782 research outputs found

    Optimizing harvest of corn stover fractions based on overall sugar yields following ammonia fiber expansion pretreatment and enzymatic hydrolysis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Corn stover composition changes considerably throughout the growing season and also varies between the various fractions of the plant. These differences can impact optimal pretreatment conditions, enzymatic digestibility and maximum achievable sugar yields in the process of converting lignocellulosics to ethanol. The goal of this project was to determine which combination of corn stover fractions provides the most benefit to the biorefinery in terms of sugar yields and to determine the preferential order in which fractions should be harvested. Ammonia fiber expansion (AFEX) pretreatment, followed by enzymatic hydrolysis, was performed on early and late harvest corn stover fractions (stem, leaf, husk and cob). Sugar yields were used to optimize scenarios for the selective harvest of corn stover assuming 70% or 30% collection of the total available stover.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The optimal AFEX conditions for all stover fractions, regardless of harvest period, were: 1.5 (g NH<sub>3 </sub>g<sup>-1 </sup>biomass); 60% moisture content (dry-weight basis; dwb), 90°C and 5 min residence time. Enzymatic hydrolysis was conducted using cellulase, β-glucosidase, and xylanase at 31.3, 41.3, and 3.1 mg g<sup>-1 </sup>glucan, respectively. The optimal harvest order for selectively harvested corn stover (SHCS) was husk > leaf > stem > cob. This harvest scenario, combined with optimal AFEX pretreatment conditions, gave a theoretical ethanol yield of 2051 L ha<sup>-1 </sup>and 912 L ha<sup>-1 </sup>for 70% and 30% corn stover collection, respectively.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Changing the proportion of stover fractions collected had a smaller impact on theoretical ethanol yields (29 - 141 L ha<sup>-1</sup>) compared to the effect of altering pretreatment and enzymatic hydrolysis conditions (150 - 462 L ha<sup>-1</sup>) or harvesting less stover (852 - 1139 L ha<sup>-1</sup>). Resources may be more effectively spent on improving sustainable harvesting, thereby increasing potential ethanol yields per hectare harvested, and optimizing biomass processing rather than focusing on the selective harvest of specific corn stover fractions.</p

    Parents reading with their 10-month-old babies: key predictors for high-quality reading styles

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    Sixty-five parent–infant dyads were observed reading an unfamiliar book at home. Parents’ use of language-stimulating and emotionally rich reading styles was measured via a specially developed Book Sharing Scale for Infants. Aspects of child temperament were assessed by the Infant Characteristics Questionnaire [Bates, J. E., Freeland, C. A. B., & Lounsbury, M. L. (1979). Measurement of infant difficultness. Child Development, 50(3), 794–803], and parents responsivity was measured by the Caregiver Interaction Scale [Arnett, J. (1989). Caregiver interaction scale. Princeton, NJ: Educational Testing Service]. Parents’ socio-economic status and education, parents’ impression of their child being unsociable and the warmth of the caregiver’s interaction were positively predictive of the quality of the reading interaction. This suggests that the extent to which parents employ high-quality reading styles with their 10-month-old babies, depends on socio-demographic variables, children’s ability to communicate with their parents, and the overall affective quality of their relationship

    Twins Early Development Study: A Genetically Sensitive Investigation into Behavioral and Cognitive Development from Infancy to Emerging Adulthood

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    The Twins Early Development Study (TEDS) is a longitudinal twin study that recruited over 16,000 twin-pairs born between 1994 and 1996 in England and Wales through national birth records. More than 10,000 of these families are still engaged in the study. TEDS was and still is a representative sample of the population in England and Wales. Rich cognitive and emotional/behavioral data have been collected from the twins from infancy to emerging adulthood, with data collection at first contact and at ages 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 and 21, enabling longitudinal genetically sensitive analyses. Data have been collected from the twins themselves, from their parents and teachers, and from the UK National Pupil Database. Genotyped DNA data are available for 10,346 individuals (who are unrelated except for 3320 dizygotic co-twins). TEDS data have contributed to over 400 scientific papers involving more than 140 researchers in 50 research institutions. TEDS offers an outstanding resource for investigating cognitive and behavioral development across childhood and early adulthood and actively fosters scientific collaborations

    Segmentierung des Gehirns auf der Basis von MR-Daten

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    Enzymatic digestibility and ethanol fermentability of AFEX-treated starch-rich lignocellulosics such as corn silage and whole corn plant

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Corn grain is an important renewable source for bioethanol production in the USA. Corn ethanol is currently produced by steam liquefaction of starch-rich grains followed by enzymatic saccharification and fermentation. Corn stover (the non-grain parts of the plant) is a potential feedstock to produce cellulosic ethanol in second-generation biorefineries. At present, corn grain is harvested by removing the grain from the living plant while leaving the stover behind on the field. Alternatively, whole corn plants can be harvested to cohydrolyze both starch and cellulose after a suitable thermochemical pretreatment to produce fermentable monomeric sugars. In this study, we used physiologically immature corn silage (CS) and matured whole corn plants (WCP) as feedstocks to produce ethanol using ammonia fiber expansion (AFEX) pretreatment followed by enzymatic hydrolysis (at low enzyme loadings) and cofermentation (for both glucose and xylose) using a cellulase-amylase-based cocktail and a recombinant <it>Saccharomyces cerevisiae </it>424A (LNH-ST) strain, respectively. The effect on hydrolysis yields of AFEX pretreatment conditions and a starch/cellulose-degrading enzyme addition sequence for both substrates was also studied.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>AFEX-pretreated starch-rich substrates (for example, corn grain, soluble starch) had a 1.5-3-fold higher enzymatic hydrolysis yield compared with the untreated substrates. Sequential addition of cellulases after hydrolysis of starch within WCP resulted in 15-20% higher hydrolysis yield compared with simultaneous addition of hydrolytic enzymes. AFEX-pretreated CS gave 70% glucan conversion after 72 h of hydrolysis for 6% glucan loading (at 8 mg total enzyme loading per gram glucan). Microbial inoculation of CS before ensilation yielded a 10-15% lower glucose hydrolysis yield for the pretreated substrate, due to loss in starch content. Ethanol fermentation of AFEX-treated (at 6% w/w glucan loading) CS hydrolyzate (resulting in 28 g/L ethanol at 93% metabolic yield) and WCP (resulting in 30 g/L ethanol at 89% metabolic yield) is reported in this work.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The current results indicate the feasibility of co-utilization of whole plants (that is, starchy grains plus cellulosic residues) using an ammonia-based (AFEX) pretreatment to increase bioethanol yield and reduce overall production cost.</p

    Adaptação do inventário parental “Language Use Inventory (LUI)” para crianças entre 18 e 47 meses para o português europeu : estudo piloto

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    Language acquisition and development takes in account the child’s interaction with the surrounding environment. Daily social interactions with people and communication with others allow the child to acquire language being pragmatics considered a system of rules that support the communicative use of language. Identification and assessment of children at risk for language disorders are crucial in order to carry out an effective early intervention. This study was carried out taking into account first, the relevance of pragmatics as a component of language, and second the lack of assessment tools in Portugal to assess these abilities. Therefore, the aim of this study consists on the translation, adaptation and validation of the inventory “Language Use Inventory” (LUI), to European Portuguese. The LUI is a standardized parent report measure designed to assess pragmatic language development in children within 18- to 47-month-old.Objetivo: A aquisição e o desenvolvimento da linguagem resultam da interação da criança com o meio ambiente. As interações sociais cotidianas com as pessoas e a comunicação com outros permitem que a criança adquira linguagem, sendo a pragmática o sistema de regras que suporta o uso comunicativo da linguagem. A identificação e a avaliação de crianças em risco de desenvolverem transtornos de linguagem são cruciais, tendo em vista a intervenção precoce eficaz. Tendo em vista a relevância da pragmática como componente da linguagem e a escassez, em Portugal, de instrumentos de avaliação da linguagem validados para idades precoces, a finalidade deste estudo consistiu na tradução, adaptação e validação do instrumento Language Use Inventory (LUI), para o português europeu. O LUI é um inventário parental que avalia o desenvolvimento da pragmática entre os 18 e os 47 meses. Métodos: Foram adotados todos os procedimentos recomendados pelas diretrizes internacionais sobre a adaptação de testes, culminando em estudo piloto com uma amostra de 120 inventários, respondidos pelos pais/cuidadores de crianças portuguesas da referida faixa etária. Resultados: Os coeficientes de consistência interna (Alfa de Cronbach) para a versão portuguesa do LUI situaram-se em 0,97 para a escala total e entre 0,71 e 0,96 para as subescalas. Conclusão: Os resultados preliminares dos estudos de adaptação e de validação do LUI-Pt para crianças portuguesas são promissores e asseguram a validade interna desta escala em termos da sua dimensionalidade e consistência interna

    Hemicellulases and auxiliary enzymes for improved conversion of lignocellulosic biomass to monosaccharides

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>High enzyme loading is a major economic bottleneck for the commercial processing of pretreated lignocellulosic biomass to produce fermentable sugars. Optimizing the enzyme cocktail for specific types of pretreated biomass allows for a significant reduction in enzyme loading without sacrificing hydrolysis yield. This is especially important for alkaline pretreatments such as Ammonia fiber expansion (AFEX) pretreated corn stover. Hence, a diverse set of hemicellulases supplemented along with cellulases is necessary for high recovery of monosaccharides.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The core fungal cellulases in the optimal cocktail include cellobiohydrolase I [CBH I; glycoside hydrolase (GH) family 7A], cellobiohydrolase II (CBH II; GH family 6A), endoglucanase I (EG I; GH family 7B) and β-glucosidase (βG; GH family 3). Hemicellulases tested along with the core cellulases include xylanases (LX1, GH family 10; LX2, GH family 10; LX3, GH family 10; LX4, GH family 11; LX5, GH family 10; LX6, GH family 10), β-xylosidase (LβX; GH family 52), α-arabinofuranosidase (LArb, GH family 51) and α-glucuronidase (LαGl, GH family 67) that were cloned, expressed and/or purified from different bacterial sources. Different combinations of these enzymes were tested using a high-throughput microplate based 24 h hydrolysis assay. Both family 10 (LX3) and family 11 (LX4) xylanases were found to most efficiently hydrolyze AFEX pretreated corn stover in a synergistic manner. The optimal mass ratio of xylanases (LX3 and LX4) to cellulases (CBH I, CBH II and EG I) is 25:75. LβX (0.6 mg/g glucan) is crucial to obtaining monomeric xylose (54% xylose yield), while LArb (0.6 mg/g glucan) and LαGl (0.8 mg/g glucan) can both further increase xylose yield by an additional 20%. Compared with Accellerase 1000, a purified cocktail of cellulases supplemented with accessory hemicellulases will not only increase both glucose and xylose yields but will also decrease the total enzyme loading needed for equivalent yields.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>A diverse set of accessory hemicellulases was found necessary to enhance the synergistic action of cellulases hydrolysing AFEX pretreated corn stover. High glucose (around 80%) and xylose (around 70%) yields were achieved with a moderate enzyme loading (~20 mg protein/g glucan) using an in-house developed cocktail compared to commercial enzymes.</p

    The winding roads to adulthood: A twin study.

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    AIMS: Here we report the results of the first systematic investigation of genetic and environmental influences on 57 psychological traits covering major issues in emerging adulthood such as aspirations, thoughts and attitudes, relationships and personality. We also investigate how these traits relate to physical and mental health, educational attainment and wellbeing. MATERIALS & METHODS: We use a sample of nearly 5000 pairs of UK twins aged 21-25 from the Twins Early Development Study. We included 57 measures of traits selected to represent issues in emerging adulthood (EA) such as aspirations, thoughts and attitudes, life events, relationships, sexual and health behaviour and personality. We also included measures related to what are often considered to be the core functional outcomes even though here we refer to the data collected at the same time: adverse physical health, adverse mental health, wellbeing, and education. RESULTS: All 57 traits showed significant genetic influence, with an average heritability of 34% (SNP heritability ~10%). Most of the variance (59% on average) was explained by non-shared environmental influences. These diverse traits were associated with mental health (average correlation 0.20), wellbeing (0.16), physical health (0.12) and educational attainment (0.06). Shared genetic factors explained the majority of these correlations (~50%). Together, these emerging adulthood traits explained on average 30% of variance in the outcomes (range = 8% to 69%), suggesting that these traits relate to the outcomes additively. DISCUSSION & CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that even as the majority of individual differences in EA traits is explained by non-shared environmental factors, genetic influence on these traits is still substantial; the environmental uncertainties of emerging adulthood in the 21st century do not diminish the importance of genetics. As adolescents travel down long and winding roads to adulthood, their trip is substantially influenced by genetic proclivities that nudge them down different paths leading to different destinations
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