkut ke TPA sebesar + 7300 ton/tahun, menghemat biaya operasional pengangkutan sebesar Rp. +3,5 milyar/tahun.,dan mengurangi emisi sebesar 1.268 MTCO2e/tahun dibandingkan kondisi business as usual.Kata kunci: keberlanjutan, sampah, strategi, SWOT, TPS 3R Abstract: Based on data in 2016, waste load in Sarimukti Landfill reaches 3.000 m3 each day. This condition caused Sarimukti Landfill to be saturated and the active period should've ended since 2017. Therefore, Bandung Regency Government has to look for another landfill alternative as a substitute for Sarimukti Landfill to become final processing site for waste produced by Bandung Regency. One of the alternatives planned to deal with this issue is in accordance with presidential mandate of Jakarta Regional Regulation, such as a number of TPST are planned to be built and re-optimalization of existing TPST and TPS 3R in area of study. However, currently in Bandung Regency there are actually 112 TPS 3R with unfortunately 88 of them inactive. Therefore, this study aim to evaluate current TPS 3R facilities that have been built and formulate strategies to improve TPS 3R performances and maintain the program's sustainability. Method used in this research is descriptive qualitative and quantitative analysis, IFAS, EFAS, as well as SWOT matrix analysis. Results of TPS 3R evaluation show that there are 10 variables that influence 3R-based waste management sustainability such as, regulations, organizations, mentoring, counseling, monitoring (qualitatively evaluated), and technical variables, financing, reduction efficiency, Public satisfaction and participation (quantitatively evaluated). Based on the results of IFAS and EFAS analysis, obtained a posture strength value of 0,421 and a competitive posture value of 0,063. Position of the value when positioned in the planning strategy quadrant is in quadrant 1, therefore, recommended for planning strategy is development (aggressive strategy) or S-O Strategy. The proposed strategy are as follows: regulations enforcement related to sorting waste from sources and levies, improving the quality of TPS 3R products through products diversification, and collaboration with other parties.Future waste management scenario recommended yakni pengoptimalan is TPS 3R optimization with at least serving 500 KK. This is decided because the chosen alternative can reduce transported waste to TPA up to 7300 ton/year in 2020, saving transport and operational expenditures up to +3,5 billion Rupiah/year and reduce emission up to 1.268 MTCO2e/year compared to business as usual condition. Keywords : strategy sustainability, SWOT, TPS 3R, waste


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    Abstrak: Adanya perbedaan mendasar pada komposisi dan karakteristik sampah perkotaan menjadikan teknologi pengolahan tidak berjalan dengan efektif dan efisien. Teknologi yang mendukung konsep waste to energy sangat mementingkan nilai kalor sampah yang akan diolah. Pada percobaan ini, setiap komponen yang menyusun sampah akan dihitung nilai kalornya dengan bom kalorimeter, dan dibandingkan dengan nilai kalor dari perhitungan proximate analysis, dan perhitungan ultimate analysis dengan persamaan Dulong. Selain itu, karakteristik fisik seperti kadar air sampah, kandungan materi volatile, fixed carbon dan abu juga akan diukur dan dibahas mengenai pengaruhnya terhadap nilai kalor. Dengan menggunakan data komposisi sampah suatu kota yang ada, HHV dapat diketahui dengan perhitungan komposisi fisik dan nilai kalor tiap komponen sampah yang didapat dari percobaan ini. LHV juga dapat dihitung dari persamaan, untuk kemudian digunakan sebagai bahan pertimbangan pemilihan teknologi waste to energy yang layak digunakan. Abstract: Basic differences of municipal solid wastes (MSW) composition and characteristic have led to ineffective and inefficient MSW treatment technology practices. Technologies applied in waste to energy concept highly require heating value data of MSW. In this research, the heating value of each of waste component  that construct MSW will be measured by bomb calorimeter, and compared to the heating value by the proximate analysis, and ultimate analysis utilizing Dulong equation. The physical characteristics of each component of MSW, such as moisture content, volatile matter, fixed carbon and ash will be measured and its correlation to the heating value will be discussed. Using waste composition, and each waste component's heating value in this research, the HHV and LHV can be calculated and can be used as consideration to choose the feasible waste to energy technology.  Key words: heating value, municipal solid waste, waste characterization, waste to energ

    Removal of Copper (II) Ions in Aqueous Solutions by Sorption onto Fly Ash

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    The ability of fly ash to adsorp Cu(II) ions from two different coal combustion systems was studied. Optimum removal was found at pH 5, contact time 30 minutes and 60 minutes for Fly Ash 1 and Fly Ash 2, respectively, and dosage 10 g/l. The difference in adsorption capacity between both fly ashes may be due to their carbon fraction and CaO content. The removal of Cu (II) ions was caused by both adsorption and/or precipitation. Precipitation is enhanced by lowering the carbon fraction and increasing the CaO content. The adsorption isotherm showed that the Langmuir model fitted well to the experimental data of both fly ashes. A thermodynamic study was conducted at three different temperatures: 25 °C, 45 °C, and 60 °C. The adsorption processes were spontaneous and endothermic and were more favorable at higher temperature


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    Abstrak: : Pengelolaan TPA Batu Layang merupakan suatu permasalahan yang terjadi di Kota Pontianak. Seiring dengan perkembangan Kota Pontianak dengan tingkat pertambahan penduduk diperkirakan sebesar 1,123 % per tahun jumlah penduduk pada tahun 2016  sebesar 653.030 jiwa maka timbunan sampah yang diterima berdasarkan kapasitas pengangkutan sampah yang masuk di TPA sebesar 302 ton/hari dari jumlah produksi sampah 431 ton/hari. Berdasarkan hasil survey lapangan ,persentase cakupan layanan dari TPA Batu Layang yaitu 77 %  pelayanan dari jumlah penduduk Kota Pontianak. Pengolahan disposal sampah yang belum maksimal menimbulkan berbagai dampak negatif pada lingkungan sekitar seperti  pencemaran air, pencemaran tanah, pencemaran udara dan berkembangnya vektor penyakit. Hasil pengujian laboratorium terkait kualitas BOD lindi TPA Batu Layang yaitu 818,30 mg/l dan kualitas COD lindi mencapai 1.259 mg/l, kedua indikator tersebut sudah melewati ambang batas maksimal.  Untuk membatasi pemanfaatan ruang sekitar kawasan TPA, maka diperlukan penataan kawasan sekitar sekitar TPA dengan tujuan untuk menetapkan kegiatan dan penggunaan lahan sekitar kawasan TPA. Oleh Karena itu perlu dilakukan penelitian agar TPA Batu Layang  dapat beroperasi sesuai dengan peraturan dalam pengelolaan TPA dan  kesesuaian dalam penataan ruang disekitar kawasan TPA  serta menjadikan TPA Batu Layang menjadi TPA yang berwawasan lingkungan dan berkelanjutan. Tahap pertama dalam penelitian ini melakukan evaluasi TPA untuk melihat resiko yang ditimbulkan dari adanya aktivitas TPA tersebut. Analisis TPA menggunakan metode penilaian  27 atribut dalam Asian Regional Research Program On Enviromental Technology (ARRPET), evaluasi tersebut dilakukan untuk mengetahui kondisi eksisting TPA, hasil dari evaluasi berupa akumulasi mendapat nilai 566,75. Hasil dari evaluasi menyatakan bahwa TPA Batu Layang memiliki potensi bahaya sedang serta direkomendasikan untuk rehabilitasi segera dan menjadikan TPA yang berkelanjutan. Berdasarkan analisa kesesuaian pola ruang pada RTRW dengan PERMEN PU Nomor 19 Tahun terdapat tidak kesesuaian oleh karena itu berdasarkan aturan tersebut, daerah sekitar TPA dengan radius 500 meter semestinya digunakan antara lain industri daur ulang, ruang terbuka hijau dan hutan rakyat.  Kata kunci: ARRPET, evaluasi TPA, kawasan sekitar TPA, zonasi Abstract : The management of  Batu Layang landfill  is a problem that occurred in Pontianak City. Along with the development of the city of Pontianak with an estimated population increase of 1.123% per year the population in 2016 amounted to 653,030 people then the garbage pile received based on garbage transport capacity in the landfill of 302 tons / day from the amount of waste production 431 tons / day. Based on the result of field survey, the percentage of service coverage from TPA Batu Layang is 77% service from population of Pontianak City. The processing of waste disposal that has not been maximally causes various negative impacts on the environment such as water pollution, soil contamination, air pollution and the development of disease vectors. The results of laboratory tests related to the BOD leachate quality of the Layang Landfill is 818,30 mg / l and the quality of COD leachate reaches 1,259 mg / l, both indicators have passed the maximum threshold. To limit the utilization of space around the landfill area, it is necessary to arrange the area around the landfill in order to establish activities and land use around the landfill area. Therefore, research needs to be done so that TPA Batu Layang can operate in accordance with regulations in landfill management and suitability in spatial arrangement around TPA area and make TPA Batu Layang become landfill with environment and sustainable view. The first stage in this study conducted a landfill evaluation to see the risks posed by the landfill activity. TPA analysis used the method of appraisal of 27 attributes in Asian Regional Research Program On Environmental Technology (ARRPET), the evaluation was conducted to determine the condition of existing landfill, the result of evaluation in the form of accumulation got the value 566,75. The results of the evaluation indicate that the Batu Layang landfill has potential for moderate hazards and is recommended for immediate rehabilitation and sustainable landfill. Based on the analysis of spatial pattern suitability in RTRW with Public Work Regulation Number 19   there is no compliance therefore based on the regulation, the area around landfill with 500 meter radius should be used such as recycling industry, green open space and community forest. Keyword: ARRPET, landfill evaluation, landfill space arrangement, zonatio


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    Abstrak: Sampah merupakan permasalahan utama di Indonesia dengan persentase pengolahan sampah sebesar 10.09% dan sisanya langsung ditimbun di TPA tanpa ada pengolahan. Sekitar 50%-70% komposisi sampah di Indonesia terdiri dari sampah organik yang mengalami degradasi seiring berjalannya waktu, dimana proses degradasi tersebut mempengaruhi kesetimbangan karbon di sampah yang merupakan unsur utama dalam sampah organik. Proses degradasi sampah sendiri dapat membentuk lindi, gas (CH4 dan CO2), atau tetap dalam sampah sendiri. Degradasi sampah akan merubah densitas sampah pada timbulan, sehingga mempengaruhi faktor keselamatan dari timbulan. Degradasi sampah secara anaerobik tidak menghasilkan gas, sehingga kemungkinan besar gas CO2 yang seharunya terbentuk cenderung berubah menjadi asam yang terdapat pada lindi karena pH lindi bersifat asam dengan rentang pH 2,02 -4,56 dan nilai DHL yang terus meningkat 2,505 "“ 30,6 mS/cm.  Semakin kecil void ratio dan tekanan pori sampah, maka semakin besar kontak mikroorganisme di sampah yang dapat mempercepat proses degradasi sampah, dimana proses degradasi ini penurunan karakteristik fisik ini dipengaruhi oleh sirkulasi lindi. Faktor keamaan sampah tanpa kompaksi memiliki rentan antara 1,43 "“ 1,91 dengan rata-rata faktor keamaanan 1,685, Faktor keamaan terkompaksi memiliki rentan faktor keamaan 1,26 - 1,93 dengan rata-rata faktor keamanan 1,535, kedua perlakuan secara rata-rata faktor keamanan sampah terkompaksi melewati standar TPA sementara dan permanen. Kata kunci: densitas, faktor keselamatan, kesetimbangan massa karbon, sampah organik Abstract: Solid waste is one of the major problems in Indonesia. The percentage of processed waste is only 10,09, and the rest of it is dumped in the landfill without any treatment. Approximately 50%-70 %  of waste composition in Indonesia is organic waste that can be degraded easily over time. The degradation process affects the carbon mass balance. Organic waste degradation can form leachate, biogas(CH4 and CO2), and solid. Degradation process will change its density and it affects landfill stability, especially its safety factor. The anaerobic organic waste degradation in this study does not produce gas, the CO2 gas that is supposed to be formed tends to turn into acid contained in leachate. It is this that causes acidic pH leach with a pH range of 2,02 to 4,56 and an increasing EC value of 2,505 "“ 30,6 mS / cm. Organic waste degradation affects the its physical changes by changes in decreasing void ratios and pore pressures, as well as increasing density. The smaller the void ratio and higher the pore pressure, the greater the contact of microorganisms in the waste surcafe that can accelerate the process of degradation declined in physical characteristics influenced by leachate circulation. It also affect it SF. The uncompacted waste SF is between 1,43-1,91 and its average is 1, 685. Uncompacted waste SF  is  safe in the temporary and permanent landfill. The compacted waste SF is between  1,26 - 1,93 and its average is 1,535, although some points are below the standard for the temporary landfill and 5 points below the permanent lanfill standard. However, on average, compacted waste SF is safe for temporary and permanent landfill standards. Keywords: density, carbon mass balance, organic waste, safety factor

    A study on municipal leachate treatment through a combination of biological processes and ozonation

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    Landfill is the most commonly method of municipal solid waste disposal in many countries. This practice has great potential to produce highly polluted leachate in massive quantities, which can cause environmental contamination. Biological processes are known as a common method to treat municipal leachate however this process alone in is less effective, especially in reducing the concentration of organic pollutants (BOD5/COD ratio). Leachate properties are site-specific and greatly influenced by landfill age. This study focuses on the investigation of treatment methods that can increase the extent of leachate biodegradability by applying an ozone concentration of 2.5 mg/L with up to 360 minutes of contact time. In this study, batch reactors were used and operated in anaerobic and aerobic conditions. The leachate used here represents both young and old leachate. Several treatment combinations were compared: Variation I (a combination of biologically aerobic and anaerobic process), Variation II (ozonation included as a pre-treatment process), and Variation III (ozonation was included as a post-treatment process). The results suggest that the BOD5/COD ratios of young and old leachates were 0.58 and 0.21, respectively. The COD removal for a young and old leachate treatment by biological process alone was 96.8% and 50.8%, respectively. Meanwhile, a combination of anaerobic-ozonation-aerobic processes gave better COD removal. Ozonation had a significant effect on the old leachate treatment, where the COD removal rose from 50.8% to 75%. Ozonation is a type of technology that can be applied to a subsequence treatment of biological processes in order to elevate the COD removal efficiency