7 research outputs found

    Performance Optimisation of Single-Phase Variable Reluctance Shaded-Pole Motor

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    Shaded pole induction motors’ theoretical analysis is quite difficult because of the presence of strong harmonic components and the elliptical rotating field. The change of air gap reluctance is affecting the air gap flux distribution and thus the performance of the motor. In the study, the effect of the change in the SPIM’s stator, rotor and squirrel cage on the performance of the motor is analysed by the Finite Element Method. The flux distributions and torque values of the closed-interpoles type and the stator with different interpoles clearances are obtained. The effects of single and double cage structures in the rotor part and the effects of copper and aluminium cage materials in the squirrel cage were analysed. According to the analyses, it was determined that the single cage motor with aluminium cage material exhibited the best torque performance with a torque value of 132.78 mNm

    Advancing Pole Arc Offset Points in Designing an Optimal PM Generator

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    In this study, the offset points which locate at the pole arc of the designed 1 kW direct-drive permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) have been changed based on parametric approach, and a performance rise for the designed generator has been observed by changing offset parameters. In order to obtain efficient physical sizes and electrical values of the designed generator, the pole arc offset points have been taken forward gradually by using finite element methods. The effects of different offset points on the generators performance have been simulated and interpreted graphically. It has been shown that changing pole arc offset sizes has decreased harmonics distortion and magnet weight in designing 1 kW PM generator. As a result, the 1 kW PM generator has been obtained with high efficiency, less harmonic distortions at sinusoidal wave and less PM weight at whole generator weight

    A Detailed Study for the Determination of Phase Inductances of a Shaded-Pole Induction Motor with Variable Air Gap

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    Gölge kutuplu asenkron motorlar (GKAM) yapılarının basit, maliyetlerinin düşük olması ve az bakıma ihtiyaç duymaları nedeniyle endüstriyel uygulamalarda, ev aletlerinde ve havalandırma sistemlerinde yoğun bir şekilde kullanılmaktadırlar. GKAM’da eliptik döner alanın oluşumu motorun analizini oldukça zorlaştırmaktadır. Bu karmaşıklığın sonucu olarak, bu tip motorların teorisi, tasarımı ve analizi konusunda nispeten sınırlı yayın bulunmaktadır. Çoğunlukla bu motorların tasarımları deneme-yanılma yöntemine dayanmaktadır. Bilindiği üzere elektrik makinalarının performansının doğru bir şekilde hesaplanması, hesaplamalarda kullanılan sargı endüktanslarının doğruluğu ile yakından ilişkilidir. Bu nedenle, çalışmada 4 kutuplu GKAM’ın stator sargısı ve gölge kutup sargısı sargı başı endüktansı, stator sargısı öz endüktansı, stator sargısı toplam kaçak endüktansı ve stator-rotor ortak endüktansı analitik denklemler ve gerçek zamanlı deneyler yardımıyla elde edilmiştir. Aynı zamanda manyetik doyumun stator öz endüktansı ve kaçak endüktansına etkisi ile stator-rotor ortak endüktansının rotor pozisyonuyla değişimi incelenmiştir. Çalışmanın sonunda, hesaplanan stator sargısı öz endüktansının doğruluğu deneysel bir yaklaşımla doğrulanmıştır.Shaded-pole induction motors (SPIMs) are extensively used in industrial applications, home appliances and ventilation systems due to their simple structure, low cost and low maintenance requirement. Formation of elliptic rotating field in SPIM makes its analysis rather complex. As the result of this complexity, there are relatively limited publications on the theory, design and analysis for this kind of motor. In many cases, its design is based on trial and error method. As it is appreciated, the accuracy of predicted performance of electric machines is closely related to the accuracy of the winding inductances used in calculations. For this reason, in this study, stator and shading-rings end-winding leakage inductance, stator winding self-inductance, total leakage inductance of the stator winding and the mutual inductance between stator and rotor winding of a 4-pole SPIM are obtained by means of the derived analytical equations and real-time experiments. Also, the effect of magnetic saturation on the stator self and leakage inductances, and the variation of stator-rotor mutual inductance with respect to the rotor position have been investigated. At the end of the study, the accuracy of computed stator winding self-inductance is validated by an experimental exercise

    Estimation of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator Performance with Artificial Neural Network Models

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    The interest in renewable energy sources has grown with the increase of environmental pollution and the decrease of fossil fuels. It is possible to provide energy supply security and diversity by using renewable energy sources. In this regard, wind energy, which is one of the renewable energy sources whose share in energy production increases day by day, emerges as a local and environmentally friendly solution. Many different types of generators are used in wind turbines and these have advantages and disadvantages according to each other. Permanent magnet synchronous generators (PMSG) are preferred because of their advantages such as high efficiency, high power density and being used directly in wind turbines without the need for gear system. In this study, the performance of the 2,5 kW PMSG, with a 14-pole surface placement, internal rotor, suitable for use in wind turbines, has been examined by changing the physical structure of the magnet. For this purpose, performance parameters such as total magnet consumption, efficiency, power loss have been successfully estimated using single and double hidden layered multi layer neural network (MLNN), elman neural network (ENN) and radial basis function neural network (RBFNN)

    Prediction of the Force on a Projectile in an Electromagnetic Launcher Coil with Multilayer Neural Network

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    Elektromanyetik fırlatıcılarda merminin üzerindeki kuvvet, uyartım değeri ve merminin sargı içerisindeki konumuna göre değişiklik göstermektedir. Bu çalışmada elektromanyetik fırlatıcılarda kullanılan bobin ve merminin 3 boyutlu modeli oluşturularak sonlu elemanlar metodu ile analizler gerçekleştirilmiştir. Parametrik çözüm metodu kullanılarak, sargının uyartım değeri ve mermi konumu değiştirilerek mermi üzerindeki kuvvet karakteristiği elde edilmiştir. Sonlu elemanlar analizlerinde daha küçük çözüm adımları tanımlanarak daha hassas analizler gerçekleştirilebilir. Bununla birlikte, değişkenlerin sayısındaki artış nedeniyle analiz süresi uzamaktadır. Analiz süresi dikkate alınarak, çalışmada kuvvet kestirimi tek gizli katmandan ve iki gizli katmandan oluşan çok katmanlı sinir ağı modelleri kullanılarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çok katmanlı sinir ağları ile yapılan kuvvet kestirimi çalışmalarında başarılı sonuçlar elde edilmiştir

    An adaptive PI controller schema based on fuzzy logic controller for speed control of permanent magnet synchronous motors

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    In speed control systems, which is desirable is that the speed of a controlled object should track the reference speed as fast as possible and at the same time should provide good robustness to load variations. As far as conventional PI controllers are concerned, once their parameters are tuned for solely one operating condition, they remain constant during the whole operational cycle and therefore, a poor controller performance may arise unexpectedly when the operating condition is changed. To overcome this problem, a PI controller incorporated by fuzzy logic controller (FLC) is introduced in this paper for the speed control of a permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM). In the proposed control schema, the parameters of the PI controller are determined online based on the error signal and its time derivative by means of a PD-type FLC, which has separate two rule bases, the former of which is responsible for P gain and the latter is for I gain. According to the computer simulations performed under the same conditions, the obtained results based on the proposed method are more promising than those obtained by the conventional PI controller with fixed parameters

    Cogging Torque Minimization Using Skewed and Separated Magnet Geometries

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    KURT, EROL/0000-0002-3615-6926WOS: 000506639500027In the study, analytical design, analysis and optimization of a 2.5 kW 14-pole, 84-slot permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) have been performed. The performance characteristics of this PMSG such as efficiency, torque, cogging torque and magnetic flux density are assessed. Then, 3D model of the respective generator is acquired to examine the effect of magnet geometry on the cogging torque produced. In that context, the effects of splitted and skewed magnet structures are examined. In the first design, the magnet is modelled with one piece and the rms value of the cogging torque is found as 436.75 mNm. In the second case, a certain skewed slit is made alongside the magnet and that yields a slightly reduced cogging torque of 434.58 mNm. In the other design, the magnet of the first design is divided into two sub-parts, which are then combined together in a skewed fashion. Thus, the value of cogging torque is found as 159.60 mNm. Eventually, by making two certain slits on the last model, cogging torque is further depressed down to 89.95mNm. It is concluded from the obtained results that the last design contributes an improvement in the value of cogging torque up to 80% compared to the initial design.Scientific Research Project Unit of the Bandirma Onyedi Eylul University [BAP-18-MF-1009-065]This study was supported by Scientific Research Project Unit of the Bandirma Onyedi Eylul University under Project No: BAP-18-MF-1009-065