1,502 research outputs found

    Guest editorial: special issue on bone tissue engineering

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    Bioactive composites for bone tissue engineering

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    One of the major challenges of bone tissue engineering is the production of a suitable scaffold material. In this review the current composite materials options available are considered covering both the methods of both production and assessing the scaffolds. A range of production routes have been investigated ranging from the use of porogens to produce the porosity through to controlled deposition methods. The testing regimes have included mechanical testing of the materials produced through to in vivo testing of the scaffolds. While the ideal scaffold material has not yet been produced, progress is being made

    European integrationist influences on member states' counter-terrorist co-operation and co-ordination

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    Under the competences of the European Union's intergovernmentally controlled Justice and Home Affairs policy, counter-terrorist co-operation and co-ordination of efforts have progressed at a rapid pace following the 11 September attacks on the USA. Given, however, that Europe has experienced entrenched terrorist campaigns for the past three decades, one could be forgiven for questioning, in light of the unique co-operative position of Western Europe, why it has taken so long for the membership of the EU to reach a common definition of terrorism. Also why is it that even now, the EU has failed to develop a common policy against terrorism? Political explanations are traditional responses to such questions, but there is a risk of underestimating the complexities of the European Project, and the effect which this has had on so many areas of transnational co-operation. By focusing therefore on the often-overlooked role played by European integration on counter-terrorist co-operation, in addition to empirical analysis of the efficiency of the co-operative structures, we place ourselves in a more beneficial position to understand the current situation. Intergovernmentalism, the controlling force of JHA co-operation, we find is not mutually exclusive to law-enforcement co-operation. Two theories tested for supranational influences - neo-functionalism and federalism - have also played their part, from the early 1960s onwards, in facilitating co-operation. The historical emphasis is important, because co-operation prior to the regulation of much of this area within the EU, following the Treaties of Economic Union, provides us with ample material for analysis and greater insight into the JHA process and counter-terrorism. Intergovernmentalism has helped push counter-terrorist co-operation along, but equally we find that it now serves as a hindrance in completing its development because of its in-built tendency to retain subsidiarity. Counter terrorist co-operation, we conclude, need not be restricted to intergovernmental control any longer

    Structural Analysis of an Evolved Transketolase Reveals Divergent Binding Modes.

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    The S385Y/D469T/R520Q variant of E. coli transketolase was evolved previously with three successive smart libraries, each guided by different structural, bioinformatical or computational methods. Substrate-walking progressively shifted the target acceptor substrate from phosphorylated aldehydes, towards a non-phosphorylated polar aldehyde, a non-polar aliphatic aldehyde, and finally a non-polar aromatic aldehyde. Kinetic evaluations on three benzaldehyde derivatives, suggested that their active-site binding was differentially sensitive to the S385Y mutation. Docking into mutants generated in silico from the wild-type crystal structure was not wholly satisfactory, as errors accumulated with successive mutations, and hampered further smart-library designs. Here we report the crystal structure of the S385Y/D469T/R520Q variant, and molecular docking of three substrates. This now supports our original hypothesis that directed-evolution had generated an evolutionary intermediate with divergent binding modes for the three aromatic aldehydes tested. The new active site contained two binding pockets supporting π-π stacking interactions, sterically separated by the D469T mutation. While 3-formylbenzoic acid (3-FBA) preferred one pocket, and 4-FBA the other, the less well-accepted substrate 3-hydroxybenzaldehyde (3-HBA) was caught in limbo with equal preference for the two pockets. This work highlights the value of obtaining crystal structures of evolved enzyme variants, for continued and reliable use of smart library strategies

    HDX and In Silico Docking Reveal that Excipients Stabilize G-CSF via a Combination of Preferential Exclusion and Specific Hotspot Interactions

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    Assuring the stability of therapeutic proteins is a major challenge in the biopharmaceutical industry, and a better molecular understanding of the mechanisms through which formulations influence their stability is an ongoing priority. While the preferential exclusion effects of excipients are well known, the additional presence and impact of specific protein–excipient interactions have proven to be more elusive to identify and characterize. We have taken a combined approach of in silico molecular docking and hydrogen deuterium exchange-mass spectrometry (HDX-MS) to characterize the interactions between granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF), and some common excipients. These interactions were related to their influence on the thermal-melting temperatures (Tm) for the nonreversible unfolding of G-CSF in liquid formulations. The residue-level interaction sites predicted in silico correlated well with those identified experimentally and highlighted the potential impact of specific excipient interactions on the Tm of G-CSF

    Factors affecting the Faradaic efficiency of Fe(0) electrocoagulation

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    Electrocoagulation (EC) using Fe(0) electrodes is a low cost water treatment technology that relies on efficient production of Fe(II) from the electrolytic dissolution of Fe(0) electrodes (i.e. a high Faradaic efficiency). However, the (electro)chemical factors that favor Fe(0) oxidation rather than O2 evolution during Fe(0) EC have not been identified. In this study, we combined electrochemical methods, electron microscopy and Fe measurements to systematically examine the interdependent effects of current density (i), anodic interface potential (EA) and solution chemistry on the Faradaic efficiency. We found that Fe(0) oxidation was favored (Faradaic efficiency >0.85) in chloride and bromide solutions at all i, whereas carbonate, phosphate, citrate, and nitrate solutions lead to Faradaic efficiencies <0.1. The anodic reaction (i.e. Fe(0) oxidation or O2 evolution) only depended on i in the sulfate and formate solutions. Experiments in binary-anion solutions revealed that molar ratios of [HCO3−]/[Cl−] near 100 and [NO3−]/[Cl−] near 20 separated the electrochemical domains of Fe(0) oxidation and O2 evolution in the EC system. These molar ratios were supported by experiments in synthetic groundwater solutions. We also found that the EA vs i curves for solutions with poor Faradaic efficiency overlapped but were situated 2–4 V vs Ag/AgCl higher than those of solutions with high Faradaic efficiency. Therefore, the position of the EA vs i curve, rather than the EA alone, can be used to determine unambiguously the reaction occurring on the Fe(0) anode during EC treatment

    Complete analysis of the H5 hemagglutinin and N8 neuraminidase phylogenetic trees reveals that the H5N8 subtype has been produced by multiple reassortment events

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    The analysis of the complete H5 hemagglutinin and H8 neuraminidase phylogenetic trees presented in this paper shows that the H5N8 avian influenza has been generated by multiple reassortment events. The H5N8 strain does not have a single origin and is produced when the H5 hemagglutinin and N8 neuraminidase re-assort from other H5 and N8 containing strains. While it was known that there had been a re-assortment to incorporate the Guangdong H5 hemagglutinin at the start of the Korean outbreak, the results show that there have also been multiple reassortment events amongst the non-Korean sequences

    Hybrid Core-Shell Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering

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    The tissue engineering applications of coaxial electrospinning are growing due to the potential increased functionality of the fibres compared to basic electrospinning. Previous studies of core and shell scaffolds have placed the active elements in the core, however, the surface response to a biomaterial affects the subsequent behaviour, thus here hydroxyapatite (HA) was added to the shell. Coaxial electrospun polycaprolactone (PCL)-polylactic acid (PLA)/HA (core-shell) scaffolds were produced in 2D sheets using a plate collector, or 3D tubes for bone tissue engineering using a rotating needle collector. The scaffolds include high hydroxyapatite content while retaining their structural and mechanical integrity. The effect of the collector type on fibre diameter, fibre alignment and mechanical properties have been evaluated, and the impact of HA incorporation on bioactivity, BMP-2 release, cell behaviour and mechanical properties for up to 12 weeks degradation were assessed. Fibre uniformity in coaxial electrospinning depends on the relative flow rate of the core and shell solutions. Using a rotating needle collector increased fibre alignment compared to a stationary collector, without affecting fibre diameter significantly, while HA content increased fibre non-uniformity. Coaxial PCL-PLA/HA fibres exhibited significantly higher bioactivity compared to PCL-PLA scaffolds due to the surface exposure of the HA particles. Apatite formation increased with increasing SBF immersion time. Coaxial tubular scaffolds with and without HA incorporation showed gradual reductions in their mechanical properties over 12 weeks in PBS or SBF but still retained their structural integrity. Coaxial scaffolds with and without HA exhibited gradual and sustained BMP-2 release and supported MSCs proliferation and differentiation with no significant difference between the two scaffolds types. These materials therefore show potential applications as bone tissue engineering scaffolds

    Label-free segmentation of co-cultured cells on a nanotopographical gradient

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    The function and fate of cells is influenced by many different factors, one of which is surface topography of the support culture substrate. Systematic studies of nanotopography and cell response have typically been limited to single cell types and a small set of topographical variations. Here, we show a radical expansion of experimental throughput using automated detection, measurement, and classification of co-cultured cells on a nanopillar array where feature height changes continuously from planar to 250 nm over 9 mm. Individual cells are identified and characterized by more than 200 descriptors, which are used to construct a set of rules for label-free segmentation into individual cell types. Using this approach we can achieve label-free segmentation with 84% confidence across large image data sets and suggest optimized surface parameters for nanostructuring of implant devices such as vascular stents
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