4 research outputs found
The need to improve professional practice within the police in Venezuela is currently an indispensable aspect. This implies developing a new model for police training, that enables a compromising and responsible performance to face social contradictions and dilemmas in the complex context of Venezuela. This article proposes a professional training strategy for these officers, which was implemented in Universidad Experimental de la Seguridad (Experimental University for Security), Caracas, and allowed to reveal changes in the intervention praxis of these professionals. La necesidad de perfeccionar las pr谩cticas profesionales en el 谩mbito policial venezolano resulta imprescindible en los momentos actuales, lo que implica desarrollar un nuevo modelo de formaci贸n policial para favorecer un actuar comprometido y responsable ante los dilemas y contradicciones sociales del complejo contexto de Venezuela. El presente trabajo propone una estrategia de formaci贸n profesional de este funcionario que se implement贸 en la Universidad Experimental de la Seguridad, Caracas, lo que permiti贸 revelar las transformaciones experimentadas en la praxis interventiva de estos profesionales
Dynamics of police official intervention professional training
The need to improve professional practices in the Venezuelan police is essential at the present time. The present work is inserted in this problematic from the formative perspective. It analyzes the main theoretical references regarding the training process of the police officer, their historical tendencies, as well as the essential limitations revealed in the educational context of the National Experimental University of Security in Caracas. All this epistemological and praxiological approach made it possible to propose the integrative logic of the contextualized intervention practice of this professional, through a new system of theoretical relations. For this, we used scientific research methods, such as: analysis-synthesis, empirical methods and techniques, historical-logical and holistic-dialectic for the theoretical elaboration of the proposed model.</p
Estrategia de formaci贸n profesional del funcionario policial: Una propuesta interventiva para el contexto venezolano
The need to improve professional practice within the police in Venezuela is currently an indispensable aspect. This implies developing a new model for police training, that enables a compromising and responsible performance to face social contradictions and dilemmas in the complex context of Venezuela. This article proposes a professional training strategy for these officers, which was implemented in Universidad Experimental de la Seguridad(Experimental University for Security), Caracas, and allowed to reveal changes in the intervention praxis of these professionals.La necesidad de perfeccionar las pr谩cticas profesionales en el 谩mbito policial venezolano resulta imprescindible en los momentos actuales, lo que implica desarrollar un nuevo modelo de formaci贸n policial para favorecer un actuar comprometido y responsable ante los dilemas y contradicciones sociales del complejo contexto de Venezuela. El presente trabajo propone una estrategia de formaci贸n profesional de este funcionario que se implement贸 en la Universidad Experimental de la Seguridad, Caracas, lo que permiti贸 revelar las transformaciones experimentadas en la praxis interventiva de estos profesionales
La capacitaci贸n del funcionario policial en la actualidad, en cuanto a la pr谩ctica policial, presupone la delimitaci贸n de contradicciones que resultan necesarias en la sociedad y que no se corresponde con la pertinencia del momento hist贸rico. Esta realidad est谩 presente en la sociedad venezolana, que de manera particular la est谩n viviendo los cuerpos policiales del pa铆s, los cuales en el marco de las transformaciones sociales que se llevan a cabo, requiere tambi茅n cambios de su rol como funcionario a nivel nacional en la orientaci贸n del proyecto social, exigencia que conlleva a un Nuevo Modelo Policial alejado de lo tradicional y poco funcional como cuerpo represivo capaz de orientarse hacia una nueva disposici贸n como funcionario inserto en la comunidad cuya funci贸n de represi贸n se ha de ajustar a un plano primario de prevenci贸n y formaci贸n ciudadana. Los autores reflexionan en estas problem谩ticas.PALABRAS CLAVE: capacitaci贸n profesional; capacitaci贸n continua; modelo policial.THE PROFESSIONAL TRAINING OF POLICE OFFICIALS IN VENEZUELA ABSTRACTThe police official's training at the present time, as for the police practice, it presupposes the delimitation of contradictions that are necessary in the society and that doesn't belong together with the relevancy of the historical moment. This reality is present in the Venezuelan society that are living her the police bodies of the country in a particular way, which also requires changes of its list like official at national level in the orientation of the social project in the mark of the social transformations that are carried out, demand that bears a New Police Model far from the traditional and not very functional as repressive body able to be guided toward a new disposition like official inserts in the community whose function of repression must be adjusted to a primary plane of prevention and civic formation. The authors meditate in these problems.KEYWORDS: professional training; continuous training; police model.</p