205 research outputs found

    Kedatuan Sriwijaya: penelitian tentang Sriwijaya

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    Dalam buku ini dimuat terjemahan dari lima hasil penelitian mengenai negara Sriwijaya dan mengenai bahsa dalam prasasti-prasasti yang ditinggalkan oleh negara itu, hasil penelitian tersebut diterbitkan antara tahun 1918 dan 1968 oleh George Coedes dan Louis Charles Damais, dua peneliti dari Ecole francaised'Extreme-Orient, ahli epigrafi dan sejarah Asia Tenggara

    IL-4 induces cAMP and cGMP in human monocytic cells

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    Human monocytes, preincubated with IFN-γ respond to IL-4 by a cGMP increase through activation of an inducible NO synthase. Here, IL-4 was found to induce an accumulation of cGMP (1 – 3 min) and cAMP (20 – 25 min) in unstimulated monocytes. This was impaired with NOS inhibitors, but also with EGTA and calcium/calmodulin inhibitors. These results suggest that: (1) IL-4 may stimulate different NOS isoforms in resting and IFN-γ activated monocytes, and (2) cAMP accumulation may be partially dependent on the NO pathway. By RT-PCR, a type III constitutive NOS mRNA was detected in U937 monocytic cells. IL-4 also increased the [Ca2+]i in these cells. Different NOS may thus be expressed in monocytic cells depending on their differentiation and the signals they receive

    Effect of mucilage from yam on activation of lymphocytic immune cells

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    The immunostimulating activities of mucilage fraction from yam were investigated. The proliferation of BSA-primed lymph node cells was enhanced between 4.1- to 10.9-fold compare to control, when cultured with 1 to 25 µg/mL of yam-mucilage fraction. It showed strong immunopotentiating activity than ginseng extract and as remarkable as Bifidobacterium adolescentis M101-4 known as a positive immunostimulator. Mitogenicity to lymph node cells was fully induced by concanavalin A and lipopolysaccharide. The proliferation of splenocytes and Peyer's patch cells was enhanced between 5.0- to 14.1-fold and 2.4- to 6.4-fold, respectively, when cultured with 1 to 25 µg/mL of yam-mucilage fraction. It enhanced the production of cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor-α and IL-6 in the culture of RAW 264.7 macrophage cells. In the culture of lipopolysaccharide-stimulated RAW 264.7 cells, production of cytokines was as similar as compared to controls. In unstimulated RAW 264.7 cells, both tumor necrosis factor-α and IL-6 production were enhanced between 15.6- to 60.1-fold and 2.3- to 9.1-fold, respectively. Mucilage fraction from yam is expected to be a safe immunopotentiator to maintain the host immunity and develop a physiologically functional food

    Lettres De Raden Adjeng Kartini Java En 1900

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    181 p. : il.; 24 c

    Max Derruau, Bernard Dezert, Jean Renard, Maurice Wolkowitsch, Initiation à la géographie appliquée

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    Damais Jean-Philippe. Max Derruau, Bernard Dezert, Jean Renard, Maurice Wolkowitsch, Initiation à la géographie appliquée. In: Annales de Géographie, t. 89, n°496, 1980. pp. 761-764

    Restoring the Competitiveness of the Coffee Sector in Haiti

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    This paper deals with the coffee industry in Haiti. Coffee has traditionally played a unique role in rural Haiti, in economic, social and environmental terms. However, the competitiveness of the coffee sector of Haiti has been declining over recent years due to a combination of external and domestic factors. This study analyses the current situation and the opportunities and challenges presented for improving the competitiveness of the coffee sector in Haiti in a sustainable manner. It presents a public policy framework to guide the public support and interventions. It concludes that support should be provided to help the coffee sector supply chain reap the potential benefits from new market opportunities, protect key environmental services in upper watersheds, and set an example for other agriculture and rural productive activitiesin Haiti

    Entretien avec le prince K.G.P.H. Hadiwidjojo

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    1. Pangeran Hadiwidjaja, seorang tjendekiawan jang bersemangat dan merupakan seorang achli jang tak dapat disangsikan lagi untuk segala sesuatu jang menjangkut kebudajaan Djawa dan chususnja adat kebiasaan keraton Surakarta. Disini beliau memaparkan pada kita apa jang beliau anggap sebagai arti jang dalam dari bedojo ketawang, salah satu tarian keramat dan jang paling chidmat di Djawa. Tarian tersebut ditarikan oleh sembilan penari dihadapan Susuhunan waktu hari ulang tahun kenaikan tachta. Tarian ini sama sekali bukanlah suatu ,,per- tundjukan", dan sampai waktu jang belum lama hanja dapat dihadiri orang2 keraton jang dekat dengan Susuhunan, dan sangat djarang sekali orang luar dapat ikut menjaksikannja. Sebenarnja setjara tradisi tarian ini adalah tjiptaan Ratu Roro Kidul, jang menguasai pantai selatan Djawa, dimana kita tidak selalu diterima dengan ramah ĂŽDikatakan orang bahwa radja2 Djawa Tengah mendapat kekuasaan dari hubungan jang telah diikat oleh nenek mo- jang mereka, Senopati, dengan ratu jang sangat berkuasa itu. Bagi Ratu Roro Kidul, bedojo ketawang ditjiptakan sebagai djalan untuk datang ke dunia ini, bergaul, tanpa menampakkan diri, dengan para penari lainnja dan untuk sekali lagi menjatakan tjintanja kepada Susuhunan. Pangeran Hadiwidjaja melihat pula dalam bedojo ketawang adanja suatu tarian kosmik jang berasal dari India dimana kesembilan penari itu sesuai dengan sembilan bintang dan dimana pradaksina jang dilakukan dalam tarian itu disekeliling singgasana radja mungkin ada hubungannja dengan perputaran bintang disekeliling bumi. Tulisan ini ditutup dengan tjeritera tentang Roro Kidul itu sen- diri, tentang tjara bagaimana Ratu machluk halus itu mendjelma sebagai manusia dan tentang pemudjaan jang dilakukan padanja.III. (1) Prince Hadiwidjojo, passionate and undisputed specialist of all that concerns Javanese culture and more particularly the traditions of the court of Surakarta, here tells us what he thinks is the profond significance of the bedojo ketawang, one of the most sacred and most solemn dances of Java. Executed by nine dancers in the presence of Susuhunan at the time of the anniversary of his accession to the throne, this dance is not in any way a "spectacle", and until a very recent date, rarely were those people outside of the immediate entourage of Susuhunan allowed to be present. Traditionally, in fact, the creation of this dance is imputed to the Roro Kidul or Queen of the South Sea, who reigns over all the shores of the inhospitable southern ocean. The sovereigns of central Java were said to take their power from an alliance that their ancestor, Senapati, had made with this powerful dity, and the excution of a bedojo ketawang would be for the Roro Kidul, the occasion to come to earth, to mix, invisiblely with the other dancers, and to again express to the Susuhunan the love that she nourishes for him. Prince Hadiwidjojo also sees in the bedojo ke> tawang a cosmic dance of Indian origin, where the nine dancers correspond to the nine planets, and where the pradaksina movement which they described around the throne of the sovereign is to be connected with the rotation of the stars around the center of the world. The article ends with an explanation of the very person of Roro Kidul, of the way in which she manifests herself to men and, moreover, of the cult which is rendered to her.Damais A. Entretien avec le prince K.G.P.H. Hadiwidjojo. In: Archipel, volume 3, 1972. pp. 112-116

    Restauration de la compétitivité du secteur du café en Haïti

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    Le café a traditionnellement joué un rôle particulier en milieu rural haïtien, à la fois sur le plan économique, social et environnemental. Cependant, la compétitivité du secteur caféier en Haïti est en baisse depuis plusieurs années en raison d'une combinaison de facteurs externes et internes. Cette étude analyse la situation actuelle, les opportunités et les défis que présente l'amélioration durable de la compétitivité du secteur caféier en Haïti. Elle présente un cadre pour les politiques publiques qui pourraient guider les actions d'appui et les interventions publiques. L'étude arrive à la conclusion qu'il convient d'appuyer la filière afin de tirer avantage des bénéfices potentiels qu'offrent les nouvelles opportunités de marchés, de protéger les services environnementaux dans les bassin-versants et que cette filière constitue un exemple pour d'autres activités agricoles et rurales en Haïti

    VI. Études javanaises : II. Le nom de la déité tantrique de 1214 Śaka

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    Damais Louis-Charles. VI. Études javanaises : II. Le nom de la déité tantrique de 1214 Śaka. In: Bulletin de l'Ecole française d'Extrême-Orient. Tome 50 N°2, 1962. pp. 407-416
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