94 research outputs found

    Autonomous Vertical Autorotation for Unmanned Helicopters

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    Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) are considered the stepping stone for the integration of civil unmanned vehicles in the National Airspace System (NAS) because of their low cost and risk. Such systems are aimed at a variety of applications including search and rescue, surveillance, communications, traffic monitoring and inspection of buildings, power lines and bridges. Amidst these systems, small helicopters play an important role because of their capability to hold a position, to maneuver in tight spaces and to take off and land from virtually anywhere. Nevertheless civil adoption of such systems is minimal, mostly because of regulatory problems that in turn are due to safety concerns. This dissertation examines the risk to safety imposed by UAS in general and small helicopters in particular, focusing on accidents resulting in a ground impact. To improve the performance of small helicopters in this area, the use of autonomous autorotation is proposed. This research goes beyond previous work in the area of autonomous autorotation by developing an on-line, model-based, real-time controller that is capable of handling constraints and different cost functions. The approach selected is based on a non-linear model-predictive controller, that is augmented by a neural network to improve the speed of the non-linear optimization. The immediate benefit of this controller is that a class of failures that would otherwise result in an uncontrolled crash and possible injuries or fatalities can now be accommodated. Furthermore besides simply landing the helicopter, the controller is also capable of minimizing the risk of serious injury to people in the area. This is accomplished by minimizing the kinetic energy during the last phase of the descent. The presented research is designed to benefit the entire UAS community as well as the public, by allowing for safer UAS operations, which in turn also allow faster and less expensive integration of UAS in the NAS

    Autonomous Vertical Autorotation for Unmanned Helicopters

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    Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) are considered the stepping stone for the integration of civil unmanned vehicles in the National Airspace System (NAS) because of their low cost and risk. Such systems are aimed at a variety of applications including search and rescue, surveillance, communications, traffic monitoring and inspection of buildings, power lines and bridges. Amidst these systems, small helicopters play an important role because of their capability to hold a position, to maneuver in tight spaces and to take off and land from virtually anywhere. Nevertheless civil adoption of such systems is minimal, mostly because of regulatory problems that in turn are due to safety concerns. This dissertation examines the risk to safety imposed by UAS in general and small helicopters in particular, focusing on accidents resulting in a ground impact. To improve the performance of small helicopters in this area, the use of autonomous autorotation is proposed. This research goes beyond previous work in the area of autonomous autorotation by developing an on-line, model-based, real-time controller that is capable of handling constraints and different cost functions. The approach selected is based on a non-linear model-predictive controller, that is augmented by a neural network to improve the speed of the non-linear optimization. The immediate benefit of this controller is that a class of failures that would otherwise result in an uncontrolled crash and possible injuries or fatalities can now be accommodated. Furthermore besides simply landing the helicopter, the controller is also capable of minimizing the risk of serious injury to people in the area. This is accomplished by minimizing the kinetic energy during the last phase of the descent. The presented research is designed to benefit the entire UAS community as well as the public, by allowing for safer UAS operations, which in turn also allow faster and less expensive integration of UAS in the NAS

    uVALVIT: A tool for droplet mobility control and valving

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    Active control of droplet mobility through low cost tools is highly desirable in applications entailing microfluidics, Lab-on-Chip devices and pertinent technologies. Here, we present the design concepts of a versatile, low cost tool for dynamic droplet mobility manipulation, employing a scheme with backpressure application. Initially sticky open- or closed- channel fluidics with hydrophobic, porous walls are rendered slippery with the application of backpressure through the porous walls. Deliberate control of backpressure directs the wetting phenomena to the desired state. Operation parameters, and control system considerations are presented. Ultra-low backpressure values, are needed for channels with small cross-sections, which in turn are compatible with ultra-low energy demands

    On Integrating Unmanned Aircraft Systems into the National Airspace System: Issues, Challenges, Operational Restrictions, Certification, and Recommendations

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    This book presents, in a comprehensive way, current unmanned aviation regulation, airworthiness certification, special aircraft categories, pilot certification, federal aviation requirements, operation rules, airspace classes and regulation development models. It discusses unmanned aircraft systems levels of safety derived mathematically based on the corresponding levels for manned aviation. It provides an overview of the history and current status of UAS airworthiness and operational regulation worldwide. Existing regulations have been developed considering the need for a complete regulatory framework for UAS. It focuses on UAS safety assessment and functional requirements, achieved in terms of defining an “Equivalent Level of Safety”, or ELOS, with that of manned aviation, specifying what the ELOS requirement entails for UAS regulations. To accomplish this, the safety performance of manned aviation is first evaluated, followed by a novel model to derive reliability requirements for achieving target levels of safety (TLS) for ground impact and mid-air collision accidents.It discusses elements of a viable roadmap leading to UAS integration in to the NAS. For this second edition of the book almost all chapters include major updates and corrections. There is also a new appendix chapter

    On evaluation of robust autonomy for uninhabited vehicles and systems

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    This paper discusses a method to quantify robust autonomy of Uninhabited Vehicles and Systems (UVS) in aerospace, marine, or land applications. Based on mission-vehicle specific performance criteria, we define an system utility function that can be evaluated using simulation scenarios for an envelope of environmental conditions. The results of these evaluations are used to compute a figure of merit or measure for operational efectiveness (MOE). The procedure is then augmented to consider faults and the performance of mechanisms to handle these faulty operational modes. This leads to a measure of robust autonomy (MRA). The objective of the proposed figures of merit is to assist in decision making about vehicle performance and reliability at both vehicle development stage (using simulation models) and at certification stage (using hardware-in-the-loop testing). Performance indices based on dynamic and geometric tasks associated with vehicle manoeuvring problems are proposed, and an example of a two- dimensional y scenario is provided to illustrate the use of the proposed figures of merit
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