16 research outputs found


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    Tulisan ini membahas proses pelestarian buku langka di Pusat Preservasi dan Alih Media Bahan Perpustakaan Perpusnas RI melalui bidang Teknis Penjilidan Bahan Perpustakaan. Perpusnas merupakan perpustakaan pembina bagi seluruh perpustakaan di Indonesia, oleh karena itu proses perbaikan buku langka yang dilakukan oleh Perpusnas perlu diketahui oleh para pengelola perpustakaan di Indonesia. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui usaha-usaha perbaikan dan pencegahan yang dilakukan oleh Pusat Preservasi dan Alih Media Bahan Perpustakaan Perpusnas RI agar dapat menjadi pedoman bagi pengelola perpustakaan di Indonesia dalam pelestarian koleksi terutama buku langka.Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode kualitatif. Sedangkan jenis atau desain penelitiannya menggunakan penelitian deskriptif. Adapun teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara  kajian kepustakaan, wawancara, dan observasi. Teknik analisa data dilakukan melalui reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil observasi dan wawancara penulis di Teknis Penjilidan Bahan Perpustakaan menunjukkan bahwa perbaikan buku langka dilakukan dengan cara dijilid dengan metode jilid benang dan jilid perfect binding bagi koleksi yang masih bisa dijilid ulang, adapun koleksi yang tidak bisa dijilid ulang dibuatkan kotak pelindung atau portepel agar kerusakan dapat diminimalisir dan kerusakan tidak bertambah parah.Dengan dilakukannya upaya-upaya pelestarian melalui teknik menjilid dan membuat sarana penyimpanan koleksi, maka koleksi buku-buku langka Perpusnas RI dapat diminimalisir kerusakannya sehingga menambah usia koleksi dan bisa terus dimanfaatkan oleh pemustaka dan sekaligus merawat aset berharga bangs


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    The Ombudsman Library of the Republic of Indonesia, which is part of a special library in nonstructural state institutions, has concepts, strategies, and policies in library materials development activities. This paper describes some of the concepts or strategies adopted by the Ombudsman library in developing its library materials. The purpose of this paper is that readers, especially library managers, can increase their insight and knowledge about the Ombudsman library and know the concept of the Indonesian Ombudsman library in developing library materials so that it is hoped that these concepts and strategies can be input by library managers and can meet the satisfaction of visitors who use the Ombudsman library in in terms of collection availability. The method used in this writing is through observation (Field Research), Interview (Interview), and literature study. From the results of the discussion it is known that the Ombudsman library in developing its library materials applies concepts and strategies, namely first through the purchase / acquisition of library materials with a planned budget every year. The second concept is through gifts or grants from libraries and libraries from State institutions. The third concept is through a deposit or repository, by issuing a regulation or Circular of the Chairman of the Ombudsman concerning the Obligation to Save Printed and Recorded Works, and the fourth is through the exchange of collections. With the existing concepts, strategies, and policies in the Indonesian Ombudsman library, it is hoped that collection development activities will continue for the sake of creating service satisfaction to users in the Indonesian Ombudsman environment and for the general public

    Penyusunan Direktori Insan Ombudsman Republik Indonesia Tahun 2020

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    Intoduction. This paper raises the theme of the process of creating the 2021 edition of the Human Ombudsman Directory of the Republic of Indonesia. Research Purpose. The purpose of this paper is to design and produce a printed directory in an effort to find information about employee data at the Ombudsman. Research Methode. The research method used is a descriptive method with data collection techniques in this case data regarding the 2020 Ombudsman Ranking List (ORL) through the Human Resources and General Bureau, Secretariat General of the Indonesian Ombudsman. Results and Discussions. Based on the data analysis, it can be concluded that the preparation of the directory is through the following steps: 1) collecting data; 2) record data; 3) focus on ideas; 4) create a book outline so that writing is directed; 5) write a directory concept; 6) determine the subject; 7) classifying or grouping data; 8) create directory elements according to the data; 9) designing the directory model; 10) create an index of employee names; 11) make covers. Conclusions. After all these processes are complete, the directory can be printed and reproduced so that it is hoped that the printed directory that has been created can easily search for the information needed and can be used as an effort to optimize information sources.Keywords: Directory, Human Ombudsman, Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia

    Pedoman teknis penjilidan bahan perpustakaan

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    Buku ini membahas tentang teknik penjilidan yang mengacu pada Standart International ISO 14416: 200 tentang persyaratan penjilidan buku, terbitan berkala, terbitan berseri dan dokumen kertas lainnya yang digunakan di perpustakaan dan lembaga pusdokinfo

    Kajian indeks kepuasan insan ombudsman pengguna layanan perpustakaan terhadap layanan perpustakaan ombudsman republik indonesia kurun waktu 2019-2020

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    This study discusses the Ombudsman Satisfaction Index for users of library services for the Ombudsman library service for the period of 2019 to 2020. This study will aim to find out and analyze the ombudsman index of satisfaction for library services in the Indonesian Ombudsman library so that the Ombudsman library can create strategies to increase the satisfaction of visitors, especially from the ombudsman. This study uses a qualitative method approach with measurements using a Likert Scale developed by the Ministry of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform of the Republic of Indonesia Number 14 of 2017 concerning Guidelines for the Preparation of a Public Satisfaction Survey for Public Service Providers. Questionnaires were distributed in a way that was distributed online (e-survey) to the Ombudsman as users of the Ombudsman library. Determination of the number of respondents was chosen based on the Morgan and Krejcie Sample table contained in the guidelines for the preparation of the public satisfaction survey of public service delivery units No. 14 of 2017 published by Kemenpan RB, so that the total number of visitors from the ombudsman people at their headquarters in Jakarta is as much as an average of 100 people per year, the number of samples obtained is as many as 80 respondents. In this study, the results of the Ombudsman Community / People Satisfaction Index for library services at the RI Ombudsman library are getting a good category with a value of 3.23 or if converted to 80.63. In this study, there are two service elements that get the highest value, namely the service cost/tariff element that gets a value of 3.96 or 99.06 and the behavioral element of an officer or librarian who gets a value of 3.46 or 86.56. Whereas the service element that gets the lowest value is the facility and infrastructure element with a value of 2.80 or 70.00 and the product element specification type of service that is with a value of 2.89 or 72.19. From the results of this survey, it is concluded that for the future service program, the Ombudsman library must carry out its service improvement activities to comply with specific library service standards and increase the budget in improving existing facilities and infrastructure so that service quality can run more optimally

    Pelestarian terbitan berkala koleksi perpustakaan nasional republik indonesia dengan metode penjilidan ?Malaysia?

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    Preservation of library materials or library collections is an effort made so that library materials can be used by future generations. This paper describes the "Malaysian" binding method used by the Sub Division of Technical Binding Materials of the National Library of Indonesia in preserving the collection of periodicals such as tabloids and newspapers. Apart from that, this paper also describes some of the advantages and disadvantages seen in the use of the "Malaysian" method as well as the early history of using this method in preserving the collection of periodicals in the National Library of Indonesia. This writing aims to make readers, especially library managers, know and gain insight into the "Malaysian" binding method. This writing method is through descriptive research with a qualitative approach. Methods of data collection are carried out through the field research, interviews, and literature study. The results show that the National Library of Indonesia uses this method after studying it from Malaysia in May 1990. From observations it is also known that this method has several advantages, namely the binding result is stronger, the collection is more preserved, the binding can be assembled and has an aesthetic side. Meanwhile, the disadvantages of this binding method are that the process tends to be longer, more expensive, cannot be put on too many shelves because the collection will shift backwards, the pages tend to come off easily if the stitches are not strong enough, and can only be used in binding periodical collections

    Survey kondisi dan pelestarian naskah kuno di museum Siginjai Provinsi Jambi

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    Kekayaan budaya di Indonesia berupa naskah-naskah kuno perlu dilestarikan dengan baik agar dapat digunakan oleh genrasi saat ini maupun generasi yang akan datang tak terkecuali naskah kuno yang disimpan di Museum Siginjai di provinsi Jambi. Bedasarkan survey kondisi yang dilakukan penulis dan tim konservator bahan pustaka Perpustakaan Nasional RI, ditemukan berbagai jenis kerusakan yang menimpanaskah-naskah kno di museum tersebut, seperti kertas yang sudah rapuh, jilidan naskah yang rusak dan naskah yang belum terlindung dengan kotak pelindung

    Pengelolaan layanan koleksi berkala berupa kliping surat kabar di perpustakaan mahkamah agung republik indonesia : sebuah kajian

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    Terbitan berkala merupakan sumber informasi dan pengetahuan sangat penting bagi masyarakat yang berkecimpung baik dalam kegiatan bisnis maupun ilmu pengetahuan. Oleh karena itu, pengelolaan sumber informasi tersebut perlu dilakukan dengan sebaik-baiknya agar mudah dimanfaatkan. Contoh terbitan berkala yaitu di antaranya surat kabar, jurnal, majalah, buletin, tabloid, dan sebagainya. Terbitan berkala biasanya selalu ada pada setiap perpustakaan tak terkecuali di perpustakaan khusus, sebabnya terbitan berkala merupakan salah satu koleksi yang sering dicari dan dibaca oleh pemustaka. Tulisan ini merupakan pembahasan mengenai upaya pengelolaan layanan koleksi berkala berupa kliping surat kabar di Perpustakaan Mahkamah Agung. Berdasarkan observasi dan wawancara penulis dengan pihak Perpustakaan Mahkamah Agung diketahui bahwa lembaga pemerintah non kementerian (LPNK) yang terletak di jalan Medan Merdeka Utara Jakarta Pusat ini, dari tahun 2006 sampai dengan sekarang melakukan kegiatan mengkliping surat kabar baik secara tercetak maupun secara online. Berdasarkan observasi, wawancara dan studi kepustakaan, diketahui pula bahwa metode atau sistem yang digunakan untuk membuat kliping di Perpustakaan Mahkamah Agung adalah dengan metode evixe kemudian dicetak menjadi buku dan dengan alih media yang kemudian dilayankan secara online. Dengan adanya koleksi kliping di Perpustakaan Mahkamah Agung ini bisa menjadi penunjang yang sangat penting untuk kegiatan mencari referensi berita hukum serta penelitian kasus hukum bagi para hakim di Mahkamah Agung maupun masyarakat umum lainnya

    Pedoman teknis penjilidan bahan perpustakaan

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    Penjilidan bahan perpustakaan merupakan salah satu solusi dalam menangani bahan perpustakaan yang mengalami kerusakan. Koleksi buku lama yang terbit puluhan tahun yang lalu, memiliki kondisi yang rentan akan kerusakan, sehingga perlu segera ditangani melalui kegiatan penjilidan.vi, 102 hlm, 24,8 x 17,7 c