187 research outputs found

    New approaches to conditionality in EU-Turkey relations: Assessing the role of irregular migration

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    This article explores the evolving dynamics of EU-Turkey relations in the context of irregular migration. The European Union has historically employed conditionality as a political tool to influence Turkey’s policy decisions and national legislation in alignment with EU standards. However, the EU’s quest for the prevention of irregular migration and re-shaping its cooperation with Turkey in this manner has brought significant changes in their bilateral relationship. Moreover, there is a growing body of literature on how the EU’s cooperation with third countries for “migration management” has resulted in the instrumentalization of irregular migration and reversed the conditionality against the EU by these countries, including Turkey. Based on a comprehensive analysis of policy documents and academic literature, this article identifies how the EU’s and Turkey’s responses to the irregular migration have created a complex interplay and affected the nature of bilateral cooperation, which raises questions about the continuity of the EU’s conditionality on Turkey. Further, it critically explores the newly created concept of “reversed conditionality”. This article claims that the concept of “reversed conditionality” is a reductionist approach to EU conditionality mechanism to a shift in bargaining power in EU-Turkey relations.Este artículo explora la dinámica cambiante de las relaciones entre la UE y Turquía en el contexto de la migración irregular. Históricamente, la Unión Europea ha empleado la condicionalidad como herramienta política para influir en las decisiones políticas de Turquía y en su legislación nacional para alinearla con las normas de la UE. Sin embargo, la búsqueda por parte de la UE de la prevención de la migración irregular y la reconfiguración de su cooperación con Turquía de este modo ha provocado cambios significativos en su relación bilateral. Además, cada vez hay más literatura sobre cómo la cooperación de la UE con terceros países para la “gestión de la migración” ha dado lugar a la instrumentalización de la migración irregular y ha invertido la condicionalidad contra la UE por parte de estos países, incluida Turquía. Basándose en un análisis exhaustivo de documentos políticos y bibliografía académica, este artículo identifica cómo las respuestas de la UE y Turquía a la migración irregular han creado una compleja interacción y han afectado la naturaleza de la cooperación bilateral, lo que plantea interrogantes sobre la continuidad de la condicionalidad de la UE sobre Turquía. Además, explora críticamente el concepto recientemente creado de “condicionalidad invertida”. Este artículo afirma que el concepto de “condicionalidad invertida” es un enfoque reduccionista del mecanismo de condicionalidad de la UE a un cambio en el poder de negociación en las relaciones UE-Turquía


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    The aim of this research is to determine the job motivation levels of primary school teachers who have made or have had to make field changes due to the new education system (4+4+4). The sample of the research consists of 512 teachers working in primary and secondary schools in Balıkesir province in 2016-2017. The data needed for the research were obtained through the Job Motivation Scale that consisted of 18 items in accordance with the survey research model in quantitative research methods. In the analysis of the data, techniques such as Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) were used. As a result of the research, significant differences were found in organizational-managerial and psycho-social dimensions of job motivation in terms of gender, school type and field change.  Article visualizations

    Examining Attitudes of Students Regarding the Sports Education Model and Direct Teaching Model

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    The aim of the research was to investigate the effects of sports education model and direct teaching model on the attitudes of the students, and the differences among the attitudes of students. The study group of the research included 29 students from 6th and 7th grade of a secondary school in the 2015-2016 academic years. The experimental group consisted of students attended in the sixth class in which the physical education and sports lesson was conducted using the "sports education model" while the control group was the students in the 7th class in which the physical education and sports lesson was conducted using the "direct teaching model". As a data collection tool; the "Internal Motivation Inventory" developed by Ryan (1982) and adapted to Turkish by Çalışkur (2013) was used. In the analysis of the data; the "Mann Whitney U" test was used for the significance of the differences between post-implementation attitudes of the groups. In addition, the interview questions prepared by the researchers were answered by the students and the data were recorded. As a result; significant differences were found in the students' interest/enjoyment, perceived competence, value/benefit, effort/importance and work perception dimensions, but no significant difference was detected in the perceived choice rights and pressure/tension

    Behavioral implementation under incomplete information

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    We investigate mechanism design under incomplete information allowing for individuals to display different behavioral biases in different states of the world. Our primitives are individual choices, which do not have to satisfy the weak axiom of revealed preferences. In this setting, we provide necessary as well as sufficient conditions for behavioral (ex-post) implementation under incomplete information

    Order of limits in reputations

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    The fact that small departures from complete information might have large effects on the set of equilibrium payoffs draws interest in the adverse selection approach to study reputations in repeated games. It is well known that these large effects on the set of equilibrium payoffs rely on long-run players being arbitrarily patient. We study reputation games where a long-run player plays a fixed stage-game against an infinite sequence of short-run players under imperfect public monitoring. We show that in such games, introducing arbitrarily small incomplete information does not open the possibility of new equilibrium payoffs far from the complete information equilibrium payoff set. This holds true no matter how patient the long-run player is, as long as her discount factor is fixed. This result highlights the fact that the aforementioned large effects arise due to an order of limits argument, as anticipated. © 2016, Springer Science+Business Media New York


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    Köklü bir geleneğe sahip olan Türk kültür ve sanatında, oldukça zengin ve derin anlamlar taşıyan sembol grupları bulunmaktadır. Söz konusu sembol gruplarından en popüleri ise, şüphesiz Türk sanatında hayvan üslubu ismiyle de üsluplaşmış olan hayvan sembol grubudur. Bu nedenle Türk kültür ve sanatında sembolleştirilmiş birçok hayvan bulunmaktadır. Ancak konu sınırlılığı düşünüldüğünde her bir hayvan başlı başına bir araştırma konusu olduğundan ve özellikle horoz/tavuk’un Türk sanatındaki yansımaları açısından spesifik olarak incelenmediği tespit edildiğinden alan araştırması açısından önemli görülerek “Türk Kültür ve Sanatındaki Horoz/Tavuk Sembolizminin Çağdaş Resim Sanatındaki Yansımaları” başlığı altında araştırılması amaçlanmıştır.Bu bağlamda yapılan araştırma da, horoz/tavuk figürlerinin, Proto-Türk ya da Hun devrine ait Pazırık kurganlarından çıkarılan eserler arasında yer aldığı, ayrıca On iki Hayvanlı Türk Takvimi’nde yılı simgeleyen hayvanlardan birisi olarak kullanıldığı anlaşılmıştır. Selçuklu ve Osmanlı dönemi minyatür, hat, fresk, maden, ahşap, taş ve halı sanatında, özellikle Selçuklu sanatının en gözde eserlerinden olan Varka ve Gülşah minyatürleri ile Osmanlı sanatına ait Hümayunname ve Zübdetü’t Tevarih minyatürlerinde çok sayıda horoz/tavuk figürüne rastlanmıştır. Yapılan inceleme de horoz/tavuk figürünün, hem Selçuklu hem de Osmanlı dönemlerinde geleneksel sembolik anlamlarıyla, kültür ve sanat alanında varlığını sürdürdüğü anlaşılmıştır. Araştırma neticesinde horoz/tavuk figürlerinin özellikle resim sanatı açısından Osmanlının Batılılaşma döneminin hemen öncesinden başlayarak Cumhuriyet sonrasında 1950’li yıllara kadarki süreçte popülerliğini yitirdiği görülmüştür.1950’li yıllarda ise Türk resminde geleneksel kaynaklara yönelişin başlaması ile birçok ressamın eserlerinde çoğu kültürel motif gibi araştırma konusu olan horoz/tavuk motifinin de, bazen geleneksel kültürdeki sembolik anlamları ile bazen de plastik bir ifade aracı olarak yerini aldığı anlaşılmıştır. Ancak konu sınırlılığı göz önüne alınarak araştırma konusu kapsamında istikrarlı çalışmaları bulunan ressamlardan Cevat Dereli, Fikret Mualla, Mehmet Pesen, Orhan Peker, Şeref Bigalı ve İsmail Avcı’nın eser örnekleri incelenerek değerlendirilmiştir

    Effectiveness of reserve requirements on current account imbalances

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    Ankara : The Department of Economics, İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University, 2012.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 2012.Includes bibliographical references leaves 35.Following the recent financial crisis, reserve requirements have become a policy instrument preferred in many emerging markets such as China, Brazil and Turkey for various purposes. Therefore, the formulating a theoretical framework to study the policy effectiveness remains an important issue. In this thesis, I develop a DSGE model with the financial accelerator mechanism so as to see the effectiveness of reserve requirement in small open economies, especially in influencing the external imbalances. External imbalances can either be interpreted as current account imbalances or its mirroring capital account imbalances. The main channel through which the external balances play a role is via the banking sector, which is modelled as engaging in international borrowing. This framework allows examination of the responses of the external imbalances to shocks to the reserve requirement ratio As a result, higher reserve requirements make domestic borrowing cheaper than foreign borrowing and by this way, changes in net foreign liabilities create a current account surplus. Thus, a country with current account deficit can use reserve requirements to readjust its external imbalances.Dalkıran, Dilşat TugbaM.S

    Radar cross section (RCS) of perfectly conducting (PEC) thin wires and its application to radar countermeasure: Chaff

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    Ankara : The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering and the Graduate School of Engineering and Science of Bilkent University, 2015.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 2015.Includes bibliographical references leaves 117-121.In electronic warfare, active and passive countermeasures are used to jam threat RF radars. While electronic jamming pods are accepted as an active one, chaff is accepted as a passive countermeasure that consists of millions of perfectly conducting thin metallic wires, dipoles. The aim of this thesis is to first implement Van Vleck’s Methods A and B [1], Tai’s Variational Method [2] and Einarsson’s Direct Method [3] to get radar cross section (RCS) of a dipole and then apply the results to calculate RCS of designed chaff cartridges. The ultimate goal is to suggest more effective passive countermeasure system than commercially available ones. In this thesis, performances of these methods are evaluated. According to these evaluations, Van Vleck’s Method B and Einarsson’s Direct Method are selected for calculating RCS of chaff cartridges. Performance of RR-178 (XN-2) commercial chaff cartridge is compared with three different suggested designs. For each of these designs, 2 to 20 GHz frequency interval is divided into three or six equal sub-frequency intervals and for these intervals particular chaff cartridges with different dipole lengths and numbers are proposed. In terms of total dipole length in the cartridges, instead of 88775 meters dipoles that is used in RR- 178 (XN-2), by using chaff cartridges of third proposed design, in average only 25300 meters dipoles are used while providing more flat and equal average RCS value for 2 to 20 GHz frequency interval. Moreover, for the stated frequency interval, if total dipole length for the chaff cartridges of RR-178 (XN-2) and third proposed design keep equal, about 5.2 dB increase in average RCS value is obtained. Analysis of these results shows that designed chaff cartridges are more effective than commercial ones if the designed ones are used together with compatible Radar Warning Receiver (RWR) and Dispensing System.Dalkıran, RıfatM.S