30 research outputs found

    Two-loop amplitudes and master integrals for the production of a Higgs boson via a massive quark and a scalar-quark loop

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    We compute all two-loop master integrals which are required for the evaluation of next-to-leading order QCD corrections in Higgs boson production via gluon fusion. Many two-loop amplitudes for 2 -> 1 processes in the Standard Model and beyond can be expressed in terms of these integrals using automated reduction techniques. These integrals also form a subset of the master integrals for more complicated 2 -> 2 amplitudes with massive propagators in the loops. As a first application, we evaluate the two-loop amplitude for Higgs boson production in gluon fusion via a massive quark. Our result is the first independent check of the calculation of Spira, Djouadi, Graudenz and Zerwas. We also present for the first time the two-loop amplitude for gg -> h via a massive squark

    NNLO Antenna Subtraction with One Hadronic Initial State

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    In this talk we present the extension of the antenna subtraction method to include initial states containing one hadron at NNLO. We sketch the requirements for the different necessary subtraction terms, and we explain how the antenna functions are integrated over the appropriate phase space by reducing the integrals to a small set of master integrals. Where applicable, our results for the integrated antennae were cross-checked against the known NNLO coefficient functions for deep inelastic scattering processes.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure. Talk given at RADCOR 2009 - 9th International Symposium on Radiative Corrections (Applications of Quantum Field Theory to Phenomenology) October 25 - 30 200

    The two-loop QCD amplitude gg -> h,H in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model

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    We present the two-loop QCD amplitude for the interaction of two gluons and a CP-even Higgs boson in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model. We apply a novel numerical method for the evaluation of Feynman diagrams with infrared, ultraviolet and threshold singularities. We discuss subtleties in the ultraviolet renormalization of the amplitude with conventional dimensional regularization, dimensional reduction, and the four dimensional helicity scheme. Finally, we show numerical results for scenarios of supersymmetry breaking with a rather challenging phenomenology in which the Higgs signal in the MSSM is suppressed in comparison to the Standard Model.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    On the dbar/ubar Asymmetry and Parton Distributions

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    We discuss the impact of different measurements of the dbar/ubar asymmetry in the extraction of parameterizations of parton distribution functions.Comment: Contributed paper to LP01, 13 pages, 4 figure

    Evaluating multi-loop Feynman diagrams with infrared and threshold singularities numerically

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    We present a method to evaluate numerically Feynman diagrams directly from their Feynman parameters representation. We first disentangle overlapping singularities using sector decomposition. Threshold singularities are treated with an appropriate contour deformation. We have validated our technique comparing with recent analytic results for the gg->h two-loop amplitudes with heavy quarks and scalar quarks.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures; references added, version to appear in JHE

    Z-prime Gauge Bosons at the Tevatron

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    We study the discovery potential of the Tevatron for a Z-prime gauge boson. We introduce a parametrization of the Z-prime signal which provides a convenient bridge between collider searches and specific Z-prime models. The cross section for p pbar -> Z-prime X -> l^+ l^- X depends primarily on the Z-prime mass and the Z-prime decay branching fraction into leptons times the average square coupling to up and down quarks. If the quark and lepton masses are generated as in the standard model, then the Z-prime bosons accessible at the Tevatron must couple to fermions proportionally to a linear combination of baryon and lepton numbers in order to avoid the limits on Z--Z-prime mixing. More generally, we present several families of U(1) extensions of the standard model that include as special cases many of the Z-prime models discussed in the literature. Typically, the CDF and D0 experiments are expected to probe Z-prime-fermion couplings down to 0.1 for Z-prime masses in the 500--800 GeV range, which in various models would substantially improve the limits set by the LEP experiments.Comment: 34 pages, 13 figure

    Antenna subtraction with hadronic initial states

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    The antenna subtraction method for the computation of higher order corrections to jet observables and exclusive cross sections at collider experiments is extended to include hadronic initial states. In addition to the already known antenna subtraction with both radiators in the final state (final-final antennae), we introduce antenna subtractions with one or two radiators in the initial state (initial-final or initial-initial antennae). For those, we derive the phase space factorization and discuss the allowed phase space mappings at NLO and NNLO. We present integrated forms for all antenna functions relevant to NLO calculations, and describe the construction of the full antenna subtraction terms at NLO on two examples. The extension of the formalism to NNLO is outlined.Comment: 33 pages, 3 figure

    Numerical evaluation of loop integrals

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    We present a new method for the numerical evaluation of arbitrary loop integrals in dimensional regularization. We first derive Mellin-Barnes integral representations and apply an algorithmic technique, based on the Cauchy theorem, to extract the divergent parts in the epsilon->0 limit. We then perform an epsilon-expansion and evaluate the integral coefficients of the expansion numerically. The method yields stable results in physical kinematic regions avoiding intricate analytic continuations. It can also be applied to evaluate both scalar and tensor integrals without employing reduction methods. We demonstrate our method with specific examples of infrared divergent integrals with many kinematic scales, such as two-loop and three-loop box integrals and tensor integrals of rank six for the one-loop hexagon topology