2 research outputs found

    A review of spinel-type of ferrite thick film technology : fabrication and application

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    Ferrites have emerged out as excellent material for a broad spectrum of applications. Thick films of these materials have great demand for energy and advanced electronics. This review highlights a brief overview of the spinel-type of ferrite thick films (S-FTFs) development right from their historical developments, preparation strategies and state of art applications. The fabrication of S-FTFs includes the discussion on screen-printing, doctor blade tape casting, plasma spray, and spin coating. The comparative analysis of the screen printing technique to the other methods is provided to assist the scientific community during the process of choosing the most suitable fabrication technique. The influence of the synthesis parameters such as temperatures (pre-sintering and final sintering), binders (organic and inorganic), sizes (crystallite, grain, and particle), substrate material and the final heat treatment process in S-FTFs, and the preparation of the ferrite powders and their fabrication technique are review and summarized. Moreover, this review provides a brief overview of the S-FTFs applications, which are classified into four broad categories: sensors, microwave, magnetic and advanced applications. This classification provides a deeper insight into the potential of the S-FTF applications. The motivation in materializing the review of S-FTFs technology is to inspire aspiring research candidates and boost their research interest in this particular field

    Recent Advances in durability of superhydrophobic self-cleaning technology: A critical review

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    Self-cleaning concept has achieved significant attention because of their distinct features and inclusive range of probable applications in various fields. Inspired from the lotus effect; the self-cleaning properties showed by the leaves due to the micro and nanoscopic design which reduces the water droplets adhesion to the surface, self-cleaning technology (SCT) plays a significant role in the current time in various applications. One of its special features is its ability to keep the surface clean and maintain the self-cleaning property stable under severe environmental conditions over an intended period of time. This review introduces an overview of the fabrication techniques for superhydrophobic coating and self-cleaning (SC) applications in various fields. The SCT has applications in areas such as textiles, cotton-fabrics garments, buildings construction, lavatories, domestic-automobiles windows, architectural heritage, and photovoltaic and solar cells. As SCT has wide range of applications, there is a need for a deeper understanding of the resilience and preparation of SC surfaces. Therefore, we have discussed the major applications of SCT in building, toilet, mineral paints for architectural heritage, photovoltaic devices or solar cell, fabrics or textile industry in this review. Apart from this, we have also added information regarding the techniques of SC superhydrophobic surfaces and flexible self-cleaning materials and their applications. SCT naturally suffers from great issues in their durability and stability. As the durability of SCT is significant in daily human life, it is intensively reflected in this literature survey. Furthermore, the ongoing progress and potential efforts in the recent innovative applications of SCT along with the critical conclusions, forthcoming views, and obstacles on the field of the durability of SCT are discussed in the presented survey.Authors acknowledge the support provided by program carried out under the framework of Postdoctoral Fellowship, Henan University Kaifeng, China. This work is financially supported by DST ? INSPIRE Faculty Scheme, Department of Science and Technology (DST), Govt. of India. [DST/INSPIRE/04/2015/000281]. We greatly appreciate the support of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (21776061) and (21950410531), Foundation of Henan province (182102410090). S. Nagappan and C. S. Ha thanks to the financial support from the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) Grant funded by the Ministry of Science and ICT, Korea (NRF2017R1A2B3012961); Brain Korea 21 Plus Program (21A2013800002).Scopu