49 research outputs found

    Effects of Age and Gender on Physical Performance

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    Our purpose was to examine the effects of age and gender on physical performance. We assessed a one-hour swimming performance and participation of 4,271 presumably healthy men and women, aged 19–91 years, from the 2001–2003 United States Masters Swimming long-distance (1 h) national competition. The decline in performance with increasing age was found to be quadratic rather than linear. The equation which best fit variation in 1 h swimming distance in meters (m) according to variations in age in years (y) in men was: distance (m) = 4058 + 2.18 age−0.29 age (http://www.acsmmsse.org/pt/re/msse/positionstandards.htm;jsessionid=DiRVACC7YS3mq27s5kV3vwpEVSokmmD1ZJLC7pdnol3KcfoSu0t!1096311956!-949856145!9001!-1), with the same equation for women except that 380 m needed to be subtracted from the calculated value at all ages (about a 10% difference). There was a large overlap in performance between men and women. The overall mean decline in performance with age was about 50% and was parallel in men and women. The mean difference in distance for a 1-year increment in age was −9.7 m at 21 y of age, −21.3 m at 40 y, and −44.5 m at 80 y. Far greater declines of about 96% in numbers participating with advanced age (80 y and over, 4% of peak numbers) were observed than in the 40–49 y age group. In conclusion, the declines in performance were parallel in men and women at all ages, and the 1-year age-related declines in performance were about twice as great at 40 y and more than four-times as great at 80 y than at 20 y of age, with even greater age-related declines in participation being noted for both men and women

    Inflammation causes tissue-specific depletion of vitamin B(6)

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    Previously we observed strong and consistent associations between vitamin B(6 )status and several indicators of inflammation in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Clinical indicators, including the disability score, the length of morning stiffness, and the degree of pain, and biochemical markers, including the erythrocyte sedimentation rate and C-reactive protein levels, were found to be inversely correlated with circulating vitamin B(6 )levels. Such strong associations imply that impaired vitamin B(6 )status in these patients results from inflammation. In the present study we examined whether inflammation directly alters vitamin B(6 )tissue contents and its excretion in vivo. A cross-sectional case-controlled human clinical trial was performed in parallel with experiments in an animal model of inflammation. Plasma and erythrocyte and pyridoxal 5'-phosphate concentrations, urinary 4-pyridoxic acid excretion, and the activity coefficient of erythrocyte aspartate aminotransferase were compared between patients and healthy subjects. Adjuvant arthritis was induced in rats for investigating hepatic and muscle contents as well as the urinary excretion of vitamin B(6 )during acute and chronic inflammation. Patients with rheumatoid arthritis had low plasma pyridoxal 5'-phosphate compared with healthy control subjects, but normal erythrocyte pyridoxal 5'-phosphate and urinary 4-pyridoxic acid excretion. Adjuvant arthritis in rats did not affect 4-pyridoxic acid excretion or muscle storage of pyridoxal 5'-phosphate, but it resulted in significantly lower pyridoxal 5'-phosphate levels in circulation and in liver during inflammation. Inflammation induced a tissue-specific depletion of vitamin B(6). The low plasma pyridoxal 5'-phosphate levels seen in inflammation are unlikely to be due to insufficient intake or excessive vitamin B(6 )excretion. Possible causes of decreased levels of vitamin B(6 )are discussed

    Racial differences in central adiposity in a longitudinal cohort of black and white adolescent females

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Central adiposity is related to chronic disease risk in adolescents. Racial differences in waist circumference have been identified using cross-sectional data from this age group. We tested for racial differences in age-related growth in waist circumference in a longitudinal cohort of black and white adolescent girls.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We analyzed 9 years of publicly available data from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Growth and Health Study, for 2379 girls (1213 black and 1166 white) enrolled at age 9-10 years in 1987-1988 and followed annually. Individual growth trajectories of waist circumference were constructed for girls with >3 annual measures. Mixed models were used to compare changes in waist circumference during adolescence between black and white females. BMI and age at menarche were included in the models.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>At each age, black females had significantly higher waist circumference. Mean annual increase in waist circumference was significantly higher for black females compared to white females (1.46 cm/yr vs. 1.36 cm/yr, respectively). After adjusting for BMI, the mean annual increase in waist circumference for white females was significantly higher than for black females (0.08 cm/yr vs. -0.07 cm/yr, respectively). These relationships remained significant after adjusting for age at menarche.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Black females had significantly steeper increases in waist circumference over adolescence than white females. After adjusting for BMI and age at menarche, however, the annual increase in waist circumference for black females was significantly shallower than for their white peers. These data suggest racial differences in the deposition of fat over the adolescent period.</p

    The Little Handbook of Statistical Practice

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    This site, designed by Gerard E. Dallal of Tufts University, describes what to do with data sets instead of simply presenting theory and methods as they appear in standard textbooks. The site emphasizes statistical practices such as: foundation of statistics, the basics of statistics, confidence intervals, tests of significance, sample size calculation, single linear regression, multiple linear regression and analysis of variance. This is fairly comprehensive look at different aspects of this field

    Introduction to Simple Linear Regression

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    This page, created by Gerard E. Dallal of Tufts University, explains simple linear regression with an example on muscle strength versus lean body mass. Dallal uses graphs, mathematical equations and text to illustrate this lesson. The author presents four main portions this method, they are: the regression equation, borrowing strength, interpolation and extrapolation. This would be a great example of a lesson plan for any interested in either study or instruction of statistics

    Confidence Intervals

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    This resource assists the user in reading, constructing, and understanding confidence intervals. Created and published by Gerard E. Dallal, this introductory text aims to get students to read, understand, and write statements which discuss confidence intervals

    Long Term Mobidity and Mortality of Adolescent Obesity: A Follow-up of Third Harvard Growth Study Participants of 1922 to 1935

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    Background. Overweight in adults is associated with increased morbidity and mortality. In contrast, the long-term effect of overweight in adolescence on morbidity and mortality is not known. Methods. We studied the relation between overweight and morbidity and mortality in 508 lean or overweight adolescents 13 to 18 years old who participated in the Harvard Growth Study of 1922 to 1935. Overweight adolescents were defined as those with a body-mass index that on two occasions was greater than the 75th percentile in subjects of the same age and sex in a large national survey. Lean adolescents were defined as those with a body-mass index between the 25th and 50th percentiles. Subjects who were still alive were interviewed in 1988 to obtain information about their medical history, weight, functional capacity, and other risk factors. For those who had died, information on the cause of death was obtained from death certificates. Results. Overweight in adolescent subjects was associated with an increased risk of mortality from all causes and disease-specific mortality among men. but not among women. The relative risks among men were 1.8 (95 percent confidence interval. 1.2 to 2.7; P = 0.004) for mortality from all causes and 2.3 (95 percent confidence interval, 1.4 to 4.1; P = 0.002) for mortality from coronary heart disease. The risk of morbidity from coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis was increased among men and women who had been overweight in adolescence. The risk of colorectal cancer and gout was increased among men and the risk of arthritis was increased among women who had been overweight in adolescence. Overweight in adolescence was a more powerful predictor of these risks than overweight in adulthood. Conclusions. Overweight in adolescence predicted a broad range of adverse health effects that were independent of adult weight after 55 years of follow-up