378 research outputs found

    Necessary and sufficient condition for non-zero quantum discord

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    Quantum discord characterizes "non-classicality" of correlations in quantum mechanics. It has been proposed as the key resource present in certain quantum communication tasks and quantum computational models without containing much entanglement. We obtain a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of non-zero quantum discord for any dimensional bipartite states. This condition is easily experimentally implementable. Based on this, we propose a geometrical way of quantifying quantum discord. For two qubits this results in a closed form of expression for discord. We apply our results to the model of deterministic quantum computation with one qubit, showing that quantum discord is unlikely to be the reason behind its speedup.Comment: minor changes, published versio

    Restorative environments within an urban context : a case study in Malmö

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    Den urbana livsstilen har lett till att alltfler mĂ€nniskor insjuknar i stressrelaterade sjukdomar. Bristande Ă„terhĂ€mtning gör att vi saknar de resurser som behövs för att hantera vardagens krav. Restorativa miljöer Ă€r platser som naturligt Ă„terhĂ€mtar oss frĂ„n stress och fyller pĂ„ vĂ„ra krafter. Detta examensarbete i landskapsarkitektur Ă€r ett gestaltningsarbete som undersöker restorativa miljöer i en urban kontext som resulterar i ett gestaltningsförslag av Raoul Wallenbergs Park i Malmö, ett förslag som ska illustrera hur en restorativ park kan gestaltas i en urban kontext. Syftet med arbetet har varit att fĂ„ en större förstĂ„else över restorativa miljöer samt utforska hur dessa kan gestaltas i relation till en urban kontext, dĂ€r restorativa karaktĂ€rer identifieras som ramverk att förhĂ„lla sig till vid gestaltandet av en restorativ miljö. Studien delas upp i sju delar, första delen Ă€r en inledning över studiens ramverk med sammanfattande bakgrund, syfte och frĂ„gestĂ€llningar, precisering av begrepp samt avgrĂ€nsningar. Del tvĂ„ bestĂ„r av en förstudie som analyserar dagens kunskapsöversikt över befintlig forskning i relation till restorativa miljöer. I del tre beskrivs arbetets tillvĂ€gagĂ„ngsĂ€tt och metodiken som anammats. Del fyra presenterar de analysmodeller som anvĂ€nts under platsanalyserna, restorativa teman som identifierats genom semistrukturerade intervjuer samt sjĂ€lva platsanalyserna av restorativa referensplatser i Malmö, vilket allt legat som underlag till gestaltningen. Del fem beskriver designprocessen, alltsĂ„ hur studien gick frĂ„n teori till gestaltning dĂ€r platsanalyser och skissprocessen skildras. Avsnittet inleds med en analys och presentation över Raoul Wallenbergs Park dĂ€r nulĂ€get beskrivs i relation till identifierade restorativa vĂ€rden och brister och avslutas med skissprocessen. Del sex redogör resultatet av studien dĂ€r gestaltningsförslaget presenteras och vilka Ă„tgĂ€rder som gjorts för att öka den restorativa karaktĂ€ren pĂ„ platsen. Del sju bestĂ„r av avslutande diskussioner över resultatet, metoden samt slutord. Först förs diskussioner och reflektioner över för och nackdelar med metodiken som anammats under arbetet. DĂ€refter diskuteras resultatet i studien och huruvida restorativa karaktĂ€rer kan vara ett hjĂ€lpmedel vid gestaltandet av restorativa miljöer i en urban kontext. Del sju avslutas med en sammanfattning dĂ€r det konstateras att fler restorativa miljöer behövs i stĂ€der och att landskapsarkitekter kan spela en avgörande roll för att gestalta restorativa miljöer. Med bĂ€ttre kunskap om restorativa miljöer, sĂ„som restorativa karaktĂ€rer, sĂ„ kan vi med större framgĂ„ng designa restorativa miljöer.The urban lifestyle is leading to an increase in stress related diseases. The ability to cope with everyday stressors are impaired due to the lack of restoration. Restorative environments are places that naturally recover us from stress and recharge our energy. This master thesis in landscape architecture is a design that explore and advocate restorative environments in an urban context that further results in a design over Raoul Wallenbergs Park in Malmö. This design illustrates how to increase the restorative effects of a site through design in an urban context. The purpose of this thesis has been to acquire more knowledge within the field of restorative environments as well as define restorative characters as a framework for restorative design within an urban context. The study is divided into seven parts, where the first part is an introduction to the framework of the study with an summary of the background, purpose, the questions at issue, clarification of concepts used in the study and delimitations. Part two consist of an pre-study which analyses the existing research on restorative environments. Part three describes the methodology of the study. Part four introduces the models used for site analyses and summarizes restorative themes obtained from the semi-structured interviews as well as the site-analyses where restorative references in Malmö are studied. In part five the designprocess is described, thus the process from theory to the final design. Here an initial analysis of Raoul Wallenbergs Park is presented where the current situation is outlined as well as existing restorative values and deficiencies followed by the sketch process. In part six the final design of Raoul Wallenbergs Park is presented and accompanied by an in depth explanation of the implemented strategies to increase the restorative character on site. Part seven is a closing of the study where the results and method are discussed and reflected upon and finishes of with an summary of the study, where it’s constated that more restorative places are needed in urban context and that landscape architects have a leading role in designing restorative environments in urban contexts. With greater knowledge on restorative environmentss, such as restorative characters, we have greater success when designing restorative environments

    Business Intelligence Systems: Assessing the benefits of business intelligence use within an organization

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    The Business Intelligence (BI) systems are increasingly becoming an important piece of the puzzle for the success of organizations. That being so, it is important to acknowledge the benefits that can be obtained from the use of such systems. Furthermore, for those who hesitate in investing in BI systems this research presents how the organizations operating in different business fields are using the BI systems in practice as a part of their business operations. In order to carry out such overview, the authors of this master thesis have based their study on a previous research that proposed a limited number of benefits and their grouping into four categories based on mathematical calculations. Subsequently, the authors are doing qualitative research on the use of BI systems and the benefits that can be achieved from its use on an organizational level. Furthermore, the findings from the research are presented in the context of interpretation of how the BI systems function in organizations, as well as assessments on obtaining the proposed benefits from the use of such systems. Finally, the authors are discussing their observations and impressions regarding the empirical results obtained through means of qualitative research method

    Auswanderung und RĂŒckkehr der Intelligenz Serbiens

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht die RĂŒckkehrplĂ€ne von jungen AkademikerInnen, die zwecks Studiums ins Ausland emigriert sind. Die RĂŒckkehrplĂ€ne wurden im Zusammenhang mit dem sozialen und ökonomischen Kapital sowie dem Grad der Innovation und Akkulturation analysiert. Weiteres wurden die MigrationsplĂ€ne der MigrantInnen zum Zeitpunkt der Auswanderung als auch das Potential fĂŒr Widerauswanderung erhoben. Vor allem wurden die wichtigsten Push- und Pull-Faktoren, die einen Einfluss auf die Auswanderungs- bzw. RĂŒckkehrentscheidung haben ausgewertet. DarĂŒber hinaus wurden auch die relevanten Stay-Fakoren, die einen Einfluss auf die Entscheidung haben im Heimatland zu bleiben herangezogen. NĂ€her wurden die Migrationsstrategien Serbiens, die sich auf Brain-Gain richten im Zusammenhang mit empirischen Ergebnissen dieser Studie analysiert, um anschließend Empfehlungen fĂŒr die Weiterentwicklung diesen Strategien zu entwerfen.Present research deals with plans for return migration of young Serbian graduates, who emigrated abroad for the purpose of studying. The plans for return are analyzed in connection to social and economic capital as well as levels of innovation and acculturation. Further interest on the one hand lies in migration plans at the time of departure and on the other in discovering the potential for afresh emigration after the return. Above all the analysis aims at discovering the main Push and Pull factors which had an influence on the migration decisions. Additionally the research pulls up relevant Stay factors which influence person‟s decision to stay in their home country. Final step analyses Serbian brain gain strategies and brings them into connection with empirical results of the survey, with an aim of drafting recommendations for further development of these migration strategies
