13 research outputs found

    Comprehensive peptidomic and glycomic evaluation reveals that sweet whey permeate from colostrum is a source of milk protein-derived peptides and oligosaccharides

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    Whey permeate is a co-product obtained when cheese whey is passed through an ultrafiltration membrane to concentrate whey proteins. Whey proteins are retained by the membrane, whereas the low-molecular weight compounds such as lactose, salts, oligosaccharides and peptides pass through the membrane yielding whey permeate. Research shows that bovine milk from healthy cows contains hundreds of naturally occurring peptides – many of which are homologous with known antimicrobial and immunomodulatory peptides – and nearly 50 oligosaccharide compositions (not including structural isomers). As these endogenous peptides and oligosaccharides have low-molecular weight and whey permeate is currently an under-utilized product stream of the dairy industry, we hypothesized that whey permeate may serve as an inexpensive source of naturally occurring functional peptides and oligosaccharides. Laboratory fractionation of endogenous peptides and oligosaccharides from bovine colostrum sweet whey was expanded to pilot-scale. The membrane fractionation methodology used was similar to the methods commonly used industrially to produce whey protein concentrate and whey permeate. Pilot-scale fractionation was compared to laboratory-scale fractionation with regard to the identified peptides and oligosaccharide compositions. Results were interpreted on the basis of whether industrial whey permeate could eventually serve as a source of functional peptides and oligosaccharides. The majority (96%) of peptide sequences and the majority (96%) of oligosaccharide compositions found in the laboratory-scale process were mirrored in the pilot-scale process. Moreover, the pilot-scale process recovered an additional 33 peptides and 1 oligosaccharide not identified from the laboratory-scale extraction. Both laboratory- and pilot-scale processes yielded peptides deriving primarily from the protein ß-casein. The similarity of the laboratory- and pilot-scale's resulting peptide and oligosaccharide profiles demonstrates that whey permeate can serve as an industrial-scale source of bovine milk peptides and oligosaccharides

    Peptidomic analysis of healthy and subclinically mastitic bovine milk

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    A variety of proteases release hundreds of endogenous peptide fragments from intact bovine milk proteins. Mass spectrometry-based peptidomics allows for high throughput sequence assignment of a large number of these peptides. Mastitis is known to result in increased protease activity in the mammary gland. Therefore, we hypothesized that subclinically mastitic milks would contain higher concentrations of released peptides. In this work, milks were sampled from three cows and, for each, one healthy and one subclinically mastitic teat were sampled for milk. Peptides were analyzed by nano-liquid chromatography quadrupole time of flight tandem mass spectrometry and identified with database searching. In total, 682 peptides were identified. The total number of released peptides increased 146% from healthy to subclinically mastitic milks (p <0.05), and the total abundance of released peptides also increased significantly (p <0.05). Bioinformatic analysis of enzyme cleavage revealed increases in activity of cathepsin D and elastase (p <0.05) with subclinical mastitis

    Stakeholders' perceptions of the impacts of invasive exotic plant species in the Mediterranean region

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    © Springer 2006Invasive species pose an increasing environmental problem across the globe, but to date socio-economic perspectives on this problem have been limited. In this study stakeholder perceptions of the impacts of invasive exotic plant species on the islands of Mallorca, Sardinia and Crete are examined through the use of semi-structured interviews, Likert scales and Contingent Valuation. Results showed substantial concerns about the impact of invasive exotic plant species on the islands, particularly on Mallorca where awareness of the issue has increased in recent times due to campaigns to eradicate terrestrial and aquatic invasive plants. Not all perceptions are negative and several respondents suggest that a turnover in local species is an inherent part of the sense of the place in the region. If the management of invasive exotic plant species in the Mediterranean region is to improve then there is a need to raise awareness of the impact of invasive species amongst both the general public and professional stakeholders.Douglas Bardsley and Gareth Edwards-Jone


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    Medulloblastoma, Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumors, and Pineal Tumors

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